Exemple #1
def mapvisng (request, **kwargs):
	Opens the map vis/edit function
	:param request:
	:param kwargs:

	proxy_id = kwargs['proxy_id']
	manifest = proxy_core.getManifest(proxy_id)

	vismode = kwargs['vismode']
	# vismode must reflect one of these
	validmodes = ["modeledit", "mapview", "mapedit", "full"]
	Modes breakdown
	- Modeler: edits the model of a single map, still requires loading the map (maybe with a few reductions) but does NOT show it.
	- Mapview: views a single map, can select single elements and make filters but no changes are allowed
	- Mapedit: edits a single map, can select elements make filters and changes. Can SAVE AS but not load other maps or create new maps
	- Full: can do everything and allows to load and create as a starting point

	if vismode not in validmodes:
		raise Exception ("Not a valid mode")
		if vismode != "full":
			meta_id = kwargs['meta_id']
			map_id = kwargs['map_id']
			meta_id = None
			map_id = None

	print "Launching *%s* with context %s/%s/%s" % (vismode, proxy_id, meta_id, map_id)

	proxy_type = proxy_core.learnProxyTypeAdv(proxy_id, manifest)

	mapsdata = proxy_core.getMapsSummary(proxy_id)

	if meta_id != '.create':
		setmodel = mapsdata[meta_id][map_id]['type']
	elif map_id == 'DefaultLine':
		setmodel = 'LineString'
	elif map_id == 'DefaultPoint':
		setmodel = 'Point'

	proxy_meta = mapsdata.keys()
	proxy_mapsbymeta = {}
	for cmeta_id in proxy_meta:
		proxy_mapsbymeta [cmeta_id] = mapsdata[cmeta_id].keys()

	print "Proxy maps data: %s " % proxy_mapsbymeta

	modeldata = getModels()
	print "Proxy models: %s" % modeldata

	return render_to_response ('mapvisng.html', {'proxy_id': proxy_id, 'meta_id': meta_id, 'map_id': map_id, 'manifest': SafeString(json.dumps(manifest)), 'mode': vismode, 'proxy_name': manifest['name'], 'proxy_meta': proxy_meta, 'proxy_type': proxy_type, 'mapsbymeta': proxy_mapsbymeta, 'proxy_maps': mapsdata, 'mapsforjs': SafeString(json.dumps(mapsdata)), 'proxy_models': SafeString(json.dumps(modeldata)), 'rawmodels': modeldata, 'maptype': setmodel}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def sendProxyManifestFromFile (proxy_id):
	Sends the manifest of a given soft proxy to the main server and returns the response
	:param proxy_id:
	return sendProxyManifestRaw(proxy_core.getManifest(proxy_id))
def getProxyType (proxy_id):
	Opens the manifest and returns the type of manifest
	:param proxy_id:

	manifest = proxy_core.getManifest(proxy_id)

	return learnProxyType(manifest)
Exemple #4
def isLinkedProxy (ref_id, ref_name):
	returns whether the reference proxy is linked to another proxy (actually a standalone tool)

	for proxy_cmp in getProxyList():

		name_cmp = proxy_core.getManifest(proxy_cmp)['name']

		if ref_id != proxy_cmp and name_cmp == ref_name:
			return True

	return False
Exemple #5
def uiview (request, **kwargs):
	Loads the interface of the standalone tool
	:param request:
	:param kwargs:

	proxy_editables = proxy_core.getAllEditables()

	# we always have a proxy_id since the standalone area is specific to each proxy.
	proxy_id = kwargs['proxy_id']

		req_meta_id = kwargs['meta_id']
		req_map_id = kwargs['shape_id']
		req_meta_id = None
		req_map_id = None

	manifest = proxy_core.getManifest(proxy_id)

	proxy_name = manifest['name']
	proxy_meta = []

	maplist = {}
	for metadata in manifest['metadata']:
		meta_id = metadata['name']
			maplist[meta_id] = proxy_editables[proxy_id][meta_id]
			# we can have empty metadata

	#maplist_st = []
	maplist_st = os.listdir(os.path.join(proxyconf.baseproxypath, proxy_id, proxyconf.path_standalone))

	print proxy_id, proxy_name, proxy_meta, maplist, maplist_st

	models = getModels()

	return render_to_response ('fwstui.html', {'proxy_id': proxy_id, 'proxy_name': proxy_name, 'proxy_meta': SafeString(json.dumps(proxy_meta)), 'maps_fider': SafeString(json.dumps(maplist)), 'maps_st': SafeString(json.dumps(maplist_st)),  'models': SafeString(json.dumps(models)), 'manifest': SafeString(json.dumps(manifest)), 'sel_meta': req_meta_id, 'sel_map': req_map_id}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemple #6
def handleFileEvent (eventpath):
	Acts as controller during the whole process of update (and eventual send in case of write/full
	:param eventpath: path to the changed/added/deleted file on the filesystem

	# our upload dir structure is:
	# $upload / $proxy_instance / $meta_id / $shape_id.zip

	# we detect what has actually changed.
	# It MUST be a zip file or somebody is messing with the dir structure and we must exit and warn about it

	proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id = proxy_core.verifyUpdateStructure(eventpath)

	print "Working on file event @ %s/%s/%s" % (proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
	print "w.eventpath %s" % eventpath

	locker = proxy_lock.ProxyLocker (retries=3, wait=5)

	upsert = None
	# Determining if the event is an upsert or a delete
	if not os.path.exists(eventpath):
		# delete
		#proxy_core.handleDelete (proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
		print "Deleting %s/%s/%s" % (proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
		locker.performLocked(proxy_core.handleDelete, proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
	elif zipfile.is_zipfile(eventpath):
		# upsert
		# proxy_core.handleUpsert (proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
		print "Updating/Adding %s/%s/%s" % (proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
		locker.performLocked(proxy_core.handleUpsert, proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
		upsert = shape_id
		# wrong file type or directory creation
		print "Unexpected file type or operation on path %s" % eventpath
		raise InvalidFSOperationException ("Unexpected file type or operation on path %s" % eventpath)

	if upsert is not None:
		shapedata = proxy_core.rebuildShape(proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id, modified=True)
		#proxy_core.replicateShapeData (shapedata, proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id, modified=True)
		locker.performLocked(proxy_core.replicateShapeData, shapedata, proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id, modified=True)
		# this is a delete
		#proxy_core.replicateDelete (proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)
		locker.performLocked(proxy_core.replicateDelete, proxy_id, meta_id, shape_id)

	#no need of locking for this, since it simply adds/updates a file to the /next dir
	proxy_core.queueForSend(proxy_id, meta_id)

	#if the server is a write/full server, we launch the server update process

	proxymanifest = proxy_core.getManifest(proxy_id)
	if proxymanifest['operations']['write'] == u'full':
			sentok, details = sendUpdatesWrite(proxy_id)
			if sentok is True:
				logEvent ("Sent update for proxy %s" % proxy_id)
				logEvent ("Error while sending update for proxy %s: %s" % (proxy_id, details))
		except Exception as e:
			logEvent (e.message, True)