def routerLogin():
# This function prompts the user to provide their login credentials and logs into each
# of the routers before calling the buildIndex function to extract relevant portions of
# the router config.  As designed, this function actually has the capability to login to
# multiple routers simultaneously.  I chose to not allow it to multi-thread given possibility
# of undesirable results from multiple threads writing to the same index file simultaneously

    try:# Check for existence of routerFile; If exists, continue with program
        with open(routerFile, "r"): pass
        # Read hosts from specified file & remove duplicate entries, set protocol to SSH2
        hosts = get_hosts_from_file(routerFile,default_protocol="ssh2",remove_duplicates=True)

        if username == "":          # If username is blank
            account = read_login()  # Prompt the user for login credentials

        elif password == "":        # If password is blank
            account = read_login()  # Prompt the user for login credentials

        else:                       # Else use username/password from configFile
            account = Account(name=username, password=b64decode(password))
        # Minimal message from queue, 1 threads, redirect errors to null
        queue = Queue(verbose=0, max_threads=1, stderr=(open(os.devnull, "w")))
        queue.add_account(account)              # Use supplied user credentials
        stdout.write("--> Building index...")   # Print without trailing newline, buildIndex)            # Create queue using provided hosts
        queue.shutdown()                        # End all running threads and close queue
        # If logFileDirectory does not exist, create it.
        if not path.exists(logFileDirectory): makedirs(logFileDirectory)

        # Define log filename based on date
        logFilename = logFileDirectory+"VRFSearchAndBackup_"+date+".log"

        # Check to see if logFilename currently exists.  If it does, append an
        # integer onto the end of the filename until logFilename no longer exists
        incrementLogFilename = 1
        while fileExist(logFilename):
            logFilename = logFileDirectory+"VRFSearchAndBackup_"+date+"_"+str(incrementLogFilename)+".log"
            incrementLogFilename = incrementLogFilename + 1

        # Write log results to logFile
        with open(logFilename, "w") as outputLogFile:

            # Exception: router file was not able to be opened
            except IOError:
                print "--> An error occurred opening "+logFileDirectory+logFile+"."

    # Exception: router file could not be opened
    except IOError:
        print "--> An error occurred opening "+routerFile+"."
    def __init__(self, io):
        self.hosts = []
        self.accounts = [] = io
        self.hosts = get_hosts_from_file( + "/" + "hosts")"read in hosts" + + "/" + "hosts")
        if not self.hosts:
  "EMPTY HOST FILE, exit ...")
        for h in self.hosts:
  "host:" + h.get_address())

        self.accounts = get_accounts_from_file(io.rootDir + "/" + "accounts")"read in accounts" + + "/" + "accounts")
        if not self.accounts:
  "EMPTY ACCOUNT FILE, exit ...")
        for a in self.accounts:
  "account:" + a.get_name())
			pic = optic.getparent().find('{0}name'.format(namespace)).text
			mic = optic.getparent().getparent().find('{0}name'.format(namespace)).text
			fpc = optic.getparent().getparent().getparent().find('{0}name'.format(namespace)).text
			intf = fpc.split(" ")[1]+"/"+ pic.split(" ")[1] +"/"+name.split(" ")[1]
			f.write(description + "\t\t\t" + intf + "\t\t\t" + "Serial: " + serial +  "\n")


# Read input data.
#accounts = get_accounts_from_file('accounts.cfg')
accounts = read_login()
	hosts    = get_hosts_from_file('hostlist.txt')
	print """
Devi creare un file che si chiama hostlist.txt e dentro
ci sono linee di questo tipo:

# Run do_something on each of the hosts. The given accounts are used
# round-robin. "verbose = 0" instructs the queue to not generate any
# output on stdout.
queue = Queue(verbose = 3, max_threads = 5)

queue.add_account(accounts)     # Adds one or more accounts., do_something)  # Asynchronously enqueues all hosts.
from Exscript.util.start import quickstart
from Exscript.util.match import first_match
from Exscript import Host, Account
from Exscript.util.start import start
from Exscript.util.file import get_hosts_from_file

account1 = Account('YOURUSERNAME ', 'YOURPASSWORD')
host1 = get_hosts_from_file('LISTOFIP.txt')
#host1 = Host('ssh://IPADDRESS')

errorList = []

def do_something(job, host, conn):
        conn.execute('sh run | i hostname')
        error = conn.response.split('\n')
        conn.execute('sh run | i enable secret')
        output = conn.response.split('\n')

        final = []

        for x in output:
            if (x.startswith('enable secret')):
                y = x.replace("\r", '')

        conn.execute('sh run | i enable password')
        output = conn.response.split('\n')
from Exscript.util.start import quickstart
from Exscript.util.file import get_hosts_from_file, get_accounts_from_file
from Exscript import Account

command = input("enter command: ")

def do_something(job, host, conn):
    conn.execute('term len 0')

accounts = get_accounts_from_file('accounts.cfg')
hosts = get_hosts_from_file('hostlist.txt', default_protocol='ssh2')
quickstart(hosts, do_something, max_threads=15, verbose=1)
import Exscript.util.file as euf
import Exscript.util.start as eus
import Exscript.util.match as eum
import pysvn
import os
import time
import datetime

hosts = euf.get_hosts_from_file('c:\\network_configs\\hosts.txt')
accounts = euf.get_accounts_from_file('c:\\network_configs\\accounts.cfg')

def dump_config(job, host, conn):
    """Connect to device, trim config file a bit, write to file"""
    conn.execute('term len 0')
    conn.execute('show run')
    #get the actual hostname of the device
    hostname = eum.first_match(conn, r'^hostname\s(.+)$')
    cfg_file = 'c:\\network_configs\\' + hostname.strip() + '.cfg'
    config = conn.response.splitlines()
    # a little cleanup
    for i in range(3):
    # write config to file
    with open(cfg_file, 'w') as f:
        for line in config:
            f.write(line +'\n')
eus.start(accounts, hosts, dump_config, max_threads=2)
        date =           # Determine today's date
        date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")  # Format date as YYYYMMDD
        if username == "":              # If username is blank
            account = read_login()      # Prompt the user for login credentials

        elif password == "":            # If password is blank
            account = read_login()      # Prompt the user for login credentials

        else:                           # Else use username/password from configFile
            account = Account(name=username, password=b64decode(password))
        # Read hosts from specified file & remove duplicate entries, set protocol to SSH2
        hosts = get_hosts_from_file(routerFile, default_protocol="ssh2", remove_duplicates=True)
        # Verbose & # threads taken from configFile, redirect errors to null
        queue = Queue(verbose=int(verboseOutput), max_threads=int(maxThreads), stderr=(open(os.devnull, "w")))
        queue.add_account(account)              # Use supplied user credentials, downloadRouterConfig)  # Create queue using provided hosts
        queue.shutdown()                        # End all running threads and close queue
        print status(logger)    # Print current % status of operation to screen

        # If logFileDirectory does not exist, create it.
        if not path.exists(logFileDirectory): makedirs(logFileDirectory)

        # Define log filename based on date
Exemple #8
#!/usr/bin/env python

import Exscript.util.file as euf
import Exscript.util.start as eus
import Exscript.util.match as eum
from Exscript import Account

hosts = euf.get_hosts_from_file('ips.txt')

threads = 8

print "\nClearing crypto sa sessions with: " + str(threads) + " threads\n"

def clear_sa(job, hosts, conn):
    conn.execute('clear crypto sa')

eus.quickstart(hosts, clear_sa, max_threads=threads)
Exemple #9
        raise Exception('unsupported os: ' + repr(conn.guess_os()))

    # autoinit() automatically executes commands to make the remote
    # system behave more script-friendly. The specific commands depend
    # on the detected operating system, i.e. on what guess_os() returns.

    # Execute a simple command.
    conn.execute('show ip int brie')
    print "myvariable is", conn.get_host().get('myvariable')

def two(conn):
    conn.execute('show interface POS1/0')

accounts = get_accounts_from_file('accounts.cfg')

# Start on one host.
host = Host('localhost')
host.set('myvariable', 'foobar')
start(accounts, host1, one)

# Start on many hosts. In this case, the accounts from accounts.cfg
# are only used if the host url does not contain a username and password.
# The "max_threads" keyword indicates the maximum number of concurrent
# connections.
hosts = get_hosts_from_file('hostlist.txt')
start(accounts, hosts, two, max_threads=2)
#!/usr/bin/env python

import Exscript.util.file as euf
import Exscript.util.start as eus
import Exscript.util.match as eum
# import Exscript.protocols.drivers
from Exscript import Account

hosts = euf.get_hosts_from_file('hosts_mass_config.txt')

def mass_commands(job, hosts, conn):
    #    conn.send("enable\r")
    #    conn.auto_app_authorize(accounts)
    conn.execute('conf t')
    mass_commands_file = 'mass_commands.txt'
    with open(mass_commands_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:

            # conn.execute('show run')
            # get hostname of the device
            # hostname = eum.first_match(conn, r'^hostname\s(.*)$')
            # cfg_file = '/home/xxxx/python/configs/firewalls/' + hostname.strip() + '.cfg'
            # config = conn.response.splitlines()
            # some clean up
            # for i in range(3):
            #    config.pop(i)
            # config.pop(-0)
            # config.pop(-1)
            # write config to file
Exemple #11
    elif task == 'NO_DIVERT' and valid_ipv4(ipaddr):
        conn.execute('term len 0')
        conn.execute('conf t')
        conn.execute('ip access-list extended NORMAL')
        conn.execute('no permit ip any any')
        conn.execute(f"no deny ip {ipaddr} {wildcard}")
        conn.execute(f"permit ip any any")
        conn.execute('ip access-list extended DIVERT')
        conn.execute('no deny ip any any')
        conn.execute(f"no permit ip {ipaddr} {wildcard}")
        conn.execute('deny ip any any')
        conn.execute('clear ip bgp * soft out')
        RED = '\033[31m'
        print(f"NOTE:\t\tNO CHANGES HAS BEEN MADE!")

# Read input data.
accounts = get_accounts_from_file('/root/crash_course/project/accounts.cfg')
hosts = get_hosts_from_file('/root/crash_course/project/hostlist.txt',default_protocol='ssh2')

queue = Queue(max_threads=5)
queue.add_account(accounts), do_something,)
def get_switch_list():
    switch_list = raw_input('Where is the list of switches stored? ')
    hosts = get_hosts_from_file(switch_list)
    start(accounts, hosts, turn_off_install, max_threads=2)
Exemple #13
import Exscript

from Exscript.util.start import quickstart
from Exscript.util.file import get_hosts_from_file

def do_something(job, host, conn):
    conn.execute('conf t')
    conn.execute('interface lo4')
    conn.execute('des exscript')

hosts = get_hosts_from_file('hosts.txt')
quickstart(hosts, do_something, max_threads=3)

#quickstart does the following:
#1.It prompts the user for a username and a password.
#2.It connects to the specified host, using the specified protocol.
#3.It logs in using the given login details.
#4.It calls our do_something() function.
#5.When do_something() completes, it closes the connection.

#max_threads = 3 does the following:
#This tells Exscript to open three network connections in parallel.
import Exscript

from Exscript.util.start import quickstart
from Exscript.util.file  import get_hosts_from_file

def do_something(job, host, conn):
    conn.execute('conf t')
    conn.execute('interface lo4')
    conn.execute('des exscript')

hosts = get_hosts_from_file('hosts.txt')
quickstart(hosts, do_something, max_threads = 3)

#quickstart does the following:
#1.It prompts the user for a username and a password.
#2.It connects to the specified host, using the specified protocol.
#3.It logs in using the given login details.
#4.It calls our do_something() function.
#5.When do_something() completes, it closes the connection.

#max_threads = 3 does the following:
#This tells Exscript to open three network connections in parallel.

Exemple #15
 def testGetHostsFromFile(self):
     from Exscript.util.file import get_hosts_from_file
     result = get_hosts_from_file(
     self.assertEqual([h.get_name() for h in result], expected_hosts)
Exemple #16
 def testGetHostsFromFile(self):
     from Exscript.util.file import get_hosts_from_file
     result = get_hosts_from_file(
     self.assertEqual([h.get_name() for h in result], expected_hosts)
Exemple #17
        raise Exception("unsupported os: " + repr(conn.guess_os()))

    # autoinit() automatically executes commands to make the remote
    # system behave more script-friendly. The specific commands depend
    # on the detected operating system, i.e. on what guess_os() returns.

    # Execute a simple command.
    conn.execute("show ip int brie")
    print "myvariable is", conn.get_host().get("myvariable")

def two(job, host, conn):
    conn.execute("show interface POS1/0")

accounts = get_accounts_from_file("accounts.cfg")

# Start on one host.
host = Host("localhost")
host.set("myvariable", "foobar")
start(accounts, host, one)

# Start on many hosts. In this case, the accounts from accounts.cfg
# are only used if the host url does not contain a username and password.
# The "max_threads" keyword indicates the maximum number of concurrent
# connections.
hosts = get_hosts_from_file("hostlist.txt")
start(accounts, hosts, two, max_threads=2)