Exemple #1
 def get_NPVs(self, leg, value_date, instrument, s_date):
     """ Disc_cv_details is the specification
         of which discounting curve to use
         when calculating NPV as well as risk analysis
         disc_cv_details = {
     """ Step one cal of legx
         leg1 = { "currency":...,
     legx = instrument[leg]
     Day_Counter = Day_Count.Day_Counter("ACT/360")
     currency = legx["currency"]
     fx_instrument = self.cv_fx_instrument[currency]
     """ Discounting Curve settings below
     cv_dis = self.gen_swap_curve(value_date, currency, fx_instrument,
     sdate_df = self.get_sdate_df(cv_dis, s_date)
     PRI_flow = legx["balance_tb"]
     NPV_PRI = Tools.cal_npv(PRI_flow, cv_dis, Day_Counter)
     return NPV_PRI / sdate_df
Exemple #2
    def get_NPVs(self, leg, curve_date, instrument, value_date=""):
        """ Disc_cv_details is the specification
            of which discounting curve to use
            when calculating NPV as well as risk analysis
            disc_cv_details = {
        """ Step one cal of legx
            leg1 = { "currency":...,
        if value_date == "":
            value_date = curve_date
        legx = instrument[leg]
        Day_Counter = Day_Count.Day_Counter(legx["day_convention"])
        currency = legx["currency"]
        #convention    = self.convention[currency]
        cv_instrument = self.curve_instrument[currency]
        fx_instrument = self.cv_fx_instrument[currency]
        """ Discounting Curve settings below
        if instrument["type"].upper() == "XCS":
            """ For XCS calculation we have to use 
                dual curves method libor curve for 
                coupon calculation and basis adjusted
                curve for discounting 
            cv_dis = self.gen_swap_curve(curve_date, currency, fx_instrument,
            instrument["type"] = "SWAP"
            cv_fwd = self.gen_swap_curve(curve_date, currency, cv_instrument,
            instrument["type"] = "XCS"
            cv_fwd = self.gen_swap_curve(curve_date, currency, cv_instrument,
            cv_dis = cv_fwd

        cf_tb = CF_Gen(legx, cv_fwd, self.cv_keeper, Day_Counter)
        df0 = self.get_df0(cv_dis, value_date)
        INT_flow = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["Interests"]] for ele in cf_tb]
        NPV_INT = Tools.cal_npv(INT_flow, cv_dis, Day_Counter)
        PRI_flow = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["Principal"]] for ele in cf_tb]
        NPV_PRI = Tools.cal_npv(PRI_flow, cv_dis, Day_Counter)
        return NPV_INT / df0, NPV_PRI / df0
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, curve_instrument, Val_Surface):
     """ Initial settings for OPTer
         opt_instrument will contain all
         information needed to do pricing
         as well as risk analysis
         opt_instrument = {  "name":....,
                             "style":... }
         style = {"Euro","Amer","Berm"...}
         type  = {"cap","floor","swaption","stock","forward","fx","irs"}
         opt_direction = {"Put","Call"}
     self.Day_Counter = counter.Day_Counter("ACT/360")
     self.val_surface = Val_Surface
     self.curve_instrument = curve_instrument
     self.answer_bk = OrderedDict()
     self.instruments = OrderedDict()
Exemple #4
    def cal_opt_rate(self, val_date, instr):
        # Calculate option value with vol surface
        Day_Counter = counter.Day_Counter("ACT/360")
        curve = self.gen_curve(val_date, instr["currency"],
                               self.curve_instrument, Day_Counter)
        # Curve smoothing
        curve = bt_tool.augument_by_frequency(curve, 1)
        if instr["style"].upper() in ("CAP", "FLOOR"):
            # Cap/Floor case
            val_tb = opt_t.cal_cf_val(instr, curve, self.val_surface,
        elif instr["style"].upper() in ("CALL", "PUT"):
            val_tb = opt_t.cal_cp_val(instr, curve, self.val_surface,
        elif instr["style"].upper() in ("SWAP PAY", "SWAP REC"):
            val_tb = opt_t.cal_swap_val(instr, curve, self.val_surface,
        fv_li = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["PMT"]] for ele in val_tb]
        delta_li = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["delta"]] for ele in val_tb]
        gama_li = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["gama"]] for ele in val_tb]
        vega_li = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["vega"]] for ele in val_tb]
        rho_li = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["rho"]] for ele in val_tb]
        theta_li = [[ele["End_Time"], ele["theta"]] for ele in val_tb]
        NPV = opt_t.cal_npv(fv_li, curve)
        delta = opt_t.cal_npv(delta_li, curve)
        gama = opt_t.cal_npv(gama_li, curve)
        vega = opt_t.cal_npv(vega_li, curve)
        rho = opt_t.cal_npv(rho_li, curve)
        theta = opt_t.cal_npv(theta_li, curve)
        rate = opt_t.Cal_OPT_Rate(val_tb, curve, NPV, Day_Counter)

        return {
            "NPV": NPV,
            "Rate": rate,
            "delta": delta,
            "vega": vega,
            "rho": rho,
            "gamma": gama,
            "theta": theta
        }, instr["schedule"]
Exemple #5
    def get_raw_dfs(self, value_date, currency, freq, isEOM, Margin):
        """ Add on function to generate 
            both libor discount factors
            and fx (basis adjusted)
            disocunt factors
        convention = self.convention[currency]
        Day_Counter = Day_Count.Day_Counter(convention["LIBOR_day_count"])
        cv_instrument = self.curve_instrument[currency]
        fx_instrument = self.cv_fx_instrument[currency]
        if currency.upper() != "BRL":
            cv_dis = self.gen_swap_curve(value_date, currency, cv_instrument,
            fx_dis = self.gen_swap_curve(value_date, currency, fx_instrument,
            cv_dis = self.gen_zero_curve(value_date, currency, cv_instrument,
            fx_dis = self.gen_zero_curve(value_date, currency, fx_instrument,

        cv_dis = Tools.augument_by_frequency(cv_dis, freq, isEOM)
        fx_dis = Tools.augument_by_frequency(fx_dis, freq, isEOM)
        return cv_dis, fx_dis
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

####--- Below is for testing ---###
sdate = "2019-02-14"
output_name = "Curve_" + sdate + ".xlsx"
col_num, row_num = 0, 0
currency = ["EUR"]
spread = 0    # In % units

writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output_name)

CK = BS_CK.Curve_Keeper(sdate,"Yield_Curve")
Day_Counter = Day_Count.Day_Counter("30/360")
for ccy in currency:
    cvs = CK.gen_curve( ccy,
                        Day_Counter )
    cv = cvs["LIBOR"]
    cv = Tools.augument_by_frequency( cv , 1)
    df = pd.DataFrame(cv)
    df.columns = ["Date", "LIBOR:"+ccy+" Spread:"+str(spread)]
    df.to_excel( writer,
                 startrow = row_num,
                 startcol = col_num,
                 sheet_name = "Curves" )
    col_num += 3