def saveDoc(self): """ Save the XML configuration file to disk. """ f = open(C.CONFIG_FILE,'w') PrettyPrint(self.agents,f) f.close()
def convertNodeToString(node): """ convert a Domlette tree to a string """ buf = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(node, stream=buf, encoding='UTF-8') result = buf.getvalue() buf.close() return result
def commitTransaction(self, txnService): #write out the dom output = file(self._location, 'w+') from Ft.Xml.Domlette import Print, PrettyPrint if self.prettyPrint: PrettyPrint(doc, output) else: Print(doc, output) output.close() self._defaultModel = None
def writexml(self, uri, tmpDir='/tmp', sha1sum=False, compress=None, sign=None): f = File(uri, File.write, sha1sum=sha1sum, compress=compress, sign=sign) PrettyPrint(self.rootNode(), stream=f) f.close()
def xml2Peach(self, url): factory = InputSourceFactory(resolver=_PeachResolver(), catalog=GetDefaultCatalog()) isrc = factory.fromUri(url) doc = Ft.Xml.Domlette.NonvalidatingReader.parse(isrc) peachDoc = Ft.Xml.Domlette.implementation.createDocument( EMPTY_NAMESPACE, None, None) child = doc.firstChild while (child.nodeName == "#comment"): child = child.nextSibling self.handleElement(child, peachDoc) # Get the string representation import cStringIO buff = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(peachDoc.firstChild, stream=buff, encoding="utf8") value = buff.getvalue() buff.close() return self.XmlContainer % value
def fetch(params, debug=None, nopost=None): if (not params.has_key('resultxpath')): return None xhtml = send(params, debug, nopost) if debug: print >> sys.stderr, 'checking results' # make it a 4suite document doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseString(xhtml, params['action']) context = Context(doc, processorNss={"h": XHTML_NS}) #Compute the XPath against the context results = Compile(params['resultxpath']) results = results.evaluate(context) res = [] for a in results: tf = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(a, tf) t = tf.getvalue() res.append(t) tf.close() results = res if debug: print >> sys.stderr, 'done', params['action'] return (results, xhtml)
def editConfig(self, defaultoperation, testoption, erroroption, target, confignode, targetnode=None): """ Apply the request specified in confignode to the targetnode. @type defaultoperation: MERGE_OPERATION | REPLACE_OPERATION | NONE_OPERATION @param defaultoperation : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type testoption : SET | TEST_AND_SET @param testoption : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type erroroption : STOP_ON_ERROR | IGNORE_ERROR | ROLL_BACK_ON_ERROR @param erroroption : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type target : RUNNING_TARGET | CANDIDATE_TARGET | STARTUP_TARGET @param target : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type targetnode : string @param targetnode : if the target is RUNNING_TARGET or STARTUP_TARGET it will be ignored otherwise should be the node of the CANDIDATE_TARGET that this module should process @rtype: ModuleReply @return: It should return a success or error message. ** Relates to the netconf edit-config operation """ error = None if (target in [C.URL, C.RUNNING]): xmlreply = ModuleReply( error_type=ModuleReply.APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, error_severity=ModuleReply.ERROR, error_message="OPERATION-NOT-SUPPORTED") return xmlreply if defaultoperation == "replace": f = open( C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml', 'w') PrettyPrint(confignode, f) f.close() return ModuleReply() # draft-ietf-netconf-prot-11 says: "the default value for the default-operation is merge" # in this datamodel merge will replace all nodes with the same type and id it finds in configNodeRoot # and adds all it can't find elif defaultoperation == "merge": if not os.path.exists(C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml'): ipfixConfigBase = '<ipfixConfig xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:ipfix-config"></ipfixConfig>' xmlfile = file( C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml', 'w') xmlfile.write(ipfixConfigBase) xmlfile.close() dataFile = C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml' configDoc = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri("file:" + dataFile) configNodeRoot = configDoc.documentElement for newProcess in confignode.documentElement.childNodes: if newProcess.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: processName = newProcess.localName processId = newProcess.getAttributeNS( EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "id") isNew = True for oldProcess in configDoc.documentElement.childNodes: if oldProcess.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if oldProcess.tagName == processName: #oldProcessId = oldProcess.attributes[(None, u'id')].value oldProcessId = oldProcess.getAttributeNS( EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "id") print "Old ProcessId:" + oldProcessId if oldProcessId == processId: isNew = False configNodeRoot.replaceChild( newProcess, oldProcess) if isNew: print "appending" configNodeRoot.appendChild(newProcess) #otherwise, every node has its own operation, create, delete, replace or merge #the data model ipfix-config-data-model has to treat merge just as replace, as detailed #editing of some parts of the data are impossible, due to possible ambiguities. else: if not os.path.exists(C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml'): ipfixConfigBase = '<ipfixConfig xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:ipfix-config"></ipfixConfig>' xmlfile = file( C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml', 'w') xmlfile.write(ipfixConfigBase) xmlfile.close() dataFile = C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml' configDoc = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri("file:" + dataFile) for newProcess in confignode.documentElement.childNodes: if newProcess.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: processName = newProcess.localName operation = newProcess.getAttributeNS( 'ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0', "operation") processId = newProcess.getAttributeNS( EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "id") print processName print operation print processId if processName == "ipfixConfig": continue if processId == None: error = "Config data to add has errors!" moduleReply = ModuleReply( error_type=ModuleReply.APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply.OPERATION_FAILED, error_severity=ModuleReply.ERROR, error_message=error) return moduleReply if operation == None: error == "If no defaultoperation is chosen, every process has to have its own operation!" moduleReply = ModuleReply( error_type=ModuleReply.APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply.OPERATION_FAILED, error_severity=ModuleReply.ERROR, error_message=error) return moduleReply if operation == "create": configDoc.documentElement.appendChild(newProcess) else: error = processName + " " + "not found!" for oldProcess in configDoc.documentElement.childNodes: if oldProcess.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if oldProcess.tagName == processName: #oldProcessId = oldProcess.attributes[(None, u'id')].value oldProcessId = oldProcess.getAttributeNS( EMPTY_NAMESPACE, "id") if oldProcessId == processId: if operation == "delete": configDoc.documentElement.removeChild( oldProcess) error = None elif operation == "replace" or operation == "merge": configDoc.documentElement.replaceChild( newProcess, oldProcess) error = None if error != None: if erroroption == "stop-on-error": modulereply = ModuleReply( error_type=ModuleReply. APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply. OPERATION_FAILED, error_severity=ModuleReply. ERROR, error_message=error) return modulereply xmlFile = open( C.YENCAP_HOME + '/Modules/VERMONT_Module/' + target + '.xml', 'w') PrettyPrint(configDoc, xmlFile) xmlFile.close() if error == None: modulereply = ModuleReply() else: modulereply = ModuleReply(error_type=ModuleReply.APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply.OPERATION_FAILED, error_severity=ModuleReply.ERROR, error_message=error) return modulereply return modulereply
def writeCTData(self,outputCT): conFile = open(outputCT,'w') PrettyPrint(self.doc,conFile) conFile.close()
def Test(tester): tester.startGroup('Uche finds nested default namespace munging') doc = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) elem1 = doc.createElementNS("", "x:foo") doc.appendChild(elem1) elem2 = doc.createElementNS(None, "bar") elem1.appendChild(elem2) tester.startTest('Outer with prefix. Print') stream = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('Outer with prefix. PrettyPrint') stream = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() doc = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) elem1 = doc.createElementNS("", "foo") doc.appendChild(elem1) elem2 = doc.createElementNS(None, "bar") elem1.appendChild(elem2) tester.startTest('Outer without prefix. Print') stream = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('Outer without prefix. PrettyPrint') stream = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() doc = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) elem1 = doc.createElementNS(None, "foo") doc.appendChild(elem1) elem2 = doc.createElementNS("", "bar") elem1.appendChild(elem2) tester.startTest('outer no prefix or ns, inner ns no prefix. Print') stream = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('outer no prefix or ns, inner ns no prefix. PrettyPrint') stream = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() doc = implementation.createDocument(None, None, None) elem1 = doc.createElementNS(None, "foo") doc.appendChild(elem1) elem2 = doc.createElementNS("", "bar") elem1.appendChild(elem2) elem3 = doc.createElementNS(None, "baz") elem2.appendChild(elem3) tester.startTest( 'outer no prefix or ns, then ns no prefix then no prefix no ns. Print' ) stream = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest( 'outer no prefix or ns, then ns no prefix then no prefix no ns. PrettyPrint' ) stream = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(doc, stream=stream) result = stream.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.groupDone() return
<parameters>eth0</parameters> </observationPoint> </ipfixConfig> """ #print "Die neue Konfiguration:" #print testconfig #confignode = NonvalidatingReader.parseString(testconfig, 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:ipfix-config') defaultoperation = "replace" testoption = None erroroption = "stop-on-error" target = "startup" #m = moduleInstanz.validate("startup") #PrettyPrint(m.getXMLNodeReply()) #m = moduleInstanz.editConfig(defaultoperation, testoption, erroroption, target, confignode, targetnode=None) #PrettyPrint(m.getXMLNodeReply()) #print "Nochmal ausgeben:" #m = moduleInstanz.getConfig('startup') #PrettyPrint(m.getXMLNodeReply()) #m = moduleInstanz.deleteConfig('candidate') #PrettyPrint(m.getXMLNodeReply()) #m = moduleInstanz.restart() #PrettyPrint(m.getXMLNodeReply()) m = moduleInstanz.restart() PrettyPrint(m.getXMLNodeReply())
xbel1_top_level = \ [ n for n in xbel1.documentElement.childNodes \ if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ] xbel1_top_level_folders = \ [ n for n in xbel1_top_level if n.nodeName == 'folder' ] xbel1_top_level_bookmarks = \ [ n for n in xbel1_top_level if n.nodeName == 'bookmark' ] xbel2_top_level = \ [ n for n in xbel2.documentElement.childNodes \ if n.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ] for elem in xbel2_top_level: if elem.nodeName == 'folder': title = get_title(elem) for a_folder in xbel1_top_level_folders: if title == get_title(a_folder): merge_folders(a_folder, elem) break else: xbel1.documentElement.appendChild(elem) elif elem.nodeName == 'bookmark': xbel1.documentElement.appendChild(elem) return xbel1 if __name__ == "__main__": import sys xbel1 = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(sys.argv[1]) xbel2 = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(sys.argv[2]) new_xbel = xbel_merge(xbel1, xbel2) PrettyPrint(new_xbel)
return blob if __name__ == "__main__": import Ft.Xml.Domlette from Ft.Xml.Domlette import Print, PrettyPrint fd = open("sample.bin", "rb+") data = fd.close() b = Binary() dom = b.analyzeBlob(data) data2 = dom.getValue() if data2 == data: print "THEY MATCH" else: print repr(data2) print repr(data) dict = {} doc = Ft.Xml.Domlette.NonvalidatingReader.parseString( "<Peach/>", "") xml = dom.toXmlDom(doc.rootNode.firstChild, dict) PrettyPrint(doc, asHtml=1) # end
try: doc = reader.parse(source_isrc) CloseStream(source_isrc, quiet=True) if rng_isrc is not None: validator = RelaxNgValidator(rng_isrc) CloseStream(rng_isrc, quiet=True) result = validator.validateNode(doc) if not result.nullable(): raise RngInvalid(result) if not noserialize: from Ft.Xml.Domlette import Print, PrettyPrint if pretty: PrettyPrint(doc, out_file, encoding, as_html) else: Print(doc, out_file, encoding, as_html) except Exception, e: import traceback traceback.print_exc(1000, sys.stderr) raise try: if out_file.isatty(): out_file.flush() sys.stderr.write('\n') else: out_file.close() except (IOError, ValueError):
def test_writer(tester, domMod): tester.startGroup('Domlette serialization') tester.startTest('minimal document with DOCTYPE') doc = domMod.implementation.createDocument(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'foo', None) doc.publicId = u'myPub' doc.systemId = u'mySys' buf = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, buf) result = buf.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startGroup('namespace-free XHTML') tester.startTest('create document') doc = domMod.implementation.createDocument(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, None, None) html = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'html') head = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'head') title = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'title') titletext = doc.createTextNode(u'test') body = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'body') h1 = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'h1') h1text = doc.createTextNode(u'xhtml test') hr = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'hr') hr.setAttributeNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'noshade', u'noshade') pre = doc.createElementNS(EMPTY_NAMESPACE, u'pre') pretext = doc.createTextNode(JABBERWOCKY) pre.appendChild(pretext) h1.appendChild(h1text) body.appendChild(h1) body.appendChild(hr) body.appendChild(pre) title.appendChild(titletext) head.appendChild(title) html.appendChild(head) html.appendChild(body) doc.appendChild(html) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('as XML with Print') buf = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, buf) result = buf.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('as HTML with Print') buf = cStringIO.StringIO() Print(doc, buf, asHtml=1) result = buf.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('as XML with PrettyPrint') buf = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(doc, buf) result = buf.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.startTest('as HTML with PrettyPrint') buf = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(doc, buf, asHtml=1) result = buf.getvalue(), result) tester.testDone() tester.groupDone() tester.groupDone() return
def printNodeToFile(node, filePath): """ print a Domlette tree to a file """ f = open(filePath, 'w') PrettyPrint(node, f) f.close()
# ------------------- os.popen4("mv " + dirName + " ../Modules") print "The module (" + name + ") was successfully created in \"server/Modules\" directory." # Update modules.xml # ------------------- path = "file:../conf/modules.xml" doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(path) moduleNode = doc.createElementNS(None, 'module') doc.documentElement.appendChild(moduleNode) moduleNode.appendChild(createNode(doc, 'name', name)) moduleNode.appendChild(createNode(doc, 'mainFileName', mainFileName)) moduleNode.appendChild(createNode(doc, 'className', className)) moduleNode.appendChild(createNode(doc, 'xpath', xpathExpression)) moduleNode.appendChild(createNode(doc, 'xsdfile', moduleName + ".xsd")) # Print modules document to modules.conf # ------------------- f = open("../conf/modules.xml", 'w') PrettyPrint(doc, f) f.close() print "\"modules.xml\" file update succeeded."
def editConfig(self, defaultoperation, testoption, erroroption, target, confignode, targetnode=None): """ Apply a edit-config request from the confignode to the targetnode. @type defaultoperation: MERGE_OPERATION | REPLACE_OPERATION | NONE_OPERATION @param defaultoperation : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type testoption : SET | TEST_AND_SET @param testoption : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type erroroption : STOP_ON_ERROR | IGNORE_ERROR | ROLL_BACK_ON_ERROR @param erroroption : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type target : RUNNING_TARGET | CANDIDATE_TARGET | STARTUP_TARGET @param target : as specified in NETCONF protocol @type targetnode : string @param targetnode : if the target is RUNNING_TARGET or STARTUP_TARGET it will be ignored otherwise should be the node of the CANDIDATE_TARGET that this module should procees @rtype: ModuleReply @return: It returns a success or error message. ** Relates to the netconf edit-config operation """ try: # Generate a stylesheet equivalent to the edit-config df = InputSource.DefaultFactory editXMLRequest = df.fromString( util.convertNodeToString(confignode), 'urn:dummy') stylesheet = df.fromUri("file:" + metaFile, 'urn:sty') p = Processor.Processor() p.appendStylesheet(stylesheet) wr = DomWriter.DomWriter(), writer=wr) generatedStyleSheet = wr.getResult() # Apply the generated stylesheet to the source document inputStyleSheet = df.fromString( util.convertNodeToString(generatedStyleSheet), 'urn:sty') oldXMLDocument = self.getConfig(target).getXMLNodeReply() inputDocument = df.fromString( util.convertNodeToString(oldXMLDocument), 'urn:dummy') p = Processor.Processor() p.appendStylesheet(inputStyleSheet) wr = DomWriter.DomWriter(), writer=wr) newXMLDoc = wr.getResult() newOLSRRootNode = newXMLDoc.childNodes[0] # Copy the data to the olsr config file file_generator = Generator(self.namespace) file_generator.transform(newOLSRRootNode) print "new OLSR config is \n" PrettyPrint(newXMLDoc.childNodes[0]) if (newOLSRRootNode != None): xmlreply = ModuleReply(replynode=newOLSRRootNode) else: xmlreply = ModuleReply( error_type=ModuleReply.APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, error_severity=ModuleReply.ERROR, error_message= "Config generator from Module %s replied with None." % return xmlreply # (Re)start the olsr process on the device, if it is running # p = OLSR_System() # p.start_new_olsr_instance() # xmlReply = self.copyConfig("config", target, sourceNode = newXMLDoc) # return xmlReply except Exception, exp: print str(exp) moduleReply = ModuleReply(error_type=ModuleReply.APPLICATION, error_tag=ModuleReply.OPERATION_FAILED, error_severity=ModuleReply.ERROR, error_message=str(exp)) return moduleReply
def _runAction(self, action, mutator): Debug(1, "\nStateEngine._runAction: %s" % mutator.onActionStarting(action.parent, action) # If publisher property has been given, use referenced Publisher; otherwise the first one if action.publisher != None: pub = self._getPublisherByName(action.publisher) if pub == None: raise PeachException("Publisher '%s' not found!" % action.publisher) else: pub = self.publishers[0] # EVENT: when if action.when != None: environment = { 'Peach' : self.engine.peach, 'Action' : action, 'State' : action.parent, 'StateModel' : action.parent.parent, 'Mutator' : mutator, 'peachPrint' : self.f, 'sleep' : time.sleep, 'getXml' : self.getXml, 'random' : random } if not evalEvent(action.when, environment, self.engine.peach): Debug(1, "Action when failed: " + action.when) return else: Debug(1, "Action when passed: " + action.when) Engine.context.watcher.OnActionStart(action) # EVENT: onStart if action.onStart != None: environment = { 'Peach' : self.engine.peach, 'Action' : action, 'State' : action.parent, 'StateModel' : action.parent.parent, 'Mutator' : mutator, 'peachPrint' : self.f, 'sleep' : time.sleep } evalEvent(action.onStart, environment, self.engine.peach) if action.type == 'input': action.value = None if pub.hasBeenStarted == False: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True if not pub.hasBeenConnected: pub.connect() pub.hasBeenConnected = True # Make a fresh copy of the template action.__delitem__( action.template = action.origionalTemplate.copy(action) action.append(action.template) # Create buffer buff = PublisherBuffer(pub) self.dirtyXmlCache() # Crack data cracker = DataCracker(self.engine.peach) (rating, pos) = cracker.crackData(action.template, buff, "setDefaultValue") if rating > 2: raise SoftException("Was unble to crack incoming data into %s data model." % action.value = action.template.getValue() elif action.type == 'output': if not pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True if not pub.hasBeenConnected: pub.connect() pub.hasBeenConnected = True # Run mutator mutator.onDataModelGetValue(action, action.template) # Get value if action.template.modelHasOffsetRelation: stringBuffer = StreamBuffer() action.template.getValue(stringBuffer) stringBuffer.setValue("") stringBuffer.seekFromStart(0) action.template.getValue(stringBuffer) action.value = stringBuffer.getValue() else: action.value = action.template.getValue() Debug(1, "Actiong output sending %d bytes" % len(action.value)) if not pub.withNode: pub.send(action.value) else: pub.sendWithNode(action.value, action.template) # Save the data filename used for later matching if != None and != None: self.actionValues.append( [, 'output', action.value, ] ) else: self.actionValues.append( [, 'output', action.value ] ) obj = Element(, None) obj.elementType = 'dom' obj.defaultValue = action.value action.value = obj elif action.type == 'call': action.value = None actionParams = [] if not pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True # build up our call method = action.method if method == None: raise PeachException("StateEngine: Action of type \"call\" does not have method name!") params = [] for c in action: if c.elementType == 'actionparam': params.append(c) argNodes = [] argValues = [] for p in params: if p.type == 'out' or p.type == 'inout': raise PeachException("StateEngine: Action of type \"call\" does not yet support out or inout parameters (bug in comtypes)!") # Run mutator mutator.onDataModelGetValue(action, p.template) # Get value if p.template.modelHasOffsetRelation: stringBuffer = StreamBuffer() p.template.getValue(stringBuffer) stringBuffer.setValue("") stringBuffer.seekFromStart(0) p.template.getValue(stringBuffer) p.value = stringBuffer.getValue() else: p.value = p.template.getValue() argValues.append(p.value) argNodes.append(p.template) actionParams.append([, 'param', p.value]) if not pub.withNode: ret =, argValues) else: ret = pub.callWithNode(method, argValues, argNodes) # look for and set return for c in action: if c.elementType == 'actionresult': self.dirtyXmlCache() print "RET:",ret,type(ret) data = None if type(ret) == int: data = struct.pack("i", ret) elif type(ret) == long: data = struct.pack("q", ret) elif type(ret) == str: data = ret if c.template.isPointer: print "Found ctypes pointer...trying to cast..." retCtype = c.template.asCTypeType() retCast = ctypes.cast(ret, retCtype) for i in range(len(retCast.contents._fields_)): (key, value) = retCast.contents._fields_[i] value = eval("retCast.contents.%s" % key) c.template[key].defaultValue = value print "Set [%s=%s]" % (key, value) else: cracker = DataCracker(self.engine.peach) cracker.haveAllData = True (rating, pos) = cracker.crackData(c.template, PublisherBuffer(None, data, True)) if rating > 2: raise SoftException("Was unble to crack result data into %s data model." % self.actionValues.append( [, 'call', method, actionParams ] ) elif action.type == 'getprop': action.value = None if not pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True # build up our call property = if property == None: raise Exception("StateEngine._runAction(): getprop type does not have property name!") data = self.actionValues.append( [, 'getprop', property, data ] ) self.dirtyXmlCache() cracker = DataCracker(self.engine.peach) (rating, pos) = cracker.crackData(action.template, PublisherBuffer(None,data)) if rating > 2: raise SoftException("Was unble to crack getprop data into %s data model." % # If no exception, it worked action.value = action.template.getValue() if Peach.Engine.engine.Engine.debug: print "*******POST GETPROP***********" doc = self.getXml() PrettyPrint(doc, asHtml=1) print "******************" elif action.type == 'setprop': action.value = None if not pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True # build up our call property = if property == None: raise Exception("StateEngine: setprop type does not have property name!") value = None valueNode = None for c in action: if c.elementType == 'actionparam' and c.type == "in": # Run mutator mutator.onDataModelGetValue(action, c.template) # Get value if c.template.modelHasOffsetRelation: stringBuffer = StreamBuffer() c.template.getValue(stringBuffer) stringBuffer.setValue("") stringBuffer.seekFromStart(0) c.template.getValue(stringBuffer) value = c.value = stringBuffer.getValue() else: value = c.value = c.template.getValue() valueNode = c.template break if not pub.withNode:, value) else: pub.propertyWithNode(property, value, valueNode) self.actionValues.append( [, 'setprop', property, value ] ) elif action.type == 'changeState': action.value = None self.actionValues.append( [, 'changeState', action.ref ] ) mutator.onActionFinished(action.parent, action) raise StateChangeStateException(self._getStateByName(action.ref)) elif action.type == 'slurp': action.value = None startTime = time.time() doc = self.getXml() setNodes = doc.xpath(action.setXpath) if len(setNodes) == 0: PrettyPrint(doc, asHtml=1) raise PeachException("Slurp [%s] setXpath [%s] did not return a node" % (,action.setXpath)) # Only do this once :) valueElement = None if action.valueXpath != None: valueNodes = doc.xpath(action.valueXpath) if len(valueNodes) == 0: print "Warning: valueXpath did not return a node" raise SoftException("StateEngine._runAction(xpath): valueXpath did not return a node") valueNode = valueNodes[0] try: valueElement = action.getRoot().getByName(str(valueNode.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName"))) except: print "valueNode:", valueNode print "valueNode.nodeName:", valueNode.nodeName print "valueXpath:", action.valueXpath print "results:", len(valueNodes) raise PeachException("Slurp AttributeError: [%s]" % str(valueNode.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName"))) for node in setNodes: setElement = action.getRoot().getByName(str(node.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName"))) if valueElement != None: Debug(1, "Action-Slurp: 1 Setting %s from %s" % ( str(node.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName")), str(valueNode.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName")) )) valueElement = action.getRoot().getByName(str(valueNode.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName"))) # Some elements like Block do not have a current or default value if valueElement.currentValue == None and valueElement.defaultValue == None: setElement.currentValue = None setElement.defaultValue = valueElement.getValue() else: setElement.currentValue = valueElement.getValue() setElement.defaultValue = valueElement.defaultValue setElement.value = None #print " --- valueElement --- " #pub.send(valueElement.getValue()) #print " --- setElement --- " #pub.send(setElement.getValue()) #print " --------------------" else: Debug(1, "Action-Slurp: 2 Setting %s to %s" % ( str(node.getAttributeNS(None, "fullName")), repr(action.valueLiteral) )) setElement.defaultValue = action.valueLiteral setElement.currentValue = None setElement.value = None #print " - Total time to slurp data: %.2f" % (time.time() - startTime) elif action.type == 'connect': if not pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True pub.connect() pub.hasBeenConnected = True elif action.type == 'accept': if not pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True pub.accept() pub.hasBeenConnected = True elif action.type == 'close': if not pub.hasBeenConnected: # If we haven't been opened lets ignore # this close. return pub.close() pub.hasBeenConnected = False elif action.type == 'start': pub.start() pub.hasBeenStarted = True elif action.type == 'stop': if pub.hasBeenStarted: pub.stop() pub.hasBeenStarted = False elif action.type == 'wait': time.sleep(float(action.valueLiteral)) else: raise Exception("StateEngine._runAction(): Unknown action.type of [%s]" % str(action.type)) # EVENT: onComplete if action.onComplete != None: environment = { 'Peach' : self.engine.peach, 'Action' : action, 'State' : action.parent, 'Mutator' : mutator, 'StateModel' : action.parent.parent, 'sleep' : time.sleep } evalEvent(action.onComplete, environment, self.engine.peach) mutator.onActionFinished(action.parent, action) Engine.context.watcher.OnActionComplete(action)
sourceNode=sourceNode) # Update the cache according to the new config. module.resetConfigTime( if moduleReply.isError(): self.operationReply.setError() self.operationReply.setNode(moduleReply.getXMLNodeReply()) return self.operationReply elif == C.URL: # WARNING : THIS HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED buf = cStringIO.StringIO() PrettyPrint(sourceDoc, stream=buf, encoding='UTF-8') # connect to host, default port ftp = FTP(self.urlTarget) # user anonymous, passwd anonymous@ ftp.login() ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + self.urlTarget, buf.close() ftp.quit() def setParameters(self, operation, NSS=None): """ Set the source and target parameters @type operation: Node @param operation: The operation node of the current Netconf request. """
################################################################### # Here will be the content of edit-config() method of RIP_Module: # ################################################################### # First, instantiate a RIP manager ripManager = RIP_Manager("urn:loria:madynes:ensuite:yencap:module:RIP:1.0") # The table of commands that will have to be executed: commands = [] # Build an XML document which is a sub part of an edit-config: doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseString(m6, "madynes") # Print the edit-config, just for fun: PrettyPrint(doc) # Look for XML nodes having "operation" attribute: d = findEditOp() # Parse the running configure commands, building the RIP command objects: ec = ripManager.readCommands() for item in d: NS_RIP_Module = "urn:loria:madynes:ensuite:yencap:module:RIP:1.0" name = item.tagName operation = d[item] if name == "redistribute": if operation == "create":
def dump(self): PrettyPrint(self.serialize())