def __init__(self): # 284 may be where hit boxes lie # get pygame up and running pygame.init() pygame.display.init() # Create main window self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) # Clock for ticking, variable for time between frame draws, self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.time_passed = 0 # Set main window Caption pygame.display.set_caption("Ghosts in a Gymnasium") # Create background same size as window self.background = pygame.image.load("data/sprites/background/bbcourt.png").convert_alpha() # Draw background in window self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) # display new background pygame.display.flip() # Creates title screen title_on = True title_screen = TitleScreen(self.window) # checks to see if player advanced past title screen while title_on: title_on = title_screen.display_title() # clear events, clear screen pygame.event.pump() self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() # Let pygame know we want to listen to just three events pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT,KEYDOWN,KEYUP,MOUSEBUTTONDOWN]) # list of key presses by player self.player_key_list = [] # Allow for repeats, 2 ms apart pygame.key.set_repeat(1,2) ####### Code for Sandbox stage ####### in_sandbox = True self.sandbox_stage = Sandbox.Sandbox(self.window,self.clock) while in_sandbox: in_sandbox = # list of all chairs player placed self.chair_list = self.sandbox_stage.chair_sprites # Group containing all sprites self.sprites = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() # Group containing just mice self.mice_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # Group containing just Ghosts self.ghost_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.mouse1 = Mouse("Mickey", (815,305)) self.sprites.add(self.mouse1) self.mice_group.add(self.mouse1) self.mouse2 = Mouse("Mike", (400,305)) self.sprites.add(self.mouse2) self.mice_group.add(self.mouse2) self.ghostman_a = Ghostman("Melchoir",(75,650)) self.sprites.add(self.ghostman_a) self.ghost_group.add(self.ghostman_a) self.ghostman_b = Ghostman("Casper",(250,305)) self.sprites.add(self.ghostman_b) self.ghost_group.add(self.ghostman_b) for c in self.chair_list: self.sprites.add(c) # blit orginal background and show self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() # Sprite setup and construction, boolean for if we did change # a frame of animation self.updated_animation = False self.eating_time = 0 # setup player,ghosts, and mice self.player = Player("Anthony",(1000,625)) self.sprites.add(self.player) self.mice_array = [self.mouse1,self.mouse2] self.score_board = Scoreboard((600,120)) self.sprites.add(self.score_board) self.did_not_feed = DidNotFeed((575,150), self.ghostman_a,self.ghostman_b) self.sprites.add(self.did_not_feed) self.micea_dead = False self.miceb_dead = False for sprite in self.sprites: if sprite.image == False: continue self.window.blit(sprite.image,sprite.rect.topleft)
class Game(object): # user set constants def __init__(self): # 284 may be where hit boxes lie # get pygame up and running pygame.init() pygame.display.init() # Create main window self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) # Clock for ticking, variable for time between frame draws, self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.time_passed = 0 # Set main window Caption pygame.display.set_caption("Ghosts in a Gymnasium") # Create background same size as window self.background = pygame.image.load("data/sprites/background/bbcourt.png").convert_alpha() # Draw background in window self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) # display new background pygame.display.flip() # Creates title screen title_on = True title_screen = TitleScreen(self.window) # checks to see if player advanced past title screen while title_on: title_on = title_screen.display_title() # clear events, clear screen pygame.event.pump() self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() # Let pygame know we want to listen to just three events pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT,KEYDOWN,KEYUP,MOUSEBUTTONDOWN]) # list of key presses by player self.player_key_list = [] # Allow for repeats, 2 ms apart pygame.key.set_repeat(1,2) ####### Code for Sandbox stage ####### in_sandbox = True self.sandbox_stage = Sandbox.Sandbox(self.window,self.clock) while in_sandbox: in_sandbox = # list of all chairs player placed self.chair_list = self.sandbox_stage.chair_sprites # Group containing all sprites self.sprites = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates() # Group containing just mice self.mice_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() # Group containing just Ghosts self.ghost_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.mouse1 = Mouse("Mickey", (815,305)) self.sprites.add(self.mouse1) self.mice_group.add(self.mouse1) self.mouse2 = Mouse("Mike", (400,305)) self.sprites.add(self.mouse2) self.mice_group.add(self.mouse2) self.ghostman_a = Ghostman("Melchoir",(75,650)) self.sprites.add(self.ghostman_a) self.ghost_group.add(self.ghostman_a) self.ghostman_b = Ghostman("Casper",(250,305)) self.sprites.add(self.ghostman_b) self.ghost_group.add(self.ghostman_b) for c in self.chair_list: self.sprites.add(c) # blit orginal background and show self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) pygame.display.flip() # Sprite setup and construction, boolean for if we did change # a frame of animation self.updated_animation = False self.eating_time = 0 # setup player,ghosts, and mice self.player = Player("Anthony",(1000,625)) self.sprites.add(self.player) self.mice_array = [self.mouse1,self.mouse2] self.score_board = Scoreboard((600,120)) self.sprites.add(self.score_board) self.did_not_feed = DidNotFeed((575,150), self.ghostman_a,self.ghostman_b) self.sprites.add(self.did_not_feed) self.micea_dead = False self.miceb_dead = False for sprite in self.sprites: if sprite.image == False: continue self.window.blit(sprite.image,sprite.rect.topleft) def run(self): # This defines each frame of the game, and the tasks we execute # for each frame. The time it takes to do each task relates to our FPS # if each iteration of the loop takes 100 ms, then the game outputs # at 10 FPS (better check your code ;)) running = True while running: # tick game clock, pass int to limit the fps self.time_passed += self.clock.tick(60) # handles events (in this case if user closes game, stop running) running = self.handleEvents() # player to chair ptoc = False for chair in self.chair_list: ptoc = collision_check(self.player,chair) if ptoc: self.mtv_collision_reaction(self.player,chair) # player to mouse ptom = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.player, self.mice_group, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask) if self.player.attacking and self.player.aframes == 3: for mouse in ptom: mouse.kill() #ghosts eating mice #mouse a if self.mice_array[0].dead: distance = sqrt(pow((self.mice_array[0].position[0] - self.ghostman_a.position[0]),2) + pow((self.mice_array[0].position[1] - self.ghostman_a.position[1]),2)) if distance > 2 : #ghost not at mouse yet self.ghostman_a.not_eating = False self.ghostman_a.eat_mouse(self.mice_array[0], .0167) else: self.ghostman_a.eating_timer += 1 if self.ghostman_a.eating_timer > self.eating_time: self.mice_array[0].dead = False self.score_board.mouse_dead_counter += 1 self.ghostman_a.maxvelocity += 12 self.ghostman_a.not_eating = True self.ghostman_a.eating_timer = 0 x = random.randint(245,815) y = random.randint(305,730) self.mice_array[0].position = array([float(x),float(y)]) # place mouse at random location self.mice_array[0] = (x,y) self.did_not_feed.elapsed = 0 # mouse b if self.mice_array[1].dead: distance = sqrt(pow((self.mice_array[1].position[0] - self.ghostman_b.position[0]),2) + pow((self.mice_array[1].position[1] - self.ghostman_b.position[1]),2)) if distance > 2: self.ghostman_b.not_eating = False self.ghostman_b.eat_mouse(self.mice_array[1], .0167) else: self.ghostman_b.eating_timer += 1 if self.ghostman_b.eating_timer > self.eating_time: self.mice_array[1].dead = False self.score_board.mouse_dead_counter += 1 self.ghostman_b.maxvelocity += 12 self.ghostman_b.eating_timer = 0 self.ghostman_b.not_eating = True x = random.randint(245,815) y = random.randint(305,730) self.mice_array[1].position = array([float(x),float(y)]) # place mouse at random location self.mice_array[1] = (x,y) self.did_not_feed.elapsed = 0 self.did_not_feed.update_mouse_status(self.mice_array[0].dead, self.mice_array[1].dead) for sprite in self.sprites: end_of_time = sprite.update(.0167,self.time_passed, self.player) # 0.0166666 1/60 if end_of_time: running = False '' #ghost to chair for ghost in self.ghost_group: for c in self.chair_list: gtoc = collision_check(ghost,c) if gtoc: self.mtv_collision_reaction(ghost,c) ghost.collide = True # player to ghost gtop = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.player, self.ghost_group, False, pygame.sprite.collide_rect) #gtop = collision_check(self.player,c) if len(gtop): running = False if self.time_passed > 167: self.time_passed = 0 # clear window self.sprites.clear(self.window, self.background) # Calculates sprites that need to be redrawn redraw = self.sprites.draw(self.window) # blit areas of screen that need to be redrawn pygame.display.update(redraw) self.game_over() # Display game over screen def game_over(self): self.window.blit(self.background, (0,0)) self.message1 = pygame.font.SysFont("FreeMono", 56) self.message3 = pygame.font.SysFont("FreeMono", 24) self.message2 = pygame.font.SysFont("FreeMono", 24) surface1 = self.message1.render("Game Over", True, (0,0,0)) surface3 = self.message3.render("Your Score: You survived with %d points for %d minute(s) %d second(s)"%(self.score_board.mouse_dead_counter,self.score_board.minutes,self.score_board.seconds), True,(0,0,0)) surface2 = self.message2.render("Press 'E' to play again, or escape to quit", True, (0,0,0)) self.window.blit(surface1,(445,50)) self.window.blit(surface3,(150,120)) self.window.blit(surface2,(310,150)) pygame.display.flip() waiting = True while waiting: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_e: self.__init__() if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() # Special Thanks to one of many Pygame's tutorials def mtv_collision_reaction(self,moving_object, stationary_object): """Resolve the collision.""" delta_x_left = stationary_object.rect.left - moving_object.collision_rect.right # The minimum distance necessary to put the Unit flush with the left side of the Platform delta_x_right = stationary_object.rect.right - moving_object.collision_rect.left # The minimum distance necessary to put the Unit flush with the right side of the Platform delta_y_up = - moving_object.collision_rect.bottom # The minimum distance necessary to put the Unit flush with the top of the Platform delta_y_down = stationary_object.rect.bottom - # The minimum distance necessary to put the Unit flush with the bottom of the Platform smallest_delta = sorted([math.fabs(delta_x_left), math.fabs(delta_x_right), math.fabs(delta_y_up), math.fabs(delta_y_down)])[0] #Obtain the vector with the smallest magnitude. if (math.fabs(delta_x_left) == smallest_delta): moving_object.rect = moving_object.rect.move(delta_x_left, 0) moving_object.collision_rect = moving_object.collision_rect.move(delta_x_left, 0) return True elif (math.fabs(delta_x_right) == smallest_delta): moving_object.rect = moving_object.rect.move(delta_x_right, 0) moving_object.collision_rect = moving_object.collision_rect.move(delta_x_right, 0) return True elif (math.fabs(delta_y_up) == smallest_delta): moving_object.rect = moving_object.rect.move(0, delta_y_up) moving_object.collision_rect = moving_object.collision_rect.move(0,delta_y_up) return True elif (math.fabs(delta_y_down) == smallest_delta): moving_object.rect = moving_object.rect.move(0, delta_y_down) moving_object.collision_rect = moving_object.collision_rect.move(0,delta_y_down) return True return False ''' def ghost_collision_reaction(self,ghost, stationary_object): """Resolve the collision.""" for i in range(0,20): ghost.position += ghost.velocity * .0167 ''' def mouse_chair_collision(self,mouse, chair): # get direction to chair direction = chair.position - mouse.position #normalize direction direction = array([(direction[0] / sqrt(vdot(direction, direction))), direction[1] / sqrt(vdot(direction, direction))]) # move opposite direction to chair direction *= (mouse.maxvelocity * -1) mouse.velocity = direction #mouse.position += (mouse.velocity * .0167) #mouse.rect.topleft = (round(mouse.position[0]), round(mouse.position[1])) def handleEvents(self): # poll pygame for events, return false to game loop to end game for event in pygame.event.get(): self.player_key_list = pygame.key.get_pressed() dx = 0 dy = 0 self.player.moving = False if event.type == QUIT: return False if event.type == KEYDOWN: self.player.detect_court_collisions() if event.key == K_RCTRL: self.player.attacking = True if event.key == K_w and not self.player.hit_top_bound: dy = -2 self.player.move_up = True self.player.move_down = False self.player.move_left = False self.player.move_right = False if event.key == K_s and not self.player.hit_bottom_bound: dy = 2 self.player.move_down = True self.player.move_top = False self.player.move_left = False self.player.move_right = False if event.key == K_a and not self.player.hit_left_bound: dx = -2 self.player.move_left = True self.player.move_down = False self.player.move_up = False self.player.move_right = False if event.key == K_d and not self.player.hit_right_bound: dx = 2 self.player.move_right = True self.player.move_down = False self.player.move_left = False self.player.move_up = False self.player.moving = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == K_RCTRL: self.player.attacking = False if event.key == K_w and dy == -2: dy=0 if event.key == K_s and dy == 2: dy=0 if event.key == K_a and dx == -2: dx=0 if event.key == K_d and dx == 2: dx=0 self.player.collision_rect.left += dx self.player.rect.left += dx += dy += dy self.player.position = array([self.player.rect.left,]) return True