class Update(object):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Update, self).__init__()

    def readdata(sourcex_matrix=None, sourcey_matrix=None,targetx_matrix=None, targety_matrix=None,src_path='datasets/syndata_002_normalized_no_novel_class_source_stream.csv',
                   tgt_path='datasets/syndata_002_normalized_no_novel_class_target_stream.csv', src_size=None, tgt_size=None):
        input is: source dataset with y, here we assume it is a list of list, the name is source, target dataset with yhat, 
        here we assume it is a list of list, the name is target 
        if sourcex_matrix is None:
            sourcex_matrix_, sourcey_matrix = Classification.read_csv(src_path, None)   # matrix_ is source data
            sourcex_matrix_ = sourcex_matrix
            sourcey_matrix_ = sourcey_matrix
        matrix_ = sourcex_matrix_[:src_size, :]

        if targetx_matrix is None:
            targetx_ ,targety_= Classification.read_csv(tgt_path, size=None)
            targetx_ = targetx_matrix
            targety_ = targety_matrix
        labellist = []
        for i in range(0, len(targety_)):
            if targety_[i] not in labellist:
        sourcey_label = []
        for i in range(0, len(sourcey_matrix)):

        for i in range(0, len(targety_)):
            if targety_[i] not in labellist:
        targety_label = []
        for i in range(0, len(targety_)):
        return sourcex_matrix_,sourcey_label, targetx_, targety_label

    def Process(self, sourcex,sourcey, targetx,targety,subsize):
        # fixed size windows for source stream and target stream

        sourceIndex = 0
        targetIndex = 0
        src_count = 0
        tgtchange_count = 0
        threshold = 1.0
        src_size, _ = sourcex.shape
        tgt_size, _ = targetx.shape
        #true_label = []
        #for i in range(len(np.array(targety))):
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class1':
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class2':
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class3':
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class4':
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class5':
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class6':
            #if np.array(targety)[i] == 'class7':

        windowsize = 1000
        sourcewindowstart = 0
        sourcewindowend = sourcewindowstart + windowsize -1
        targetwindowstart = 0
        targetwindowend = targetwindowstart + windowsize - 1
        sourcexwindow = sourcex[sourcewindowstart:sourcewindowend]
        sourceywindow = sourcey[sourcewindowstart:sourcewindowend]
        targetxwindow = targetx[targetwindowstart:targetwindowend]
        targetywindow = targety[targetwindowstart:targetwindowend]

        ### get the initial model by using the first source and target windows
        alpha = 0.05
        b = targetxwindow.T.shape[1];
        fold = 5
        sigma_list = Classification.sigma_list(np.array(targetxwindow.T),
        lambda_list = Classification.lambda_list();
        srcx_array = np.array(sourcexwindow.T);
        trgx_array = np.array(targetxwindow.T);
        (thetah_old, w, sce_old, sigma_old) = Classification.R_ULSIF(trgx_array, srcx_array, alpha, sigma_list, lambda_list, b, fold)

        self.Ensemble.generateNewModelRULSIF(targetxwindow, sourcexwindow, sourceywindow, alpha, sigma_list,
                                             lambda_list, b, fold,subsize)
        # print "update model", src_size, source.shape
        truelablecount = 0.0
        totalcount = 0.0

        #tmpsrccount = 0
        tmptrgcount = 0
        changeindex = -1
        updatestartindex = 0
        while True:
            if sourcewindowend >= src_size or targetwindowend >= tgt_size:

            data_type = randint(1, 10)
            if data_type < 2:
                print("get data from source")
                sourcexwindow = sourcex[sourcewindowstart:sourcewindowend]
                sourceywindow = sourcey[sourcewindowstart:sourcewindowend]
                sourceIndex += 1
                #src_count += 1
                #tmpsrccount += 1
                print("sourceIndex", sourceIndex)
                print("get data from target")
                targetxwindow = targetx[targetwindowstart:targetwindowend]
                targetywindow = targety[targetwindowstart:targetwindowend]
                targetIndex += 1
                tgtchange_count += 1
                tmptrgcount += 1
                print("targetIndex", targetIndex)
            if tgtchange_count>=1000:
                changeindex = 1
                tgtchange_count = 0
                confidencelist = []
                for i in range(targetwindowstart, targetwindowend+1):
                    instanceresult = self.Ensemble.evaluateEnsembleRULSIF(targetx[i])
                confvar = np.var(confidencelist)
                changetestresult = pelt(normal_mean(confidencelist, confvar), len(confidencelist))
                if len(changetestresult)>1:
                    alpha = 0.05
                    b = targetxwindow.T.shape[1];
                    fold = 5
                    sigma_list = Classification.sigma_list(np.array(targetxwindow.T),
                    lambda_list = Classification.lambda_list();
                    self.Ensemble.generateNewModelRULSIF(targetxwindow, sourcexwindow, sourceywindow, alpha, sigma_list,
                                                         lambda_list, b, fold, subsize)

                #x_nu = np.array(targetxwindow.T);
                #(thetah_new, w, sce_new, sigma_new) = Classification.R_ULSIF(trgx_array, srcx_array, alpha, sigma_list,
                                                                             #lambda_list, b, fold)
                #targetweight_old = Classification.compute_target_weight(thetah_old, sce_old, sigma_old, x_nu)
                #targetweight_new = Classification.compute_target_weight(thetah_new, sce_new, sigma_new, x_nu)
                #l_ratios = targetweight_new / targetweight_old

                #lnWeightTrgData = np.log(l_ratios, dtype='float64')
                #changeScore = np.sum(lnWeightTrgData, dtype='float64')
                #print "changeScore", changeScore
                #if changeScore > threshold:
                    #alpha = 0.05
                    #b = targetxwindow.T.shape[1];
                    #fold = 5
                    #sigma_list = Classification.sigma_list(np.array(targetxwindow.T),
                    #lambda_list = Classification.lambda_list();
                    #self.Ensemble.generateNewModelRULSIF(targetxwindow, sourcexwindow, sourceywindow, alpha, sigma_list,
                                                         #lambda_list, b, fold, subsize)

            if tmptrgcount>=2000:
                # force update model
                #update predictions for updatestartindex to targetIndex
                for i in range(updatestartindex,targetIndex+1):
                    print("targetx[i]", targetx[i])
                    instanceresult = self.Ensemble.evaluateEnsembleRULSIF(targetx[i])
                    print("instanceresult", instanceresult)
                    print("instanceresult[0]", instanceresult[0])
                    print("truelabel[i]", targety[i])
                    if instanceresult[0] == targety[i]:
                        truelablecount +=1.0
                    totalcount +=1.0
                print("totalcount", totalcount)
                with open('errorsyn002405.csv', 'a+') as f:
                    writer = csv.writer(f)
                    writer.writerow([targetIndex, truelablecount,totalcount,truelablecount/totalcount ])
                updatestartindex = targetIndex+1
                alpha = 0.05
                b = targetxwindow.T.shape[1];
                fold = 5
                sigma_list = Classification.sigma_list(np.array(targetxwindow.T),
                lambda_list = Classification.lambda_list();
                self.Ensemble.generateNewModelRULSIF(targetxwindow, sourcexwindow, sourceywindow, alpha, sigma_list,
                                                     lambda_list, b, fold,subsize)