def _ReadBoolAttrib(self,
                     xmlElement: ET.Element,
                     attribName: str,
                     defaultValue: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool:
     """ If the attrib is there we return it
         if its not there and defaultValue is not None we return the default value.
         if its not there and defaultValue is None we throw a exception.
     strValue = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, attribName, None)
     if strValue is not None:
         return BoolStringHelper.FromString(strValue)
     elif defaultValue is not None:
         return defaultValue
     raise XmlFormatException(
         "{0} expects a value of either 'true' or 'false' not '{1}'".format(
             attribName, strValue))
 def _TryReadBoolAttrib(self, xmlElement: ET.Element, attribName: str,
                        defaultValue: Optional[bool]) -> Optional[bool]:
     value = self._TryReadAttrib(xmlElement, attribName, None)
     if value is None:
         return defaultValue
     return BoolStringHelper.TryFromString(value)