Exemple #1
def eval_genomes(genomes, config):

    # Play game and get results
    idx, genomes = zip(*genomes)

    MyNeatFlappy = FlappyBirdApp(genomes, config)
    results = MyNeatFlappy.crash_info

    # Calculate fitness and top score
    top_score = 0
    for result, genomes in results:

        score = result['score']
        distance = result['distance']
        energy = result['energy']

        fitness = score * 3000 + 0.2 * distance - energy * 1.5
        if fitness == 0:
            genomes.fitness = -1
            genomes.fitness = fitness
        if top_score < score:
            top_score = score

    #print score
    print('The top score was:', top_score)
def run_winner(n=1):
    config = neat.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction,
                         neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation,

    genomes = pickle.load(open('winner.pkl', 'rb'))

    for i in range(0, n):
        # Play game and get results
        flappy_Bio = FlappyBirdApp([genomes], config)
Exemple #3
def eval_genomes(genomes, config):
    idx, genomes = zip(*genomes)
    flappy_Bio = FlappyBirdApp(genomes, config)
    results = flappy_Bio.crash_info
    top_score = 0
    for result, genomes in results:
        score = result['score']
        distance = result['distance']
        energy = result['energy']
        fitness = score * 3000 + 0.2 * distance - energy * 1.5
        genomes.fitness = -1 if fitness == 0 else fitness
        if top_score < score:
            top_score = score

    print('The top score was:', top_score)
Exemple #4
    def fitness(self, current_generation):

        # Play game and get results
        flappy_Bio = FlappyBirdApp(current_generation)
        results = flappy_Bio.crash_info

        # Calculate fitness

        self.fitness_values = []
        self.network_index_dict = {}
        for index, result in enumerate(results):
            network = result['network']
            self.network_index_dict[index] = network

            distance = result['distance']
            energy = result['energy']

            fitness = distance - energy * 0.5
            fitness = -1 if fitness == 0 else fitness

            self.fitness_values.append((index, fitness))
Exemple #5
    def fitness(self):
            Each species in the pool is iterated over.
            They are passed into the FlappyBird App,
                and the game is played for all organisms in that species simultaneously.

            Flappy generates "crash_info", from which we obtain the
                1. organism,
                2. its expended energy during play, and
                3. its distance traveled during play

            Using the organism's energy and distance, a fitness measure is generated and assigned to the organism


        # Iterate through the species in the list
        for species in self.species:

            # ================ PLAY FLAPPYBIRD ====================
            flappy = FlappyBirdApp(species, self.generation)
            # =====================================================

            for bird_results in flappy.crash_info:

                # ====== Results per organism =======
                organism = bird_results['network']
                energy = bird_results['energy']
                distance = bird_results['distance']
                # ===================================

                # ======== INTERFACE WITH VIS ========

                # ===================================

                # Determine the organism's fitness
                # ============ FITNESS FUNCTION ================
                fitness = distance - energy * 1.5
                # ==============================================

                # Assign the fitness to the organism
                organism.fitness = fitness if fitness > 0 else -1.0

                # =============== Pool's Max Fitness ===============
                # First, check if max fitness dict is empty.
                #   If so, assign the first organism and its fitness
                pool_max_organism = self.max_fitness['organism']
                if not pool_max_organism['fitness']:
                    pool_max_organism['object'] = organism
                    pool_max_organism['fitness'] = organism.fitness

                # Check if current organism has higher fitness than pool's all-time max
                elif organism.fitness > pool_max_organism['fitness']:
                    pool_max_organism['object'] = organism
                    pool_max_organism['fitness'] = organism.fitness
                # ==================================================

            # Set the species intra rank and reorder the species organism list from top rank to lowest rank (0 to x, x being the lowest)