Exemple #1
def RateTrace_Rec(rec, w, SimDur):

    #  rec: fixed recurrence
    #  w: fixed mutual inhibition
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 1, 1, 5, 5  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(1, NC)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    ### Adjust connection weights and probabilities
    M = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 0, 0, -1.0],
                  [0.0, 0, -1.0, 0]])
    P = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]])
    NCon = np.round(P * NC).astype(np.int64)
    NCon[2, 2] = NCon[2, 2] - 1  # no autapses
    NCon[3, 3] = NCon[3, 3] - 1  # no autapses
    W = SetConnectivity(w, w, rec, rec, M, NC, NCon)

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    InMean, InSTD = 25.0, 1.0
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))

    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)
        NC[0:2]), :] = -20.0  # to ensure that PV's are silent (knocked-out)
    Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:4]), :] = np.random.normal(InMean,
                                                        size=(NC[2] + NC[3],
    InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

    # run simulation
    print 'Run simulation'

    LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
    arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
    t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

    rS = R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])]
    rV = R[:, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])]

    return t, rS, rV
Exemple #2
def BifAna_AdaSTF(ada, w, u, tf, SimDur):

    #  ada: adaptation strength tested
    #  w: mutual inhibition tested
    #  u: initial release probability (STF parameter)
    #  tf: facilitation time constant (STF parameter)
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 1, 1, 10, 10
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    Ta = np.diag(
        np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [50.0] * NC[2] +
                 [50.0] * NC[3]))

    ### Define STP parameters
    Us, Tf = SetPlasticityParameters(u, tf, NC)
    STPar = {'Us': Us, 'Tf': Tf}

    ### Adjust connection weights and probabilities
    M = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 0, 0, -1.0],
                  [0.0, 0, -1.0, 0]])
    P = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    NCon = np.round(P * NC).astype(np.int64)

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.05])
    InMean, InSTD = 25.0, 5.0
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    Tini = 3000.0

    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)
        NC[0:2]), :] = -20.0  # to ensure that PV's are silent (knocked-out)
    Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:4]), :] = np.random.normal(InMean,
                                                        size=(NC[2] + NC[3],
    InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

    ### Run network
    Osc, WTA = np.zeros((len(ada), len(w))), np.zeros((len(ada), len(w)))
    RS, RV = np.zeros((len(ada), len(w))), np.zeros((len(ada), len(w)))

    print 'Run network'

    for j in xrange(len(ada)):

        b = ada[j]
        B = np.diag(
            np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [b] * NC[2] +
                     [b] * NC[3]))
        ModPar = {'T': T, 'Ta': Ta, 'B': B}

        for i in xrange(len(w)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                np.round(100.0 * (j * len(w) + i) /
                         (len(w) * len(ada)), 2)) + '%'

            w0 = w[i]
            W = SetConnectivity(w0, w0, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
            W = W / Us

            # run simulation
            LinNetMod_AdaSTF.run(W, ModPar, STPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecAdaNeuModSTP.dat', delimiter=' ')
            t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            rS = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
            rV = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])], 1)

            rS_std, rS_mean = np.std(rS[t > Tini]), np.mean(rS[t > Tini])
            rV_std, rV_mean = np.std(rV[t > Tini]), np.mean(rV[t > Tini])

            # criteria to check if WTA or osc WTA - chosen such that it agrees with with visual inspection of example response curves
            if ((rS_std > 0.5 * InSTD) or (rV_std > 0.5 * InSTD)):
                Osc[j, i] = 1
                dr = np.abs(rS[-1] - rV[-1])
                if (dr > 0.2 * np.max([rS_mean, rV_mean]) and
                    (rS_mean <= 2.5 * rS_std or rV_mean <= 2.5 * rV_std)):
                    WTA[j, i] = 1

            RS[j, i], RV[j, i] = rS_mean, rV_mean

    return Osc, WTA, RS, RV
Exemple #3
def BifAna_Rec(rec, w, SimDur):

    #  rec: recurrence tested
    #  w: mutual inhibition tested
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 1, 1, 5, 5  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(1, NC)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    ### Adjust connection weights and probabilities
    M = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 0, 0, -1.0],
                  [0.0, 0, -1.0, 0]])
    P = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]])
    NCon = np.round(P * NC).astype(np.int64)
    NCon[2, 2] = NCon[2, 2] - 1  # no autapses
    NCon[3, 3] = NCon[3, 3] - 1  # no autapses

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.05])
    InMean, InSTD = 25.0, 1.0
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], 10000)
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    Tini = 4000.0

    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)
        NC[0:2]), :] = -20.0  # to ensure that PV's are silent (knocked-out)
    Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:4]), :] = np.random.normal(InMean,
                                                        size=(NC[2] + NC[3],
    InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

    ### Run network
    NoAC_SOM, NoAC_VIP = np.zeros((len(rec), len(w))), np.zeros(
        (len(rec), len(w)))

    print 'Run network'

    for j in xrange(len(rec)):

        for i in xrange(len(w)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                np.round(100.0 * (j * len(w) + i) /
                         (len(w) * len(rec)), 2)) + '%'

            w0 = w[i]
            W = SetConnectivity(w0, w0, rec[j], rec[j], M, NC, NCon)

            # run simulation
            LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
            t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            RS = np.mean(R[t > Tini, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 0)
            RV = np.mean(R[t > Tini, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])], 0)

            NoAC_SOM[j, i] = sum(1 * (RS > InSTD))
            NoAC_VIP[j, i] = sum(1 * (RV > InSTD))

    return NoAC_SOM, NoAC_VIP
Exemple #4
def RunAmpFac_w(w, SimDur, Fix=None):

    #  w: array of mutual inhibition weights
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)
    #  Fix: [Index, fixed weight]; Index: 1=wSV, 2=wVS

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define modulatory input onto VIP neurons
    inp0 = np.unique(
        np.round(np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(20), num=30), 2))
    inp1 = np.unique(
        np.round(np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(40), num=50), 2))
    I_V = np.concatenate((-inp0, np.array([0.0]), inp1))
    I_V = np.sort(I_V)

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 10, 10, 10  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)
    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP

    ### Run network
    rates = np.zeros((len(w), len(I_V), 4))
    print 'Run network'

    for i in xrange(len(w)):

        w0 = w[i]
        if Fix == None:
            W = SetConnectivity(w0, w0, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
            IV = r0[3] - w0 * r0[2]
            IS = r0[2] - w0 * r0[3]
            w_fix = Fix[1]
            if Fix[0] == 1:
                W = SetConnectivity(w_fix, w0, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
                IV = r0[3] - w0 * r0[2]
                IS = r0[2] - w_fix * r0[3]
            elif Fix[0] == 2:
                W = SetConnectivity(w0, w_fix, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
                IV = r0[3] - w_fix * r0[2]
                IS = r0[2] - w0 * r0[3]

        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS

        for j in xrange(len(I_V)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                np.round(100.0 * (i * len(I_V) + j) /
                         (len(I_V) * len(w)), 2)) + '%'

            # set modulatory input
            Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + I_V[j]
            InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

            # run simulation
            LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
            R = arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            rates[i, j, 0] = np.mean(R[-1, 0:NC[0]])  # rE
            rates[i, j, 1] = np.mean(R[-1, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])])  # rP
            rates[i, j, 2] = np.mean(R[-1, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])])  # rS
            rates[i, j, 3] = np.mean(R[-1, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])])  # rV

    return I_V, rates
Exemple #5
def FreqRespAna_MutInhAda(w_all, T_in, b, SimDur):

    #  w_all: mutual inhibition tested
    #  T_in: oscillation period tested
    #  b: fixed adaptation strength
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 10, 10, 10
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    Ta = np.diag(
        np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [100.0] * NC[2] +
                 [100.0] * NC[3]))
    B = np.diag(
        np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [b] * NC[2] + [b] * NC[3]))
    ModPar = {'T': T, 'Ta': Ta, 'B': B}

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.05])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    T_trans = 1000.0

    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)

    ### Run full IN network
    Aout = np.zeros((len(w_all), len(T_in)))
    print 'Run full IN network'

    for j in xrange(len(w_all)):

        w = w_all[j]
        W = SetConnectivity(w, w, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)

        IV = r0[3] - w * r0[2] + b * r0[3]
        IS = r0[2] - w * r0[3] + b * r0[2]
        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS

        for i in xrange(len(T_in)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                    100.0 * (j * len(T_in) + i) /
                    (len(T_in) * len(w_all)), 2)) + '%'

            Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + 1.0 * np.sin(
                2 * np.pi * It / T_in[i])  # input to VIP neurons
            # Ir[np.where(Ir<0)] = 0.0
            InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

            # run simulation
            LinNetMod_Ada.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecAdaNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
            t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            DI = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
            SI = np.mean(R[:, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])], 1)
            DSI = SI - DI

            th = np.where(t == T_trans)  # cut out transient phase
            idx_max = detect_peaks(DSI, mph=np.mean(DSI[t > T_trans]))
            idx_max = idx_max[(idx_max > th[0])]
            idx_min = detect_peaks(-DSI, mph=np.mean(-DSI[t > T_trans]))
            idx_min = idx_min[(idx_min > th[0])]

            if np.var(DSI[t > T_trans]) > 1e-3:
                     i] = (np.mean(DSI[idx_max]) - np.mean(DSI[idx_min])) / 2.0
                Aout[j, i] = np.nan

    ### Run reference IN network
    Aout_ref = np.zeros((len(w_all), len(T_in)))
    print 'Run reference IN network'

    W = SetConnectivity(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
    Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = -20.0
    IS = (1 + b) * r0[2]

    for i in xrange(len(T_in)):

        print 'Processing: ' + str(
            np.round(100.0 * (len(T_in) + i) /
                     (len(T_in) * len(w_all)), 2)) + '%'

        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS + 1.0 * np.sin(
            2 * np.pi * It / T_in[i])  # input to SOM neurons
        # Ir[np.where(Ir<0)] = 0.0
        InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

        # run simulation
        LinNetMod_Ada.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
        arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecAdaNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
        t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

        DI = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
        SI = np.mean(R[:, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])], 1)
        DSI = SI - DI

        th = np.where(t == T_trans)  # cut out transient phase
        idx_max = detect_peaks(DSI, mph=np.mean(DSI[t > T_trans]))
        idx_max = idx_max[(idx_max > th[0])]
        idx_min = detect_peaks(-DSI, mph=np.mean(-DSI[t > T_trans]))
        idx_min = idx_min[(idx_min > th[0])]

        if np.var(DSI[t > T_trans]) > 1e-3:
                     i] = (np.mean(DSI[idx_max]) - np.mean(DSI[idx_min])) / 2.0
            Aout_ref[:, i] = np.nan

    return Aout, Aout_ref
Exemple #6
def CompCorr_Ada(ada, w, SimDur, ix):

    #  ada: adaptation strengths tested
    #  w: fixed mutual inhibition
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)
    #  ix: index for which the full correlation structure is shown

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 50, 50, 50  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    Ta = np.diag(
        np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [100.0] * NC[2] +
                 [100.0] * NC[3]))
    l = 0.6

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.05])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], 5000)
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    tini = 1000.0

    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)

    ### Run network
    CorrPop = np.zeros(len(ada))
    SEM = np.zeros(len(ada))
    print 'Run network'

    for j in xrange(len(ada)):

        print 'Processing: ' + str(np.round(100.0 * j / len(ada), 1)) + '%'

        b = ada[j]
        W = SetConnectivity(w, w, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
        B = np.diag(
            np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [b] * NC[2] +
                     [b] * NC[3]))
        ModPar = {'T': T, 'Ta': Ta, 'B': B}

        IV = r0[3] - w * r0[2] + b * r0[3]
        IS = r0[2] - w * r0[3] + b * r0[3]
        I_V = IV + l * np.random.normal(0, IV, size=(NC[3], len(It)))
        I_S = IS + l * np.random.normal(0, IS, size=(NC[2], len(It)))
               ):N, :] = I_V + (1 - l) * np.random.normal(0, IV, size=len(It))
        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = I_S + (1 - l) * np.random.normal(
            0, IS, size=len(It))
        InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

        # run simulation
        LinNetMod_Ada.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
        arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecAdaNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
        t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

        RS = R[t > tini, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])]
        Mtx = R[t > tini, sum(NC[0:2]):N]

        if j == ix:
            data = pd.DataFrame(Mtx)
            C = data.corr()
        dataS = pd.DataFrame(RS)
        CS = dataS.corr()
        CMtx = CS.as_matrix()

        id = np.triu_indices(len(CMtx), k=1)
        CorrPop[j] = np.mean(CMtx[id])
        SEM[j] = np.std(CMtx[id]) / np.sqrt(len(CMtx[id]))

    return CorrPop, SEM, C
Exemple #7
def FreqRespAna_Rec(rec, T_in, w, SimDur):

    #  rec: recurrence tested
    #  T_in: oscillation periods tested
    #  w: fixed mutual inhibition
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 10, 10, 10  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(1, NC)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.05])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    T_trans = 750.0

    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)

    ### Run full IN network
    Aout = np.zeros((len(rec), len(T_in)))
    print 'Run full IN network'

    for j in xrange(len(rec)):

        wr = rec[j]
        W = SetConnectivity(w, w, wr, wr, M, NC, NCon)

        IV = r0[3] - w * r0[2] - wr * r0[3]
        IS = r0[2] - w * r0[3] - wr * r0[2]
        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS

        for i in xrange(len(T_in)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                np.round(100.0 * (j * len(T_in) + i) /
                         (len(T_in) * len(rec)), 2)) + '%'

            Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + 1.0 * np.sin(
                2 * np.pi * It / T_in[i])  # input to VIP neurons
            InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

            # run simulation
            LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
            t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            DI = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
            SI = np.mean(R[:, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])], 1)
            DSI = SI - DI

            th = np.where(t == T_trans)  # cut out transient phase
            idx_max = detect_peaks(DSI, mph=np.mean(DSI[t > T_trans]))
            idx_max = idx_max[(idx_max > th[0])]
            idx_min = detect_peaks(-DSI, mph=np.mean(-DSI[t > T_trans]))
            idx_min = idx_min[(idx_min > th[0])]

            if np.var(DSI[t > T_trans]) > 1e-3:
                     i] = (np.mean(DSI[idx_max]) - np.mean(DSI[idx_min])) / 2.0
                Aout[j, i] = np.nan

    ### Run reference IN network
    Aout_ref = np.zeros((len(rec), len(T_in)))
    print 'Run reference IN network'
    Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = -20.0  # no VIPs

    for j in xrange(len(rec)):

        wr = rec[j]
        W = SetConnectivity(0.0, 0.0, wr, wr, M, NC, NCon)
        IS = (1 - wr) * r0[2]

        for i in xrange(len(T_in)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                np.round(100.0 * (j * len(T_in) + i) /
                         (len(T_in) * len(rec)), 2)) + '%'

            Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS + 1.0 * np.sin(
                2 * np.pi * It / T_in[i])  # input to SOM neurons
            InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

            # run simulation
            LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
            t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            DI = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
            SI = np.mean(R[:, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])], 1)
            DSI = SI - DI

            th = np.where(t == T_trans)  # cut out transient phase
            idx_max = detect_peaks(DSI, mph=np.mean(DSI[t > T_trans]))
            idx_max = idx_max[(idx_max > th[0])]
            idx_min = detect_peaks(-DSI, mph=np.mean(-DSI[t > T_trans]))
            idx_min = idx_min[(idx_min > th[0])]

            if np.var(DSI[t > T_trans]) > 1e-3:
                Aout_ref[j, i] = (np.mean(DSI[idx_max]) -
                                  np.mean(DSI[idx_min])) / 2.0
                Aout_ref[j, i] = np.nan

    return Aout, Aout_ref
Exemple #8
def RunAmpFac_STF(w, STP, SimDur):

    #  w: array of mutual inhibition values
    #  STP: STF parameter for SOM->VIP and VIP->SOM (Us, tau_f)
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define modulatory input onto VIP neurons
    inp0 = np.unique(
        np.round(np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(20), num=30), 2))
    inp1 = np.unique(
        np.round(np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(40), num=50), 2))
    I_V = np.concatenate((-inp0, np.array([0.0]), inp1))
    I_V = np.sort(I_V)

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 10, 10, 10  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    u, tf = STP[0], STP[1]
    Us, Tf = SetPlasticityParameters(u, tf, NC)
    STPar = {'Us': Us, 'Tf': Tf}

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)

    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
    u23 = (1 + tf / 1000.0 * r0[3]) / (1 + u * tf / 1000.0 * r0[3])
    u32 = (1 + tf / 1000.0 * r0[2]) / (1 + u * tf / 1000.0 * r0[2])

    ### Run network
    rates = np.zeros((len(w), len(I_V), 4))
    print 'Run network'

    for i in xrange(len(w)):

        w0 = w[i]
        W = SetConnectivity(w0, w0, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
        W = W / Us

        IV = r0[3] - w0 * u32 * r0[2]
        IS = r0[2] - w0 * u23 * r0[3]
        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS

        for j in xrange(len(I_V)):

            print 'Processing: ' + str(
                np.round(100.0 * (i * len(I_V) + j) /
                         (len(I_V) * len(w)), 2)) + '%'

            Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + I_V[j]
            InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

            LinNetMod_STF.run(W, ModPar, STPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
            arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuModSTP.dat', delimiter=' ')
            R = arr[:, 1:N + 1]

            rates[i, j, 0] = np.mean(R[-1, 0:NC[0]])  # rE
            rates[i, j, 1] = np.mean(R[-1, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])])  # rP
            rates[i, j, 2] = np.mean(R[-1, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])])  # rS
            rates[i, j, 3] = np.mean(R[-1, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])])  # rV

    return I_V, rates
Exemple #9
def RunSig(flg, w, SimDur):

    #  flg: flag to indicate if reference (0) or full (1) network is simulated
    #  w: mutual inhibition
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define modulatory input onto VIP neurons
    inp0 = np.unique(
        np.round(np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(20), num=30), 2))
    inp1 = np.unique(
        np.round(np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(40), num=50), 2))
    I_V = np.concatenate((-inp0, np.array([0.0]), inp1))
    I_V = np.sort(I_V)

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 10, 10, 10  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    W = SetConnectivity(w, w, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)

    if flg == 0:
        IS = r0[2]
        IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
        Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
               ):N, :] = -20.0  # to ensure that VIPs are silent (knocked-out)
        IV = r0[3] - w * r0[2]
        IS = r0[2] - w * r0[3]
        IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
        Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
        Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS

    ### Run network
    rates = np.zeros((len(I_V), 4))
    print 'Run network'

    for j in xrange(len(I_V)):

        print 'Processing: ' + str(np.round(100.0 * j / len(I_V), 1)) + '%'

        # set modulatory input
        if flg == 1:
            Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + I_V[j]
        elif flg == 0:
            Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS - I_V[j]
        InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

        # run simulation
        LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
        arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
        R = arr[:, 1:N + 1]

        rates[j, 0] = np.mean(R[-1, 0:NC[0]])  # rE
        rates[j, 1] = np.mean(R[-1, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])])  # rP
        rates[j, 2] = np.mean(R[-1, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])])  # rS
        rates[j, 3] = np.mean(R[-1, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])])  # rV

    return I_V, rates
Exemple #10
def Hysteresis(x_mod, w, SimDur):

    #  x_mod: modulatory input tested
    #  w: fixed mutual inhibition
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 20, 10, 10, 10
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)
    ModPar = {'T': T}

    ### Define connection weights and probabilities
    P = np.array([[0.1, 0.6, 0.55, 0.0], [0.45, 0.5, 0.6, 0.0],
                  [0.35, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5], [0.1, 0.1, 0.45, 0.0]])
    M = np.array([[0.0, -1.5, 0, 0], [0.0, -1.5, -1.3, 0], [0.0, 0, 0, -1.0],
                  [0.0, 0, -1.0, 0]])
    NCon = np.round(P * NC).astype(np.int64)
    W = SetConnectivity(w, w, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))

    IV = r0[3] - w * r0[2]
    IS = r0[2] - w * r0[3]
    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
    Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3]), :] = IS
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0

    InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

    ### Run network
    DI, SI = np.zeros((2, len(x_mod))), np.zeros((2, len(x_mod)))
    rini = np.zeros(N)

    print 'Run network - mod. input ascending'
    for ii in range(len(x_mod)):

        print 'Processing: ' + str(np.round(100.0 * ii / len(x_mod), 1)) + '%'
        Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + x_mod[ii]

        LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, rini)
        arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
        R = arr[:, 1:N + 1]
        rini = R[-1, :]

        DI[0, ii] = np.mean(R[-1:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
        SI[0, ii] = np.mean(R[-1:, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])], 1)

    print 'Run network - mod. input descending'
    for ii in reversed(range(len(x_mod))):

        print 'Processing: ' + str(
            np.round(100.0 * (len(x_mod) - ii) / len(x_mod), 1)) + '%'
        Ir[sum(NC[0:3]):N, :] = IV + x_mod[ii]

        LinNetMod.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, rini)
        arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
        R = arr[:, 1:N + 1]
        rini = R[-1, :]

        DI[1, ii] = np.mean(R[-1:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
        SI[1, ii] = np.mean(R[-1:, NC[0]:sum(NC[0:2])], 1)

    return SI, DI
Exemple #11
def OscFreq(flg, w, p, SimDur):

    #  flg: flag indicating if adaptation strength (0) or time constant (1) is considered
    #  w: fixed mutual inhibition
    #  p: adaptation strengths or time constants tested
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 1, 1, 10, 10
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)

    ### Adjust connection weights and probabilities
    M = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 0, 0, -1.0],
                  [0.0, 0, -1.0, 0]])
    P = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    NCon = np.round(P * NC).astype(np.int64)
    W = SetConnectivity(w, w, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    InMean, InSTD = 25.0, 5.0
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))
    Tini = 1000.0

    IP = r0[1] - M[1, 2] * r0[2] - M[1, 1] * r0[1]
    Ir[sum(NC[0:1]):sum(NC[0:2]), :] = IP
    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)
        NC[0:2]), :] = -20.0  # to ensure that PV's are silent (knocked-out)
    Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:4]), :] = np.random.normal(InMean,
                                                        size=(NC[2] + NC[3],
    InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

    ### Run network
    fout = np.zeros(len(p))
    print 'Run network'

    for k in xrange(len(p)):

        print 'Processing: ' + str(np.round(100.0 * k / len(p), 1)) + '%'

        if flg == 0:
            B = np.diag(
                np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [p[k]] * NC[2] +
                         [p[k]] * NC[3]))
            Ta = np.diag(
                np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [50.0] * NC[2] +
                         [50.0] * NC[3]))
            B = np.diag(
                np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [1.0] * NC[2] +
                         [1.0] * NC[3]))
            Ta = np.diag(
                np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [p[k]] * NC[2] +
                         [p[k]] * NC[3]))
        ModPar = {'T': T, 'Ta': Ta, 'B': B}

        LinNetMod_Ada.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
        arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecAdaNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
        t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

        rS = np.mean(R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])], 1)
        #rV = np.mean(R[:,sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])],1)

        th = np.where(t == Tini)  # cut out transient phase
        idx_max = detect_peaks(rS, mph=0.9 * np.max(rS[t > Tini]))
        idx_max = idx_max[(idx_max > th[0])]
        idx_min = detect_peaks(-rS, mph=0.9 * np.max(-rS[t > Tini]))
        idx_min = idx_min[(idx_min > th[0])]

        if np.var(rS[t > Tini]) > 1e-2:
            Amp = (np.mean(rS[idx_max]) - np.mean(rS[idx_min])) / 2.0
            tc = t[(np.roll(rS, -1) > Amp) &
                   (rS < Amp)]  # t[(rS[1:]>Amp) & (rS[:-1]<Amp)]
            fout[k] = 1000.0 / np.mean(np.diff(tc[tc > Tini]))
            fout[k] = np.nan

    return fout
Exemple #12
def RateTrace(ada, tcw, w, SimDur, Fix=None):

    #  ada: fixed adaptation strength
    #  tcw: fixed adaptation time constant
    #  w: fixed mutual inhibition
    #  SimDur: simulation time (ms)
    #  Fix: if 'None' parameters are symmetrical,
    #       otherwise an array with 3 entries (
    #       First: 1/2 = adaptation strength/time constant asymmetric
    #       Second: 1/2 = SOM or VIP fixed
    #       Third: value to be taken)

    print 'Set parameters'

    ### Define neuron parameters & set connection weights and probabilities
    NC = 1, 1, 10, 10  # N_E, N_P, N_S, N_V
    N, T, r0, P, M, NCon = SetDefaultPara(0, NC)

    if Fix == None:
        Ta = np.diag(
            np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [tcw] * NC[2] +
                     [tcw] * NC[3]))
        B = np.diag(
            np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [ada] * NC[2] +
                     [ada] * NC[3]))
        if Fix[0] == 1:  # adaptation strength
            Ta = np.diag(
                np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [50.0] * NC[2] +
                         [50.0] * NC[3]))
            if Fix[1] == 1:
                B = np.diag(
                    np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [Fix[2]] * NC[2] +
                             [ada] * NC[3]))
            elif Fix[1] == 2:
                B = np.diag(
                    np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [ada] * NC[2] +
                             [Fix[2]] * NC[3]))
        elif Fix[0] == 2:  # adaptation time constant
            B = np.diag(
                np.array([0.0] * NC[0] + [0.0] * NC[1] + [ada] * NC[2] +
                         [ada] * NC[3]))
            if Fix[1] == 1:
                Ta = np.diag(
                    np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [Fix[2]] * NC[2] +
                             [tcw] * NC[3]))
            elif Fix[1] == 2:
                Ta = np.diag(
                    np.array([5.0] * NC[0] + [5.0] * NC[1] + [tcw] * NC[2] +
                             [Fix[2]] * NC[3]))
    ModPar = {'T': T, 'Ta': Ta, 'B': B}

    ### Adjust connection weights and probabilities
    M = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 0, 0, -1.0],
                  [0.0, 0, -1.0, 0]])
    P = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
    NCon = np.round(P * NC).astype(np.int64)
    W = SetConnectivity(w, w, 0.0, 0.0, M, NC, NCon)

    ### Define background (external) input
    SimPar = np.array([0.0, SimDur, 0.2])
    InMean, InSTD = 25.0, 5.0
    It = np.linspace(SimPar[0], SimPar[1], int(2 * SimDur))
    Ir = np.zeros((N, len(It)))

    Ir[0:NC[0]] = -20.0  # to ensure that PC's are silent (knocked-out)
        NC[0:2]), :] = -20.0  # to ensure that PV's are silent (knocked-out)
    Ir[sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:4]), :] = np.random.normal(InMean,
                                                        size=(NC[2] + NC[3],
    InpPar = {'It': It, 'Ir': Ir}

    # run simulation
    print 'Run simulation'

    LinNetMod_Ada.run(W, ModPar, InpPar, SimPar, np.zeros(N))
    arr = np.loadtxt('Data_LinRecAdaNeuMod.dat', delimiter=' ')
    t, R = arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1:N + 1]

    rS = R[:, sum(NC[0:2]):sum(NC[0:3])]
    rV = R[:, sum(NC[0:3]):sum(NC[0:4])]

    return t, rS, rV