Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, name, fileList, processIDs):
     """give a file list and a name construct a swirl into memory """
     self._pathCache = {}
     self.swirl = Swirl(name, datetime.now())
     # let's see if we have proecss ID we might need to scan for dynamic dependecies
     # with the help of the /proc FS
     # synamicDependencies = { 'binarypath' : [list of file it depends to],
     # '/bin/bash' : ['/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_files-2.15.so',
     # '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss_nis-2.15.so']}
     dynamicDependecies = {}
     if processIDs :
         if not fileList :
             fileList = []
         for proc in processIDs.split(','):
             proc = proc.strip()
             # add the binary
             binaryFile = os.readlink('/proc/' + proc + '/exe')
             fileList.append( binaryFile )
             dynamicDependecies[binaryFile] = []
             f=open('/proc/' + proc + '/maps')
             maps = f.read()
             for i in maps.split('\n'):
                 tokens = i.split()
                 if len(tokens) > 5 and 'x' in tokens[1] and os.path.isfile(tokens[5]):
                     # memory mapped area is executable and point to a files
                     dynamicDependecies[binaryFile].append( tokens[5] )
     for i in fileList:
         if os.path.islink(i):
             swirlFile = SwirlFile( i )
             swirlFile.type = 'link'
         elif os.path.isfile(i):
             if i in dynamicDependecies:
                 swirlFile = PluginManager.getSwirl(i)
                 swirlFile = PluginManager.getSwirl(i)
         elif os.path.isdir(i):
             raise IOError("The file %s cannot be opened." % i)
     # we might need to add the dynamic dependencies to the swirl
     # if they did not get detected already
     for fileName in dynamicDependecies.keys():
         swirlFile = self.swirl.getSwirlFile(fileName)
         listDepFile = swirlFile.getListDependenciesFiles()
         for dynamicDepFile in dynamicDependecies[fileName]:
             if dynamicDepFile not in listDepFile:
                 newDeps = PluginManager.getDependeciesFromPath(dynamicDepFile)
                 for i in newDeps:
                     swirlFile.addDependency( i )
     # now that I have all the dependencies in place (both static and dynamic)
     # I can do the hashing
     for i in self.swirl.swirlFiles: