Exemple #1
def aquireGreens(greenFile,args):

   # define strem to load the greens in time

   # displacement o velocity
   ivel = args.dva

   # max number of stations (i.e.: distance) allowed. 
   # when modify this value, modify also the same value
   # range, vred and t0 into FKRPROG and recomplie
   Max_nr_dists = 100
   # dim(n2) (4097)

   # read twice the Green.1 file. One to access integers and one for reals 
   F = FortranFile(greenFile)
   I = FortranFile(greenFile)

   # First Line of header. This line is an mix float-int array 
   h_1f   = F.readReals()
   h_1i   = I.readInts()
   alpha  = h_1f[0]
   depth  = h_1f[1]
   fl     = h_1f[2]
   fu     = h_1f[3]
   dt     = h_1f[4]
   n1     = h_1i[5]
   n2     = h_1i[6]
   df     = h_1f[7]
   nyq    = h_1i[8]
   nrange = h_1i[9]
   nskip  = h_1i[10]

   # Second Line of header. This line is a 10 integer vector (isrc in code) 
   # If h_2i[j] == 1 then compute green for this source element
   # else do not.
   h_2f   = F.readReals()  # Usealess for this line but neaded 
                          # to place pointers at the end of this array
                          # for next header line
   h_2i   = I.readInts()
   isrc   = h_2i

   # Third Line of header. Mix float-int array. All float and one int
   # this heder inludes 6 float arry with 70 elemnts and one integer(nmax)
   # after the first 4 vectors.
   # Name of vectors and constant:
   # d(70),a(70),b(70),rho(70),nmax(1),qa(70),qb(70)
   h_3f   = F.readReals()
   h_3i   = I.readInts()
   beg    = 0
   inc    = 70
   d      = h_3f[beg:beg+inc]   
   beg    = beg+inc
   a      = h_3f[beg:beg+inc]
   beg    = beg+inc
   b      = h_3f[beg:beg+inc]
   beg    = beg+inc
   rho    = h_3f[beg:beg+inc]
   beg    = beg+inc
   mmax   = h_3i[beg:beg+1] 
   beg    = beg+1
   qa     = h_3f[beg:beg+inc]
   beg    = beg+inc
   qb     = h_3f[beg:beg+inc]
   # 4th line: range of distances, vred and t0
   # this refers to stations lines into earth model
   # maximum station allowed in 100 and is hardcoded into
   # FKRPROG.f To extend the number of stationallowed, modify the code
   # recomplie and modify parameters at the beginn of this procedure
   # Vectors of float
   h_4f   = F.readReals()
   h_4i   = I.readInts()
   beg    = 0
   inc    = Max_nr_dists
   Range  = h_4f[beg:beg+inc]
   beg    = beg+inc
   vred   = h_4f[beg:beg+inc]
   beg    = beg+inc
   t0     = h_4f[beg:beg+inc]

   # 5th line --> loop over distances to access cmplx spectral values
   # 3 loops:
   # 1 i: 1->n2 (n2=npts/2) -  omega(float),nkk(int)
   #   2  j: 1->nrange
   #      3  k: 1->10
   #           read(aa),(bb) --> gg(j,i,k)=cmplx(sngl(aa),sngl(bb))
   omega = [0.0 for x in range(0,n2+0)]
   freq  = [0.0 for x in range(0,n2+0)]
   # (complex spectral matrix) 
   # z --- k: foundamental mts
   # y --- i: (npts/2). nyq = npts/2 + 1
   # x --- j: distsances
   gg    = [ [ [ 0.0 for z in range(0,10+0)] \
                   for y in range(0,n2+0)]     \
                   for x in range(0,nrange+0)] 

   for i in range(0,n2+0):
       h_5f   = F.readReals()
       omega[i] = h_5f[0]
       for j in range(0,nrange+0):
           for k in range(0,10+0):
               FF = F.readDouble()
               aa = complex(FF[0],FF[1])
               gg[j][i][k] = aa
   # here we have the resulting matrix gg with complex spectra values
   # for each distance, each mtfound, take vector of complex (generate data(j), 
   # make conjg, add complex for nyq, spectra->time, damping, 
   # integration if required(disp)
   pi   = acos(-1.0)
   twpi = 2.*pi
   n    = 2 * (nyq-1)
   nm     = n2
   npoint = n
   rep    = 'n'
   tau = dt
   fmax = fu
   inst = 0

   for j in range(0,nrange+0):
       t0x = (Range[j])/(vred[j])
       yr  = 0.0

       for k in range(0,10+0):

           if (isrc[k] ==1):

              # inizialize data
              data  = numpy.array(numpy.zeros(n2+0+n2),dtype=complex)
#             data  = [0.0 for x in range(0,n2+0+n2)]
              for i in range(0,n2+0):
                  # arrange data
                  data[i] = gg[j][i][k]
                  # arrang frequency
                  freq = i*df
                  if(freq < df):
                     freq = 0.01*df
                  om = twpi * freq
              for i in range(n2+0,nyq):
                  data[i] = complex(0.0,0.0)
              # conjug
              for i in range(1,n2+0):
                  data[n+0-i] = data[i].conjugate()

              data[0]     = complex(0.0,0.0)
              data[nyq-1] = complex(0.0,0.0)

              # From spectraToTime
              data = four1(data,n,1,dt,df)

              # Apply damping factor
              fac = exp(alpha*t0x)
              dfac = exp(alpha*dt)
              for i in range(len(data)):
                fac = fac * dfac
              # velocity to displavement if required

              # put data into trace
              prel = 0
              prel = int(eval(args.pre) / eval(args.delta))
              for i in range(len(data)):
              t.stats['delta']   = dt
              t.stats['dist']    = Range[j]
              name = 'GREEN_' + str(t.stats['dist'])
              t.stats['station'] = name

              # update stats and apply -1 for tss,xds,zss,zdd
              if k==7:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'tss'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(-1)
              if k==4:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'tds'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(+1)
              if k==6:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'xss'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(+1)
              if k==3:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'xds'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(-1)
              if k==1:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'xdd'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(+1)
              if k==5:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'zss'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(-1)
              if k==2:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'zds'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(+1)
              if k==0:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'zdd'  
                 for i in range(len(data)):
                     t.data[i]             = t.data[i]*(-1)
              if k==8:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'ex1'  
#                t.data[i]                 = t.data[i]
#                if(args.iso=='1'):
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0
#                else:
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0
              if k==9:
                 t.stats['channel'] = 'ex2'  
#                t.data[i]                 = t.data[i]
#                if(args.iso=='1'):
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0 
#                else:
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0


   return green
Exemple #2

# input file name

# reading binary data
print ' input Number of stars =',nset
while i < nset:

# parallax (mas) -> arcsec
# only chose positive parallax and < 16 kpc away
sindx=np.where(paradet > 1.0/(16.0*1.0e3))

# counting using parallax
print ' Number of stars (D<16 kpc)=',nse

# set the data  ...o (error added), ...e (error)
Exemple #3
def aquireGreens(greenFile, args):

    # define strem to load the greens in time
    green = Stream()

    # displacement o velocity
    ivel = args.dva

    # max number of stations (i.e.: distance) allowed.
    # when modify this value, modify also the same value
    # range, vred and t0 into FKRPROG and recomplie
    Max_nr_dists = 100
    # dim(n2) (4097)

    # read twice the Green.1 file. One to access integers and one for reals
    F = FortranFile(greenFile)
    I = FortranFile(greenFile)

    # First Line of header. This line is an mix float-int array
    h_1f = F.readReals()
    h_1i = I.readInts()
    alpha = h_1f[0]
    depth = h_1f[1]
    fl = h_1f[2]
    fu = h_1f[3]
    dt = h_1f[4]
    n1 = h_1i[5]
    n2 = h_1i[6]
    df = h_1f[7]
    nyq = h_1i[8]
    nrange = h_1i[9]
    nskip = h_1i[10]

    # Second Line of header. This line is a 10 integer vector (isrc in code)
    # If h_2i[j] == 1 then compute green for this source element
    # else do not.
    h_2f = F.readReals()  # Usealess for this line but neaded
    # to place pointers at the end of this array
    # for next header line
    h_2i = I.readInts()
    isrc = h_2i

    # Third Line of header. Mix float-int array. All float and one int
    # this heder inludes 6 float arry with 70 elemnts and one integer(nmax)
    # after the first 4 vectors.
    # Name of vectors and constant:
    # d(70),a(70),b(70),rho(70),nmax(1),qa(70),qb(70)
    h_3f = F.readReals()
    h_3i = I.readInts()
    beg = 0
    inc = 70
    d = h_3f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    a = h_3f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    b = h_3f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    rho = h_3f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    mmax = h_3i[beg:beg + 1]
    beg = beg + 1
    qa = h_3f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    qb = h_3f[beg:beg + inc]

    # 4th line: range of distances, vred and t0
    # this refers to stations lines into earth model
    # maximum station allowed in 100 and is hardcoded into
    # FKRPROG.f To extend the number of stationallowed, modify the code
    # recomplie and modify parameters at the beginn of this procedure
    # Vectors of float
    h_4f = F.readReals()
    h_4i = I.readInts()
    beg = 0
    inc = Max_nr_dists
    Range = h_4f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    vred = h_4f[beg:beg + inc]
    beg = beg + inc
    t0 = h_4f[beg:beg + inc]

    # 5th line --> loop over distances to access cmplx spectral values
    # 3 loops:
    # 1 i: 1->n2 (n2=npts/2) -  omega(float),nkk(int)
    #   2  j: 1->nrange
    #      3  k: 1->10
    #           read(aa),(bb) --> gg(j,i,k)=cmplx(sngl(aa),sngl(bb))
    omega = [0.0 for x in range(0, n2 + 0)]
    freq = [0.0 for x in range(0, n2 + 0)]
    # (complex spectral matrix)
    # z --- k: foundamental mts
    # y --- i: (npts/2). nyq = npts/2 + 1
    # x --- j: distsances
    gg    = [ [ [ 0.0 for z in range(0,10+0)] \
                    for y in range(0,n2+0)]     \
                    for x in range(0,nrange+0)]

    for i in range(0, n2 + 0):
        h_5f = F.readReals()
        omega[i] = h_5f[0]

        for j in range(0, nrange + 0):

            for k in range(0, 10 + 0):

                FF = F.readDouble()
                aa = complex(FF[0], FF[1])
                gg[j][i][k] = aa

    # here we have the resulting matrix gg with complex spectra values
    # for each distance, each mtfound, take vector of complex (generate data(j),
    # make conjg, add complex for nyq, spectra->time, damping,
    # integration if required(disp)
    pi = acos(-1.0)
    twpi = 2. * pi
    n = 2 * (nyq - 1)
    nm = n2
    npoint = n
    rep = 'n'
    tau = dt
    fmax = fu
    inst = 0

    for j in range(0, nrange + 0):
        t0x = (Range[j]) / (vred[j])
        yr = 0.0

        for k in range(0, 10 + 0):

            if (isrc[k] == 1):

                # inizialize data
                data = numpy.array(numpy.zeros(n2 + 0 + n2), dtype=complex)
                #             data  = [0.0 for x in range(0,n2+0+n2)]
                for i in range(0, n2 + 0):
                    # arrange data
                    data[i] = gg[j][i][k]
                    # arrang frequency
                    freq = i * df
                    if (freq < df):
                        freq = 0.01 * df
                    om = twpi * freq
                for i in range(n2 + 0, nyq):
                    data[i] = complex(0.0, 0.0)

                # conjug
                for i in range(1, n2 + 0):
                    data[n + 0 - i] = data[i].conjugate()

                data[0] = complex(0.0, 0.0)
                data[nyq - 1] = complex(0.0, 0.0)

                # From spectraToTime
                data = four1(data, n, 1, dt, df)

                # Apply damping factor
                fac = exp(alpha * t0x)
                dfac = exp(alpha * dt)
                for i in range(len(data)):
                    data[i] = (data[i]) * fac
                    fac = fac * dfac

                # velocity to displavement if required
                if (ivel == '1'):
                    data = velTodisData(data, dt)

                # put data into trace
                prel = 0
                prel = int(eval(args.pre) / eval(args.delta))
                length = numpy.arange(len(data) + prel) * 0.0
                t = Trace(length)
                for i in range(len(data)):
                    t.data[i + prel] = data[i]
                t.stats['delta'] = dt
                t.stats['dist'] = Range[j]
                name = 'GREEN_' + str(t.stats['dist'])
                t.stats['station'] = name

                # update stats and apply -1 for tss,xds,zss,zdd
                if k == 7:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'tss'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (-1)
                if k == 4:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'tds'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (+1)
                if k == 6:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'xss'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (+1)
                if k == 3:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'xds'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (-1)
                if k == 1:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'xdd'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (+1)
                if k == 5:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'zss'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (-1)
                if k == 2:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'zds'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (+1)
                if k == 0:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'zdd'
                    for i in range(len(data)):
                        t.data[i] = t.data[i] * (-1)
                if k == 8:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'ex1'
#                t.data[i]                 = t.data[i]
#                if(args.iso=='1'):
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0
#                else:
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0
                if k == 9:
                    t.stats['channel'] = 'ex2'

#                t.data[i]                 = t.data[i]
#                if(args.iso=='1'):
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0
#                else:
#                  for i in range(len(data)):
#                    t.data[i]             = 0.0


    return green
Exemple #4
# magnitude limit
# assumed rotation velocity at 8 kpc
# assumed M_v of RC, V-I colour
# solar metallicity

while i < nset:

print ' Number of stars=',nset

# set date
# position (kpc)
# velocity (km/s)
# particle mass (Msun)
Exemple #5
# magnitude limit
vmaglim = 16.5
# assumed rotation velocity at 8 kpc
vrotsun = 220.0
# assumed M_v of RC, V-I colour
mvrc = 1.2714
virc = 1.0
# solar metallicity
zsun = np.float(0.019)

f = FortranFile(inputfile)
i = 0
rdata = np.zeros((nset, 10))
while i < nset:
    rdata[i, :] = f.readReals("d")
    i += 1

print " Number of stars=", nset

# set date
# position (kpc)
xs = rdata[:, 0]
ys = rdata[:, 1]
zs = rdata[:, 2]
# velocity (km/s)
vxs = rdata[:, 3]
vys = rdata[:, 4]
vzs = rdata[:, 5]
# particle mass (Msun)