def resolvePath( self, name, mustExist = True ): path = getattr( self, name ) if not path: return path = utility.joinPath( self.toplevelPath, os.path.expanduser( path ) ) utility.printItem( name + ": ", path ) if not os.path.exists( path ) and mustExist: utility.printError( "Required path does not exist:\n\t", path ) raise SystemExit( 1 ) setattr( self, name, path )
def buildProducts(): utility.printHeading("Building products...") scripts = { "Darwin": "Scripts/Build/", "Linux": "Scripts/Build/", "Windows": "Scripts\\Build\\BuildWindows.cmd", } scriptPath = utility.joinPath(config.toplevelPath, scripts[platform.system()]) utility.runCommand('"' + scriptPath + '"') utility.printSuccess("Build completed successfully.")
"Unable to extract version information from Git tags.") raise SystemExit(1) self.productVersion = self.productStage = self.productRevision = utility.captureCommandOutput( "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD") self.productPackageName = "-".join([ self.productName, self.productVersion, self.productStage, self.platformVersion ]).lower() utility.printItem("productVersion: ", self.productVersion) utility.printItem("productStage: ", self.productStage) utility.printItem("productRevision: ", self.productRevision) utility.printItem("productPackageName: ", self.productPackageName) os.chdir(self.toplevelPath) # Property list def propertyList(self): return dict( (name, getattr(self, name)) for name in dir(self) if not callable(getattr(self, name)) and not name.startswith('__')) config = Configuration( utility.joinPath(utility.basePathAtSource(__file__), "..", "config.txt"))