Exemple #1
    def store_data(self):

        rowtitle = [
            "Product Name", "Price", "Location", "Add post date", "Buy link"
        w = DataWriter('OLX.csv', rowtitle)
def test_DataWriter_init_valid_case():
    """Tests the initialization of the DataWriter object, and that it
    successfully gets the output_dict from the input_dict and stores it as



    dr = DataReader("test_data1.csv")
    hrm = HRM_Processor(dr)
    dw = DataWriter(hrm)
    assert dw.metrics == hrm.output_dict
def test_DataWriter_init_write_to_dict():
    """Tests that the construction of a DataWriter object creates a .json
    file with the base file name that is the same as the file name of the
    .csv file passed into the original DataReader.

    dr = DataReader("test_data1.csv")
    hrm = HRM_Processor(dr)
    dw = DataWriter(hrm)

    assert os.path.isfile("test_data1.json")
def test_DataWriter_init_invalid_case(hrm):
    """Tests the initialization of the DataWriter object for a case where
    the data from the HRM_Processor object is not valid.

    hrm:    HRM_Processor
            Generic HRM_Processor made from a DataReader with test_file.csv
    capsys: Pytest fixture
            A decorator for getting outputs printed to the console

    hrm.isValid = False  # Force invalidity for testing case
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        dw = DataWriter(hrm)
 def simulate_generations(self, num_generations, print_best):
     file_path = "csv/ESN_Results.csv"
     dw = DataWriter()
     dr = DataReader()
     p = Predictor()
     mapping = dr.get_mapping()
     images = dr.get_images(112800, 28, 28) # 112800 images in data set
     scale_factor = 10
     for i in range(num_generations):
         sum = 0
         best_score = -100
         best_accuracy = -100
         best_net = []
         engines = []
         for net in self.networks:
             engine = [net, 0, 0]
         p.make_predictions(engines, mapping, images, scale_factor)
         for j in range(len(engines)):
             self.networks[j].fitness = engines[j][1]
             if engines[j][2] > best_score:
                 best_score = engines[j][2]
                 best_net = self.networks[j]
             if engines[j][1] > best_accuracy:
                 best_accuracy = engines[j][1]
         avg_accuracy = self.avg_fitness(self.networks) # avg accuracy
         for j in range(len(engines)):
             self.networks[j].fitness = engines[j][2] # change fitness to score
         avg_score = self.avg_fitness(self.networks) # avg accuracy
         avg_size = self.avg_network_size()
         if print_best:
         print("-----------------------------------\t\t\t\t\t\t\n       Generation " + str(i+1) + " results\n-----------------------------------\n", end='\n')
         print("Highest accuracy: " + str(best_accuracy*100) + "%\nHighest score: " + str(best_score**(1.0/scale_factor)) + "\nAverage accuracy: " + str(avg_accuracy*100) + "%\nAverage score: " + str(avg_score**(1.0/scale_factor)) + "\nNum species: " + str(len(self.species)) + "\nInnovs tried: " + str(self.networks[0].master_innov[0]) + "\nAverage connections per network: " + str(avg_size) + "\n")
         non_jit = self.construct_non_jit(best_net)
         pickle.dump(non_jit, open("neural_net.txt", "wb"))
         dw.write_row(file_path, [i+1, best_accuracy*100, avg_accuracy*100, best_score**(1.0/scale_factor), avg_score**(1.0/scale_factor), avg_size])
         if i != num_generations-1:
             print("\nStarting Generation " + str(i+2) + ": Species = " + str(len(self.species)) + ", Innovs = " + str(self.networks[0].master_innov[0]), end='\n')
     print("Finished simulation!")
Exemple #6
def main():
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s',
                        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')

    file_name = get_file_name()

    wants_duration = get_wants_duration()
        if wants_duration:
            duration = get_duration()
            dr = DataReader(file_name, duration)
            dr = DataReader(file_name)

        hrm = HRM_Processor(dr)
        dw = DataWriter(hrm)
    except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError, TypeError):
        logging.info("Driver script terminated unsuccessfully.")

    logging.info("Successful termination of HRM_Driver")
def test_write_to_json():
    """Tests the write_to_json function of the DataWriter, which should be
    able to take in an dictionary and output file path, and write that
    dictionary to the specified output file.

    dr = DataReader("test_data1.csv")
    hrm = HRM_Processor(dr)
    dw = DataWriter(hrm)

    metrics = {"test": 5, "another word": 18.5}
    output_file = "test.json"
    dw.write_to_json(metrics, output_file)

    with open(output_file) as infile:
        written_data = json.load(infile)

    assert written_data == metrics
Exemple #8
def dw():
    """Create a basic DataWriter object"""
    dr_for_DW = DataReader('test_data1.csv')
    hrm_for_DW = HRM_Processor(dr_for_DW)
    dw = DataWriter(hrm_for_DW)
    return dw
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, aConfigFilePath, aDebugFlag=False):
        # Config parameters default values
        # Timelapse interval hours, minutes and seconds used to calculate the
        # interval in seconds
        self.timelapseIntervalH = 1.0
        self.timelapseIntervalM = 0.0
        self.timelapseIntervalS = 0.0
        # Number of images to take when motion is detected by the PIR
        self.motionSequenceCount = 5
        # Number of images that are used by a motion detection algorithm before
        # up-to-date results are indicated by the produced difference image
        self.motionSequencePreload = 2
        # Delay between each image taken when triggered by the PIR
        self.motionSequenceDelay = 1.0
        # Percentage difference image area that needs to be covered by a
        # minimum number of blobs in order to evaluate that motion is happening
        self.motionAreaPercent = 60
        self.motionMaxBlobs = 10
        # Where timelapse images are saved
        self.timelapseFilePath = "./timelapse/"
        # Where motion images/diffs are saved
        self.motionFilePath = "./motion/"
        # Where temporary files are put, for example to get the current
        # brightness in the scene
        self.tempFilePath = "./temp/"
        # Path where hourly and motion logs are placed
        self.logFilePath = "./logs/"
        # The name if the most recently captured timelaps image
        self.timelapseLatestImage = "timelapse.jpg"
        # Threshold (0-255) for the scene brightness when the IR led is
        # switched on
        self.brightnessThreshold = 25
        # Timeout (seconds) for when the brightness in the scene needs to be
        # re-evaluated
        self.brightnessTimeout = 60.0
        # The resolution of the camera
        self.originalResolutionX = 640
        self.originalResolutionY = 480
        self.resolutionX = self.originalResolutionX
        self.resolutionY = self.originalResolutionY
        # Flag to produce debug output to the terminal while running
        self.debug = aDebugFlag
        self.FOVMaxDistance = 20
        self.FOVMinAreaDetected = 1
        self.FOVVertical = 54
        self.FOVHorizontal = 41

        # Radu:  define the downsampling level
        self.downLevel = 0

        # T Morton: adds a path to a folder for the image processing queue
        self.queuePath = "./queue/"
        if not self._directoryExists(self.queuePath):

        # Load config file parameters to override the default values
        self.parser = SafeConfigParser()

        # Paths setup, create the paths if they do not exist
        if not self._directoryExists(self.tempFilePath):
        if not self._directoryExists(self.motionFilePath):
        if not self._directoryExists(self.logFilePath):
        if not self._directoryExists(self.timelapseFilePath):

        # Timelapse setup
        self.timelapseInterval = (self.timelapseIntervalH * 60.0 * 60.0 +
                                  self.timelapseIntervalM * 60.0 +
        self.timelapseLastTime = 0.0

        # background refresh setup
        self.firstImage = True
        self.backgroundRefreshDelay = False
        self.backgroundRefreshDelayTime = 60 * 10
        self.previousTime = 0.0
        self.delayCount = 0
        self.delayCountMax = 2

        # Brightness measurements setup
        self.brightnessLastTime = 0.0
        self.brightness = 0

        # Inputs/outputs
        self.PIR = sensor.PIR(sensor.PIR_PIN, sensor.GPIO.PUD_DOWN)

        # T Morton: queue implementation

        self.processingImage = False
        self.imgSetsInQ = 0
        self.queueIndex = 0
        self.currentImageSetToProcess = 0
        self.numberOfImgSetsProcessed = 0
        self.PIRCount = 0
        self.previousTimeForImg = 0
        self.timeToWait = 10

        self.PIRLastCount = 0
        self.DHTType = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22
        self.DHTPin = 23

        # Camera setup
        self.resolution = (self.resolutionX, self.resolutionY)
        self.cam = picamera.PiCamera()
        self.cam.resolution = self.resolution
        # TODO(geir): Create a function to switch off camera LED in sensor.py
        sensor.GPIO.output(sensor.CAM_LED, False)

        #if (self.downLevel > 0):
            #self.resolutionX = self.resolutionX / (2 ** self.downLevel )
            #self.resolutionY = self.resolutionY / (2 ** self.downLevel)
        # Difference image area that is considered too small to evaluate the
        # movement in the scene as true
        self.motionMinArea = \
            motion.getCutoffObjectArea(self.resolutionX * self.resolutionY,
        self.defaultMotionMinArea = self.motionMinArea
        # TODO(geir): Consider wrapping the below in a helper function to
        # reduce init clutter
        # Data logging setup
        hourlyDataDescription = ["AliveCount",
        hourlyDataFilePath = os.path.join(self.logFilePath, "hourlydata.csv")
        self.hourlyDataRecorder = DataWriter(hourlyDataFilePath,
        self.hourlyLastTime = 0.0
        self.hourlyAliveCount = 1
        motionDataDescription = ["AliveCount",
                                 "Threshold",  # Do we need this?
        motionDataFilePath = os.path.join(self.logFilePath, "motiondata.csv")
        self.motionDataRecorder = DataWriter(motionDataFilePath,
        self.motionAliveCount = 1

        #ROI image downsampling 
        if self.downLevel > 0:
            self.ROIdownsampling('ROI.jpg', self.downLevel) 

        # Image processor(s)
        self.processor = ThreeBlur()
        #self.processor = backSub()


        # TODO(geir): Arrange for a system that can use multiple algorithms
Exemple #10
import os
import logging
from DataReader import DataReader
from DataWriter import DataWriter
from HRM_Processor import HRM_Processor


for i in range(1, 33):
    base_file_name = "test_data" + str(i)
    file_name = base_file_name + ".csv"

    logging.basicConfig(filename=base_file_name + "_logs.txt",
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s',
                        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
        dr = DataReader(file_name)
        hrm = HRM_Processor(dr)
        dw = DataWriter(hrm)
    except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError, TypeError):
        logging.info("Attempt to make process file was terminated.")
    # Remove all handlers associated with the root logger object.
    # this allows for the creation of a new log file for each test file
    for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, aConfigFilePath, aDebugFlag=False):
        # Config parameters default values
        # Timelapse interval hours, minutes and seconds used to calculate the
        # interval in seconds
        self.timelapseIntervalH = 1.0
        self.timelapseIntervalM = 0.0
        self.timelapseIntervalS = 0.0
        # Number of images to take when motion is detected by the PIR
        self.motionSequenceCount = 5
        # Number of images that are used by a motion detection algorithm before
        # up-to-date results are indicated by the produced difference image
        self.motionSequencePreload = 2
        # Delay between each image taken when triggered by the PIR
        self.motionSequenceDelay = 2.0
        # Percentage difference image area that needs to be covered by a
        # minimum number of blobs in order to evaluate that motion is happening
        self.motionAreaPercent = 60
        self.motionMaxBlobs = 10
        # Where timelapse images are saved
        self.timelapseFilePath = "./timelapse/"
        # Where motion images/diffs are saved
        self.motionFilePath = "./motion/"
        # Where temporary files are put, for example to get the current
        # brightness in the scene
        self.tempFilePath = "./temp/"
        # Path where hourly and motion logs are placed
        self.logFilePath = "./logs/"
        # TM: path to the queue folder
        self.queuePath = "./queue/"
        # The name if the most recently captured timelaps image
        self.timelapseLatestImage = "timelapse.jpg"
        #IR: Folder to save the true sequences
        self.miniSequencePath = "./miniSequence/"
        # Threshold (0-255) for the scene brightness when the IR led is
        # switched on
        self.brightnessThreshold = 25
        # Timeout (seconds) for when the brightness in the scene needs to be
        # re-evaluated
        self.brightnessTimeout = 60.0
        # The resolution of the camera
        self.resolutionX = 640
        self.resolutionY = 480
        # Flag to produce debug output to the terminal while running
        self.debug = aDebugFlag
        self.FOVMaxDistance = 20
        self.FOVMinAreaDetected = 1
        self.FOVVertical = 54
        self.FOVHorizontal = 41
        # IR: Defines downsampling level
        self.downLevel = 0
        # TM: ROI
        self.ROI = None
        #TM: enable/disable SMS feature
        self.sendSMS = False
        # TM: SMS recipient
        self.textMessageRecipient = None

        # TM: queue implementation
        self.processingImage = False
        self.imgSetsInQ = 0
        self.queueIndex = 0
        self.currentImageSetToProcess = 0
        self.numberOfImgSetsProcessed = 0
        self.lastBackgroundRefrestTime = 0
        self.backgroundRefreshWaitTime = 60.0  #60.0 * 5
        self.previousMotionImgTime = 0
        self.timeToWaitForNextMotionImg = 10.0
        self._savingImageSequence = False

        self.sequenceTimeStampList = list()
        self.imageBrightnessList = list()
        self.PIRLastCountList = list()

        # Load config file parameters to override the default values
        self.parser = SafeConfigParser()

        # Paths setup, create the paths if they do not exist
        if not self._directoryExists(self.tempFilePath):
        if not self._directoryExists(self.motionFilePath):
        if not self._directoryExists(self.logFilePath):
        if not self._directoryExists(self.timelapseFilePath):
        # TM; queue folder
        if not self._directoryExists(self.queuePath):
        # IR: true sequence folder
        if not self._directoryExists(self.miniSequencePath):

        # Timelapse setup
        self.timelapseInterval = (self.timelapseIntervalH * 60.0 * 60.0 +
                                  self.timelapseIntervalM * 60.0 +
        self.timelapseLastTime = 0.0

        # Brightness measurements setup
        self.brightnessLastTime = 0.0
        self.brightness = 0

        # Inputs/outputs
        self.PIR = sensor.PIR(sensor.PIR_PIN, sensor.GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
        self.PIRLastCount = 0
        self.DHTType = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22
        self.DHTPin = 23
        #TM: Queue implementation
        self.PIRTriggered = False
        self.enableCallbackPIR = False

        # Camera setup
        self.resolution = (self.resolutionX, self.resolutionY)
        self.cam = picamera.PiCamera()
        self.cam.resolution = self.resolution
        # TODO(geir): Create a function to switch off camera LED in sensor.py
        sensor.GPIO.output(sensor.CAM_LED, False)

        # Difference image area that is considered too small to evaluate the
        # movement in the scene as true
        self.motionMinArea = \
            motion.getCutoffObjectArea(self.resolutionX * self.resolutionY,

        # IR: downsampling
        self.originalResolutionX = self.resolutionX
        self.originalResolutionY = self.resolutionY
        self.defaultMotionMinArea = self.motionMinArea

        # TODO(geir): Consider wrapping the below in a helper function to
        # reduce init clutter
        # Data logging setup
        hourlyDataDescription = [
            "AliveCount", "Timestamp", "Brightness", "ExternalTemp", "Humidity"
        hourlyDataFilePath = os.path.join(self.logFilePath, "hourlydata.csv")
        self.hourlyDataRecorder = DataWriter(hourlyDataFilePath,
        self.hourlyLastTime = 0.0
        self.hourlyAliveCount = 1

        # TMorton
        # Added processing time data
        self.processingEndTime = 0
        self.processingStartTime = 0
        motionDataDescription = [
            "Threshold",  # Do we need this?
        motionDataFilePath = os.path.join(self.logFilePath, "motiondata.csv")
        self.motionDataRecorder = DataWriter(motionDataFilePath,
        self.motionAliveCount = 1

        # Image processor(s)
        self.processor = ThreeBlur()
        self.strProcessor = "ThreeBlur"
        #self.processor = backSub()
        #self.strProcessor = "backSub"
        # do this if backSub
        #Overwrites the ROI image from the processor object
        #if the ROI is downsampled (if the ROI is used)
        self.downSampleROI('ROI.jpg', self.downLevel)

        #Send starting SMS
        if self.textMessageRecipient is not None:
            self.sms = TextMessage()
            self.trueMotionCount = 0
            self.lastTextMessageSendTime = time.time()

            self.sms.setContent("FoxBox On")
Exemple #12
    def store_data(self):

        rowtitle = ["Product Name", "Price", "Rating", "No. of reviews", "Delivery Date", "Delivery Type", "Buy link"]
        w = DataWriter('Amazon.csv', rowtitle)
Exemple #13
    def store_data(self):

        rowtitle = ["Product Name", "Price", "Rating", "No. of reviews", "Buy link"]
        w = DataWriter("Flipkart.csv", rowtitle)