def analyzeOffline(subjID):

    # Initialize conditions for preprocessing of epochs (preproc1epoch from EEG_analysis_RT)
    reject_ch = 1  # Rejection of nine predefined channels
    reject = None  # Rejection of channels, either manually defined or based on MNE analysis
    mne_reject = 0
    flat = None  # Input for MNE rejection
    bad_channels = None  # Input for manual rejection of channels
    opt_detrend = 1  # Temporal EEG detrending (linear)

    if reject_ch == 1:
        n_channels = 23
    if reject_ch == 0:
        n_channels = 32

    # Initialize conditions for SSP rejection (applySSP from EEG_analysis_RT)
    threshold = 0.1  # SSP projection variance threshold

    # Initialize dictionary for saving outputs
    d = {}
    d['subjID'] = subjID

    EEGfile, markerFile, idxFile, alphaFile, n_it = findSubjectFiles(
        subjID, manual_n_it=None)

    #%% Extract epochs from EEG data
    prefilter = 0

    if subjID in ['07', '08', '11']:
        n_samples_fs500 = 550  # Number of samples to extract for each epoch, sampling frequency 500
        n_samples_fs100 = int(
            550 / 5)  # Number of samples, sampling frequency 100 (resampled)
        n_samples_fs500 = 450
        n_samples_fs100 = int(450 / 5)

    e = extractEpochs_tmin(EEGfile,
    cat = extractCat(idxFile, exp_type='fused')

    # MNE info files
    info_fs500 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=0, sfreq=500)
    info_fs100 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=1, sfreq=100)

    # Make split. Shuffle the pool of e+cats.
    fourteen = np.random.choice(cv, 14, replace=False)
    split1 = fourteen[0:7]
    split2 = fourteen[7:14]

    #%% Run NF RT offline analysis
    def runRealTime(e):
        Run real-time pipeline for one participant based on inputted e and cat. 
        Output a coef_lst, and make this into 

    coef_lst = []
    stable_blocks0 = e[:600, :, :]  # Fi+st run
    stable_blocks1 = np.zeros((600, n_channels, n_samples_fs100))

    y = np.array([int(x) for x in cat])
    y_run = y[:600]

    pred_prob_train = np.zeros((n_it * 600, 2))
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((n_it * 200, 2))  # Prediction probability
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros(
        (n_it * 200,
         2))  # Prediction probability, corrected for classifier bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((n_it * 200))
    clf_output_test = np.zeros((n_it * 200))
    train_acc = np.zeros(n_it)
    c_test = 0
    c = 0
    offset = 0
    y_pred_test1 = np.zeros(5 * 200)
    y_test_feedback = np.concatenate(
        (y[600:800], y[1000:1200], y[1400:1600], y[1800:2000], y[2200:2400]))
    Y_train = np.zeros((n_it, 600))
    Y_run = np.zeros((n_it, 600))

    val = 1  # Offset validation
    offset_pred = 0  # Offset prediction
    offset_Pred = []
    # Score = np.zeros((n_it,3))
    epochs_fb = np.zeros((200, 23, n_samples_fs100))  # Epochs feedback

    for b in range(n_it):
        for t in range(stable_blocks0.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks0[t, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,
            stable_blocks1[t + offset, :, :] = epoch
            c += 1
        projs1, stable_blocksSSP1 = applySSP(
            stable_blocks1, info_fs100,
            threshold=threshold)  # Apply SSP on stable blocks

        # Average training blocks after SSP
        stable_blocksSSP1 = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP1)

        if val == 1:  # Test for offset classifier bias
            if b > 0:  # Runs after first run
                stable_blocksSSP1_append = np.append(stable_blocksSSP1,
                fb_start = (b - 1) * 200
                y_run_append = np.append(y_run,
                                         y_test_feedback[fb_start:fb_start +
                clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross2(stable_blocksSSP1_append,
                clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross(stable_blocksSSP1,
                                                     y_run)  # First run


            print('Offset estimated to ' + str(offset_pred))

            clf = trainLogReg(stable_blocksSSP1, y_run)

        Y_run[b, :] = y_run
        y_pred_train1 = np.zeros(len(y_run))
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred, -0.25]), 0.25
                              ]) / 2  # Limit offset correction to abs(0.125)

        # Training accuracy based on the RT classifier
        for t in range(len(y_run)):
            epoch_t = stable_blocksSSP1[t, :, :]
            pred_prob_train[t, :], y_pred_train1[t] = testEpoch(clf, epoch_t)

        Y_train[b, :] = y_pred_train1
        train_acc[b] = len(
            np.where(np.array(y_pred_train1[0:len(y_run)]) == np.array(y_run))
            [0]) / len(y_run)

        stable_blocks1 = stable_blocks1[200:, :, :]
        stable_blocks1 = np.concatenate(
            (stable_blocks1, np.zeros((200, n_channels, n_samples_fs100))),

        s_begin = 800 + b * 400
        offset = 400  # Indexing offset for EEG data and y
        stable_blocks0 = e[s_begin:s_begin + 200, :, :]
        y_run = np.concatenate((y_run[200:], y[s_begin:s_begin + 200]))

        # Save clf _coefs
        coefs = clf.coef_
        coef_r = np.reshape(coefs, [23, n_samples_fs100])

        # Test accuracy of RT epochs
        for t in range(200):
            print('Testing epoch number: ', c)

            epoch = e[c, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,

            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch + epoch_prev) / 2

            pred_prob_test[c_test, :], y_pred_test1[c_test] = testEpoch(
                clf, epoch)

            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 0] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 0] + offset_pred, 0]), 1])
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 1] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 1] - offset_pred, 0]), 1])

            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[
                c_test, int(y[c])] - pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,
                                                         int(y[c] - 1)]
                c_test] = clf_output  # Save classifier output for correlation checks
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(
            )  # Convert corrected classifier output to an alpha value using a sigmoid transfer function

            epoch_prev = epoch

            epochs_fb[t, :, :] = epoch
            c += 1
            c_test += 1

    above_chance_offline = len(
        np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test]) > 0.5))[0]) / len(
    print('Above chance alpha (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_offline))

    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_feedback[:c_test],
    print('Accuracy score (uncorrected): ' + str(score))

    # Test score per run
    a_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    score_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0

    for run in range(n_it):
        score_per_run[run] = metrics.accuracy_score(
            y_test_feedback[run * 200:(run + 1) * 200],
            y_pred_test1[run * 200:(run + 1) * 200])
        a_per_run[run] = (
            len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[j:j + 200]) > 0.5))[0]) / 200)
        j += 200

    print('Alpha, corrected, above chance per run: ' + str(a_per_run))
    print('Score, uncorrected, per run: ' + str(score_per_run))

    d['RT_test_acc_corr'] = above_chance_offline
    d['RT_test_acc_corr_run'] = a_per_run
    d['RT_coefs'] = coef_lst


    # Test score per block
    a_per_block = np.zeros((n_it * 4))
    score_per_block = np.zeros((n_it * 4))
    j = 0

    for run in range(n_it * 4):
        score_per_block[run] = metrics.accuracy_score(
            y_test_feedback[run * 50:(run + 1) * 50],
            y_pred_test1[run * 50:(run + 1) * 50])
        a_per_block[run] = (
            len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[j:j + 50]) > 0.5))[0]) / 50)
        j += 50

    d['alpha_per_block'] = a_per_block

    #%% Save pckl file
    pkl_arr = [d]

    print('Finished running test and train analyses for subject: ' +

    fname = '18Jun_subj_' + str(subjID) + '.pkl'
    with open(fname, 'wb') as fout:
        pickle.dump(pkl_arr, fout)
            y_run_append = np.append(y_run,
                                     y_test_feedback[fb_start:fb_start + 200],
            clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross2(stable_blocksSSP1_append,
            clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross(stable_blocksSSP1,
                                                 y_run)  # First run


        print('Offset estimated to ' + str(offset_pred))

        clf = trainLogReg(stable_blocksSSP1, y_run)

    Y_run[b, :] = y_run
    y_pred_train1 = np.zeros(len(y_run))
    offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred, -0.25]), 0.25
                          ]) / 2  # Limit offset correction to abs(0.125)

    # Training accuracy based on the RT classifier
    for t in range(len(y_run)):
        epoch_t = stable_blocksSSP1[t, :, :]
        pred_prob_train[t, :], y_pred_train1[t] = testEpoch(clf, epoch_t)

    Y_train[b, :] = y_pred_train1
    train_acc[b] = len(
        np.where(np.array(y_pred_train1[0:len(y_run)]) == np.array(y_run))
        [0]) / len(y_run)
Exemple #3
def analyzeOffline(subjID):
    # Initialize conditions for preprocessing of epochs (preproc1epoch from EEG_analysis_RT)
    reject_ch = 1 # Rejection of nine predefined channels
    reject = None # Rejection of channels, either manually defined or based on MNE analysis
    mne_reject = 0 
    flat = None # Input for MNE rejection
    bad_channels = None # Input for manual rejection of channels
    opt_detrend = 1 # Temporal EEG detrending (linear)
    if reject_ch == 1:
        n_channels = 23
    if reject_ch == 0:
        n_channels = 32
    # Initialize conditions for SSP rejection (applySSP from EEG_analysis_RT)
    threshold = 0.1  # SSP projection variance threshold
    # Initialize dictionary for saving outputs
    d = {}
    d['subjID'] = subjID
    plot_MNE = 0
    EEGfile, markerFile, idxFile, alphaFile, n_it = findSubjectFiles(subjID,manual_n_it=None)
    #%% Test RT alpha per run
    alpha,marker = extractAlpha(alphaFile)
    above_chance = len(np.where((np.array(alpha)>0.5))[0])/len(alpha) 
    alpha_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0
    for ii in range(n_it):
        alpha_per_run[ii] = len(np.where((np.array(alpha[j:j+200])>0.5))[0])/200 
        j += 200
    d['ALPHA_fromfile_overall'] = above_chance
    d['ALPHA_fromfile_run'] = alpha_per_run

    #%% Extract epochs from EEG data
    prefilter = 0
    if subjID in ['07','08','11']:
        n_samples_fs500 = 550 # Number of samples to extract for each epoch, sampling frequency 500
        n_samples_fs100 = int(550/5) # Number of samples, sampling frequency 100 (resampled)
        n_samples_fs500 = 450 
        n_samples_fs100 = int(450/5) 
    e = extractEpochs_tmin(EEGfile,markerFile,prefilter=prefilter,marker1=0,n_samples=n_samples_fs500)
    cat = extractCat(idxFile,exp_type='fused')
    # MNE info files
    info_fs500 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=0,sfreq=500)
    info_fs100 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=1,sfreq=100)

    #%% Run NF RT offline analysis
    stable_blocks0 = e[:600,:,:] # Fi+st run
    stable_blocks1 = np.zeros((600,n_channels,n_samples_fs100)) 
    y = np.array([int(x) for x in cat])
    y_run = y[:600]
    pred_prob_train = np.zeros((n_it*600,2))
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((n_it*200,2)) # Prediction probability
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((n_it*200,2)) # Prediction probability, corrected for classifier bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((n_it*200))
    clf_output_test = np.zeros((n_it*200))
    train_acc = np.zeros(n_it)
    c_test = 0
    c = 0
    offset = 0
    y_pred_test1 = np.zeros(5*200)
    y_test_feedback = np.concatenate((y[600:800],y[1000:1200],y[1400:1600],y[1800:2000],y[2200:2400]))
    Y_train = np.zeros((n_it,600))
    Y_run = np.zeros((n_it,600))
    val = 1 # Offset validation
    offset_pred = 0 # Offset prediction
    offset_Pred = []
    # Score = np.zeros((n_it,3))
    epochs_fb = np.zeros((200,23,n_samples_fs100)) # Epochs feedback
    for b in range(n_it):
        for t in range(stable_blocks0.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks0[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            stable_blocks1[t+offset,:,:] = epoch
            c += 1
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP1 = applySSP(stable_blocks1,info_fs100,threshold=threshold) # Apply SSP on stable blocks
        # Average training blocks after SSP
        stable_blocksSSP1 = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP1)
        if val == 1: # Test for offset classifier bias
            if b > 0: # Runs after first run
                stable_blocksSSP1_append = np.append(stable_blocksSSP1,epochs_fb,axis=0)
                fb_start = (b-1)*200
                y_run_append = np.append(y_run,y_test_feedback[fb_start:fb_start+200],axis=0)
                clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross2(stable_blocksSSP1_append,y_run_append)
                clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross(stable_blocksSSP1,y_run) # First run
            print('Offset estimated to '+str(offset_pred))
            clf = trainLogReg(stable_blocksSSP1,y_run)
        y_pred_train1 = np.zeros(len(y_run))
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2 # Limit offset correction to abs(0.125)
        # Training accuracy based on the RT classifier
        for t in range(len(y_run)):
            epoch_t = stable_blocksSSP1[t,:,:]
            pred_prob_train[t,:],y_pred_train1[t] = testEpoch(clf,epoch_t)
        train_acc[b] = len(np.where(np.array(y_pred_train1[0:len(y_run)])==np.array(y_run))[0])/len(y_run)
        stable_blocks1 = stable_blocks1[200:,:,:]
        stable_blocks1 = np.concatenate((stable_blocks1,np.zeros((200,n_channels,n_samples_fs100))),axis=0)
        s_begin = 800+b*400
        offset = 400 # Indexing offset for EEG data and y
        stable_blocks0 = e[s_begin:s_begin+200,:,:]
        y_run = np.concatenate((y_run[200:],y[s_begin:s_begin+200]))
        # Test accuracy of RT epochs
        for t in range(200):
            print('Testing epoch number: ',c)
            epoch = e[c,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred_test1[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y[c])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y[c]-1)]
            clf_output_test[c_test] = clf_output # Save classifier output for correlation checks
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output) # Convert corrected classifier output to an alpha value using a sigmoid transfer function
            epoch_prev = epoch
            epochs_fb[t,:,:] = epoch
            c += 1
            c_test += 1
    above_chance_offline = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_offline))
    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_feedback[:c_test], y_pred_test1[:c_test]) 
    print('Accuracy score (uncorrected): ' + str(score))
    # Test score per run
    a_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    score_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0
    for run in range(n_it):
        score_per_run[run] = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_feedback[run*200:(run+1)*200], y_pred_test1[run*200:(run+1)*200]) 
        a_per_run[run] = (len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[j:j+200])>0.5))[0])/200)
        j += 200
    print('Alpha, corrected, above chance per run: ' + str(a_per_run))
    print('Score, uncorrected, per run: ' + str(score_per_run))
    d['RT_train_acc'] = train_acc
    d['RT_test_acc_corr'] = above_chance_offline
    d['RT_test_acc_corr_run'] = a_per_run
    d['RT_test_acc_uncorr'] = score
    d['RT_test_acc_uncorr_run'] = score_per_run

    #%% Analyze RT session block-wise
    d['ALPHA_test'] = alpha_test
    d['CLFO_test'] = clf_output_test

    #%% Compare RT alpha with RT offline alpha
    alphan = np.asarray(alpha)
    alpha_corr = (np.corrcoef(alphan[1:], alpha_test[:999]))[0][1] # Shifted with one
    d['ALPHA_correlation'] = alpha_corr
    if alpha_corr >= 0.98:
        d['GROUP'] = 1 # 1 for NF group
    if alpha_corr < 0.98:
        d['GROUP'] = 0 # 0 for control group
    # Classifier output correlation has to be checked offline, because clf_output values are computed offline (RT pipeline)
    #np.corrcoef(clf_output_test, clf_output_test13)
    ## Compare alphas from file and offline classification 
    #plt.plot(np.arange(999),alphan[1:]) #blue, en foran 
    ## Run 1
    #plt.plot(np.arange(200),alphan[1:201]) #starts at 0.5
    #plt.plot(np.arange(200),alpha_test[0:200]) #matches

    #%% Confusion matrices
    n_it_trials = n_it*200
    correct = (y_test_feedback[:n_it_trials]==y_pred_test1[:n_it_trials])
    alpha_test_c = np.copy(alpha_test)
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c > 0.5] = True # 1 is a correctly predicted 
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c < 0.5] = False
    alpha_predcat = np.argmax(pred_prob_test_corr,axis=1)
    conf_uncorr = confusion_matrix(y_test_feedback[:n_it_trials],y_pred_test1[:n_it_trials])
    conf_corr = confusion_matrix(y_test_feedback[:n_it_trials],alpha_predcat[:n_it_trials])
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc = conf_corr[0,0]/(conf_corr[0,0]+conf_corr[0,1])
    face_acc = conf_corr[1,1]/(conf_corr[1,0]+conf_corr[1,1])
    d['RT_correct_NFtest_pred'] = correct
    d['RT_conf_corr'] = conf_corr
    d['RT_conf_uncorr'] = conf_uncorr
    d['RT_scene_acc'] = scene_acc
    d['RT_face_acc'] = face_acc
    # Training confusion matrices
    conf_train = []
    for b in range(n_it):
        conf_train.append(confusion_matrix(Y_run[b,:], Y_train[b,:]))
    d['RT_conf_train'] = conf_train

    #%% Training on stable blocks only - leave one block out CV
    offset_pred_lst = []
    c_test = 0
    no_sb = 8+4*n_it # Number stable blocks
    block_len = 50
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test. Block length of 50 trials
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test, corrected for bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len)) # Alpha values for stable blocks
    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([e[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)]) # Stable blocks feedback run
    y_stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([y[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)])
    stable_blocks = np.concatenate((e[:400,:,:], stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_stable_blocks = np.concatenate((y[:400], y_stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_pred = np.zeros(no_sb*block_len) 

    for sb in range(no_sb):
        val_indices = range(sb*block_len,(sb+1)*block_len) # Validation block index
        stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks[val_indices]
        y_val = y_stable_blocks[val_indices]
        stable_blocks_train = np.delete(stable_blocks, val_indices, axis=0)
        y_train = np.delete(y_stable_blocks, val_indices)
        stable_blocks_train_prep = np.zeros((len(y_train),23,n_samples_fs100))
        for t in range(stable_blocks_train.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks_train[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            stable_blocks_train_prep[t,:,:] = epoch
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP_train = applySSP(stable_blocks_train_prep,info_fs100,threshold=threshold)
        # Average after SSP correction
        stable_blocksSSP_train = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP_train)
        clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(stable_blocksSSP_train,y_train) #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2
        # Test epochs in validation block. Preprocessing and testing epoch-wise
        for t in range(block_len):
            epoch = stable_blocks_val[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t]-1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)
            epoch_prev = epoch
            c_test += 1
        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test) + 'out of ' + str(no_sb*block_len))
    above_chance_train = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_train))    
    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_stable_blocks, y_pred) 
    d['LOBO_stable_train_offsets'] = offset_pred_lst
    d['LOBO_stable_train_acc_corr'] = above_chance_train
    d['LOBO_stable_train_acc_uncorr'] = score

    #%% Extract data for MNE plots
    # Perform preprocessing and SSP on all the stable blocks.
    stable_blocks_plot = np.zeros((len(y_stable_blocks),n_channels,n_samples_fs100)) 
    for t in range(stable_blocks.shape[0]):
        epoch = stable_blocks[t,:,:]
        epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
        stable_blocks_plot[t,:,:] = epoch
    projs1,stable_blocksSSP_plot,p_variance = applySSP_forplot(stable_blocks_plot,info_fs100,threshold=threshold,add_events=y_stable_blocks)
    d['MNE_stable_blocks_SSP'] = stable_blocksSSP_plot
    d['MNE_stable_blocks_SSP_projvariance'] = p_variance
    d['MNE_y_stable_blocks'] = y_stable_blocks

    #%% Confusion matrices - stable blocks accuracy, LOBO
    # y_stable_blocks has the correct y vals, y_pred has the predicted vals. For uncorrected prediction.
    # Uncorrected
    correct = (y_stable_blocks == y_pred)
    conf_train_stable_uncorr = confusion_matrix(y_stable_blocks,y_pred)
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc_uncorr = conf_train_stable_uncorr[0,0]/(conf_train_stable_uncorr[0,0]+conf_train_stable_uncorr[0,1])
    face_acc_uncorr = conf_train_stable_uncorr[1,1]/(conf_train_stable_uncorr[1,0]+conf_train_stable_uncorr[1,1])
    # Corrected
    alpha_test_c = np.copy(alpha_test)
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c > 0.5] = True # 1 is a correctly predicted 
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c < 0.5] = False
    alpha_predcat = np.argmax(pred_prob_test_corr,axis=1)
    conf_train_stable = confusion_matrix(y_stable_blocks,alpha_predcat)
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc = conf_train_stable[0,0]/(conf_train_stable[0,0]+conf_train_stable[0,1])
    face_acc = conf_train_stable[1,1]/(conf_train_stable[1,0]+conf_train_stable[1,1])
    d['LOBO_stable_conf_uncorr'] = conf_train_stable_uncorr
    d['LOBO_stable_scene_acc_uncorr'] = scene_acc_uncorr
    d['LOBO_stable_face_acc_uncorr'] = face_acc_uncorr
    d['LOBO_stable_conf_corr'] = conf_train_stable
    d['LOBO_stable_scene_acc_corr'] = scene_acc
    d['LOBO_stable_face_acc_corr'] = face_acc
    #%% Training on stable blocks only - leave one run out CV. The first run is not used as test set, only for training.
    offset_pred_lst = []
    c_test = 0
    no_sb = 8+4*n_it # Number stable blocks
    block_len = 50
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test. Block length of 50 trials
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test, corrected for bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len)) # Alpha values for stable blocks
    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([e[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)]) # Stable blocks feedback run
    y_stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([y[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)])
    stable_blocks = np.concatenate((e[:400,:,:], stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_stable_blocks = np.concatenate((y[:400], y_stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_pred = np.zeros(no_sb*block_len) 
    for r in range(n_it): # 5 runs
        print('Run no: ',r)
        val_indices = range((r+2)*200,((r+2)*200)+200) # Validation block index
        stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks[val_indices]
        y_val = y_stable_blocks[val_indices]
        stable_blocks_train = np.delete(stable_blocks, val_indices, axis=0)
        y_train = np.delete(y_stable_blocks, val_indices)
        stable_blocks_train_prep = np.zeros((len(y_train),23,n_samples_fs100))
        for t in range(stable_blocks_train.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks_train[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            stable_blocks_train_prep[t,:,:] = epoch
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP_train = applySSP(stable_blocks_train_prep,info_fs100,threshold=threshold)
        # Average after SSP correction
        stable_blocksSSP_train = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP_train)
        clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(stable_blocksSSP_train,y_train) #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2
        # Test epochs in validation run. Preprocessing and testing epoch-wise
        for t in range(len(val_indices)):
            epoch = stable_blocks_val[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t]-1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)
            epoch_prev = epoch
            c_test += 1
        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test) + ' out of ' + str(no_sb*block_len))
    above_chance_train = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_train))    
    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_stable_blocks, y_pred) 
    d['LORO_stable_train_offsets_stable'] = offset_pred_lst
    d['LORO_stable_acc_corr'] = above_chance_train
    d['LORO_stable_acc_uncorr'] = score    
    #%% Extract RT epochs (non-averaged) for plots and analysis
    stable_blocks0 = e[:600,:,:] # First run + stable in run 2
    stable_blocks1 = np.zeros((600,n_channels,n_samples_fs100)) 
    y = np.array([int(x) for x in cat])
    y_run = y[:600]
    c_test = 0
    c = 0
    offset = 0
    y_pred_test1 = np.zeros(5*200)
    y_test_feedback = np.concatenate((y[600:800],y[1000:1200],y[1400:1600],y[1800:2000],y[2200:2400]))
    epochs_fb_nonavg = np.zeros((1000,23,n_samples_fs100)) # Epochs feedback
#    epochs_fb_avg = np.zeros((1000,23,n_samples_fs100)) # Epochs feedback
    for b in range(n_it):
        for t in range(stable_blocks0.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks0[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=None,mne_reject=0,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=None,bad_channels=None,opt_detrend=1)
            stable_blocks1[t+offset,:,:] = epoch
            c += 1
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP1 = applySSP(stable_blocks1,info_fs100,threshold=threshold) # Apply SSP on stable blocks
        stable_blocks1 = stable_blocks1[200:,:,:]
        stable_blocks1 = np.concatenate((stable_blocks1,np.zeros((200,n_channels,n_samples_fs100))),axis=0)
        s_begin = 800+b*400
        offset = 400 # Indexing offset for EEG data and y
        stable_blocks0 = e[s_begin:s_begin+200,:,:]
        y_run = np.concatenate((y_run[200:],y[s_begin:s_begin+200]))
        # Append RT epochs 
        for t in range(200):
            print('Epoch number: ',c)
            epoch1 = e[c,:,:]
            epoch1 = preproc1epoch(epoch1,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
#            For averaging epochs:
#            if t == 0:
#                epoch_avg = epoch1
#            if t > 0:
#                epoch_avg = (epoch1+epoch_prev)/2 # Checked again 17 April that this is legit
#            epoch_prev = epoch_avg
#            epochs_fb_avg[c_test,:,:] = epoch_avg
            epochs_fb_nonavg[c_test,:,:] = epoch1
            c += 1
            c_test += 1
    # Create MNE objects
    events_list = y_test_feedback
    event_id = dict(scene=0, face=1)
    n_epochs = len(events_list)
    events_list = [int(i) for i in events_list]
    events = np.c_[np.arange(n_epochs), np.zeros(n_epochs, int),events_list]
    eRT_nonavg = mne.EpochsArray(epochs_fb_nonavg, info=info_fs100, events=events,event_id=event_id,tmin=-0.1,baseline=None)
#    eRT_avg = mne.EpochsArray(epochs_fb_avg, info=info_fs100, events=events,event_id=event_id,tmin=-0.1,baseline=None)
    d['MNE_RT_epochs_fb_nonavg'] = eRT_nonavg
#    d['MNE_RT_epochs_fb_avg'] = eRT_avg
    d['MNE_y_test_feedback'] = y_test_feedback
    if plot_MNE == True:
        # Creating a dict of lists: Condition 0 and condition 1 with evoked arrays.
        evoked_array_c0 = []
        evoked_array_c1 = []
        eRT_get = eRT_nonavg.get_data()
        for idx,cat in enumerate(events_list):
            if cat == 0:
                evoked_array_c0.append(mne.EvokedArray(eRT_get[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat)) # Scenes 0
            if cat == 1:
                evoked_array_c1.append(mne.EvokedArray(eRT_get[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat)) # Faces 1
        e_dict['0'] = evoked_array_c0
        e_dict['1'] = evoked_array_c1
        #colors = 'red', 'blue'
    #%% Save pckl file
    pkl_arr = [d]
    print('Finished running test and train analyses for subject: ' + str(subjID))
    fname = '08May2_subj_'+str(subjID)+'.pkl'
    with open(fname, 'wb') as fout:
        pickle.dump(pkl_arr, fout)
Exemple #4
def analyzeOffline(subjID):

    # Initialize conditions for preprocessing of epochs (preproc1epoch from EEG_analysis_RT)
    reject_ch = 1  # Rejection of nine predefined channels
    reject = None  # Rejection of channels, either manually defined or based on MNE analysis
    mne_reject = 0
    flat = None  # Input for MNE rejection
    bad_channels = None  # Input for manual rejection of channels
    opt_detrend = 1  # Temporal EEG detrending (linear)

    if reject_ch == 1:
        n_channels = 23
    if reject_ch == 0:
        n_channels = 32

    # Initialize conditions for SSP rejection (applySSP from EEG_analysis_RT)
    threshold = 0.1  # SSP projection variance threshold

    # Initialize dictionary for saving outputs
    d = {}
    d['subjID'] = subjID

    plot_MNE = 0

    EEGfile, markerFile, idxFile, alphaFile, n_it = findSubjectFiles(
        subjID, manual_n_it=None)

    #%% Test RT alpha per run
    alpha, marker = extractAlpha(alphaFile)
    above_chance = len(np.where((np.array(alpha) > 0.5))[0]) / len(alpha)

    alpha_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0

    for ii in range(n_it):
        alpha_per_run[ii] = len(
            np.where((np.array(alpha[j:j + 200]) > 0.5))[0]) / 200
        j += 200

    d['ALPHA_fromfile_overall'] = above_chance
    d['ALPHA_fromfile_run'] = alpha_per_run

    #%% Extract epochs from EEG data
    prefilter = 0

    if subjID in ['07', '08', '11']:
        n_samples_fs500 = 550  # Number of samples to extract for each epoch, sampling frequency 500
        n_samples_fs100 = int(
            550 / 5)  # Number of samples, sampling frequency 100 (resampled)
        n_samples_fs500 = 450
        n_samples_fs100 = int(450 / 5)

    e = extractEpochs_tmin(EEGfile,
    cat = extractCat(idxFile, exp_type='fused')

    # MNE info files
    info_fs500 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=0, sfreq=500)
    info_fs100 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=1, sfreq=100)

    #%% Run NF RT offline analysis
    coef_lst = []
    stable_blocks0 = e[:600, :, :]  # Fi+st run
    stable_blocks1 = np.zeros((600, n_channels, n_samples_fs100))

    y = np.array([int(x) for x in cat])
    y_run = y[:600]

    pred_prob_train = np.zeros((n_it * 600, 2))
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((n_it * 200, 2))  # Prediction probability
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros(
        (n_it * 200,
         2))  # Prediction probability, corrected for classifier bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((n_it * 200))
    clf_output_test = np.zeros((n_it * 200))
    train_acc = np.zeros(n_it)
    c_test = 0
    c = 0
    offset = 0
    y_pred_test1 = np.zeros(5 * 200)
    y_test_feedback = np.concatenate(
        (y[600:800], y[1000:1200], y[1400:1600], y[1800:2000], y[2200:2400]))
    Y_train = np.zeros((n_it, 600))
    Y_run = np.zeros((n_it, 600))

    val = 1  # Offset validation
    offset_pred = 0  # Offset prediction
    offset_Pred = []
    # Score = np.zeros((n_it,3))
    epochs_fb = np.zeros((200, 23, n_samples_fs100))  # Epochs feedback

    for b in range(n_it):
        for t in range(stable_blocks0.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks0[t, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,
            stable_blocks1[t + offset, :, :] = epoch
            c += 1
        projs1, stable_blocksSSP1 = applySSP(
            stable_blocks1, info_fs100,
            threshold=threshold)  # Apply SSP on stable blocks

        # Average training blocks after SSP
        stable_blocksSSP1 = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP1)

        if val == 1:  # Test for offset classifier bias
            if b > 0:  # Runs after first run
                stable_blocksSSP1_append = np.append(stable_blocksSSP1,
                fb_start = (b - 1) * 200
                y_run_append = np.append(y_run,
                                         y_test_feedback[fb_start:fb_start +
                clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross2(stable_blocksSSP1_append,
                clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross(stable_blocksSSP1,
                                                     y_run)  # First run


            print('Offset estimated to ' + str(offset_pred))

            clf = trainLogReg(stable_blocksSSP1, y_run)

        Y_run[b, :] = y_run
        y_pred_train1 = np.zeros(len(y_run))
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred, -0.25]), 0.25
                              ]) / 2  # Limit offset correction to abs(0.125)

        # Training accuracy based on the RT classifier
        for t in range(len(y_run)):
            epoch_t = stable_blocksSSP1[t, :, :]
            pred_prob_train[t, :], y_pred_train1[t] = testEpoch(clf, epoch_t)

        Y_train[b, :] = y_pred_train1
        train_acc[b] = len(
            np.where(np.array(y_pred_train1[0:len(y_run)]) == np.array(y_run))
            [0]) / len(y_run)

        stable_blocks1 = stable_blocks1[200:, :, :]
        stable_blocks1 = np.concatenate(
            (stable_blocks1, np.zeros((200, n_channels, n_samples_fs100))),

        s_begin = 800 + b * 400
        offset = 400  # Indexing offset for EEG data and y
        stable_blocks0 = e[s_begin:s_begin + 200, :, :]
        y_run = np.concatenate((y_run[200:], y[s_begin:s_begin + 200]))

        # Save clf _coefs
        coefs = clf.coef_
        coef_r = np.reshape(coefs, [23, n_samples_fs100])

        # Test accuracy of RT epochs
        for t in range(200):
            print('Testing epoch number: ', c)

            epoch = e[c, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,

            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch + epoch_prev) / 2

            pred_prob_test[c_test, :], y_pred_test1[c_test] = testEpoch(
                clf, epoch)

            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 0] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 0] + offset_pred, 0]), 1])
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 1] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 1] - offset_pred, 0]), 1])

            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[
                c_test, int(y[c])] - pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,
                                                         int(y[c] - 1)]
                c_test] = clf_output  # Save classifier output for correlation checks
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(
            )  # Convert corrected classifier output to an alpha value using a sigmoid transfer function

            epoch_prev = epoch

            epochs_fb[t, :, :] = epoch
            c += 1
            c_test += 1

    above_chance_offline = len(
        np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test]) > 0.5))[0]) / len(
    print('Above chance alpha (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_offline))

    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_feedback[:c_test],
    print('Accuracy score (uncorrected): ' + str(score))

    # Test score per run
    a_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    score_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0

    for run in range(n_it):
        score_per_run[run] = metrics.accuracy_score(
            y_test_feedback[run * 200:(run + 1) * 200],
            y_pred_test1[run * 200:(run + 1) * 200])
        a_per_run[run] = (
            len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[j:j + 200]) > 0.5))[0]) / 200)
        j += 200

    print('Alpha, corrected, above chance per run: ' + str(a_per_run))
    print('Score, uncorrected, per run: ' + str(score_per_run))

    d['RT_test_acc_corr'] = above_chance_offline
    d['RT_test_acc_corr_run'] = a_per_run
    d['RT_coefs'] = coef_lst

    #%% Analyze RT session block-wise
    d['ALPHA_test'] = alpha_test
    d['CLFO_test'] = clf_output_test

    #%% Stable blocks - train on first run.
    c_test = 0

    no_sb_fb = (4 * n_it) - 4  # Number stable blocks in fb run minus train run
    block_len = 50

    pred_prob_test = np.zeros(
        (no_sb_fb * block_len,
         2))  # Prediction probability test. Block length of 50 trials
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros(
        (no_sb_fb * block_len,
         2))  # Prediction probability test, corrected for bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros(
        (no_sb_fb * block_len))  # Alpha values for stable blocks

    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([
        e[400 + n * 400:600 + n * 400] for n in range(n_it)
    ])  # Stable blocks feedback run
    y_stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate(
        [y[400 + n * 400:600 + n * 400] for n in range(n_it)])

    y_pred = np.zeros(no_sb_fb * block_len)

    # Only use the stable blocks from fb runs

    for r in range(n_it - 1):  # 5 runs - 1
        print('Run no: ', r)
        # First fb run
        stable_blocks_train = stable_blocks_fbrun[:200]
        y_train = y_stable_blocks_fbrun[:200]

        val_indices = range((r + 1) * 200,
                            ((r + 1) * 200) + 200)  # Validation block index
        stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks_fbrun[val_indices]
        y_val = y_stable_blocks_fbrun[val_indices]

        stable_blocks_train_prep = np.zeros(
            (len(y_train), 23, n_samples_fs100))

        for t in range(stable_blocks_train.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks_train[t, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,
            stable_blocks_train_prep[t, :, :] = epoch

        projs1, stable_blocksSSP_train = applySSP(stable_blocks_train_prep,

        # Average after SSP correction
        stable_blocksSSP_train = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP_train)
        clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(
            stable_blocksSSP_train, y_train)  #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred, -0.25]), 0.25]) / 2

        # Test epochs in validation run. Preprocessing and testing epoch-wise
        for t in range(len(val_indices)):
            epoch = stable_blocks_val[t, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,

            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch + epoch_prev) / 2

            pred_prob_test[c_test, :], y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf, epoch)

            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 0] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 0] + offset_pred, 0]), 1])
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 1] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 1] - offset_pred, 0]), 1])

            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[
                c_test, int(y_val[t])] - pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,
                                                             int(y_val[t] - 1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)

            epoch_prev = epoch

            c_test += 1

        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test))

    above_chance_train = len(
        np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test]) > 0.5))[0]) / len(
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_train))

    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_stable_blocks_fbrun[200:], y_pred)

    d['LORO_first_acc_corr'] = above_chance_train
    d['LORO_first_acc_uncorr'] = score

    #%% Stable blocks - train on last run.
    c_test = 0

    pred_prob_test = np.zeros(
        (no_sb_fb * block_len,
         2))  # Prediction probability test. Block length of 50 trials
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros(
        (no_sb_fb * block_len,
         2))  # Prediction probability test, corrected for bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros(
        (no_sb_fb * block_len))  # Alpha values for stable blocks

    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([
        e[400 + n * 400:600 + n * 400] for n in range(n_it)
    ])  # Stable blocks feedback run
    y_stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate(
        [y[400 + n * 400:600 + n * 400] for n in range(n_it)])

    y_pred = np.zeros(no_sb_fb * block_len)

    for r in range(n_it - 1):  # 5 runs - 1
        print('Run no: ', r)
        # Last fb run
        stable_blocks_train = stable_blocks_fbrun[800:]
        y_train = y_stable_blocks_fbrun[800:]

        val_indices = range((r) * 200,
                            ((r) * 200) + 200)  # Validation block index
        stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks_fbrun[val_indices]
        y_val = y_stable_blocks_fbrun[val_indices]

        stable_blocks_train_prep = np.zeros(
            (len(y_train), 23, n_samples_fs100))

        for t in range(stable_blocks_train.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks_train[t, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,
            stable_blocks_train_prep[t, :, :] = epoch

        projs1, stable_blocksSSP_train = applySSP(stable_blocks_train_prep,

        # Average after SSP correction
        stable_blocksSSP_train = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP_train)
        clf, offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(
            stable_blocksSSP_train, y_train)  #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred, -0.25]), 0.25]) / 2

        # Test epochs in validation run. Preprocessing and testing epoch-wise
        for t in range(len(val_indices)):
            epoch = stable_blocks_val[t, :, :]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,

            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch + epoch_prev) / 2

            pred_prob_test[c_test, :], y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf, epoch)

            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 0] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 0] + offset_pred, 0]), 1])
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test, 1] = np.min(
                [np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test, 1] - offset_pred, 0]), 1])

            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[
                c_test, int(y_val[t])] - pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,
                                                             int(y_val[t] - 1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)

            epoch_prev = epoch

            c_test += 1

        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test))

    above_chance_train = len(
        np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test]) > 0.5))[0]) / len(
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_train))

    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_stable_blocks_fbrun[:800], y_pred)

    d['LORO_last_acc_corr'] = above_chance_train
    d['LORO_last_acc_uncorr'] = score

    #%% Save pckl file
    pkl_arr = [d]

    print('Finished running test and train analyses for subject: ' +

    fname = '14Jun_subj_' + str(subjID) + '.pkl'
    with open(fname, 'wb') as fout:
        pickle.dump(pkl_arr, fout)
Exemple #5
def analyzeOffline(subjID):
    # Initialize conditions for preprocessing of epochs (preproc1epoch from EEG_analysis_RT)
    reject_ch = 1 # Rejection of nine predefined channels
    reject = None # Rejection of channels, either manually defined or based on MNE analysis
    mne_reject = 0 
    flat = None # Input for MNE rejection
    bad_channels = None # Input for manual rejection of channels
    opt_detrend = 1 # Temporal EEG detrending (linear)
    if reject_ch == 1:
        n_channels = 23
    if reject_ch == 0:
        n_channels = 32
    # Initialize conditions for SSP rejection (applySSP from EEG_analysis_RT)
    threshold = 0.1  # SSP projection variance threshold
    # Initialize dictionary for saving outputs
    d = {}
    d['subjID'] = subjID
    plot_MNE = 0
    EEGfile, markerFile, idxFile, alphaFile, n_it = findSubjectFiles(subjID,manual_n_it=None)
    #%% Test RT alpha per run
    alpha,marker = extractAlpha(alphaFile)
    above_chance = len(np.where((np.array(alpha)>0.5))[0])/len(alpha) 
    alpha_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0
    for ii in range(n_it):
        alpha_per_run[ii] = len(np.where((np.array(alpha[j:j+200])>0.5))[0])/200 
        j += 200
    d['ALPHA_fromfile_overall'] = above_chance
    d['ALPHA_fromfile_run'] = alpha_per_run

    #%% Extract epochs from EEG data
    prefilter = 0
    n_samples_fs500 = 450 # Number of samples to extract for each epoch, sampling frequency 500
    n_samples_fs100 = int(450/5) # Number of samples, sampling frequency 100 (resampled)
    e = extractEpochs_tmin(EEGfile,markerFile,prefilter=prefilter,marker1=0,n_samples=n_samples_fs500)
    cat = extractCat(idxFile,exp_type='fused')
    # MNE info files
    info_fs500 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=0,sfreq=500)
    info_fs100 = create_info_mne(reject_ch=1,sfreq=100)

    #%% Run NF RT offline analysis
    stable_blocks0 = e[:600,:,:] # Fi+st run
    stable_blocks1 = np.zeros((600,n_channels,n_samples_fs100)) 
    y = np.array([int(x) for x in cat])
    y_run = y[:600]
    pred_prob_train = np.zeros((n_it*600,2))
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((n_it*200,2)) # Prediction probability
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((n_it*200,2)) # Prediction probability, corrected for classifier bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((n_it*200))
    clf_output_test = np.zeros((n_it*200))
    train_acc = np.zeros(n_it)
    c_test = 0
    c = 0
    offset = 0
    y_pred_test1 = np.zeros(5*200)
    y_test_feedback = np.concatenate((y[600:800],y[1000:1200],y[1400:1600],y[1800:2000],y[2200:2400]))
    Y_train = np.zeros((n_it,600))
    Y_run = np.zeros((n_it,600))
    val = 1 # Offset validation
    offset_pred = 0 # Offset prediction
    offset_Pred = []
    # Score = np.zeros((n_it,3))
    epochs_fb = np.zeros((200,23,n_samples_fs100)) # Epochs feedback
    for b in range(n_it):
        for t in range(stable_blocks0.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks0[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            stable_blocks1[t+offset,:,:] = epoch
            c += 1
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP1 = applySSP(stable_blocks1,info_fs100,threshold=threshold) # Apply SSP on stable blocks
        # Average training blocks after SSP
        stable_blocksSSP1 = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP1)
        if val == 1: # Test for offset classifier bias
            if b > 0: # Runs after first run
                stable_blocksSSP1_append = np.append(stable_blocksSSP1,epochs_fb,axis=0)
                fb_start = (b-1)*200
                y_run_append = np.append(y_run,y_test_feedback[fb_start:fb_start+200],axis=0)
                clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross2(stable_blocksSSP1_append,y_run_append)
                clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross(stable_blocksSSP1,y_run) # First run
            print('Offset estimated to '+str(offset_pred))
            clf = trainLogReg(stable_blocksSSP1,y_run)
        y_pred_train1 = np.zeros(len(y_run))
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2 # Limit offset correction to abs(0.125)
        # Training accuracy based on the RT classifier
        for t in range(len(y_run)):
            epoch_t = stable_blocksSSP1[t,:,:]
            pred_prob_train[t,:],y_pred_train1[t] = testEpoch(clf,epoch_t)
        train_acc[b] = len(np.where(np.array(y_pred_train1[0:len(y_run)])==np.array(y_run))[0])/len(y_run)
        stable_blocks1 = stable_blocks1[200:,:,:]
        stable_blocks1 = np.concatenate((stable_blocks1,np.zeros((200,n_channels,n_samples_fs100))),axis=0)
        s_begin = 800+b*400
        offset = 400 # Indexing offset for EEG data and y
        stable_blocks0 = e[s_begin:s_begin+200,:,:]
        y_run = np.concatenate((y_run[200:],y[s_begin:s_begin+200]))
        # Test accuracy of RT epochs
        for t in range(200):
            print('Testing epoch number: ',c)
            epoch = e[c,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred_test1[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y[c])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y[c]-1)]
            clf_output_test[c_test] = clf_output # Save classifier output for correlation checks
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output) # Convert corrected classifier output to an alpha value using a sigmoid transfer function
            epoch_prev = epoch
            epochs_fb[t,:,:] = epoch
            c += 1
            c_test += 1
    above_chance_offline = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_offline))
    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_feedback[:c_test], y_pred_test1[:c_test]) 
    print('Accuracy score (uncorrected): ' + str(score))
    # Test score per run
    a_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    score_per_run = np.zeros((n_it))
    j = 0
    for run in range(n_it):
        score_per_run[run] = metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_feedback[run*200:(run+1)*200], y_pred_test1[run*200:(run+1)*200]) 
        a_per_run[run] = (len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[j:j+200])>0.5))[0])/200)
        j += 200
    print('Alpha, corrected, above chance per run: ' + str(a_per_run))
    print('Score, uncorrected, per run: ' + str(score_per_run))
    d['RT_train_acc'] = train_acc
    d['RT_test_acc_corr'] = above_chance_offline
    d['RT_test_acc_corr_run'] = a_per_run
    d['RT_test_acc_uncorr'] = score
    d['RT_test_acc_uncorr_run'] = score_per_run

    #%% Compare RT alpha with RT offline alpha
    alphan = np.asarray(alpha)
    alpha_corr = (np.corrcoef(alphan[1:], alpha_test[:999]))[0][1] # Shifted with one
    d['ALPHA_correlation'] = alpha_corr
    if alpha_corr >= 0.98:
        d['GROUP'] = 1 # 1 for NF group
    if alpha_corr < 0.98:
        d['GROUP'] = 0 # 0 for control group
    # Classifier output correlation has to be checked offline, because clf_output values are computed offline (RT pipeline)
    #np.corrcoef(clf_output_test, clf_output_test13)
    ## Compare alphas from file and offline classification 
    #plt.plot(np.arange(999),alphan[1:]) #blue, en foran 
    ## Run 1
    #plt.plot(np.arange(200),alphan[1:201]) #starts at 0.5
    #plt.plot(np.arange(200),alpha_test[0:200]) #matches

    #%% Confusion matrices
    n_it_trials = n_it*200
    correct = (y_test_feedback[:n_it_trials]==y_pred_test1[:n_it_trials])
    alpha_test_c = np.copy(alpha_test)
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c > 0.5] = True # 1 is a correctly predicted 
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c < 0.5] = False
    alpha_predcat = np.argmax(pred_prob_test_corr,axis=1)
    conf_uncorr = confusion_matrix(y_test_feedback[:n_it_trials],y_pred_test1[:n_it_trials])
    conf_corr = confusion_matrix(y_test_feedback[:n_it_trials],alpha_predcat[:n_it_trials])
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc = conf_corr[0,0]/(conf_corr[0,0]+conf_corr[0,1])
    face_acc = conf_corr[1,1]/(conf_corr[1,0]+conf_corr[1,1])
    d['RT_correct_NFtest_pred'] = correct
    d['RT_conf_corr'] = conf_corr
    d['RT_conf_uncorr'] = conf_uncorr
    d['RT_scene_acc'] = scene_acc
    d['RT_face_acc'] = face_acc
    # Training confusion matrices
    conf_train = []
    for b in range(n_it):
        conf_train.append(confusion_matrix(Y_run[b,:], Y_train[b,:]))
    d['RT_conf_train'] = conf_train

    #%% Training on stable blocks only - leave one block out CV
    offset_pred_lst = []
    c_test = 0
    no_sb = 8+4*n_it # Number stable blocks
    block_len = 50
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test. Block length of 50 trials
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test, corrected for bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len)) # Alpha values for stable blocks
    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([e[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)]) # Stable blocks feedback run
    y_stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([y[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)])
    stable_blocks = np.concatenate((e[:400,:,:], stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_stable_blocks = np.concatenate((y[:400], y_stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_pred = np.zeros(no_sb*block_len) 

    for sb in range(no_sb):
        val_indices = range(sb*block_len,(sb+1)*block_len) # Validation block index
        stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks[val_indices]
        y_val = y_stable_blocks[val_indices]
        stable_blocks_train = np.delete(stable_blocks, val_indices, axis=0)
        y_train = np.delete(y_stable_blocks, val_indices)
        stable_blocks_train_prep = np.zeros((len(y_train),23,n_samples_fs100))
        for t in range(stable_blocks_train.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks_train[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            stable_blocks_train_prep[t,:,:] = epoch
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP_train = applySSP(stable_blocks_train_prep,info_fs100,threshold=threshold)
        # Average after SSP correction
        stable_blocksSSP_train = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP_train)
        clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(stable_blocksSSP_train,y_train) #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2
        # Test epochs in validation block. Preprocessing and testing epoch-wise
        for t in range(block_len):
            epoch = stable_blocks_val[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t]-1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)
            epoch_prev = epoch
            c_test += 1
        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test) + 'out of ' + str(no_sb*block_len))
    above_chance_train = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_train))    
    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_stable_blocks, y_pred) 
    d['LOBO_stable_train_offsets'] = offset_pred_lst
    d['LOBO_stable_train_acc_corr'] = above_chance_train
    d['LOBO_stable_train_acc_uncorr'] = score

    #%% Extract data for MNE plots
    # Perform preprocessing and SSP on all the stable blocks.
    stable_blocks_plot = np.zeros((len(y_stable_blocks),n_channels,n_samples_fs100)) 
    for t in range(stable_blocks.shape[0]):
        epoch = stable_blocks[t,:,:]
        epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
        stable_blocks_plot[t,:,:] = epoch
    projs1,stable_blocksSSP_plot,p_variance = applySSP_forplot(stable_blocks_plot,info_fs100,threshold=threshold,add_events=y_stable_blocks)
    d['MNE_stable_blocks_SSP'] = stable_blocksSSP_plot
    d['MNE_stable_blocks_SSP_projvariance'] = p_variance
    d['MNE_y_stable_blocks'] = y_stable_blocks

    if plot_MNE == True:
        print('Making a lot of MNE plots!')
        #%% Adding events manually to epochs *also implemented in applySSP_forplot*
        stable_blocksSSP_get = stable_blocksSSP_plot.get_data()
        events_list = y_stable_blocks
        event_id = dict(scene=0, face=1)
        n_epochs = len(events_list)
        events_list = [int(i) for i in events_list]
        events = np.c_[np.arange(n_epochs), np.zeros(n_epochs, int),events_list]
        epochs_events = mne.EpochsArray(stable_blocksSSP_get, info_fs100, events=events, tmin=-0.1, event_id=event_id,baseline=None)
        # Overall average plot, all channels 
        stable_blocksSSP_plot.average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s')#,picks=[7]) 
        # Plot based on categories
        stable_blocksSSP_plot['face'].average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s')#,picks=[7])
        stable_blocksSSP_plot['scene'].average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s')
        # Plot of the SSP projectors
        # Consider adding p_variance values to the plot.
        # Plot the topomap of the power spectral density across epochs.
        # Plot topomap (possibiity of adding specific times)
        stable_blocksSSP_plot.average().plot_topomap(proj=True,times=np.linspace(0.05, 0.15, 5))
        # Plot joint topomap and evoked ERP
        # If manually adding a sensor plot
        # Noise covariance plot - not really sure what to make of this (yet)
        noise_cov = mne.compute_covariance(stable_blocksSSP_plot)
        fig = mne.viz.plot_cov(noise_cov, 
        # Generate list of evoked objects from condition names
        evokeds = [stable_blocksSSP_plot[name].average() for name in ('scene','face')]
        colors = 'blue', 'red'
        title = 'Subject \nscene vs face'
        # Plot evoked across all channels, comparing two categories
        mne.viz.plot_evoked_topo(evokeds, color=colors, title=title, background_color='w')
        # Compare two categories
        # When multiple channels are passed, this function combines them all, to get one time course for each condition. 
        # Make animation
        fig,anim = evokeds[0].animate_topomap(times=np.linspace(0.00, 0.79, 100),butterfly=True)
        # Save animation
        fig,anim = evokeds[0].animate_topomap(times=np.linspace(0.00, 0.79, 50),frame_rate=10,blit=False)'Brainmation.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=10)
        # Sort epochs based on categories
        sorted_epochsarray = [stable_blocksSSP_plot[name] for name in ('scene','face')]
        # Plot image
        # Appending all entries in the overall epochsarray as single evoked arrays of shape (n_channels, n_times) 
        g2 = stable_blocksSSP_plot.get_data()
        evoked_array = [mne.EvokedArray(entry, info_fs100,tmin=-0.1) for entry in g2]
        # Appending all entries in the overall epochsarray as single evoked arrays of shape (n_channels, n_times) - category info added as comments
        evoked_array2 = []
        for idx,cat in enumerate(events_list):
            evoked_array2.append(mne.EvokedArray(g2[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat))
        mne.viz.plot_compare_evokeds(evoked_array2[:10]) # Plotting all the individual evoked arrays (up to 10)
        # Creating a dict of lists: Condition 0 and condition 1 with evoked arrays.
        evoked_array_c0 = []
        evoked_array_c1 = []
        for idx,cat in enumerate(events_list):
            if cat == 0:
                evoked_array_c0.append(mne.EvokedArray(g2[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat)) # Scenes 0
            if cat == 1:
                evoked_array_c1.append(mne.EvokedArray(g2[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat)) # Faces 1
        e_dict['0'] = evoked_array_c0
        e_dict['1'] = evoked_array_c1
        # Could create these e_dicts for several people, and plot the means. Or create an e_dict with the evokeds for each person, and make the "overall" mean with individual evoked means across subjects.
        # Comparing
        # Based on categories, the correct epochs are added to the evoked_array_c0 and c1
        #%% Manually check whether the MNE events correspond to the actual categories
        g1 = stable_blocksSSP_plot.get_data()
        g3 = g1[y_stable_blocks==True] # Faces = 1
        g4 = g1[y_stable_blocks==False] # Scenes = 0
        g3a = np.mean(g3,axis=0)
        g4a = np.mean(g4,axis=0)
        plt.plot(g3a.T[:,7]) # Corresponds to: stable_blocksSSP_plot['face'].average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s')
        epochsg3 = mne.EpochsArray(g3, info=info_fs100)
        epochsg4 = mne.EpochsArray(g4, info=info_fs100)
        epochsg3.average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s',picks=[7]) # Corresponds to: stable_blocksSSP_plot['face'].average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s',picks=[7])
        epochsg4.average().plot(spatial_colors=True, time_unit='s',picks=[7]) 
        # Plot topomap
        a3 = epochsg3.average()
        a3.plot_topomap(times=np.linspace(0.05, 0.15, 5))
        # Plot of evoked ERP and topomaps, in one plot!
        # Control the y axis
        a3.plot(ylim=dict(eeg=[-2000000, 2000000]))
        a3.plot(ylim=dict(eeg=[-2000000, 2000000]))
    #%% Confusion matrices - stable blocks accuracy, LOBO
    # y_stable_blocks has the correct y vals, y_pred has the predicted vals. For uncorrected prediction.
    # Uncorrected
    correct = (y_stable_blocks == y_pred)
    conf_train_stable_uncorr = confusion_matrix(y_stable_blocks,y_pred)
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc_uncorr = conf_train_stable_uncorr[0,0]/(conf_train_stable_uncorr[0,0]+conf_train_stable_uncorr[0,1])
    face_acc_uncorr = conf_train_stable_uncorr[1,1]/(conf_train_stable_uncorr[1,0]+conf_train_stable_uncorr[1,1])
    # Corrected
    alpha_test_c = np.copy(alpha_test)
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c > 0.5] = True # 1 is a correctly predicted 
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c < 0.5] = False
    alpha_predcat = np.argmax(pred_prob_test_corr,axis=1)
    conf_train_stable = confusion_matrix(y_stable_blocks,alpha_predcat)
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc = conf_train_stable[0,0]/(conf_train_stable[0,0]+conf_train_stable[0,1])
    face_acc = conf_train_stable[1,1]/(conf_train_stable[1,0]+conf_train_stable[1,1])
    d['LOBO_stable_conf_uncorr'] = conf_train_stable_uncorr
    d['LOBO_stable_scene_acc_uncorr'] = scene_acc_uncorr
    d['LOBO_stable_face_acc_uncorr'] = face_acc_uncorr
    d['LOBO_stable_conf_corr'] = conf_train_stable
    d['LOBO_stable_scene_acc_corr'] = scene_acc
    d['LOBO_stable_face_acc_corr'] = face_acc
    #%% Training accuracy, training on stable and NF - leave one block out CV. Accuracy can be based on either stable+NF, only stable or only NF blocks
    offset_pred_lst = []
    c_test = 0
    no_b = 8+8*n_it # Number blocks total
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((no_b*block_len,2))
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((no_b*block_len,2))
    alpha_test = np.zeros((no_b*block_len))
    y_pred = np.zeros(no_b*block_len) 
    for b in range(no_b):
        val_indices = range(b*block_len,(b+1)*block_len)
        blocks_val = e[val_indices]
        y_val = y[val_indices]
        blocks_train = np.delete(e, val_indices,axis=0)
        y_train = np.delete(y, val_indices)
        blocks_train_prep = np.zeros((len(y_train),23,n_samples_fs100))
        for t in range(blocks_train_prep.shape[0]):
            epoch = blocks_train[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            blocks_train_prep[t,:,:] = epoch
        projs1,blocksSSP_train = applySSP(blocks_train_prep,info_fs100,threshold=threshold)
        # Average after SSP correction
        blocksSSP_train = average_stable(blocksSSP_train)
        clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(blocksSSP_train,y_train) #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2
        # Test epochs in left out block
        for t in range(block_len):
            epoch = blocks_val[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t]-1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)
            epoch_prev = epoch
            c_test += 1
        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test) + ' out of ' + str(no_b*block_len))
    above_chance_train = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected) on both stable and NF: ' + str(above_chance_train))
    # Separate in stable only, and stable + NF
    e_mock = np.arange((8+n_it*8)*block_len)
    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([e_mock[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)]) # Stable blocks feedback run
    stable_blocks_idx = np.concatenate((e_mock[:400],stable_blocks_fbrun))
    a = alpha_test[stable_blocks_idx] 
    above_chance_stable = len(np.where((np.array(a)>0.5))[0])/len(a)
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected) on stable blocks: ' + str(above_chance_stable))
    #nf_blocks_idx = np.concatenate([e_mock[600+n*400:800+n*400] for n in range(n_it)]) # Neurofeedback blocks 
    #a2 = alpha_test[nf_blocks_idx] 
    #above_chance_nf = len(np.where((np.array(a2)>0.5))[0])/len(a2)
    #print('Above chance alpha train (corrected) on NF blocks: ' + str(above_chance_nf))
    d['LOBO_all_train_offsets'] = offset_pred_lst
    d['LOBO_all_train_acc'] = above_chance_train # All blocks included
    d['LOBO_all_train_acc_stable_test'] = above_chance_stable # Trained on both stable and NF, only tested on stable
    #d['train_acc_nf_test'] = above_chance_nf # Trained on both stable and NF, only tested on NF
    #%% Confusion matrices - training on stable+NF blocks, testing on stable+NF, stable or NF blocks
    # Uncorrected, all (stable + NF)
    correct = (y == y_pred)
    conf_train_all_uncorr = confusion_matrix(y,y_pred)
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc_uncorr = conf_train_all_uncorr[0,0]/(conf_train_all_uncorr[0,0]+conf_train_all_uncorr[0,1])
    face_acc_uncorr = conf_train_all_uncorr[1,1]/(conf_train_all_uncorr[1,0]+conf_train_all_uncorr[1,1])
    # Corrected, all
    alpha_test_c = np.copy(alpha_test)
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c > 0.5] = True # 1 is a correctly predicted 
    alpha_test_c[alpha_test_c < 0.5] = False
    alpha_predcat = np.argmax(pred_prob_test_corr,axis=1)
    conf_train_all = confusion_matrix(y,alpha_predcat)
    # Separate into scenes and faces accuracy  
    scene_acc = conf_train_all[0,0]/(conf_train_all[0,0]+conf_train_all[0,1])
    face_acc = conf_train_all[1,1]/(conf_train_all[1,0]+conf_train_all[1,1])
    d['LOBO_all_conf_uncorr'] = conf_train_all_uncorr
    d['LOBO_all_scene_acc_uncorr'] = scene_acc_uncorr
    d['LOBO_all_face_acc_uncorr'] = face_acc_uncorr
    d['LOBO_all_conf_corr'] = conf_train_all
    d['LOBO_all_scene_acc_corr'] = scene_acc
    d['LOBO_all_face_acc_corr'] = face_acc
    #%% Training on stable blocks only - leave one run out CV
    offset_pred_lst = []
    c_test = 0
    no_sb = 8+4*n_it # Number stable blocks
    block_len = 50
    pred_prob_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test. Block length of 50 trials
    pred_prob_test_corr = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len,2)) # Prediction probability test, corrected for bias
    alpha_test = np.zeros((no_sb*block_len)) # Alpha values for stable blocks
    stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([e[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)]) # Stable blocks feedback run
    y_stable_blocks_fbrun = np.concatenate([y[400+n*400:600+n*400] for n in range(n_it)])
    stable_blocks = np.concatenate((e[:400,:,:], stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_stable_blocks = np.concatenate((y[:400], y_stable_blocks_fbrun))
    y_pred = np.zeros(no_sb*block_len) 
    for r in range(n_it+1): # 6 runs
        print('Run no: ',r)
        if r == 0: # First run
            val_indices = range(0,400) # First run
            stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks[val_indices]
            y_val = y_stable_blocks[val_indices]
        if r > 0: 
            val_indices = range((r+1)*200,((r+1)*200)+200) # Validation block index
            stable_blocks_val = stable_blocks[val_indices]
            y_val = y_stable_blocks[val_indices]
        stable_blocks_train = np.delete(stable_blocks, val_indices, axis=0)
        y_train = np.delete(y_stable_blocks, val_indices)
        stable_blocks_train_prep = np.zeros((len(y_train),23,n_samples_fs100))
        for t in range(stable_blocks_train.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks_train[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            stable_blocks_train_prep[t,:,:] = epoch
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP_train = applySSP(stable_blocks_train_prep,info_fs100,threshold=threshold)
        # Average after SSP correction
        stable_blocksSSP_train = average_stable(stable_blocksSSP_train)
        clf,offset_pred = trainLogReg_cross_offline(stable_blocksSSP_train,y_train) #cur. in EEG_classification
        offset_pred = np.min([np.max([offset_pred,-0.25]),0.25])/2
        # Test epochs in validation run. Preprocessing and testing epoch-wise
        for t in range(len(val_indices)):
            epoch = stable_blocks_val[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
            if t > 0:
                epoch = (epoch+epoch_prev)/2
            pred_prob_test[c_test,:],y_pred[c_test] = testEpoch(clf,epoch)
            # Correct the prediction bias offset
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,0] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,0]+offset_pred,0]),1]) 
            pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,1] = np.min([np.max([pred_prob_test[c_test,1]-offset_pred,0]),1])
            clf_output = pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t])]-pred_prob_test_corr[c_test,int(y_val[t]-1)]
            alpha_test[c_test] = sigmoid(clf_output)
            epoch_prev = epoch
            c_test += 1
        print('No c_test: ' + str(c_test) + ' out of ' + str(no_sb*block_len))
    above_chance_train = len(np.where((np.array(alpha_test[:c_test])>0.5))[0])/len(alpha_test[:c_test])
    print('Above chance alpha train (corrected): ' + str(above_chance_train))    
    score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_stable_blocks, y_pred) 
    d['LORO_stable_train_offsets_stable'] = offset_pred_lst
    d['LORO_stable_acc_corr'] = above_chance_train
    d['LORO_stable_acc_uncorr'] = score    
    #%% Extract RT epochs (non-averaged) for plots and analysis
    stable_blocks0 = e[:600,:,:] # First run
    stable_blocks1 = np.zeros((600,n_channels,n_samples_fs100)) 
    y = np.array([int(x) for x in cat])
    y_run = y[:600]
    c_test = 0
    c = 0
    offset = 0
    y_pred_test1 = np.zeros(5*200)
    y_test_feedback = np.concatenate((y[600:800],y[1000:1200],y[1400:1600],y[1800:2000],y[2200:2400]))
    epochs_fb_nonavg = np.zeros((1000,23,n_samples_fs100)) # Epochs feedback
#    epochs_fb_avg = np.zeros((1000,23,n_samples_fs100)) # Epochs feedback
    for b in range(n_it):
        for t in range(stable_blocks0.shape[0]):
            epoch = stable_blocks0[t,:,:]
            epoch = preproc1epoch(epoch,info_fs500,SSP=False,reject=None,mne_reject=0,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=None,bad_channels=None,opt_detrend=1)
            stable_blocks1[t+offset,:,:] = epoch
            c += 1
        projs1,stable_blocksSSP1 = applySSP(stable_blocks1,info_fs100,threshold=threshold) # Apply SSP on stable blocks
        stable_blocks1 = stable_blocks1[200:,:,:]
        stable_blocks1 = np.concatenate((stable_blocks1,np.zeros((200,n_channels,n_samples_fs100))),axis=0)
        s_begin = 800+b*400
        offset = 400 # Indexing offset for EEG data and y
        stable_blocks0 = e[s_begin:s_begin+200,:,:]
        y_run = np.concatenate((y_run[200:],y[s_begin:s_begin+200]))
        # Append RT epochs 
        for t in range(200):
            print('Epoch number: ',c)
            epoch1 = e[c,:,:]
            epoch1 = preproc1epoch(epoch1,info_fs500,projs=projs1,SSP=True,reject=reject,mne_reject=mne_reject,reject_ch=reject_ch,flat=flat,bad_channels=bad_channels,opt_detrend=opt_detrend)
#            For averaging epochs:
#            if t == 0:
#                epoch_avg = epoch1
#            if t > 0:
#                epoch_avg = (epoch1+epoch_prev)/2 # Checked again 17 April that this is legit
#            epoch_prev = epoch_avg
#            epochs_fb_avg[c_test,:,:] = epoch_avg
            epochs_fb_nonavg[c_test,:,:] = epoch1
            c += 1
            c_test += 1
    # Create MNE objects
    events_list = y_test_feedback
    event_id = dict(scene=0, face=1)
    n_epochs = len(events_list)
    events_list = [int(i) for i in events_list]
    events = np.c_[np.arange(n_epochs), np.zeros(n_epochs, int),events_list]
    eRT_nonavg = mne.EpochsArray(epochs_fb_nonavg, info=info_fs100, events=events,event_id=event_id,tmin=-0.1,baseline=None)
#    eRT_avg = mne.EpochsArray(epochs_fb_avg, info=info_fs100, events=events,event_id=event_id,tmin=-0.1,baseline=None)
    d['MNE_RT_epochs_fb_nonavg'] = eRT_nonavg
#    d['MNE_RT_epochs_fb_avg'] = eRT_avg
    d['MNE_y_test_feedback'] = y_test_feedback
    if plot_MNE == True:
        # Creating a dict of lists: Condition 0 and condition 1 with evoked arrays.
        evoked_array_c0 = []
        evoked_array_c1 = []
        eRT_get = eRT_nonavg.get_data()
        for idx,cat in enumerate(events_list):
            if cat == 0:
                evoked_array_c0.append(mne.EvokedArray(eRT_get[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat)) # Scenes 0
            if cat == 1:
                evoked_array_c1.append(mne.EvokedArray(eRT_get[idx], info_fs100,tmin=-0.1,comment=cat)) # Faces 1
        e_dict['0'] = evoked_array_c0
        e_dict['1'] = evoked_array_c1
        #colors = 'red', 'blue'
    #%% Save pckl file
    pkl_arr = [d]
    print('Finished running test and train analyses for subject: ' + str(subjID))
    fname = '18April_subj_'+str(subjID)+'.pkl'
    with open(fname, 'wb') as fout:
        pickle.dump(pkl_arr, fout)