def test_school_per_cluster_csv_download(self):
     block = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     result = block.check_clusterwise_csv_download()
     if result == 0:
         print("School per cluster csv report download is working")
         raise self.failureException("School per cluster csv report download is working")
 def test_districtwise_csv_download(self):
     csv = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     result = csv.click_download_icon_of_district()
     if result:
         print("District wise csv report download is working")
         raise self.failureException("District wise csv report download is not working")
 def test_home_icon(self):
     home = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     result = home.click_on_blocks_click_on_home_icon()
     if "Student Attendance Exception" in result:
         print("This is Student Attendance Exception Infra_Table_Report page")
         raise self.failureException('Home Icon is not working')
 def test_block_per_district_csv_download(self):
     dist = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     result = dist.check_districts_csv_download()
     if result == 0:
         print("Block per district csv report download is working")
         raise self.failureException("Block per district csv report download is working")
 def test_check_hyperlinks(self):
     hyperlinks = Student_Exceptions(self.driver, self.year, self.month)
     result1, result2, choose_dist = hyperlinks.click_on_hyperlinks()
     if result1 == False and result2 == False and choose_dist == "Choose a District ":
         print("hyperlinks are working")
         raise self.failureException("hyperlinks are not working")
 def test_total_no_of_students_is_equals_at_districts_blocks_clusters_schools(self):
     tc = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     student_count, Bstudents = tc.block_total_no_of_students()
     self.assertEqual(int(student_count), int(Bstudents), msg="Block level no of students are not equal")
     student_count, Cstudents = tc.cluster_total_no_of_students()
     self.assertEqual(int(student_count), int(Cstudents), msg="Cluster level no of students are not equal")
     student_count, Sstudents = tc.schools_total_no_of_students()
     self.assertEqual(int(student_count), int(Sstudents), msg="Cluster level no of students are not equal")
 def test_no_of_schools_is_equals_at_districts_blocks_clusters_schools(self):
     tc = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     schools, Bschools = tc.block_no_of_schools()
     self.assertEqual(int(schools), int(Bschools), msg="Block level no of schools are not equal to no of schools ")
     schools, Cschools = tc.cluster_no_of_schools()
     self.assertEqual(int(schools), int(Cschools), msg="Cluster level no of schools are not equal to no of schools ")
     schools, Sschools = tc.schools_no_of_schools()
     self.assertEqual(int(schools), int(Sschools), msg="Cluster level no of schools are not equal to no of schools ")
 def test_logout(self):
     logout = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     result = logout.click_on_logout()
     self.assertEqual("Log in to cQube", result, msg="login page is not exist!..")
 def test_home_button(self):
     homebtn = Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     res1,res2 = homebtn.click_HomeButton()
     self.assertEqual(0,res1,msg='Homebutton is not worked')
     if 'student-attendance-exception' in res2:
         print("This is Student Attendance Exception Infra_Table_Report page")
         raise self.failureException('Home button is not working')
 def test_month_and_year(self):
     p = Student_Exceptions(self.driver, self.year, self.month)
     res = p.check_year_and_month_dropdowns_csv_download()
                      msg='year and month csv file is not downloaded')
     print('checked with Time series year and month')
    def test_click_on_block_and_clusterbtns(self):
        p = Student_Exceptions(self.driver, self.year, self.month)
        res = p.check_markers_on_block_map()
        self.assertEqual(0, res, msg='Footer value mis match found')

        res = p.check_markers_on_clusters_map()
        self.assertEqual(0, res, msg='Footer value mis match found')
 def test_click_on_student_exception(self):
     count = 0
     p =  Student_Exceptions(self.driver,self.year, self.month)
     res = p.click_on_sar_exception()
     if 'student-attendance-exception' in res:
         print('Student attendance exception is present')
          print('Student exception report is not displayed ')
          count = count + 1
     self.assertEqual(0,count,msg='Navigation to report is failed')
 def test_dashboard_student_exception(self):
     p = Student_Exceptions(self.driver, self.year, self.month)
     res = p.dashboard_sar_exception()
     self.assertEqual(0, res, msg='Dashboard to report is failed')