def __init__(self, config, hosts=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger('browbeat.Rally') self.config = config = Tools(self.config) self.connmon = Connmon(self.config) self.grafana = Grafana(self.config) self.elastic = Elastic(self.config) self.error_count = 0 self.pass_count = 0 self.test_count = 0 self.scenario_count = 0
class Execute: def __init__(self): self.classification = Classification() self.extraction = Extraction() self.elastic = Elastic() self.z = Database() def execute(self, query): try: json_data = json.loads(query) prediction = self.classification.predict(json_data['query']) results = self.extraction.processQuery(prediction[0][0], json_data['query']) if results[0] == 0.0: status = self.elastic.process0(results) return status if results[0] == 1.0: houses = self.elastic.process1(results) return houses elif results[0] == 2.0: houses = self.elastic.process2(results) return houses elif results[0] == 3.0: houses = self.elastic.process3(results) return houses elif results[0] == 4.0: houses = self.elastic.process4(results) return houses elif results[0] == 5.0: houses = self.elastic.process5(results) return houses elif results[0] == 6.0: houses = self.elastic.process6(results) return houses elif results[0] == 7.0: houses = self.elastic.process7(results) return houses elif results[0] == 8.0: status = self.elastic.process8(results) return status elif results[0] == 9.0: status = self.elastic.process9(results) return status else: return "query type " + str(results[0]) + "not supported" except Exception as ex: print(str(ex))
class Initialize: def __init__(self): self.index_name = None self.conn = None = Elasticsearch() self.db = Database() self.elastic = Elastic() def create_db_connection(self, db_file): try: self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) print("Connected to database successfully") except Error as e: print(e) def create_db_table(self): create_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipcodes ( zipcode text primary key, download_date text ); """ if self.conn is not None: self.conn.execute(create_table) else: print("Error! cannot create the database connection.") print("Created db table") def create_es_connection(self): = Elasticsearch([{'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}]) if print('Elasticsearch Yay Connect') else: print('Awww it could not connect!') def create_es_index(self, zipcode): created = False # index settings settings = { "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1, "number_of_replicas": 0 } } try: index_name = 'listings_' + str(zipcode) if not self.db.exists_db(zipcode): # Ignore 400 means to ignore "Index Already Exist" error., ignore=400, body=settings) print('Elasticsearch created index', str(index_name)) records = self.elastic.load_es(zipcode) self.db.insert_db(zipcode, time.time()) print("Loaded ", len(records), " into Elasticsearch") created = True except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) finally: return created
def fedweb13_index(index_name, output_file): elastic = Elastic(index_name) mappings = { # "id": Elastic.notanalyzed_field(), "title": Elastic.analyzed_field(), "content": Elastic.analyzed_field() } elastic.create_index(mappings=mappings, force=True) maindir = "/data/collections/fedwebgh/search_data/fedweb13/FW13-sample-search" num_doc = 0 f_feb = open(output_file, "w") for d in os.listdir(maindir): if d.startswith("md"): #ignore md5.txt continue inpath = os.path.join(maindir, d) tar =, "r") tar.extractall() docs = {} for member_info in tar.getmembers(): if len( > 23: #get file instead of folder f = open( soup = BeautifulSoup(f, "lxml") for snippets in soup.find_all("snippet"): doc_dict = {} doc_id = snippets.get("id").lower() f_feb.write(doc_id + " " + "FW13-" + doc_id[5:9] + "\n") # write output file try: title = snippets.title.text except: title = "" try: content = snippets.description.text except: content = snippets doc_dict["title"] = title doc_dict["content"] = content docs[doc_id] = doc_dict num_doc += 1 "continous update docs and add into index" elastic.add_docs_bulk(docs) print("finish parse and index for file: ", inpath) print(num_doc, " indexed")
def make_property(paramters): """ Make an instance of Property """ prop_type = paramters['type'] if prop_type == 'eos': return EOS(paramters) elif prop_type == 'elastic': return Elastic(paramters) elif prop_type == 'vacancy': return Vacancy(paramters) elif prop_type == 'interstitial': return Interstitial(paramters) elif prop_type == 'surface': return Surface(paramters) else: raise RuntimeError(f'unknown property type {prop_type}')
class Rally(WorkloadBase): def __init__(self, config, hosts=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger('browbeat.Rally') self.config = config = Tools(self.config) self.connmon = Connmon(self.config) self.grafana = Grafana(self.config) self.elastic = Elastic(self.config) self.error_count = 0 self.pass_count = 0 self.test_count = 0 self.scenario_count = 0 def run_scenario(self, task_file, scenario_args, result_dir, test_name, benchmark): self.logger.debug("--------------------------------") self.logger.debug("task_file: {}".format(task_file)) self.logger.debug("scenario_args: {}".format(scenario_args)) self.logger.debug("result_dir: {}".format(result_dir)) self.logger.debug("test_name: {}".format(test_name)) self.logger.debug("--------------------------------") from_ts = int(time.time() * 1000) if 'sleep_before' in self.config['rally']: time.sleep(self.config['rally']['sleep_before']) task_args = str(scenario_args).replace("'", "\"") plugins = [] if "plugins" in self.config['rally']: if len(self.config['rally']['plugins']) > 0: for plugin in self.config['rally']['plugins']: for name in plugin: plugins.append(plugin[name]) plugin_string = "" if len(plugins) > 0: plugin_string = "--plugin-paths {}".format(",".join(plugins)) cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally {} task start {} --task-args \'{}\' 2>&1 | tee {}.log".format( plugin_string, task_file,task_args, test_name) from_time = time.time() to_time = time.time() if 'sleep_after' in self.config['rally']: time.sleep(self.config['rally']['sleep_after']) to_ts = int(time.time() * 1000) self.grafana.create_grafana_urls({'from_ts':from_ts, 'to_ts':to_ts}) self.grafana.print_dashboard_url(test_name) self.grafana.log_snapshot_playbook_cmd(from_ts, to_ts, result_dir, test_name) self.grafana.run_playbook(from_ts, to_ts, result_dir, test_name) return (from_time, to_time) def update_tests(self): self.test_count += 1 def update_pass_tests(self): self.pass_count += 1 def update_fail_tests(self): self.error_count += 1 def update_scenarios(self): self.scenario_count += 1 def get_task_id(self, test_name): cmd = "grep \"rally task results\" {}.log | awk '{{print $4}}'".format( test_name) return def _get_details(self): "Current number of Rally scenarios executed:{}".format( self.scenario_count))"Current number of Rally tests executed:{}".format(self.test_count))"Current number of Rally tests passed:{}".format(self.pass_count))"Current number of Rally test failures:{}".format(self.error_count)) def gen_scenario_html(self, task_ids, test_name): all_task_ids = ' '.join(task_ids) cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally task report --task {} --out {}.html".format( all_task_ids, test_name) return def gen_scenario_json(self, task_id): cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally task results {}".format(task_id) return def gen_scenario_json_file(self, task_id, test_name): cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally task results {} > {}.json".format(task_id, test_name) return def rally_metadata(self, result, meta) : result['rally_metadata'] = meta return result def json_result(self,task_id): rally_data = {} rally_errors = [] rally_sla = []"Loadding Task_ID {} JSON".format(task_id)) rally_json = self.elastic.load_json(self.gen_scenario_json(task_id)) if len(rally_json) < 1 : self.logger.error("Issue with Rally Results") return False for metrics in rally_json[0]['result']: for workload in metrics : if type(metrics[workload]) is dict: for value in metrics[workload] : if not type(metrics[workload][value]) is list: if value not in rally_data: rally_data[value] = [] rally_data[value].append(metrics[workload][value]) if len(metrics['error']) > 0 : rally_errors.append({'action_name': value, 'error': metrics['error']}) rally_doc = [] for workload in rally_data: if not type(rally_data[workload]) is dict : rally_stats = {'action': workload, '90th':numpy.percentile(rally_data[workload], 90), '95th':numpy.percentile(rally_data[workload], 95), 'Max':numpy.max(rally_data[workload]), 'Min':numpy.min(rally_data[workload]), 'Average':numpy.average(rally_data[workload]), 'Median':numpy.median(rally_data[workload]), 'Raw':rally_data[workload]} rally_doc.append(rally_stats) return {'rally_stats' : rally_doc, 'rally_errors' : rally_errors, 'rally_setup' : rally_json[0]['key']} def start_workloads(self): """Iterates through all rally scenarios in browbeat yaml config file""" results = OrderedDict()"Starting Rally workloads") es_ts = dir_ts = es_ts.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.logger.debug("Time Stamp (Prefix): {}".format(dir_ts)) benchmarks = self.config.get('rally')['benchmarks'] if len(benchmarks) > 0: for benchmark in benchmarks: if benchmark['enabled']:"Benchmark: {}".format(benchmark['name'])) scenarios = benchmark['scenarios'] def_concurrencies = benchmark['concurrency'] def_times = benchmark['times'] self.logger.debug( "Default Concurrencies: {}".format(def_concurrencies)) self.logger.debug("Default Times: {}".format(def_times)) for scenario in scenarios: if scenario['enabled']: self.update_scenarios() self.update_total_scenarios() scenario_name = scenario['name'] scenario_file = scenario['file'] "Running Scenario: {}".format(scenario_name)) self.logger.debug( "Scenario File: {}".format(scenario_file)) del scenario['enabled'] del scenario['file'] del scenario['name'] if len(scenario) > 0: self.logger.debug( "Overriding Scenario Args: {}".format(scenario)) result_dir = self.config['browbeat'][ 'results'], dir_ts, benchmark['name'], scenario_name) self.logger.debug("Created result directory: {}".format(result_dir)) workload = self.__class__.__name__ self.workload_logger(result_dir, workload) # Override concurrency/times if 'concurrency' in scenario: concurrencies = scenario['concurrency'] del scenario['concurrency'] else: concurrencies = def_concurrencies if 'times' not in scenario: scenario['times'] = def_times for concurrency in concurrencies: scenario['concurrency'] = concurrency for run in range(self.config['browbeat']['rerun']): if run not in results: results[run] = [] self.update_tests() self.update_total_tests() test_name = "{}-browbeat-{}-{}-iteration-{}".format( dir_ts, scenario_name, concurrency, run) if not result_dir: self.logger.error( "Failed to create result directory") exit(1) # Start connmon before rally if self.config['connmon']['enabled']: self.connmon.start_connmon() from_time,to_time = self.run_scenario( scenario_file, scenario, result_dir, test_name, benchmark['name']) # Stop connmon at end of rally task if self.config['connmon']['enabled']: self.connmon.stop_connmon() try: self.connmon.move_connmon_results( result_dir, test_name) except: self.logger.error( "Connmon Result data missing, \ Connmon never started") return False self.connmon.connmon_graphs(result_dir, test_name) new_test_name = test_name.split('-') new_test_name = new_test_name[3:] new_test_name = "-".join(new_test_name) # Find task id (if task succeeded in # running) task_id = self.get_task_id(test_name) if task_id: "Generating Rally HTML for task_id : {}". format(task_id)) self.gen_scenario_html([task_id], test_name) self.gen_scenario_json_file(task_id, test_name) results[run].append(task_id) self.update_pass_tests() self.update_total_pass_tests() self.get_time_dict( to_time, from_time, benchmark['name'], new_test_name, workload, "pass") if self.config['elasticsearch']['enabled'] : # Start indexing result_json = self.json_result(task_id) _meta = {'taskid' : task_id, 'timestamp': es_ts, 'workload' : { 'name' : benchmark['name'], 'scenario' : scenario_name, 'times' : scenario['times'], 'concurrency' : scenario['concurrency']}, 'grafana': self.grafana.grafana_urls() } if result_json : result = self.elastic.combine_metadata( self.rally_metadata(result_json,_meta)) if result is False : self.logger.error ("Error with ElasticSerach connector") else : if len(result) < 1 : self.logger.error( "Issue with ElasticSearch Data, \ for task_id {}".format(task_id)) else : self.elastic.index_result(result, _id=task_id) else: self.logger.error("Cannot find task_id") self.update_fail_tests() self.update_total_fail_tests() self.get_time_dict( to_time, from_time, benchmark['name'], new_test_name, workload, "fail") for data in glob.glob("./{}*".format(test_name)): shutil.move(data, result_dir) self._get_details() else: "Skipping {} scenario enabled: false".format(scenario['name'])) else: "Skipping {} benchmarks enabled: false".format(benchmark['name'])) self.logger.debug("Creating Combined Rally Reports") for run in results: combined_html_name = 'all-rally-run-{}'.format(run) self.gen_scenario_html(results[run], combined_html_name) if os.path.isfile('{}.html'.format(combined_html_name)): shutil.move('{}.html'.format(combined_html_name), '{}/{}'.format(self.config['browbeat']['results'], dir_ts)) else: self.logger.error("Config file contains no rally benchmarks.")
def nova_create_pbench_uperf( self, image, flavor, zones, user, test_types, protocols, samples, external, test_name, send_results=True, num_pairs=1, password="", message_sizes=None, instances=None, elastic_host=None, elastic_port=None, cloudname=None, **kwargs): pbench_path = "/opt/pbench-agent" pbench_results = "/var/lib/pbench-agent" # Create env router = self._create_router({}, external_gw=external) network = self._create_network({}) subnet = self._create_subnet(network, {}) kwargs["nics"] = [{'net-id': network['network']['id']}] self._add_interface_router(subnet['subnet'], router['router']) # Launch pbench-jump-host jh, jip = self._boot_server_with_fip(image, flavor, use_floating_ip=True, floating_network=external['name'], key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], **kwargs) servers = [] clients = [] # Launch Guests if num_pairs is 1: server = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['server'], **kwargs) client = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['client'], **kwargs) # IP Addresses servers.append( str(server.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) clients.append( str(client.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) else: for i in range(num_pairs): server = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['server'], **kwargs) client = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['client'], **kwargs) # IP Addresses servers.append( str(server.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) clients.append( str(client.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) # Wait for ping self._wait_for_ping(jip['ip']) # Open SSH Connection jump_ssh = sshutils.SSH(user, jip['ip'], 22, self.context[ "user"]["keypair"]["private"], password) # Check for connectivity self._wait_for_ssh(jump_ssh) # Write id_rsa to get to guests. self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {'remote_path': "rm -rf ~/.ssh"}) self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {'remote_path': "mkdir ~/.ssh"}) "cat > ~/.ssh/id_rsa", stdin=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["private"]) jump_ssh.execute("chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa") # Check status of guest ready = False retry = 10 while (not ready): for sip in servers + clients: cmd = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {}@{} /bin/true".format( user, sip) s1_exitcode, s1_stdout, s1_stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd) if retry < 1: LOG.error( "Error : Issue reaching {} the guests through the Jump host".format(sip)) return 1 if s1_exitcode is 0:"Server: {} ready".format(sip)) ready = True else:"Error reaching server: {} error {}".format(sip,s1_stderr)) retry = retry - 1 time.sleep(10) # Register pbench across FIP for sip in servers + clients: cmd = "{}/util-scripts/pbench-register-tool-set --remote={}".format( pbench_path, sip) jump_ssh.execute(cmd) # Quick single test # debug = "--message-sizes=1024 --instances=1" debug = "" # Start uperf against private address uperf = "{}/bench-scripts/pbench-uperf --clients={} --servers={} --samples={} {}".format( pbench_path, ','.join(clients), ','.join(servers), samples, debug) uperf += " --test-types={} --protocols={} --config={}".format( test_types, protocols, test_name) if message_sizes is not None : uperf += " --message-sizes={}".format(message_sizes) if instances is not None: uperf += " --instances={}".format(instances) # Execute pbench-uperf # execute returns, exitcode,stdout,stderr"Starting Rally - PBench UPerf") uperf_exitcode, stdout_uperf, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(uperf) # Prepare results cmd = "cat {}/uperf_{}*/result.csv".format(pbench_results, test_name) exitcode, stdout, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd) if send_results : if uperf_exitcode is not 1: cmd = "cat {}/uperf_{}*/result.json".format( pbench_results, test_name)"Running command : {}".format(cmd)) exitcode, stdout_json, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd)"Result: {}".format(stderr)) es_ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() config = { 'elasticsearch': { 'host': elastic_host, 'port': elastic_port}, 'browbeat': { 'cloud_name': cloudname, 'timestamp': es_ts}} elastic = Elastic(config, 'pbench') json_result = StringIO.StringIO(stdout_json) json_data = json.load(json_result) for iteration in json_data: elastic.index_result(iteration,test_name,'results/') else: LOG.error("Error with PBench Results") # Parse results result = StringIO.StringIO('\n'.join(stdout.split('\n')[1:])) creader = csv.reader(result) report = [] for row in creader: if len(row) >= 1: report.append(["aggregate.{}".format(row[1]), float(row[2])]) report.append(["single.{}".format(row[1]), float(row[3])]) if len(report) > 0: self.add_output( additive={"title": "PBench UPerf Stats", "description": "PBench UPerf Scenario", "chart_plugin": "StatsTable", "axis_label": "Gbps", "label": "Gbps", "data": report}) cmd = "{}/util-scripts/pbench-move-results".format(pbench_path) self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {"remote_path": cmd})
def CERC_index(index_name): elastic = Elastic(index_name) mappings = { # "id": Elastic.notanalyzed_field(), "title": Elastic.analyzed_field(), "content": Elastic.analyzed_field() } elastic.create_index(mappings=mappings, force=True) maindir = "/data/collections/cerc/csiro-corpus" num_doc = 0 for d in os.listdir(maindir): inpath = os.path.join(maindir, d) infile = open(inpath, mode="r", errors="ignore") docs = {} isParse = False for line in infile.readlines(): #charset = "utf-8" line = line.lower() if ("<docno>") in line: # get doc id docno = re.sub(("<docno>|</docno>|\n"), "", line.strip(" ")) elif ("</dochdr>") in line: # start to parse isParse = True doc_dict = {} doc = "" elif ("</doc>") in line: # finish parse isParse = False try: soup = BeautifulSoup(doc, "lxml") try: title = soup.title.text except: # if there is no title, use an empty string instead title = "" [script.extract() for script in soup.findAll("script")] [style.extract() for style in soup.findAll("style")] soup.prettify() reg1 = re.compile("<[^>]*>") content = reg1.sub('', soup.prettify()) doc_dict["title"] = title doc_dict["content"] = content docs[docno] = doc_dict num_doc += 1 except: # other files apart from html title = "" content = doc print(content) doc_dict["title"] = title doc_dict["content"] = content docs[docno] = doc_dict num_doc += 1 elif isParse: # parse doc doc += line "continous update docs and add into index" elastic.add_docs_bulk(docs) print("finish parse and index for file: ", inpath) print(num_doc, " documents indexed")
from GetCourses import GetCourses from Elastic import Elastic el = Elastic() print("server is ready") query = GetCourses() print(query)
def __init__(self): self.index_name = None self.conn = None = Elasticsearch() self.db = Database() self.elastic = Elastic()
if re.findall(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)',line): continue else : hosts.append(line) if len(hosts) < 1 : print "Error no hosts could be read in." exit(1) payload = { "message": _result, "hosts": list(set(hosts)), } if options.owner : payload["owner"] = options.owner if : payload["cloud"] = if options.ticket : payload["ticket"] = options.ticket if not options.index : print "Missing index" exit(1) if not options.type : print "Missing type" exit(1) es = Elastic(quads_config['elastic_host'],quads_config['elastic_port']) es.index(payload,options.index,options.type) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])
def parse_and_index(index_name): elastic = Elastic(index_name) mappings = { # "id": Elastic.notanalyzed_field(), "title": Elastic.analyzed_field(), "content": Elastic.analyzed_field() } elastic.create_index(mappings=mappings, force=True) maindir = "/data/collections/Blogs06" # list directories stage1 = '20051230' stage2 = '20060129' for d in sorted(os.listdir(maindir)): if not d.startswith("200"): continue dirname = os.path.join(maindir, d) ## stage1: Index first 24 directories by removing the next three "#" if dirname[-8:] > stage1: continue print(dirname,int(dirname[-8:])) # stage2: Index the middle 24 directories by removing the next three "#" #if dirname[-8:] <= stage1 or dirname[-8:]>stage2: # continue #print(dirname,int(dirname[-8:])) # stage3: Index the last 23 directories by removing the next three # #if dirname[-8:] <= stage2: #continue #print(dirname,int(dirname[-8:])) for f in os.listdir(dirname): if f.startswith("permalinks-"): inpath = os.path.join(dirname, f) print(inpath) infile = gzip.GzipFile(inpath, "r") isParse = False docs = {} for line in infile: charset = "utf-8" line = line.lower().decode(charset)#bytes to string if ("<docno>") in line: # get doc id docno = re.sub(("<docno>|</docno>|\n"),"",line.strip(" ")) elif ("charset") in line and (">") not in line: #encode method charset = line[33:] elif ("</dochdr>") in line: # start to parse isParse = True doc_dict = {} doc = "" elif ("</doc>") in line: # finish parse isParse = False try: soup = BeautifulSoup(doc,'lxml') try: title = soup.title.text except: # if there is no title, use an empty string instead title = "" [script.extract() for script in soup.findAll('script')] [style.extract() for style in soup.findAll('style')] soup.prettify() reg1 = re.compile("<[^>]*>") content = reg1.sub('',soup.prettify()) doc_dict["title"] = title doc_dict["content"] = content docs[docno] = doc_dict #print (docno) #print (content) except: # files beautifulsoup can not handle title = "" content = doc doc_dict["title"] = title doc_dict["content"] = content docs[docno] = doc_dict elif isParse: # parse doc doc += line "continous update docs and add into index" elastic.add_docs_bulk(docs) print ("finish parse and index for file: ",inpath)
def pbench_uperf( self, image, flavor, user, test_types, protocols, samples, test_name, external=None, send_results=True, num_pairs=1, password="", network_id=None, zones=None, message_sizes=None, instances=None, elastic_host=None, elastic_port=None, cloudname=None, **kwargs): pbench_path = "/opt/pbench-agent" pbench_results = "/var/lib/pbench-agent" # Create env if not network_id: router = self._create_router({}, external_gw=external) network = self._create_network({}) subnet = self._create_subnet(network, {}) kwargs["nics"] = [{'net-id': network['network']['id']}] self._add_interface_router(subnet['subnet'], router['router']) else: kwargs["nics"] = [{'net-id': network_id}] jump_ssh, jump_host_ip, jump_host = self.build_jump_host( external, image, flavor, user, **kwargs) _clients, _servers = self.create_guest_pairs( jump_ssh, num_pairs, image, flavor, user, zones, **kwargs) # Register pbench across FIP for sip in _servers + _clients: cmd = "{}/util-scripts/pbench-register-tool-set --remote={}".format( pbench_path, sip) exitcode, stdout, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd) # Start uperf against private address uperf = "{}/bench-scripts/pbench-uperf --clients={} --servers={} --samples={}".format( pbench_path, ','.join(_clients), ','.join(_servers), samples) uperf += " --test-types={} --protocols={} --config={}".format( test_types, protocols, test_name) if message_sizes is not None: uperf += " --message-sizes={}".format(message_sizes) if instances is not None: uperf += " --instances={}".format(instances) # Execute pbench-uperf # execute returns, exitcode,stdout,stderr"Starting Rally - PBench UPerf") uperf_exitcode, stdout_uperf, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(uperf) # Prepare results cmd = "cat {}/uperf_{}*/result.csv".format(pbench_results, test_name) exitcode, stdout, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd) if exitcode is 1: return False if send_results: if uperf_exitcode is not 1: cmd = "cat {}/uperf_{}*/result.json".format( pbench_results, test_name)"Running command : {}".format(cmd)) exitcode, stdout_json, stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd)"Result: {}".format(stderr)) es_ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() config = { 'elasticsearch': { 'host': elastic_host, 'port': elastic_port}, 'browbeat': { 'cloud_name': cloudname, 'timestamp': es_ts, 'num_pairs': num_pairs}} elastic = Elastic(config, 'pbench') json_result = StringIO.StringIO(stdout_json) json_data = json.load(json_result) for iteration in json_data: elastic.index_result(iteration, test_name, 'results/') else: LOG.error("Error with PBench Results") # Parse results result = StringIO.StringIO('\n'.join(stdout.split('\n')[1:])) creader = csv.reader(result) report = [] for row in creader: if len(row) >= 1: report.append(["aggregate.{}".format(row[1]), float(row[2])]) report.append(["single.{}".format(row[1]), float(row[3])]) if len(report) > 0: self.add_output( additive={"title": "PBench UPerf Stats", "description": "PBench UPerf Scenario", "chart_plugin": "StatsTable", "axis_label": "Gbps", "label": "Gbps", "data": report}) cmd = "{}/util-scripts/pbench-move-results".format(pbench_path) self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {"remote_path": cmd})
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES logger = logging.getLogger('tf-pose') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # file_log = logging.FileHandler("TfPoseEstimator.log") # file_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s') # file_log.setFormatter(formatter) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) # logger.addHandler(file_log) if ES_ON: handler = Elastic() logger.addHandler(handler) def save_to_kafka(now, person_num, is_fall, url, producer, picture): """ 保存信息到kafka,字段含义如下 :param now: :param person_num: :param is_fall: :param url: :param producer: :param picture: :return: """ logger.debug('Upload message save to kafka')
# # # # The custom data store hook for the Big Data Storage. # The Custom data hook can be enabled in the broker.conf # inside conf/ folder. # # The parameter data will be in dict format and the keys are 'sender','topic', 'message', 'unixtime', 'timestamp' # ################################################################ import os, sys, time sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '../extensions') # replace the Elastic installed path with next line sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages') from Elastic import Elastic global Elas_inst confpath = "../extensions/plugin.conf" Elas_inst = Elastic(confpath) def handle_Received_Payload(data): # # Write your code here. Use your connection object to # # # finish your code here. # # Send data to your data store result = Elas_inst.data_consumer(data) # if result is none then write failed
def __init__(self): self.classification = Classification() self.extraction = Extraction() self.elastic = Elastic() self.z = Database()