def main(config): configureLogging(config) log = logging.getLogger('main') if config.getboolean('daemon', 'daemon'): pidfile = config.get('daemon', 'pidfile') daemonize(pidfile) pw = config.get('host', 'password') h = config.get('host', 'host') p = config.get('host', 'port') #Setting up the DB connection'Connecting to DB on: %s ' % (config.get('database', 'url'))) if ("sqlite" in config.get('database', 'url')): engine = create_engine( config.get('database', 'url'), poolclass=NullPool ) log.warning('You are using SQLite and we will use NullPool as pooling engine.') else: engine = create_engine( config.get('database', 'url'), pool_recycle=3600 ) Session = sessionmaker( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, bind=engine)'Connecting to: %s:%s ' % (h, p)) con = ESLconnection(h, p, pw)'plain', 'CUSTOM conference::maintenance') conferences = {} while con.connected(): e = con.recvEvent() if e is None: continue conf_uuid = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Conference-Unique-ID') action = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Action') conf_size = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Conference-Size') if action == 'stop-recording': try: TrackerConference.stop_recording(e, config, Session()) continue except Exception, e: log.critical('An error has occurred while executing stop-recording!\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) continue if conf_uuid not in conferences.keys(): try: conf = TrackerConference(e, config, Session()) conferences[conf_uuid] = conf except Exception, e: log.warning('An error occured creating a new conference object! Continuing... \n%s' % e) continue
def main(config): configureLogging(config) log = logging.getLogger('main') if config.getboolean('daemon', 'daemon'): global PIDFILE PIDFILE = config.get('daemon', 'pidfile') daemonize() pw = config.get('host', 'password') h = config.get('host', 'host') p = config.get('host', 'port') #Setting up the DB connection'Connecting to DB on: %s ' % (config.get('database', 'url'))) if ("sqlite" in config.get('database', 'url')): engine = create_engine( config.get('database', 'url'), poolclass=NullPool ) log.warning('You are using SQLite and we will use NullPool as pooling engine.') else: engine = create_engine( config.get('database', 'url'), pool_recycle=3600 ) sm = sessionmaker( autoflush=False, autocommit=False, bind=engine) Session = scoped_session( sm )'Connecting to: %s:%s ' % (h, p)) con = ESLconnection(h, p, pw)'plain', 'CUSTOM conference::maintenance') while con.connected(): e = con.recvEvent() if e is None: continue log.debug('Received event:\n%s' % e.serialize()) conf_uuid = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Conference-Unique-ID') conf_profile = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Conference-Profile-Name') conf_name = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Conference-Name') conf_size = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Conference-Size') caller_id_name = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Caller-Caller-ID-Name') caller_id_number = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Caller-Caller-ID-Number') member_id = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Member-ID') member_type = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Member-Type') action = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Action') event_date = getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Event-Date-Local') if event_date is not None: # Check the python version, because strptime does not exist in it. if sys.version_info[2] < 5: spl = event_date.split('-') year = int(spl[0]) month = int(spl[1]) spl2 = spl[2].split(' ') day = int(spl2[0]) spl3 = spl2[1].split(':') hour = int(spl3[0]) minutes = int(spl3[1]) seconds = int(spl3[2]) event_date = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minutes, second=seconds) else: event_date = datetime.strptime(event_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if not conf_name: log.warning('There is no conf name on this event.\n%s' % e.serialize()) continue try: owner = Session.query(ModeratorPin).get(conf_name) except Exception, err: log.critical(traceback.format_exc()) if owner is None: log.critical('Error because we could not get owner.') Session.remove() continue confObj = Session.query(Conference).get(conf_uuid) if confObj is None: log.debug('Conference does not exist, we must create one.') if action == 'add-member':'Member added...') if conf_size == '1': confObj = Conference(conf_uuid, event_date, unicode(conf_name), unicode(conf_profile)) owner.conferences.append(confObj) Session.add(confObj) log.debug('Action taken on %s. %s' % (conf_name, action)) actionObj = ConferenceAction(unicode(action), unicode(caller_id_name), unicode(caller_id_number), unicode(conf_size), unicode(member_type), event_date, confObj.actions.append(actionObj) Session.add(actionObj) Session.commit() Session.remove() log.debug('Conference %s has been created.' % conf_name) continue elif action == 'del-member': if conf_size == '0': confObj.ended = event_date log.debug('Action taken on %s. %s' % (conf_name, action)) actionObj = ConferenceAction(unicode(action), unicode(caller_id_name), unicode(caller_id_number), unicode(conf_size), unicode(member_type), event_date, confObj.actions.append(actionObj) Session.add(actionObj) Session.commit() Session.remove() log.debug('Conference %s has been destroyed.' % conf_name) continue log.debug('Action taken on %s. %s' % (conf_name, action)) # This action comes after the conference has ended. if action == 'stop-recording': confObj.recording = os.path.join(config.get('mp3', 'store_to'), getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Path').split('/').pop()[:-3] + 'mp3') host = unicode(getUnquotedHeader(e, 'FreeSWITCH-IPv4')) Session.commit() try: owner_obj = Session.query(ModeratorPin).get(confObj.owner) except Exception, e: log.critical('Could not find owner. Db corruption? %s' % e) log.critical('Exception: %s' % traceback.format_exc()) Session.remove() continue t = Thread(target=postRecordingThread, args=(config, getUnquotedHeader(e, 'Path'), confObj, host, owner_obj)) log.debug('Starting thread %s' % t) t.start() log.debug('Thread started...') Session.remove() continue