Exemple #1
 def ecef2lla(self, ecef, tolerance=1e-9):
     Convert Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinates to lat, lon, alt.
     Input: ecef - (x, y, z) in (m, m, m)
     Output: lla - (lat, lon, alt) in (decimal degrees, decimal degrees, m)
     # Decompose the input
     x = ecef[0]
     y = ecef[1]
     z = ecef[2]
     # Calculate lon
     lon = atan2(y, x)
     # Initialize the variables to calculate lat and alt
     alt = 0
     N = self.a
     p = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
     lat = 0
     previousLat = 90
     # Iterate until tolerance is reached
     while abs(lat - previousLat) >= tolerance:
         previousLat = lat
         sinLat = z / (N * (1 - self.e**2) + alt)
         lat = atan((z + self.e**2 * N * sinLat) / p)
         N = self.a / sqrt(1 - (self.e * sinLat)**2)
         alt = p / cos(lat) - N
     # Return the lla coordinates
     return (geo.rad2deg(lat), geo.rad2deg(lon), alt)
Exemple #2
 def ecef2lla(self, ecef, tolerance=1e-9):
     Convert Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinates to lat, lon, alt.
     Input: ecef - (x, y, z) in (m, m, m)
     Output: lla - (lat, lon, alt) in (decimal degrees, decimal degrees, m)
     # Decompose the input
     x = ecef[0]
     y = ecef[1]
     z = ecef[2]
     # Calculate lon
     lon = atan2(y, x)
     # Initialize the variables to calculate lat and alt
     alt = 0
     N = self.a
     p = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
     lat = 0
     previousLat = 90
     # Iterate until tolerance is reached
     while abs(lat - previousLat) >= tolerance:
         previousLat = lat
         sinLat = z / (N * (1 - self.e**2) + alt)
         lat = atan((z + self.e**2 * N * sinLat) / p)
         N = self.a / sqrt(1 - (self.e * sinLat)**2)
         alt = p / cos(lat) - N
     # Return the lla coordinates
     return (geo.rad2deg(lat), geo.rad2deg(lon), alt)
Exemple #3
 def ned2pae(self, ned):
     Converts the local north, east, down coordinates into range, azimuth,
     and elevation angles
     Input: ned - (north, east, down) in (m, m, m)
     Output: pae - (p, alpha, epsilon) in (m, degrees, degrees)
     p = geo.euclideanDistance(ned)
     alpha = atan2(ned[1], ned[0])
     epsilon = atan2(-ned[2], sqrt(ned[0]**2 + ned[1]**2))
     return [p, geo.rad2deg(alpha), geo.rad2deg(epsilon)]
Exemple #4
 def ned2pae(self, ned):
     Converts the local north, east, down coordinates into range, azimuth,
     and elevation angles
     Input: ned - (north, east, down) in (m, m, m)
     Output: pae - (p, alpha, epsilon) in (m, degrees, degrees)
     p = geo.euclideanDistance(ned)
     alpha = atan2(ned[1], ned[0])
     epsilon = atan2(-ned[2], sqrt(ned[0]**2 + ned[1]**2))
     return [p, geo.rad2deg(alpha), geo.rad2deg(epsilon)]