batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=True) print("Validation batches: {}".format(len(valiLoader))) # setup training epochs = int(iterations / len(trainLoader) + 0.5) netG = TurbNetG(channelExponent=expo, dropout=dropout) print(netG) # print full net model_parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, netG.parameters()) params = sum([ for p in model_parameters]) print("Initialized TurbNet with {} trainable params ".format(params)) netG.apply(weights_init) if len(doLoad) > 0: netG.load_state_dict(torch.load(doLoad)) print("Loaded model " + doLoad) netG.cuda() criterionL1 = nn.L1Loss() criterionL1.cuda() optimizerG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(), lr=lrG, betas=(0.5, 0.999), weight_decay=0.0) targets = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, 3, 128, 128)) inputs = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, 3, 128, 128)) targets = targets.cuda() inputs = inputs.cuda()
losses = [] models = [] # for si in range(25): for si in range(1): s = chr(96 + si) if (si == 0): s = "" # check modelG, and modelG + char # modelFn = "./" + prefix + "modelG{}{}".format(suffix,s) modelFn = path if not os.path.isfile(modelFn): continue models.append(modelFn) log(lf, "Loading " + modelFn) netG.load_state_dict(torch.load(modelFn, map_location=device)) log(lf, "Loaded " + modelFn) criterionL1 = nn.L1Loss() L1val_accum = 0.0 L1val_dn_accum = 0.0 lossPer_p_accum = 0 lossPer_v_accum = 0 lossPer_accum = 0 netG.eval() for i, data in enumerate(testLoader, 0): inputs_cpu, targets_cpu = data
models = [] loss_p_list = [] loss_v_list = [] accum_list = [] for si in range(25): s = chr(96 + si) if (si == 0): s = "" # check modelG, and modelG + char modelFn = "./" + prefix + "modelG{}{}".format(suffix, s) if not os.path.isfile(modelFn): continue models.append(modelFn) log(lf, "Loading " + modelFn) netG.load_state_dict(torch.load(modelFn)) log(lf, "Loaded " + modelFn) netG.cuda() criterionLoss = nn.L1Loss() #criterionLoss = nn.MSELoss() #criterionLoss = nn.SmoothL1Loss() criterionLoss.cuda() Lossval_accum = 0.0 Lossval_dn_accum = 0.0 lossPer_p_accum = 0 lossPer_v_accum = 0 lossPer_accum = 0 netG.eval()
def getModel(expo): netG = TurbNetG(channelExponent=expo).to(device) netG.load_state_dict(torch.load(f'models/model_w_{expo}', map_location=device)) netG.eval() return netG