Exemple #1
    def mark_link(self, reference):
        """ Create markup to indicate the link.

        We just add an overlay to represent the link.
        if not reference: return ''
        postfix = ''
        ## Absolute reference
        if reference.startswith('http'):
        elif reference.startswith("/"):
            path = normpath("%s" % (reference))
            reference="%s://%s%s" % (self.method, self.host, path)
        elif self.method:
            ## FIXME: This leads to references without methods:
            reference="%s/%s" % (self.base_url, reference)
            if reference.startswith("http://"):

        reference = url_unquote(decode_entity(unquote(reference)))
        dbh = DB.DBO(self.case)
        dbh.execute("select mtime from inode where inode_id=%r", self.inode_id)
        row = dbh.fetch()

        dbh.execute("select inode.inode_id, inode.mtime, datediff(inode.mtime, %r) as diff, url "\
                    "from http join inode on "\
                    "inode.inode_id=http.inode_id where url=%r and not "\
#                    "isnull(http.inode_id) and size > 0 and inode.mtime >= %r "\
                    "isnull(http.inode_id) "\
                    "order by inode.mtime asc limit 1", (row['mtime'],
                                                         reference, ))
        row = dbh.fetch()
        if row:
            print "Fetched %s %s ago" % (row['url'], row['diff'])
            postfix = "<div class='overlay'>Linked <a href=%s>%s</a><br>After %s</div>" % (

        return postfix
Exemple #2
    def mark_link(self, reference):
        """ Create markup to indicate the link.

        We just add an overlay to represent the link.
        if not reference: return ''
        postfix = ''
        ## Absolute reference
        if reference.startswith('http'):
        elif reference.startswith("/"):
            path = normpath("%s" % (reference))
            reference = "%s://%s%s" % (self.method, self.host, path)
        elif self.method:
            ## FIXME: This leads to references without methods:
            reference = "%s/%s" % (self.base_url, reference)
            if reference.startswith("http://"):
                reference = 'http:/' + FlagFramework.normpath(reference[6:])

        reference = url_unquote(decode_entity(unquote(reference)))
        dbh = DB.DBO(self.case)
        dbh.execute("select mtime from inode where inode_id=%r", self.inode_id)
        row = dbh.fetch()

        dbh.execute("select inode.inode_id, inode.mtime, datediff(inode.mtime, %r) as diff, url "\
                    "from http join inode on "\
                    "inode.inode_id=http.inode_id where url=%r and not "\
#                    "isnull(http.inode_id) and size > 0 and inode.mtime >= %r "\
                    "isnull(http.inode_id) "\
                    "order by inode.mtime asc limit 1", (row['mtime'],
                                                         reference, ))
        row = dbh.fetch()
        if row:
            print "Fetched %s %s ago" % (row['url'], row['diff'])
            postfix = "<div class='overlay'>Linked <a href=%s>%s</a><br>After %s</div>" % (
                    row['inode_id'], None), row['url'][:50], row['diff'])

        return postfix
Exemple #3
    def resolve_reference(self, reference, hint='', build_reference=True):
        original_reference = reference

        ## Absolute reference
        if re.match("(http|ftp)", reference, re.I):
        elif reference.startswith("/"):
            path = normpath("%s" % (reference))
            reference="%s://%s%s" % (self.method, self.host, path)
        elif self.method:
            ## FIXME: This leads to references without methods:
            reference="%s://%s%s" % (self.method, self.host,
                                     FlagFramework.normpath("%s/%s" % (self.base_url, reference)))
            if reference.startswith("http://"):

        ## If we get here the reference is not absolute, and we dont
        ## have a method - chances are that its in the VFS:
            fsfd = FileSystem.DBFS(self.case)
            new_reference = decode_entity(url_unquote(reference))
            url = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(self.base_url),
                path, inode, inode_id = fsfd.lookup(path = url)
                if inode_id:
                    return self.make_reference_to_inode(inode_id)
            except RuntimeError: pass

        ## Try to make reference more url friendly:
        reference = reference.strip(" \"'\t")
        reference = url_unquote(decode_entity(unquote(reference)))
##        print reference, self.method, self.host, self.base_url, original_reference

        dbh = DB.DBO(self.case)
        dbh.execute("select http.status,http.inode_id from http join inode on "\
                    "inode.inode_id=http.inode_id where url=%r and not "\
                    "isnull(http.inode_id) and size > 0 limit 1", reference)
        row = dbh.fetch()
        if row and row['inode_id']:
            ## If the target was redirected - take care of that:
            ## (DANGER - a circular redirection could be problematic)
            ## FIXME - do this (we need to store the location header)
            if row['status'] == 302:
                inode_id = self.follow_redirect(dbh, row['inode_id'])
                inode_id = row['inode_id']

            ## This is needed to stop dbh leaks due to the highly
            ## recursive nature of this function.
            del dbh

            result = self.make_reference_to_inode(inode_id, hint)
            if build_reference:
                result += " reference=\"%s\" " % reference

            return result

        ## Maybe its in the sundry table:
        dbh.execute("select id from http_sundry where url = %r and present = 'yes'",
        row = dbh.fetch()
        if row and row['id']:
            del dbh
            result = self.make_reference_to_inode(row['id'], hint)

            if build_reference:
                result += " reference=\"%s\" " % reference

            return result

        ## We could not find it, so we try to insert to the sundry table
        dbh.execute("select * from http_sundry where url=%r", reference)
        row = dbh.fetch()
        if not row:
                       inode = "x", _fast=True)
            inode_id = dbh.autoincrement()
            dbh.execute("update inode set inode = 'xHTTP%s' where inode_id = %s " %(inode_id, inode_id))
                       inode_id = inode_id,
                       inode = "xHTTP%s" % inode_id,
                       path = "/http_sundry/",
                       name = "xHTTP%s" % inode_id)
            dbh.insert('http_sundry', url = reference, id=inode_id)

        result = "images/spacer.png"
        if build_reference:
            result += " reference=\"%s\" " % reference

        print "Not found '%s' (%s + %s)" % (reference,original_reference, self.url)
        return result