Exemple #1
def updateRunCommandList(runCommandList, pworkdir, jobId, statusPFCTurl, analysisJob, usedFAXandDirectIO, hasInput, prodDBlockToken):
    """ update the run command list if --directIn is no longer needed """
    # the method is using the file state dictionary

    # remove later
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, ftype="input")

    # remove any instruction regarding tag file creation for event service jobs
    _runCommandList = []
    for cmd in runCommandList:
        if "--createTAGFileForES" in cmd:
            cmd = cmd.replace("--createTAGFileForES","")
    runCommandList = _runCommandList

    # no need to continue if no input files
    if not hasInput:
        return runCommandList

    # are there only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in the file state dictionary?
    # if so, remove any lingering --directIn instruction
    only_copy_to_scratch = hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId)
    if only_copy_to_scratch or 'local' in prodDBlockToken:
#    if hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId): # python bug? does not work, have to use previous two lines?
        _runCommandList = []

        if only_copy_to_scratch:
            tolog("There are only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in file state dictionary")
        for cmd in runCommandList:
            # remove the --directIn string if present
            if "--directIn" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --directIn instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace("--directIn", "")
            # remove the --useFileStager string if present
            if "--useFileStager" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --useFileStager instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace("--useFileStager", "")
            # remove additional run options if creation of TURL based PFC failed
            if statusPFCTurl == False: # (note: can also be None, so do not use 'if not statusPFCTurl')
                if "--usePFCTurl" in cmd:
                    tolog("(Removing --usePFCTurl instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                    cmd = cmd.replace(" --usePFCTurl", "")
                if not "--lfcHost" in cmd and analysisJob:
                    tolog("Adding lfcHost to run command")
                    cmd += ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))
        tolog("Nothing to update in run command list related to copy-to-scratch")
        _runCommandList = runCommandList

    # was FAX used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O?
    if usedFAXandDirectIO == True:
        tolog("Since FAX was used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O, the run command list need to be updated")
        _runCommandList2 = []

        for cmd in _runCommandList:
            # remove the --lfcHost
            if "--lfcHost" in cmd:
                _lfcHost = ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))
                cmd = cmd.replace(_lfcHost, '')
                tolog("(Removed the LFC host:%s)" % (_lfcHost))

            # remove the --oldPrefix
            if "--oldPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-oldPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --oldPrefix pattern)")

            # remove the --newPrefix
            if "--newPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-newPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --newPrefix pattern)")

            # add the --usePFCTurl if not there already
            if not "--usePFCTurl" in cmd and analysisJob:
                cmd += " --usePFCTurl"
                tolog("(Added --usePFCTurl)")

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))

        _runCommandList = _runCommandList2

    ### new movers quick integration: reuse usedFAXandDirectIO variable with special meaning
    ### to avoid any LFC and prefixes lookups in transformation scripts
    ### since new movers already form proper pfn values
    ### proper workflow is required: to be reimplemented later
    if usedFAXandDirectIO == 'newmover' or usedFAXandDirectIO == 'newmover-directaccess':
        tolog("updateRunCommandList(): use new movers logic")
        tolog("updateRunCommandList(): remove to be deprecated options (--lfcHost, --oldPrefix, --newPrefix) from command list")
        tolog("updateRunCommandList(): force to set --usePFCTurl")
        tolog("updateRunCommandList(): check directaccess mode if need (--directIn)")
        tolog("current runCommandList=%s" % _runCommandList)

        _runCommandList2 = []

        for cmd in _runCommandList:

            # remove the --lfcHost, --oldPrefix, --newPrefix
            # add --usePFCTurl

            if "--lfcHost" in cmd:
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, "(\-\-lfcHost\ \S+)")
                tolog("(Removed the --lfcHost)")

            if "--oldPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-oldPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --oldPrefix pattern)")

            if "--newPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-newPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --newPrefix pattern)")

            if "--usePFCTurl" not in cmd and analysisJob:
                cmd += " --usePFCTurl"
                tolog("(Added --usePFCTurl)")

            # add --directIn if need
            if usedFAXandDirectIO == 'newmover-directaccess':
                if "--directIn" not in cmd and analysisJob:
                    cmd += " --directIn"
                    tolog("(Added --directIn)")

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % cmd)


        _runCommandList = _runCommandList2

    tolog("Dumping final input file states")
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, ftype="input")

    return _runCommandList
Exemple #2
    def stageout(self, activity, files):
            Copy files to dest SE:
            main control function, it should care about alternative stageout and retry-policy for diffrent ddmendpoints
        :return: list of entries (is_success, success_transfers, failed_transfers, exception) for each ddmendpoint
        :return: (transferred_files, failed_transfers)
        :raise: PilotException in case of error

        if not files:
            raise PilotException(
                "Failed to put files: empty file list to be transferred")

        pandaqueue = self.si.getQueueName()  # FIX ME LATER
        protocols = self.protocols.setdefault(
            self.si.resolvePandaProtocols(pandaqueue, activity)[pandaqueue])
        copytools = self.si.resolvePandaCopytools(pandaqueue,

            "Mover.stageout() [new implementation] started for activity=%s, files=%s, protocols=%s, copytools=%s"
            % (activity, files, protocols, copytools))

        # check if file exists before actual processing
        # populate filesize if need

        for fspec in files:
            pfn = os.path.join(self.job.workdir, fspec.lfn)
            if not os.path.isfile(pfn) or not os.access(pfn, os.R_OK):
                error = "Erron: input pfn file is not exist: %s" % pfn
                raise PilotException(error,
            fspec.filesize = os.path.getsize(pfn)

        totalsize = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.filesize, files, 0)

        transferred_files, failed_transfers = [], []

            "Found N=%s files to be transferred, total_size=%.3f MB: %s" %
            (len(files), totalsize / 1024. / 1024., [e.lfn for e in files]))

        # first resolve protocol settings from PQ specific aprotocols settings
        # then resolve settings from default ddm.protocols supported by copytools

        # group protocols, files by ddmendpoint
        ddmprotocols, ddmfiles = {}, {}
        for e in files:
            ddmfiles.setdefault(e.ddmendpoint, []).append(e)

        # load DDM conf/protocols

        for e in protocols:
            if e['ddm'] not in ddmfiles:  # skip not affected protocols settings
            e['copytools'] = [{
                'copytool': e['copytool'],
                'copysetup': e['copysetup']
            ddmprotocols.setdefault(e['ddm'], []).append(e)

        # generate default protocols from copytools/schemes and ddmconf
        unknown_ddms = set(ddmfiles) - set(ddmprotocols)
        for ddmendpoint in unknown_ddms:
            dd = self.ddmconf.get(ddmendpoint, {}).get('aprotocols', {})
            dat = dd.get(activity, []) or dd.get('w', [])
            dprotocols = [
                dict(se=e[0], path=e[2], resolve_scheme=True)
                for e in sorted(dat, key=lambda x: x[1])
            ddmprotocols.setdefault(ddmendpoint, dprotocols)

        unknown_ddms = set(ddmfiles) - set(ddmprotocols)
        if unknown_ddms:
            raise PilotException(
                "Failed to put files: no protocols defined for output ddmendpoints=%s .. check aprotocols schedconfig settings for activity=%s or default ddm.aprotocols entries"
                % (unknown_ddms, activity),

            "[stage-out] [%s] filtered protocols to be used to transfer files: protocols=%s"
            % (activity, ddmprotocols))

        # get SURL endpoint for Panda callback registration
        # resolve from special protocol activity='SE' or fallback to activity='a', then to 'r'

        surl_protocols, no_surl_ddms = {}, set()

        for fspec in files:
            if not fspec.surl:  # initialize only if not already set
                d = self.ddmconf.get(fspec.ddmendpoint,
                                     {}).get('aprotocols', {})
                xprot = d.get('SE', [])
                if not xprot:
                    xprot = [
                        e for e in d.get('a', d.get('r', []))
                        if e[0] and e[0].startswith('srm')
                surl_prot = [
                    dict(se=e[0], path=e[2])
                    for e in sorted(xprot, key=lambda x: x[1])
                if surl_prot:
                    surl_protocols.setdefault(fspec.ddmendpoint, surl_prot[0])

        if no_surl_ddms:  # failed to resolve SURLs
                'FAILED to resolve default SURL path for ddmendpoints=%s' %
            raise PilotException(
                "Failed to put files: no SE/SURL protocols defined for output ddmendpoints=%s .. check ddmendpoints aprotocols settings for activity=SE/a/r"
                % list(no_surl_ddms),

        sitemover_objects = {}

        # try to iterate over protocol of given ddmendpoint until successfull transfer
        for ddmendpoint, iprotocols in ddmprotocols.iteritems():

            for dat in iprotocols:

                remain_files = [
                    e for e in ddmfiles.get(ddmendpoint)
                    if e.status not in ['transferred']
                if not remain_files:
                        'INFO: all files to be transfered to ddm=%s have been successfully processed for activity=%s ..'
                        % (ddmendpoint, activity))
                    # stop checking other protocols of ddmendpoint

                if not 'copytools' in dat:
                    # use allowed copytools
                    cdat = []
                    for cp, settings in copytools:
                            'copytool': cp,
                            'copysetup': settings.get('setup')
                    dat['copytools'] = cdat

                if not dat['copytools']:
                    msg = 'FAILED to resolve final copytools settings for ddmendpoint=%s, please check schedconf.copytools settings: copytools=%s, iprotocols=' % list(
                        ddmendpoint, copytools, iprotocols)
                    raise PilotException(msg, code=PilotErrors.ERR_NOSTORAGE)

                for cpsettings in dat.get('copytools', []):
                    copytool, copysetup = cpsettings.get(
                        'copytool'), cpsettings.get('copysetup')

                        sitemover = sitemover_objects.get(copytool)
                        if not sitemover:
                            sitemover = getSiteMover(copytool)(
                                copysetup, workDir=self.job.workdir)
                            sitemover_objects.setdefault(copytool, sitemover)

                            sitemover.trace_report = self.trace_report
                            sitemover.protocol = dat  # ##
                            sitemover.ddmconf = self.ddmconf  # quick workaround  ###
                        if dat.get('resolve_scheme'):
                            dat['scheme'] = sitemover.schemes
                    except Exception, e:
                            'WARNING: Failed to get SiteMover: %s .. skipped .. try to check next available protocol, current protocol details=%s'
                            % (e, dat))

                    if dat.get(
                    ):  # filter protocols by accepted scheme from copytool
                        should_skip = True
                        for scheme in dat.get('scheme'):
                            if dat['se'].startswith(scheme):
                                should_skip = False
                        if should_skip:
                                "[stage-out] protocol=%s of ddmendpoint=%s is skipped since copytool=%s does not support it, accepted schemes=%s"
                                % (dat['se'], ddmendpoint, copytool,


                    self.log("Copy command [stage-out]: %s, sitemover=%s" %
                             (copytool, sitemover))
                    self.log("Copy setup   [stage-out]: %s" % copysetup)


                    # validate se value?
                    se, se_path = dat.get('se', ''), dat.get('path', '')

                    for fdata in remain_files:

                        if not fdata.surl:
                            fdata.surl = sitemover.getSURL(
                                fdata.scope, fdata.lfn, self.job
                            )  # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing


                        fdata.turl = sitemover.getSURL(
                            se, se_path, fdata.scope, fdata.lfn, self.job
                        )  # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing

                            "[stage-out] resolved SURL=%s to be used for lfn=%s, ddmendpoint=%s"
                            % (fdata.surl, fdata.lfn, fdata.ddmendpoint))

                            "[stage-out] resolved TURL=%s to be used for lfn=%s, ddmendpoint=%s"
                            % (fdata.turl, fdata.lfn, fdata.ddmendpoint))

                            "[stage-out] Prepare to put_data: ddmendpoint=%s, protocol=%s, fspec=%s"
                            % (ddmendpoint, dat, fdata))

                                                     '-', ''))

                            "[stage-out] Preparing copy for lfn=%s using copytool=%s: mover=%s"
                            % (fdata.lfn, copytool, sitemover))
                        #dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="output")

                        # loop over multple stage-out attempts
                        for _attempt in xrange(1, self.stageoutretry + 1):

                            if _attempt > 1:  # if not first stage-out attempt, take a nap before next attempt
                                    " -- Waiting %s seconds before next stage-out attempt for file=%s --"
                                    % (self.stageout_sleeptime, fdata.lfn))

                            self.log("Put attempt %s/%s for filename=%s" %
                                     (_attempt, self.stageoutretry, fdata.lfn))

                                result = sitemover.put_data(fdata)
                                fdata.status = 'transferred'  # mark as successful
                                if result.get('surl'):
                                    fdata.surl = result.get('surl')
                                #if result.get('pfn'):
                                #    fdata.turl = result.get('pfn')

                                #self.trace_report.update(url=fdata.surl) ###
                                self.trace_report.update(url=fdata.turl)  ###

                                # finalize and send trace report


                                    fdata.guid, fdata.surl, self.workDir, self.
                                    job.jobId)  # FIXME LATER: isolate later

                                fdat = result.copy()
                                #fdat.update(lfn=lfn, pfn=pfn, guid=guid, surl=surl)

                                break  # transferred successfully
                            except PilotException, e:
                                result = e
                            except Exception, e:
                                result = PilotException(
                                    "stageOut failed with error=%s" % e,

                                'WARNING: Error in copying file (attempt %s/%s): %s'
                                % (_attempt, self.stageoutretry, result))

                        if isinstance(result, Exception):  # failure transfer
Exemple #3
    def do_put_files(self, ddmendpoint, protocols,
                     files):  # old function : TO BE DEPRECATED ...
        Copy files to dest SE
        :ddmendpoint: DDMEndpoint name used to store files
        :return: (list of transferred_files details, list of failed_transfers details)
        :raise: PilotException in case of error

            '[deprecated do_put_files()]Prepare to copy files=%s to ddmendpoint=%s using protocols data=%s'
            % (files, ddmendpoint, protocols))
        self.log("[deprecated do_put_files()]Number of stage-out tries: %s" %

        # get SURL for Panda calback registration
        # resolve from special protocol activity=SE # fix me later to proper name of activitiy=SURL (panda SURL, at the moment only 2-letter name is allowed on AGIS side)
        # if SE is not found, try to fallback to a
        surl_prot = [
            dict(se=e[0], path=e[2]) for e in
            sorted(self.ddmconf.get(ddmendpoint, {}).get('aprotocols', {}).get(
                self.ddmconf.get(ddmendpoint, {}).get('aprotocols', {}).get(
                    'a', [])),
                   key=lambda x: x[1])

        if not surl_prot:
            self.log('FAILED to resolve default SURL path for ddmendpoint=%s' %
            return [], []
        surl_prot = surl_prot[0]  # take first
        self.log("[do_put_files] SURL protocol to be used: %s" % surl_prot)

        self.trace_report.update(localSite=ddmendpoint, remoteSite=ddmendpoint)

        transferred_files, failed_transfers = [], []

        for dat in protocols:

            copytool, copysetup = dat.get('copytool'), dat.get('copysetup')

                sitemover = getSiteMover(copytool)(copysetup,
                sitemover.trace_report = self.trace_report
                sitemover.protocol = dat  # ##
                sitemover.ddmconf = self.ddmconf  # quick workaround  ###
            except Exception, e:
                    '[do_put_files] WARNING: Failed to get SiteMover: %s .. skipped .. try to check next available protocol, current protocol details=%s'
                    % (e, dat))

            self.log("[do_put_files] Copy command: %s, sitemover=%s" %
                     (copytool, sitemover))
            self.log("[do_put_files] Copy setup: %s" % copysetup)


            se, se_path = dat.get('se', ''), dat.get('path', '')

            self.log("[do_put_files] Found N=%s files to be transferred: %s" %
                     (len(files), [e.get('pfn') for e in files]))

            for fdata in files:
                scope, lfn, pfn = fdata.get(
                    'scope', ''), fdata.get('lfn'), fdata.get('pfn')
                guid = fdata.get('guid', '')

                surl = sitemover.getSURL(
                    surl_prot.get('se'), surl_prot.get('path'), scope, lfn,
                )  # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing
                turl = sitemover.getSURL(
                    se, se_path, scope, lfn, self.job
                )  # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing

                                         guid=guid.replace('-', ''))

                    "[do_put_files] Preparing copy for pfn=%s to ddmendpoint=%s using copytool=%s: mover=%s"
                    % (pfn, ddmendpoint, copytool, sitemover))
                self.log("[do_put_files] lfn=%s: SURL=%s" % (lfn, surl))
                self.log("[do_put_files] TURL=%s" % turl)

                if not os.path.isfile(pfn) or not os.access(pfn, os.R_OK):
                    error = "Erron: input pfn file is not exist: %s" % pfn
                    raise PilotException(

                filename = os.path.basename(pfn)

                # update the current file state
                dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId)

                # loop over multple stage-out attempts
                for _attempt in xrange(1, self.stageoutretry + 1):

                    if _attempt > 1:  # if not first stage-out attempt, take a nap before next attempt
                            " -- Waiting %d seconds before next stage-out attempt for file=%s --"
                            % (self.stageout_sleeptime, filename))

                        "[do_put_files] Put attempt %d/%d for filename=%s" %
                        (_attempt, self.stageoutretry, filename))

                        # quick work around
                        from Job import FileSpec
                        stub_fspec = FileSpec(ddmendpoint=ddmendpoint,
                        result = sitemover.stageOut(pfn, turl, stub_fspec)
                        break  # transferred successfully
                    except PilotException, e:
                        result = e

                    except Exception, e:
                        result = PilotException(
                            "stageOut failed with error=%s" % e,

                        'WARNING [do_put_files]: Error in copying file (attempt %s): %s'
                        % (_attempt, result))
Exemple #4
        # update the job state file
        job.jobState = "stageout"
        #_retjs = JR.updateJobStateTest(job, jobSite, node, mode="test")

        # verify and prepare and the output files for transfer
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, outs, outsDict = RunJobUtilities.prepareOutFiles(job.outFiles, job.logFile, job.workdir)
        if ec:
            # missing output file (only error code from prepareOutFiles)
            runJob.failJob(job.result[1], ec, job, pilotErrorDiag=pilotErrorDiag)
        tolog("outsDict: %s" % str(outsDict))

        # update the current file states
        updateFileStates(outs, runJob.getParentWorkDir(), job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="created")
        dumpFileStates(runJob.getParentWorkDir(), job.jobId)

        # create xml string to pass to dispatcher for atlas jobs
        outputFileInfo = {}
        if outs or (job.logFile and job.logFile != ''):
            # get the datasets for the output files
            dsname, datasetDict = runJob.getDatasets(job)

            # re-create the metadata.xml file, putting guids of ALL output files into it.
            # output files that miss guids from the job itself will get guids in PFCxml function

            # first rename and copy the trf metadata file for non-build jobs
            if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outs):
                runJob.moveTrfMetadata(job.workdir, job.jobId)

            # create the metadata for the output + log files
Exemple #5
                if not isinstance(result,
                                  Exception):  # transferred successfully

                    # finalize and send trace report

                    dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="input")

                    ## self.updateSURLDictionary(guid, surl, self.workDir, self.job.jobId) # FIX ME LATER

                    fdat = result.copy()
                    #fdat.update(lfn=lfn, pfn=pfn, guid=guid, surl=surl)

        dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="input")

        #self.log('transferred_files= %s' % transferred_files)
        self.log('Summary of transferred files:')
        for e in transferred_files:
            self.log(" -- %s" % e)
Exemple #6
    def do_put_files(self, ddmendpoint, protocols, files): # old function : TO BE DEPRECATED ...
        Copy files to dest SE
        :ddmendpoint: DDMEndpoint name used to store files
        :return: (list of transferred_files details, list of failed_transfers details)
        :raise: PilotException in case of error

        self.log('[deprecated do_put_files()]Prepare to copy files=%s to ddmendpoint=%s using protocols data=%s' % (files, ddmendpoint, protocols))
        self.log("[deprecated do_put_files()]Number of stage-out tries: %s" % self.stageoutretry)

        # get SURL for Panda calback registration
        # resolve from special protocol activity=SE # fix me later to proper name of activitiy=SURL (panda SURL, at the moment only 2-letter name is allowed on AGIS side)

        surl_prot = [dict(se=e[0], path=e[2]) for e in sorted(self.ddmconf.get(ddmendpoint, {}).get('aprotocols', {}).get('SE', []), key=lambda x: x[1])]

        if not surl_prot:
            self.log('FAILED to resolve default SURL path for ddmendpoint=%s' % ddmendpoint)
            return [], []

        surl_prot = surl_prot[0] # take first
        self.log("[do_put_files] SURL protocol to be used: %s" % surl_prot)

        self.trace_report.update(localSite=ddmendpoint, remoteSite=ddmendpoint)

        transferred_files, failed_transfers = [], []

        for dat in protocols:

            copytool, copysetup = dat.get('copytool'), dat.get('copysetup')

                sitemover = getSiteMover(copytool)(copysetup, workDir=self.job.workdir)
                sitemover.trace_report = self.trace_report
                sitemover.protocol = dat # ##
                sitemover.ddmconf = self.ddmconf # quick workaround  ###
            except Exception, e:
                self.log('[do_put_files] WARNING: Failed to get SiteMover: %s .. skipped .. try to check next available protocol, current protocol details=%s' % (e, dat))

            self.log("[do_put_files] Copy command: %s, sitemover=%s" % (copytool, sitemover))
            self.log("[do_put_files] Copy setup: %s" % copysetup)


            se, se_path = dat.get('se', ''), dat.get('path', '')

            self.log("[do_put_files] Found N=%s files to be transferred: %s" % (len(files), [e.get('pfn') for e in files]))

            for fdata in files:
                scope, lfn, pfn = fdata.get('scope', ''), fdata.get('lfn'), fdata.get('pfn')
                guid = fdata.get('guid', '')

                surl = sitemover.getSURL(surl_prot.get('se'), surl_prot.get('path'), scope, lfn, self.job) # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing
                turl = sitemover.getSURL(se, se_path, scope, lfn, self.job) # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing

                self.trace_report.update(scope=scope, dataset=fdata.get('dsname_report'), url=surl)
                self.trace_report.update(catStart=time.time(), filename=lfn, guid=guid.replace('-', ''))

                self.log("[do_put_files] Preparing copy for pfn=%s to ddmendpoint=%s using copytool=%s: mover=%s" % (pfn, ddmendpoint, copytool, sitemover))
                self.log("[do_put_files] lfn=%s: SURL=%s" % (lfn, surl))
                self.log("[do_put_files] TURL=%s" % turl)

                if not os.path.isfile(pfn) or not os.access(pfn, os.R_OK):
                    error = "Erron: input pfn file is not exist: %s" % pfn
                    raise PilotException(error, code=PilotErrors.ERR_MISSINGOUTPUTFILE, state="FILE_INFO_FAIL")

                filename = os.path.basename(pfn)

                # update the current file state
                updateFileState(filename, self.workDir, self.job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="not_transferred")
                dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId)

                # loop over multple stage-out attempts
                for _attempt in xrange(1, self.stageoutretry + 1):

                    if _attempt > 1: # if not first stage-out attempt, take a nap before next attempt
                        self.log(" -- Waiting %d seconds before next stage-out attempt for file=%s --" % (self.stageout_sleeptime, filename))

                    self.log("[do_put_files] Put attempt %d/%d for filename=%s" % (_attempt, self.stageoutretry, filename))

                        # quick work around
                        from Job import FileSpec
                        stub_fspec = FileSpec(ddmendpoint=ddmendpoint)
                        result = sitemover.stageOut(pfn, turl, stub_fspec)
                        break # transferred successfully
                    except PilotException, e:
                        result = e

                    except Exception, e:
                        result = PilotException("stageOut failed with error=%s" % e, code=PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEOUTFAILED)

                    self.log('WARNING [do_put_files]: Error in copying file (attempt %s): %s' % (_attempt, result))
Exemple #7
            job.outFiles, job.logFile, job.workdir)
        if ec:
            # missing output file (only error code from prepareOutFiles)
        tolog("outsDict: %s" % str(outsDict))

        # update the current file states
        dumpFileStates(runJob.getParentWorkDir(), job.jobId)

        # create xml string to pass to dispatcher for atlas jobs
        outputFileInfo = {}
        if outs or (job.logFile and job.logFile != ''):
            # get the datasets for the output files
            dsname, datasetDict = runJob.getDatasets(job)

            # re-create the metadata.xml file, putting guids of ALL output files into it.
            # output files that miss guids from the job itself will get guids in PFCxml function

            # first rename and copy the trf metadata file for non-build jobs
            if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outs):
                runJob.moveTrfMetadata(job.workdir, job.jobId)

            # create the metadata for the output + log files
Exemple #8
                        result = e
                    except Exception, e:
                        result = PilotException("stageIn failed with error=%s" % e, code=PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEINFAILED)

                    self.log('WARNING: Error in copying file (attempt %s/%s): %s' % (_attempt, self.stageinretry, result))

                if not isinstance(result, Exception): # transferred successfully

                    # finalize and send trace report
                    self.trace_report.update(clientState='DONE', stateReason='OK', timeEnd=time.time())

                    updateFileState(fdata.lfn, self.workDir, self.job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred", ftype="input")
                    dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="input")

                    ## self.updateSURLDictionary(guid, surl, self.workDir, self.job.jobId) # FIX ME LATER

                    fdat = result.copy()
                    #fdat.update(lfn=lfn, pfn=pfn, guid=guid, surl=surl)

        dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="input")

        #self.log('transferred_files= %s' % transferred_files)
        self.log('Summary of transferred files:')
        for e in transferred_files:
            self.log(" -- %s" % e)
Exemple #9
    def stageout(self, activity, files):
            Copy files to dest SE:
            main control function, it should care about alternative stageout and retry-policy for diffrent ddmenndpoints
        :return: list of entries (is_success, success_transfers, failed_transfers, exception) for each ddmendpoint
        :return: (transferred_files, failed_transfers)
        :raise: PilotException in case of error

        if not files:
            raise PilotException("Failed to put files: empty file list to be transferred")

        pandaqueue = self.si.getQueueName() # FIX ME LATER
        protocols = self.protocols.setdefault(activity, self.si.resolvePandaProtocols(pandaqueue, activity)[pandaqueue])

        self.log("Mover.stageout() [new implementation] started for activity=%s, files=%s, protocols=%s" % (activity, files, protocols))
        # check if file exists before actual processing
        # populate filesize if need

        for fspec in files:
            pfn = os.path.join(self.job.workdir, fspec.lfn)
            if not os.path.isfile(pfn) or not os.access(pfn, os.R_OK):
                error = "Erron: input pfn file is not exist: %s" % pfn
                raise PilotException(error, code=PilotErrors.ERR_MISSINGOUTPUTFILE, state="FILE_INFO_FAIL")
            fspec.filesize = os.path.getsize(pfn)

        totalsize = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.filesize, files, 0)

        transferred_files, failed_transfers = [],[]

        self.log("Found N=%s files to be transferred, total_size=%.3f MB: %s" % (len(files), totalsize/1024./1024., [e.lfn for e in files]))

        # group protocols, files by ddm
        ddmprotocols, ddmfiles = {}, {}
        for e in files:
            ddmfiles.setdefault(e.ddmendpoint, []).append(e)
        for e in protocols:
            if e['ddm'] not in ddmfiles:
            ddmprotocols.setdefault(e['ddm'], []).append(e)
        unknown_ddms = set(ddmfiles) - set(ddmprotocols)
        if unknown_ddms:
            raise PilotException("Failed to put files: no protocols defined for output ddmendpoints=%s .. check aprotocols schedconfig settings for activity=%s, " % (unknown_ddms, activity), code=PilotErrors.ERR_NOSTORAGE)

        self.log("[stage-out] [%s] filtered protocols to be used to transfer files: protocols=%s" % (activity, ddmprotocols))

        # get SURL endpoint for Panda callback registration
        # resolve from special protocol activity=SE # fix me later to proper name of activitiy=SURL (panda SURL, at the moment only 2-letter name is allowed on AGIS side)

        surl_protocols, no_surl_ddms = {}, set()

        for fspec in files:
            if not fspec.surl: # initilize only if not already set
                surl_prot = [dict(se=e[0], path=e[2]) for e in sorted(self.ddmconf.get(fspec.ddmendpoint, {}).get('aprotocols', {}).get('SE', []), key=lambda x: x[1])]
                if surl_prot:
                    surl_protocols.setdefault(fspec.ddmendpoint, surl_prot[0])

        if no_surl_ddms: # failed to resolve SURLs
            self.log('FAILED to resolve default SURL path for ddmendpoints=%s' % list(no_surl_ddms))
            raise PilotException("Failed to put files: no SE/SURL protocols defined for output ddmendpoints=%s .. check ddmendpoints aprotocols settings for activity=SE, " % list(no_surl_ddms), code=PilotErrors.ERR_NOSTORAGE)

        # try to use each protocol of same ddmendpoint until successfull transfer
        for ddmendpoint, iprotocols in ddmprotocols.iteritems():

            for dat in iprotocols:

                copytool, copysetup = dat.get('copytool'), dat.get('copysetup')

                    sitemover = getSiteMover(copytool)(copysetup, workDir=self.job.workdir)
                    sitemover.trace_report = self.trace_report
                    sitemover.protocol = dat # ##
                    sitemover.ddmconf = self.ddmconf # quick workaround  ###
                except Exception, e:
                    self.log('WARNING: Failed to get SiteMover: %s .. skipped .. try to check next available protocol, current protocol details=%s' % (e, dat))

                remain_files = [e for e in ddmfiles.get(ddmendpoint) if e.status not in ['transferred']]
                if not remain_files:
                    self.log('INFO: all files to be transfered to ddm=%s have been successfully processed for activity=%s ..' % (ddmendpoint, activity))
                    # stop checking other protocols of ddmendpoint

                self.log("Copy command [stage-out]: %s, sitemover=%s" % (copytool, sitemover))
                self.log("Copy setup   [stage-out]: %s" % copysetup)

                self.trace_report.update(protocol=copytool, localSite=ddmendpoint, remoteSite=ddmendpoint)

                # validate se value?
                se, se_path = dat.get('se', ''), dat.get('path', '')

                for fdata in remain_files:

                    if not fdata.surl:
                        fdata.surl = sitemover.getSURL(surl_protocols[fdata.ddmendpoint].get('se'), surl_protocols[fdata.ddmendpoint].get('path'), fdata.scope, fdata.lfn, self.job) # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing

                    updateFileState(fdata.lfn, self.workDir, self.job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="not_transferred", ftype="output")

                    fdata.turl = sitemover.getSURL(se, se_path, fdata.scope, fdata.lfn, self.job) # job is passing here for possible JOB specific processing
                    self.log("[stage-out] resolved SURL=%s to be used for lfn=%s, ddmendpoint=%s" % (fdata.surl, fdata.lfn, fdata.ddmendpoint))

                    self.log("[stage-out] resolved TURL=%s to be used for lfn=%s, ddmendpoint=%s" % (fdata.turl, fdata.lfn, fdata.ddmendpoint))

                    self.log("[stage-out] Prepare to put_data: ddmendpoint=%s, protocol=%s, fspec=%s" % (ddmendpoint, dat, fdata))

                    self.trace_report.update(catStart=time.time(), filename=fdata.lfn, guid=fdata.guid.replace('-', ''))
                    self.trace_report.update(scope=fdata.scope, dataset=fdata.destinationDblock, url=fdata.turl)

                    self.log("[stage-out] Preparing copy for lfn=%s using copytool=%s: mover=%s" % (fdata.lfn, copytool, sitemover))
                    #dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="output")

                    # loop over multple stage-out attempts
                    for _attempt in xrange(1, self.stageoutretry + 1):

                        if _attempt > 1: # if not first stage-out attempt, take a nap before next attempt
                            self.log(" -- Waiting %s seconds before next stage-out attempt for file=%s --" % (self.stageout_sleeptime, fdata.lfn))

                        self.log("Put attempt %s/%s for filename=%s" % (_attempt, self.stageoutretry, fdata.lfn))

                            result = sitemover.put_data(fdata)
                            fdata.status = 'transferred' # mark as successful
                            if result.get('surl'):
                                fdata.surl = result.get('surl')
                            #if result.get('pfn'):
                            #    fdata.turl = result.get('pfn')

                            #self.trace_report.update(url=fdata.surl) ###
                            self.trace_report.update(url=fdata.turl) ###

                            # finalize and send trace report
                            self.trace_report.update(clientState='DONE', stateReason='OK', timeEnd=time.time())

                            updateFileState(fdata.lfn, self.workDir, self.job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred", ftype="output")
                            dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId, ftype="output")

                            self.updateSURLDictionary(fdata.guid, fdata.surl, self.workDir, self.job.jobId) # FIXME LATER: isolate later

                            fdat = result.copy()
                            #fdat.update(lfn=lfn, pfn=pfn, guid=guid, surl=surl)

                            break # transferred successfully
                        except PilotException, e:
                            result = e
                        except Exception, e:
                            result = PilotException("stageOut failed with error=%s" % e, code=PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEOUTFAILED)

                        self.log('WARNING: Error in copying file (attempt %s/%s): %s' % (_attempt, self.stageoutretry, result))

                    if isinstance(result, Exception): # failure transfer
Exemple #10
        # stage-out ........................................................................................

        # update the job state file
        job.jobState = "stageout"
        _retjs = JR.updateJobStateTest(job, jobSite, node, mode="test")

        # verify and prepare and the output files for transfer
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, outs, outsDict = RunJobUtilities.prepareOutFiles(job.outFiles, job.logFile, job.workdir)
        if ec:
            # missing output file (only error code from prepareOutFiles)
            failJob(job.result[1], ec, job, pilotserver, pilotport, pilotErrorDiag=pilotErrorDiag)
        tolog("outsDict: %s" % str(outsDict))

        # update the current file states
        updateFileStates(outs, pworkdir, job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="created")
        dumpFileStates(pworkdir, job.jobId)

        # create xml string to pass to dispatcher for atlas jobs
        outputFileInfo = {}
        if outs or (job.logFile and job.logFile != ''):
            # get the datasets for the output files
            dsname, datasetDict = getDatasets(job)

            # re-create the metadata.xml file, putting guids of ALL output files into it.
            # output files that miss guids from the job itself will get guids in PFCxml function

            # first rename and copy the trf metadata file for non-build jobs
            if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outs):
                moveTrfMetadata(job.workdir, job.jobId, pworkdir)

            # create the metadata for the output + log files
def updateRunCommandList(runCommandList, pworkdir, jobId, statusPFCTurl, analysisJob, usedFAXandDirectIO):
    """ update the run command list if --directIn is no longer needed """
    # the method is using the file state dictionary

    # remove later
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, type="input")

    # are there only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in the file state dictionary?
    # if so, remove any lingering --directIn instruction
    only_copy_to_scratch = hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId)
    if only_copy_to_scratch:
#    if hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId): # python bug? does not work, have to use previous two lines?
        _runCommandList = []

        tolog("There are only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in file state dictionary")
        for cmd in runCommandList:
            # remove the --directIn string if present
            if "--directIn" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --directIn instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace("--directIn", "")
            # remove the --useFileStager string if present
            if "--useFileStager" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --useFileStager instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace("--useFileStager", "")
            # remove additional run options if creation of TURL based PFC failed
            if statusPFCTurl == False: # (note: can also be None, so do not use 'if not statusPFCTurl')
                if "--usePFCTurl" in cmd:
                    tolog("(Removing --usePFCTurl instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                    cmd = cmd.replace(" --usePFCTurl", "")
                if not "--lfcHost" in cmd and analysisJob:
                    tolog("Adding lfcHost to run command")
                    cmd += ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))
        tolog("Nothing to update in run command list related to copy-to-scratch")
        _runCommandList = runCommandList

    # was FAX used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O?
    if usedFAXandDirectIO:
        tolog("Since FAX was used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O, the run command list need to be updated")
        _runCommandList2 = []

        for cmd in _runCommandList:
            # remove the --lfcHost
            if "--lfcHost" in cmd:
                _lfcHost = ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))
                cmd = cmd.replace(_lfcHost, '')
                tolog("(Removed the LFC host:%s)" % (_lfcHost))

            # remove the --oldPrefix
            if "--oldPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-oldPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --oldPrefix pattern)")

            # remove the --newPrefix
            if "--newPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-newPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --newPrefix pattern)")

            # add the --usePFCTurl if not there already
            if not "--usePFCTurl" in cmd:
                cmd += " --usePFCTurl"
                tolog("(Added --usePFCTurl)")

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))

        _runCommandList = _runCommandList2
    tolog("Dumping final input file states")
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, type="input")

    return _runCommandList
Exemple #12
def updateRunCommandList(runCommandList, pworkdir, jobId, statusPFCTurl, analysisJob, usedFAXandDirectIO, hasInput, prodDBlockToken):
    """ update the run command list if --directIn is no longer needed """
    # the method is using the file state dictionary

    # remove later
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, ftype="input")

    # remove any instruction regarding tag file creation for event service jobs
    _runCommandList = []
    for cmd in runCommandList:
        if "--createTAGFileForES" in cmd:
            cmd = cmd.replace("--createTAGFileForES","")
    runCommandList = _runCommandList

    # no need to continue if no input files
    if not hasInput:
        return runCommandList

    # are there only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in the file state dictionary?
    # if so, remove any lingering --directIn instruction
    only_copy_to_scratch = hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId)
    if only_copy_to_scratch or 'local' in prodDBlockToken:
#    if hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId): # python bug? does not work, have to use previous two lines?
        _runCommandList = []

        if only_copy_to_scratch:
            tolog("There are only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in file state dictionary")
        for cmd in runCommandList:
            # remove the --directIn string if present
            if "--directIn" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --directIn instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace("--directIn", "")
            # remove the --useFileStager string if present
            if "--useFileStager" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --useFileStager instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace("--useFileStager", "")
            # remove additional run options if creation of TURL based PFC failed
            if statusPFCTurl == False: # (note: can also be None, so do not use 'if not statusPFCTurl')
                if "--usePFCTurl" in cmd:
                    tolog("(Removing --usePFCTurl instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                    cmd = cmd.replace(" --usePFCTurl", "")
                if not "--lfcHost" in cmd and analysisJob:
                    tolog("Adding lfcHost to run command")
                    cmd += ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))
        tolog("Nothing to update in run command list related to copy-to-scratch")
        _runCommandList = runCommandList

    # was FAX used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O?
    if usedFAXandDirectIO == True:
        tolog("Since FAX was used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O, the run command list need to be updated")
        _runCommandList2 = []

        for cmd in _runCommandList:
            # remove the --lfcHost
            if "--lfcHost" in cmd:
                _lfcHost = ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))
                cmd = cmd.replace(_lfcHost, '')
                tolog("(Removed the LFC host:%s)" % (_lfcHost))

            # remove the --oldPrefix
            if "--oldPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-oldPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --oldPrefix pattern)")

            # remove the --newPrefix
            if "--newPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-newPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --newPrefix pattern)")

            # add the --usePFCTurl if not there already
            if not "--usePFCTurl" in cmd and analysisJob:
                cmd += " --usePFCTurl"
                tolog("(Added --usePFCTurl)")

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))

        _runCommandList = _runCommandList2

    ### new movers quick integration: reuse usedFAXandDirectIO variable with special meaning
    ### to avoid any LFC and prefixes lookups in transformation scripts
    ### since new movers already form proper pfn values
    ### proper workflow is required: to be reimplemented later
    if usedFAXandDirectIO == 'newmover' or usedFAXandDirectIO == 'newmover-directaccess':
        _runCommandList2 = []

        for cmd in _runCommandList:

            # remove the --lfcHost, --oldPrefix, --newPrefix
            # add --usePFCTurl

            if "--lfcHost" in cmd:
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, "(\-\-lfcHost\ \S+)")
                tolog("(Removed the --lfcHost)")

            if "--oldPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-oldPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --oldPrefix pattern)")

            if "--newPrefix" in cmd:
                pattern = "(\-\-newPrefix\ \S+)"
                cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
                tolog("(Removed --newPrefix pattern)")

            if "--usePFCTurl" not in cmd and analysisJob:
                cmd += " --usePFCTurl"
                tolog("(Added --usePFCTurl)")

            # add --directIn if need
            if usedFAXandDirectIO == 'newmover-directaccess':
                if "--directIn" not in cmd and analysisJob:
                    cmd += " --directIn"
                    tolog("(Added --directIn)")

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % cmd)


        _runCommandList = _runCommandList2

    tolog("Dumping final input file states")
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, ftype="input")

    return _runCommandList
Exemple #13
                        break # transferred successfully
                    except PilotException, e:
                        result = e
                    except Exception, e:
                        result = PilotException("stageOut failed with error=%s" % e, code=PilotErrors.ERR_STAGEOUTFAILED)

                    self.log('WARNING: Error in copying file (attempt %s): %s' % (_attempt, result))

                if not isinstance(result, Exception): # transferred successfully

                    # finalize and send trace report
                    self.trace_report.update(clientState='DONE', stateReason='OK', timeEnd=time.time())

                    updateFileState(filename, self.workDir, self.job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="transferred")
                    dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId)

                    self.updateSURLDictionary(guid, surl, self.workDir, self.job.jobId) # FIX ME LATER

                    fdat = result.copy()
                    fdat.update(lfn=lfn, pfn=pfn, guid=guid, surl=surl)

        dumpFileStates(self.workDir, self.job.jobId)

        self.log('transferred_files= %s' % transferred_files)

        if failed_transfers:
def updateRunCommandListMJ(runCommandList, pworkdir, jobId, statusPFCTurl, analysisJob, usedFAXandDirectIO, hasInput):
    """!!! Should be merged with updateRunCommandList !!!"""
    """ update the run command list if --directIn is no longer needed    """
    # the method is using the file state dictionary

    # remove later
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, type="input")

    # remove any instruction regarding tag file creation for event service jobs
    #_runCommandList = []
    # for cmd in runCommandList:
    cmd = runCommandList['parameters']
    if "--createTAGFileForES" in cmd:
        cmd = cmd.replace("--createTAGFileForES","")
    runCommandList['parameters'] = cmd
    # no need to continue if no input files
    if not hasInput:
        return runCommandList

    # are there only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in the file state dictionary?
    # if so, remove any lingering --directIn instruction
    only_copy_to_scratch = hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId)
    if only_copy_to_scratch:
#    if hasOnlyCopyToScratch(pworkdir, jobId): # python bug? does not work, have to use previous two lines?
        _runCommandList = []

        tolog("There are only copy_to_scratch transfer modes in file state dictionary")
        #for cmd in runCommandList:
        # remove the --directIn string if present
        cmd = runCommandList['parameters']
        if "--directIn" in cmd:
            tolog("(Removing --directIn instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
            cmd = cmd.replace("--directIn", "")
        # remove the --useFileStager string if present
        if "--useFileStager" in cmd:
            tolog("(Removing --useFileStager instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
            cmd = cmd.replace("--useFileStager", "")
        # remove additional run options if creation of TURL based PFC failed
        if statusPFCTurl == False: # (note: can also be None, so do not use 'if not statusPFCTurl')
            if "--usePFCTurl" in cmd:
                tolog("(Removing --usePFCTurl instruction from run command since it is not needed)")
                cmd = cmd.replace(" --usePFCTurl", "")
            if not "--lfcHost" in cmd and analysisJob:
                tolog("Adding lfcHost to run command")
                cmd += ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))

            tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))
            runCommandList['parameters'] = cmd
        tolog("Nothing to update in run command list related to copy-to-scratch")

    # was FAX used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O?
    if usedFAXandDirectIO:
        tolog("Since FAX was used as primary site mover in combination with direct I/O, the run command list need to be updated")
        # remove the --lfcHost
        if "--lfcHost" in cmd:
            _lfcHost = ' --lfcHost %s' % (readpar('lfchost'))
            cmd = cmd.replace(_lfcHost, '')
            tolog("(Removed the LFC host:%s)" % (_lfcHost))

        # remove the --oldPrefix
        if "--oldPrefix" in cmd:
            pattern = "(\-\-oldPrefix\ \S+)"
            cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
            tolog("(Removed --oldPrefix pattern)")

        # remove the --newPrefix
        if "--newPrefix" in cmd:
            pattern = "(\-\-newPrefix\ \S+)"
            cmd = removePattern(cmd, pattern)
            tolog("(Removed --newPrefix pattern)")

        # add the --usePFCTurl if not there already
        if not "--usePFCTurl" in cmd:
            cmd += " --usePFCTurl"
            tolog("(Added --usePFCTurl)")

        tolog("Updated run command: %s" % (cmd))
        runCommandList['parameters'] = cmd

    tolog("Dumping final input file states")
    dumpFileStates(pworkdir, jobId, type="input")

    return runCommandList