from SendEmail import SendEmail

si = SystemInfo()
serial = si.get_cpu_serial()

enc = Encryption(serial)
dec = Encryption(serial)
se = SendEmail(True)

# Fetch the configuration settings defined by the user
tree = et.parse(self.addon_data_path + 'script.force-install-all-ep/settings.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
# Iterate through the settings
for setting in root.findall('setting'):
  if setting.get('id') == 'email_key':
    enc_pass = enc.encrypt_msg(setting.get('value')

password = enc.decrypt_msg(enc_pass)

enc_msg = enc.encrypt_msg(si.get_system_info())

send_to = '*****@*****.**'
sent_from = '*****@*****.**'
username = sent_from
smtp_server = ''
port = 25
subject = 'Testing emails from PRB Install Everything EP'
message = enc_msg

se.send_email(send_to, sent_from, username, password, smtp_server, port, subject, message)