def play(self, game, effectTypesToIgnore=[]): """ Play the card and perform any effects """ context = PlayerContext(game, self) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.playEffects, context, effectTypesToIgnore=effectTypesToIgnore) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def performEffects(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ possibleCardsPerZone = self.findPossibleCards(context) possibleCards = [card for cards in possibleCardsPerZone.values() for card in cards] if len(possibleCards) != 0: cards = None if len(possibleCards) == self.numberOfCards and self.AUTO_PICK: cards = possibleCards else: cards = yield self.buildRequest(possibleCards, context) event = self.buildEvent(cards, possibleCardsPerZone, context) coroutine = ConditionalEffect.performEffects(self, event.context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass coroutine = PerformEffects(self.leftoverCardEffects, self.buildEvent([card for card in possibleCards if card not in cards], possibleCardsPerZone, context).context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass
def performEffects(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ possibleCardsPerZone = self.findPossibleCards(context) possibleCards = [ card for cards in possibleCardsPerZone.values() for card in cards ] if len(possibleCards) != 0: cards = None if len(possibleCards) == self.numberOfCards and self.AUTO_PICK: cards = possibleCards else: cards = yield self.buildRequest(possibleCards, context) event = self.buildEvent(cards, possibleCardsPerZone, context) coroutine = ConditionalEffect.performEffects(self, event.context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass coroutine = PerformEffects( self.leftoverCardEffects, self.buildEvent( [card for card in possibleCards if card not in cards], possibleCardsPerZone, context).context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass
def requestDefenses(self, context): """ Request defenses to determine who the targets are """ self.targets = [] self.failedAttacks = [] for foe in context.foes: request = DefendRequest(context.parent, context.getPlayerContext(foe)) defended = yield request if not defended: self.targets.append(foe) context.addNotification(Notification(HIT_BY_ATTACK, foe)) else: self.failedAttacks.append(True) context.addNotification(CardsNotification(DEFENDED, foe, [defended])) playerContext = context.getPlayerContext(foe) coroutine = context.owner.ongoingEffects.send(DefendEvent(defended, playerContext)) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass zone = playerContext.loadZone(request.findZoneFor(defended)) event = CardsEvent([defended], zone, playerContext) coroutine = PerformEffects(defended.defenseEffects, event.context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ newContext = context.getPlayerContext(context.previousPlayer) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.thenEffects, newContext) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def attackTargets(self, context): """ Attack the Targets """ context = context.copy() context.foes = self.targets coroutine = PerformEffects(self.thenEffects, context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def performFirstAppearanceEffects(self, game): """ Perform the Super Villain's First Appearance Effects """ if self.hasAppeared: self.hasAppeared = False coroutine = PerformEffects(self.topCard.appearanceEffects, SystemContext(game, self.topCard)) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def gainCard(self, card, fromZone, toZone=None, game=None): """ Gain the provided card """ fromZone.remove(card) toZone.add(card) event = CardsEvent([card], toZone, PlayerContext(game, card, player=self)) coroutine = PerformEffects(card.onGainEffects, event.context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ zone = context.loadZone(self.zoneType) possibleCards = self.filter.evaluate(context) event = CardsEvent(possibleCards, zone, context) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.thenEffects, event.context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ players = self.findHighestCostPlayers(context) if len(players) == 1: player = players[0] newContext = context.getPlayerContext(player) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.thenEffects, newContext) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def activate(self, context): """ Activate the effect """ if self.singleUse: context.owner.unregisterActivatable(context.parent, self) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.effects, context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ players = self.findHighestCostPlayers(context) for player in players: newContext = context.getPlayerContext(player) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.thenEffects, newContext) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ typeToFunction = {TOP: self.getTopCards, PICK: self.pickCards} function = typeToFunction[self.pickType] self.cardsForFoes = [] zones = [] for foe in context.foes: playerContext = context.getPlayerContext(foe) zone = playerContext.loadZone(self.zoneType) coroutine = RunCoroutineOrFunction( function, [playerContext, zone, self.number]) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass event = CardsEvent(self.cardsForFoes, zone, playerContext) zones.append(EventZone(event)) event = MultiZoneEvent(zones, context) coroutine = PerformEffects(self.thenEffects, event.context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ coroutine = Attack.perform(self, context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass self.failedAttacks += self.perFoeEffect.failedEffects if any(self.failedAttacks): coroutine = PerformEffects(self.anyFailedEffects, context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ totalCost = 0 while totalCost < self.cost: zone = context.loadZone(DECK) if zone.availableLength() > 0: card = zone[0] totalCost += card.cost coroutine = PerformEffects([self.lookAtTop, Draw(1)], context) try: response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response) except StopIteration: pass else: break
def perform(self, context): """ Perform the Game Effect """ coroutine = PerformEffects(self.effects, context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)
def performEffects(self, context): """ Perform the Option's Effects """ coroutine = PerformEffects(self.effects, context) response = yield while True: response = yield coroutine.send(response)