class PredictCallback(Callback): def __init__( self, samplefile, function_to_apply=None, #needs to be function(counter,[model_input], [predict_output], [truth]) after_n_batches=50, on_epoch_end=False, use_event=0, decay_function=None): super(PredictCallback, self).__init__() self.samplefile = samplefile self.function_to_apply = function_to_apply self.counter = 0 self.call_counter = 0 self.decay_function = decay_function self.after_n_batches = after_n_batches self.run_on_epoch_end = on_epoch_end if self.run_on_epoch_end and self.after_n_batches >= 0: print( 'PredictCallback: can only be used on epoch end OR after n batches, falling back to epoch end' ) self.after_n_batches = 0 = TrainData() if use_event >= 0: def on_train_begin(self, logs=None): pass def reset(self): self.call_counter = 0 def predict_and_call(self, counter): predicted = self.model.predict( if not isinstance(predicted, list): predicted = [predicted] self.function_to_apply(self.call_counter,, predicted, self.call_counter += 1 def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): self.counter = 0 if self.decay_function is not None: self.after_n_batches = self.decay_function(self.after_n_batches) if not self.run_on_epoch_end: return self.predict_and_call(epoch) def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None): if self.after_n_batches <= 0: return self.counter += 1 if self.counter > self.after_n_batches: self.counter = 0 self.predict_and_call(batch)
print('reading truth') truth, _ = readListArray( filename=infile, treename="Delphes", branchname="layercluster_simcluster_fractions", nevents=nentries, list_size=3500, n_feat_per_element=20, zeropad=True, list_size_cut=True) elif 'meta' == infile[-4:]: from DeepJetCore.TrainData import TrainData td = TrainData() td.readIn(infile) features = td.x[0] truth = td.y[0][:, :, 0:-1] #cut off energy nentries = len(td.x[0]) #B x V x F name = "brg" print('plotting') def remove_zero_energy(a, e): return a[e > 0.01]
#!/usr/bin/env python from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser('Browse entries in a DeepHGCal TrainData file. Assumes standard ordering (3D image as second entry)') parser.add_argument('inputFile') args = parser.parse_args() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from plotting import plot4d from DeepJetCore.TrainData import TrainData import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as a3d td=TrainData() td.readIn(args.inputFile) x_chmap=td.x[1] del td nentries=x_chmap.shape[0] ncolors=x_chmap[0].shape[3] xcenter=x_chmap[0].shape[0]/2 xmax=x_chmap[0].shape[0] ycenter=x_chmap[0].shape[1]/2 ymax=x_chmap[0].shape[1] zcenter=x_chmap[0].shape[2]/2 print(ncolors) for i in range(nentries): print(x_chmap[i].shape)
#monitored during the training) or with callbacks that make plots (still under development for GANs) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def plotgrid(in_array, nplotsx, nplotsy, outname): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nplotsy, nplotsx) counter = 0 for i in range(nplotsy): for j in range(nplotsx): ax[i][j].imshow(in_array[counter, :, :, 0]) counter += 1 fig.savefig(outname) plt.close() import numpy as np from DeepJetCore.TrainData import TrainData td = TrainData() td.readIn("/eos/home-j/jkiesele/DeepNtuples/GraphGAN_test/test/out_800.meta") x_gen = train.generator.predict(td.x) forplots = np.concatenate([x_gen[0][:4], td.x[0][:4]], axis=0) plotgrid(forplots, nplotsx=4, nplotsy=2, outname=train.outputDir + "comparison.pdf") exit()