Exemple #1
    def Run(self, output_file=None):
        """ Runs cpptraj to actually create the files """
        from sys import stdout as sys_stdout
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

        # Accept output_file as both a file object and string object
        own_handle = False
        if output_file is None:
            stdout = sys_stdout
                stdout = open(output_file, 'w')
                own_handle = True
            except TypeError:
                stdout = output_file

        # Now it's time to run the program

            input_string = ''
            for action in self.actions:
                input_string += action.strip() + '\n'

            process = Popen([self.exe, self.prmtop], stdout=stdout, stdin=PIPE)


            if process.wait():
                raise TrajError('Error running %s' % self.program)
            if own_handle: stdout.close()
Exemple #2
    def Query(self):
        """ Finds out how many frames are in the given traj files """
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        import re

        framere = re.compile(r'Frames: (\d+)')

        self.traj_sizes = []

        # Determine how many frames are in each trajectory of the list

        for traj in self.traj_files:

            process = Popen(
                [self.exe, '-p',
                 str(self.prmtop), '-y', traj, '-tl'],

            (output, error) = process.communicate(b'')

            if process.wait():  # if it quits with return code != 0
                raise TrajError('%s failed when querying %s' %
                                (self.exe, traj))

            output = output.decode()

            # Now parse the output to find out how many frames are there. We are
            # looking for "Coordinate processing will occur on x frames."

            num_frames = framere.findall(output)
            if len(num_frames) < 1:
                raise TrajError('Could not find number of frames in ' + traj)
            elif len(num_frames) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unexpected output from cpptraj. Has format '

        # end for traj in self.traj_files

        self.total_frames = sum(self.traj_sizes)
Exemple #3
    def Setup(self, startframe=1, endframe=9999999, interval=1):
        """ Finds the program and clears the queue and other attributes assigned
            during other function calls

        self.strip_solvent = False
        orig_endframe = endframe
        orig_startframe = startframe

        # Delete the stripmask, but make its non-existence non-fatal, since it
        # won't exist unless Setup is called a second time.

            del self.stripmask
        except AttributeError:

        self.actions = []

        # Catch stupid choices
        if startframe > endframe:
            raise TrajError('Cannot have startframe (%d) > endframe (%d)' %
                            (startframe, endframe))

        if startframe < 0:
            raise TrajError('Startframe (%d) < 0' % startframe)

        if interval <= 0:
            raise TrajError('Interval (%d) <= 0' % interval)

        if startframe > self.total_frames:
            raise TrajError('start frame (%d) > total frames (%d)' %
                            (startframe, self.total_frames))

        # Bring endframe down if it's > the total number of frames

        endframe = min(endframe, self.total_frames)

        self.analyzed_frames = int((endframe - startframe) / interval) + 1

        # If we have an interval != 1, then it's possible that the endframe that
        # the user set is not the actual one that will be used. To make things
        # simpler, I will adjust the endframe to what is *actually* used

        endframe = startframe + interval * int(
            (endframe - startframe) // interval)

        # Set up start and end arrays (for each trajectory)

        traj_starts = [-1 for i in range(len(self.traj_files))]
        traj_ends = [0 for i in range(len(self.traj_files))]

        # Now determine where each trajectory starts and ends

        for i in range(len(self.traj_files)):

            # skip over any trajectories that lie entirely before startframe

            if startframe > self.traj_sizes[i]:
                traj_starts[i] = -1  # this will tell us to skip this traj file
                startframe -= self.traj_sizes[i]

            # Now we start at our startframe

            traj_starts[i] = startframe

            # Now we figure out our last frame, adjusting for interval

            last_frame = startframe + interval * int(
                (self.traj_sizes[i] - startframe) / interval)

            traj_ends[i] = min(endframe, last_frame, self.traj_sizes[i])

            # Now determine our new start frame for the next trajectory. First
            # we need to know how many frames are left over at the end of the
            # last frame, and subtract those from the interval to determine
            # where our next trajectory should start from. Also move our endframe
            # down, but only by our last_frame! (since the last couple frames in
            # our trajectory file could be leftover due to interval > 1)

            startframe = interval + last_frame - self.traj_sizes[i]

            endframe -= last_frame

            if endframe < self.traj_sizes[i]:
                break  # we're done now

        # end for i len(traj_files)

        # We now have to trajin each of the analyzed trajectories

        for i in range(len(self.traj_files)):
            if traj_starts[i] < 0: continue  # skip -1's

                'trajin %s %d %d %d' %
                (self.traj_files[i], traj_starts[i], traj_ends[i], interval))

        self.actions.append('noprogress')  # quash the progress bar

        self.processed_frames = (min(orig_endframe, self.total_frames) -
                                 orig_startframe) / interval + 1