def __init__(self, log: Log, name: str, scanMethod: Optional[int] = None, blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: xmlAttribs = {'Name': name} if scanMethod is not None: xmlAttribs['ScanMethod'] = ScanMethod.ToString(scanMethod) xmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.Create("PackageLocation", xmlAttribs) if blacklist is not None: for blacklistEntry in blacklist: xmlBlacklistElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.CreateWithName("Blacklist", blacklistEntry) xmlElement.append(xmlBlacklistElement) super().__init__(log, xmlElement)
def __init__(self, config: Config, defaultPackageLanguage: int) -> None: super().__init__(config, FakeXmlElementFactory.CreateWithName("FakeGenFile", "FSLBUILD_INVALID_INITIAL_VALUE"), SubPackageSupportConfig(PackageType.TopLevel, SubPackageSupport.Disabled)) self.SourceFilename = None # type: Optional[str] self.SourceFileHash = "" # type: str self.Name = '' self.ShortName = None # type: Optional[str] self.Namespace = None # type: Optional[str] self.PackageFile = None # type: Optional[PackageFile] self.PackageLocation = None # type: Optional[ToolConfigPackageLocation] self.Type = PackageType.Library self.IsVirtual = False self.DirectDependencies = [] # type: List[XmlGenFileDependency] self.DirectRequirements = [] # type: List[XmlGenFileRequirement] self.DirectDefines = [] self.DirectExperimentalRecipe = None # type: Optional[XmlExperimentalRecipe] self.Platforms = {} # type: Dict[str, XmlGenFilePlatform] self.IncludePath = None # type: Optional[PackagePath] self.SourcePath = None # type: Optional[PackagePath] self.ContentPath = None # type: Optional[PackagePath] self.ContentSourcePath = None # type: Optional[PackagePath] self.PackageLanguage = defaultPackageLanguage self.BaseIncludePath = "include" self.BaseSourcePath = "source" self.BuildCustomization = {} # type: Dict[str, XmlGenFileBuildCustomization] self.CompanyName = "NotDefined" self.CreationYear = None # type: Optional[str] self.TemplateType = "" self.AllowCheck = True self.EnableExtendedSourceExtensions = False self.AllowCombinedDirectory = False self.PackageNameBasedIncludePath = True self.PlatformDefaultSupportedValue = True self.SystemDefaultValues = LocalPackageDefaultValues() self.UnitTest = False self.ShowInMainReadme = True
def __init__(self, log: Log, platformName: str, defaultValues: LocalPackageDefaultValues, subPackageSupport: SubPackageSupportConfig) -> None: fakeXmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.CreateWithName( "Platform", platformName) super().__init__(log, fakeXmlElement, defaultValues, [], [], [], None, subPackageSupport)
def __init__(self, log: Log, name: str, access: int) -> None: fakeXmlElementAttribs = {'Name': name, 'Access': AccessType.ToString(access)} fakeXmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.Create("FakeXmlGenFileDependency", fakeXmlElementAttribs) super().__init__(log, fakeXmlElement) if self.Name != name: raise Exception("Failed to setting fake element name") if self.Access != access: raise Exception("Failed to setting fake element access")
def _LoadPackageConfigurations(log: Log, projectElem: ET.Element, filename: str) -> List[XmlConfigPackageConfiguration]: xmlPackageConfigurations = LoadUtil.XMLLoadPackageConfiguration(log, projectElem, filename) for entry in xmlPackageConfigurations: # if no locations has been supplied then we assume the root folder of the project file #if entry.Name == 'default' and len(entry.Locations) <= 0: if len(entry.Locations) <= 0: xmlConfigPackageLocation = XmlConfigPackageLocation(log, FakeXmlElementFactory.CreateWithName("PackageLocation", MagicStrings.ProjectRoot)) entry.Locations = [xmlConfigPackageLocation] return xmlPackageConfigurations
def __init__(self, log: Log, name: str, version: Optional[Version], targetName: Optional[str], path: Optional[str], ifCondition: Optional[str]) -> None: fakeXmlElementAttribs = {'Name': name, 'Type': ExternalDependencyType.ToString(ExternalDependencyType.CMakeFindModern)} if version is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['Version'] = str(version) if targetName is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['TargetName'] = targetName if path is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['Location'] = path if ifCondition is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['If'] = ifCondition fakeXmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.Create("FakeExternalDep", fakeXmlElementAttribs) super().__init__(log, fakeXmlElement)
def __init__(self, log: Log, name: str, version: Optional[Version], targetName: Optional[str], path: Optional[str], ifCondition: Optional[str]) -> None: fakeXmlElementAttribs = {'Name': name} if version is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['Version'] = str(version) if targetName is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['TargetName'] = targetName if path is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['Path'] = path if ifCondition is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['If'] = ifCondition fakeXmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.Create( "FakeXmlGenFileFindPackage", fakeXmlElementAttribs) super().__init__(log, fakeXmlElement)
def __init__(self, log: Log, name: str, location: str, access: AccessType, extDepType: ExternalDependencyType, debugName: Optional[str] = None, includeLocation: Optional[str] = None, isManaged: bool = False) -> None: strType = ExternalDependencyType.ToString(extDepType) fakeXmlElementAttribs = { 'Name': name, 'Location': location, 'Access': AccessType.ToString(access), "Type": strType } # type: Dict[str, str] if debugName is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['DebugName'] = debugName if includeLocation is not None: fakeXmlElementAttribs['Include'] = location fakeXmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.Create("FakeExternalDep", fakeXmlElementAttribs) super().__init__(log, fakeXmlElement) if self.Name != name: raise Exception("Failed to setting fake element attribute Name") if self.Location != location: raise Exception( "Failed to setting fake element attribute Location") if self.Access != access: raise Exception("Failed to setting fake element attribute Access") if debugName is not None and self.DebugName != debugName: raise Exception( "Failed to setting fake element attribute DebugName") if includeLocation is not None and self.Include != includeLocation: raise Exception( "Failed to setting fake element attribute IncludeLocation") # Override the value set in the base class self.IsManaged = isManaged
def __init__(self, log: Log) -> None: xmlElement = FakeXmlElementFactory.Create("Config") super().__init__(log, xmlElement)