Exemple #1
def guess_version(appname):
  """Guess the default Gaudi application version"""
  s = Shell()
  tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.log')
  command = 'SetupProject.sh --ask %s' % appname
  rc,output,m=s.cmd1("echo 'q\n' | %s >& %s; echo" % (command,tmp.name))
  output = tmp.read()
  version = output[output.rfind('[')+1:output.rfind(']')]
  return version
Exemple #2
def available_versions(appname):
  """Provide a list of the available Gaudi application versions"""
  s = Shell()
  tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.log')
  command = 'SetupProject.sh --ask %s' % appname
  rc,output,m=s.cmd1("echo 'q\n' | %s >& %s; echo" % (command,tmp.name))
  output = tmp.read()
  versions = output[output.rfind('(')+1:output.rfind('q[uit]')].split()
  return versions
Exemple #3
class ICredential( GangaObject ):
   Interface class for working with credentials

   _schema = Schema( Version( 1, 0 ), {
      "maxTry" : SimpleItem( defvalue = 1,
         doc = "Number of password attempts allowed when creating credential" ),
      "minValidity" : SimpleItem( defvalue = "00:15",
         doc = "Default minimum validity" ),
      "validityAtCreation" : SimpleItem( defvalue = "24:00",
         doc = "Default credential validity at creation" ),
      "command" : ComponentItem( category = "credential_commands",
         defvalue = "ICommandSet",
         doc = "Set of commands to be used for credential-related operations" )
      } )
   _category = "credentials"
   _name = "ICredential"
   _hidden = 1

   _exportmethods = [ "create", "destroy", "isAvailable", "isValid",\
      "location", "renew", "timeleft" ]

   def __init__( self ):
      super( ICredential, self ).__init__()
      self.shell = Shell()
      self.inputPW_Widget = None

   def create( self, validity = "", maxTry = 0, minValidity = "", \
      check = False ):
      Create credential.

      Arguments other than self:
         validity    - Validity with which credential should be created,
                       specified as string of format "hh:mm"
                       [ Defaults to value of self.validityAtCreation ]
         maxTry      - Number of password attempts allowed
                       [ Defaults to value of self.maxTry ]
         minValidity - Minimum validity in case checking of
                       pre-existing credential is performed,
                       specified as strong of format "hh:mm"
                       [ Defaults to value of self.minValidity ]
         check       - Flag to request checking of pre-existing
                       credential; if flag is set to true, then new
                       credential is created only if the validity of
                       any pre-existing credential is less than the
                       value of minValidity
                       [ Default: False ] 

      Note: create is the same as renew, except for the default value of check

      Return value: True if credential is created successfully, and False
      global logTimeStamp

      dummy = False
      if not self.command.init:
          dummy = True
      if self.command.init_parameters.has_key( "valid" ):
         if not self.command.init_parameters[ "valid" ]:
             dummy = True

      if dummy:
         logger.warning( "Dummy CommandSet used - no credential created" )
         return False

      if not maxTry:
         maxTry = self.maxTry

      if not minValidity:
         minValidity = self.minValidity

      if not validity:
         validity = self.validityAtCreation

      validityInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds( validity )

      if not validityInSeconds:
         logger.warning( "Problems with requested validity: %s" \
            % str( validity ) )
         return False
      if check and self.isValid( minValidity ):
         return True

      ntry = 0

      while ntry < maxTry:

         ntry = ntry + 1
         # Test if GUI widget is to be used.
         if self.inputPW_Widget:
            # Since self.inputPW_Widget is called, current arguments are
            # ignored since renew() and create() in GUI mode will not be
            # called with any arguments.
            if self.inputPW_Widget.ask( self._proxyObject ):
               logger.debug( "Proceeding to retrieve password from inputPW_Widget." )
               __pw = self.inputPW_Widget.getPassword( self._proxyObject )
               if not __pw:
                  logger.warning( "Password/passphrase expected!" )
                  return False
                  tFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
                  tFile.write( __pw )
                  del __pw
                  logger.warning( "Could not create secure temporary file for password!" )
                  return False
               del __pw
               # Current credential modification denied for various reasons.
               # see GangaGUI.customDialogs.ask() method for more details.
               return False
            # self.inputPW_Widget.ask() may have modified parameters.
            # Calling buildOpts() to take them into account.
            self.buildOpts( self.command.init, False )
            # Create initialisation list with the 'pipe' parameter
            initList = [ self.command.init, self.command.init_parameters[ "pipe" ] ]
            # Append option value pairs
            for optName, optVal in self.command.currentOpts.iteritems():
               initList.append( "%s %s" % ( optName, optVal ) )
            status = self.shell.system( "cat %s|%s" % ( tFile.name, " ".join( initList ) ) )
            # self.inputPW_Widget dialog postprocessing. 
            # E.g. disable autorenew mechanism if status != 0.
            self.inputPW_Widget.renewalStatus( self._proxyObject, status )
            if status == 0:
               logger.info( "%s creation/renewal successful." % self._name )
               return True
               logger.warning( "%s creation/renewal failed [%s]." % ( self._name, status ) )
               return False
         else: # Non-GUI credential renewal/creation
            # Check if renewal is from main process (i.e. by bootstrap or user)
            if threading.currentThread().getName() == 'MainThread':
               if self.command.init_parameters.has_key( "valid" ):
                     [ self.command.init_parameters[ 'valid' ] ] = validity
               initList = [ self.command.init ]
               # Append option value pairs
               for optName, optVal in self.command.currentOpts.iteritems():
                  initList.append( "%s %s" % ( optName, optVal ) )
               status = self.shell.system( " ".join( initList ) )
               if status == 0:
                  logger.info( "%s creation/renewal successful." % self._name )
                  return True
                  logger.warning( "%s creation/renewal failed [%s]." % ( self._name, status ) )
            else: # create initiated from worker thread from monitoring component.
               currTime = time.time()
               if currTime - logTimeStamp >= logRepeatDuration:
                  logTimeStamp = currTime

                  # Check validity but print logging messages this time
                  self.isValid( "", True )
                  _credentialObject = self._name[ 0 ].lower() + self._name[ 1: ]
                  logger.warning( \
                     "Renew by typing '%s.renew()' at the prompt." % \
                     ( _credentialObject ) )

                  #notify the Core that the credential is not valid                  
                  _validity = self.timeInSeconds(self.timeleft())
                  _minValidity = self.timeInSeconds(minValidity)/2
                  if _validity <= max(120,_minValidity):

               return True

      logger.warning( "%s creation/renewal attempts exceeded %s tries!" % ( self._name, maxTry ) )
      return False

   def destroy( self, allowed_exit = [ 0 ] ):
      Destroy credential

      Argument other than self:
         allowed_exit - List of exit codes accepted without error
                        when issuing system command for destroying credential

      Return value: False if command for destroying credential is undefined,
                    or True otherwise

      if not self.command.destroy:
         logger.warning( "Dummy CommandSet used - no credential created" )
         return False

      destroyList = [ self.command.destroy ]
      for optName, optVal in self.command.destroyOpts.iteritems():
         destroyList.append( "%s %s" % ( optName, optVal ) )
      status, output, message = \
         self.shell.cmd1( " ".join( destroyList ), allowed_exit )
      proxyPath = self.location()
      if proxyPath:
         os.remove( proxyPath )
      return True

   def isAvailable( self ):

      Check whether credential is available with system/configuration used

      No arguments other than self

      Return value: True if credential is available, false otherwise

      logger.warning( "Dummy method used - this always returns True" )

      return True

   def isValid( self, validity = "", log = False, force_check = False ):

      Check validity

      Arguments other than self:
         validity    - Minimum time for which credential should be valid,
                       specified as string of format "hh:mm"
                       [ Defaults to valud of self.minValidity ]

         log         - Print logger messages if credential not valid 

         force_check - Force credential check, rather than relying on cache

      Return value: True if credential is valid for required time, False

      valid = True

      if not validity:
         validity = self.minValidity
      validityInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds( validity )
      timeleft = self.timeleft( force_check = force_check )

      if not timeleft:
         valid = False
         timeleftInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds( timeleft )
         if timeleftInSeconds <= validityInSeconds:
            valid = False

      if not valid and log:
         _tl = self.timeleft( force_check = force_check )
         if _tl == "-1" or _tl == "0:00:00":
            _expiryStatement = "has expired!"
            _expiryStatement = "will expire in %s!" % _tl

         itemList = []
         text = self._name[ 0 ]
         for i in range( len( self._name ) - 1 ):
            character = self._name[ i + 1 ]
            if character.isupper():
               itemList.append( text )
               text = character.lower()
               text = "".join( [ text, character ] )
         itemList.append( text )
         _credentialName = " ".join( itemList )
         logger.warning( "%s %s" % \
                         ( _credentialName, _expiryStatement ) )
      return valid

   def location( self ):
      Determine credential location

      No arguments other than self

      Return value: Path to credential if found, or empty string otherwise

      return ""

   def renew( self, validity = "", maxTry = 0, minValidity = "", \
      check = True ):
      Renew credential.

      Arguments other than self:
         validity    - Validity with which credential should be created,
                       specified as string of format "hh:mm"
                       [ Defaults to value of self.validityAtCreation ]
         maxTry      - Number of password attempts allowed
                       [ Defaults to value of self.maxTry ]
         minValidity - Minimum validity in case checking of
                       pre-existing credential is performed,
                       specified as strong of format "hh:mm"
                       [ Defaults to value of self.minValidity ]
         check       - Flag to request checking of pre-existing
                       credential; if flag is set to true, then new
                       credential is created only if the validity of
                       any pre-existing credential is less than the
                       value of minValidity
                       [ Default: True ] 

      Note: renew is the same as create, except for the default value of check

      Return value: True if new credential is created successfully, and False
      status = self.create( validity, maxTry, minValidity, check )

      return status

   def timeInSeconds( self, timeString = "" ):
      Convert time string to time in seconds

      Arguments other than self:
         timeString - Time specified as string of format "hh:mm:ss"

      Return value: Time in seconds (integer)

      totalTime = 0
      timeList = timeString.split( ":" )
      if len( timeList ) >= 1:
         totalTime = totalTime + int( timeList[ 0 ] ) * 60 * 60
      if len( timeList ) >= 2:
         totalTime = totalTime + int( timeList[ 1 ] ) * 60
      if len( timeList ) >= 3:
         totalTime = totalTime + int (timeList[ 2 ] )

      return totalTime

   def timeleft( self, units = "hh:mm:ss", force_check = False ):
      Check time for which credential is valid.

      Arguments other than self:
         units       - String specifying units in which time is returned

         force_check - Force credential check, rather than relying on cache

      Allowed values for units are:
         "hours"              - time returned as in hours
         "minutes"            - time returned in minutes
         "seconds"            - time returned in seconds
         "hh:mm:ss" [default] - time returned as hours, minutes seconds

      Return value: Credential validity as string giving time in requested
         units, or empty string if command for querying credential validity
         is unavailable

      timeRemaining = self.timeleftInHMS( force_check = force_check )
      if timeRemaining not in [ "", "-1" ]:
         if units in [ "hours", "minutes", "seconds" ]:
            timeleftInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds( timeRemaining )
            if "seconds" == units:
               timeRemaining = "%.2f" % ( timeleftInSeconds )
            elif "minutes" == units:
               timeRemaining = "%.2f" % ( timeleftInSeconds / 60. )
            elif "hours" == units:
               timeRemaining = "%.2f" % ( timeleftInSeconds / ( 60. * 60. ) )

      return timeRemaining

   def timeleftInHMS( self, force_check = False ):
      Determine remaining validity of credential in hours, minutes and seconds

      Argument other than self:
         force_check - Force credential check, rather than relying on cache

      Return value: String giving credential validity, or empty string
         if command for querying credential validity is unavailable
      logger.warning( "Dummy method used - no information returned" )
      return ""
Exemple #4
class AfsTokenInfo(ICredentialInfo):
    A wrapper around an AFS token

    For now it is very CERN-specific (or at least only follows the CERN use-case)

    should_warn = False

    info_pattern = re.compile(
        r"^User's \(AFS ID \d*\) tokens for (?P<id>\w*@\S*) \[Expires (?P<expires>.*)\]$",

    __slots__ = ('shell', 'cache', 'initial_requirements')

    def __init__(self, requirements, check_file=False, create=False):
            requirements (ICredentialRequirement): An object specifying the requirements
            check_file (bool): Raise an exception if the file does not exist
            create (bool): Create the credential file
        self.shell = Shell()

        super(AfsTokenInfo, self).__init__(requirements, check_file, create)

    def create(self):
        Creates a new AFS token

            CredentialRenewalError: If the renewal process returns a non-zero value

        command = 'kinit'

        process = subprocess.Popen(command,
        stdoutdata, stderrdata = process.communicate(
            getpass('Kerberos password: '******'AFS token %s created. Valid for %s', self.location,
            raise CredentialRenewalError(stderrdata)

    def renew(self):
        Renews the AFS token

            CredentialRenewalError: If the renewal process returns a non-zero value
        status, output, message = self.shell.cmd1('kinit -R')

        if status != 0:
            logger.debug('kinit -R failed, creating as new')

    def destroy(self):
        This removes the kerberos token from disk

        if self.location:

    def info(self):
        This returns a summary of the token infor on disk
        status, output, message = self.shell.cmd1('tokens')
        return output

    def expiry_time(self):
        This calculates the number of seconds left for the kerberos token on disk
        info = self.info
        matches = re.finditer(AfsTokenInfo.info_pattern, info)

        if not matches:
            return datetime.timedelta()

        all_tokens = [match.group('expires') for match in matches]

        if len(all_tokens) > 1:
            if AfsTokenInfo.should_warn:
                    "Found multiple AFS tokens, taking soonest expiring one for safety"
                logger.warning("Tokens found for: %s".format(" ".join(
                    [match.group('id') for match in matches])))
                AfsTokenInfo.should_warn = False

        soonest = None

        for expires in all_tokens:
            expires = datetime.datetime.strptime(expires, '%b %d %H:%M')
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            expires = expires.replace(year=now.year)

            # If the expiration date is in the past then assume it should be in the future
            if expires < now:
                expires = expires.replace(year=now.year + 1)

            if not soonest or expires < soonest:
                soonest = expires

        return soonest

    def default_location(self):
        This returns the default location of a kerberos token on disk as determined from the uid
        krb_env_var = os.getenv('KRB5CCNAME', '')
        if krb_env_var.startswith('FILE:'):
            krb_env_var = krb_env_var[5:]

        # If file already exists
        if os.path.exists(krb_env_var):
            return krb_env_var

        # Lets try to find it if we can't get it from the env
        default_name_prefix = '/tmp/krb5cc_{uid}'.format(uid=os.getuid())
        matches = glob(default_name_prefix +
                       '*')  # Check for partial matches on disk
        if len(matches) == 1:  # If one then use it
            filename_guess = matches[0]
        else:  # Otherwise use the default
            filename_guess = default_name_prefix
        return filename_guess
Exemple #5
class AfsTokenInfo(ICredentialInfo):
    A wrapper around an AFS token

    For now it is very CERN-specific (or at least only follows the CERN use-case)

    should_warn = False

    info_pattern = re.compile(r"^User's \(AFS ID \d*\) tokens for (?P<id>\w*@\S*) \[Expires (?P<expires>.*)\]$", re.MULTILINE)

    __slots__=('shell', 'cache', 'initial_requirements')

    def __init__(self, requirements, check_file=False, create=False):
            requirements (ICredentialRequirement): An object specifying the requirements
            check_file (bool): Raise an exception if the file does not exist
            create (bool): Create the credential file
        self.shell = Shell()

        super(AfsTokenInfo, self).__init__(requirements, check_file, create)

    def create(self):
        Creates a new AFS token

            CredentialRenewalError: If the renewal process returns a non-zero value

        command = 'kinit'

        process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        stdoutdata, stderrdata = process.communicate(getpass('Kerberos password: '******'AFS token %s created. Valid for %s', self.location, self.time_left())
            raise CredentialRenewalError(stderrdata)

    def renew(self):
        Renews the AFS token

            CredentialRenewalError: If the renewal process returns a non-zero value
        status, output, message = self.shell.cmd1('kinit -R')

        if status != 0:
            logger.debug('kinit -R failed, creating as new')

    def destroy(self):
        This removes the kerberos token from disk

        if self.location:

    def info(self):
        This returns a summary of the token infor on disk
        status, output, message = self.shell.cmd1('tokens')
        return output

    def expiry_time(self):
        This calculates the number of seconds left for the kerberos token on disk
        info = self.info
        matches = re.finditer(AfsTokenInfo.info_pattern, info)

        if not matches:
            return datetime.timedelta()

        all_tokens = [match.group('expires') for match in matches]

        if len(all_tokens) > 1:
            if AfsTokenInfo.should_warn:
                logger.warning("Found multiple AFS tokens, taking soonest expiring one for safety")
                logger.warning("Tokens found for: %s".format(" ".join([match.group('id') for match in matches])))
                AfsTokenInfo.should_warn = False

        soonest = None

        for expires in all_tokens:
            expires = datetime.datetime.strptime(expires, '%b %d %H:%M')
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            expires = expires.replace(year=now.year)

            # If the expiration date is in the past then assume it should be in the future
            if expires < now:
                expires = expires.replace(year=now.year+1)

            if not soonest or expires < soonest:
                soonest = expires

        return soonest

    def default_location(self):
        This returns the default location of a kerberos token on disk as determined from the uid
        krb_env_var = os.getenv('KRB5CCNAME', '')
        if krb_env_var.startswith('FILE:'):
            krb_env_var = krb_env_var[5:]

        # If file already exists
        if os.path.exists(krb_env_var):
            return krb_env_var

        # Lets try to find it if we can't get it from the env
        default_name_prefix = '/tmp/krb5cc_{uid}'.format(uid=os.getuid())
        matches = glob(default_name_prefix+'*')  # Check for partial matches on disk
        if len(matches) == 1:  # If one then use it
            filename_guess = matches[0]
        else: # Otherwise use the default
            filename_guess = default_name_prefix
        return filename_guess
Exemple #6
class ICredential(GangaObject):
    Interface class for working with credentials

    _schema = Schema(
        Version(1, 0), {
                "Number of password attempts allowed when creating credential"
                       doc="Default minimum validity"),
                       doc="Default credential validity at creation"),
                "Set of commands to be used for credential-related operations")

    _category = "credentials"
    _name = "ICredential"
    _hidden = 1

    _exportmethods = [
        "create", "destroy", "isAvailable", "isValid", "location", "renew",

    def __init__(self):
        super(ICredential, self).__init__()
        self.shell = Shell()
        self.inputPW_Widget = None

    def create(self, validity="", maxTry=0, minValidity="", check=False):
        Create credential.

        Arguments other than self:
           validity    - Validity with which credential should be created,
                         specified as string of format "hh:mm"
                         [ Defaults to value of self.validityAtCreation ]
           maxTry      - Number of password attempts allowed
                         [ Defaults to value of self.maxTry ]
           minValidity - Minimum validity in case checking of
                         pre-existing credential is performed,
                         specified as strong of format "hh:mm"
                         [ Defaults to value of self.minValidity ]
           check       - Flag to request checking of pre-existing
                         credential; if flag is set to true, then new
                         credential is created only if the validity of
                         any pre-existing credential is less than the
                         value of minValidity
                         [ Default: False ] 

        Note: create is the same as renew, except for the default value of check

        Return value: True if credential is created successfully, and False
        global logTimeStamp

        dummy = False
        if not self.command.init:
            dummy = True
        if "valid" in self.command.init_parameters:
            if not self.command.init_parameters["valid"]:
                dummy = True

        if dummy:
            logger.warning("Dummy CommandSet used - no credential created")
            return False

        if not maxTry:
            maxTry = self.maxTry

        if not minValidity:
            minValidity = self.minValidity

        if not validity:
            validity = self.validityAtCreation

        validityInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds(validity)

        if not validityInSeconds:
            logger.warning("Problems with requested validity: %s" %
            return False
        if check and self.isValid(minValidity):
            return True

        ntry = 0

        while ntry < maxTry:

            ntry = ntry + 1
            # Test if GUI widget is to be used.
            if self.inputPW_Widget:
                # Since self.inputPW_Widget is called, current arguments are
                # ignored since renew() and create() in GUI mode will not be
                # called with any arguments.
                #proxy_obj = self._proxyObject ## This is removed to get rid of ref to _proxyObject
                proxy_obj = self
                if self.inputPW_Widget.ask(proxy_obj):
                        "Proceeding to retrieve password from inputPW_Widget.")
                    __pw = self.inputPW_Widget.getPassword(proxy_obj)
                    if not __pw:
                        logger.warning("Password/passphrase expected!")
                        return False
                        tFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
                        del __pw
                            "Could not create secure temporary file for password!"
                        return False
                    del __pw
                    # Current credential modification denied for various reasons.
                    # see GangaGUI.customDialogs.ask() method for more details.
                    return False
                # self.inputPW_Widget.ask() may have modified parameters.
                # Calling buildOpts() to take them into account.
                self.buildOpts(self.command.init, False)
                # Create initialisation list with the 'pipe' parameter
                initList = [
                    self.command.init, self.command.init_parameters["pipe"]
                # Append option value pairs
                for optName, optVal in self.command.currentOpts.iteritems():
                    initList.append("%s %s" % (optName, optVal))
                status = self.shell.system("cat %s|%s" %
                                           (tFile.name, " ".join(initList)))
                # self.inputPW_Widget dialog postprocessing.
                # E.g. disable autorenew mechanism if status != 0.
                self.inputPW_Widget.renewalStatus(proxy_obj, status)
                if status == 0:
                    logger.info("%s creation/renewal successful." % self._name)
                    return True
                    logger.warning("%s creation/renewal failed [%s]." %
                                   (self._name, status))
                    return False
            else:  # Non-GUI credential renewal/creation
                # Check if renewal is from main process (i.e. by bootstrap or
                # user)
                if threading.currentThread().getName() == 'MainThread' or\
                    if "valid" in self.command.init_parameters:
                            self.command.init_parameters['valid']] = validity
                    initList = [self.command.init]
                    # Append option value pairs
                    for optName, optVal in self.command.currentOpts.iteritems(
                        initList.append("%s %s" % (optName, optVal))
                    status = self.shell.system(" ".join(initList))
                    if status == 0:
                        logger.info("%s creation/renewal successful." %
                        return True
                        logger.warning("%s creation/renewal failed [%s]." %
                                       (self._name, status))
                # create initiated from worker thread from monitoring
                # component.
                    currTime = time.time()
                    if currTime - logTimeStamp >= logRepeatDuration:
                        logTimeStamp = currTime

                        # Check validity but print logging messages this time
                        self.isValid("", True)
                        _credentialObject = self._name[0].lower(
                        ) + self._name[1:]
                            "Renew by typing '%s.renew()' at the prompt." %

                        # notify the Core that the credential is not valid
                        _validity = self.timeInSeconds(self.timeleft())
                        _minValidity = self.timeInSeconds(minValidity) / 2.
                        if _validity <= max(120, _minValidity):

                    return True

        logger.warning("%s creation/renewal attempts exceeded %s tries!" %
                       (self._name, maxTry))
        return False

    def destroy(self, allowed_exit=[0]):
        Destroy credential

        Argument other than self:
           allowed_exit - List of exit codes accepted without error
                          when issuing system command for destroying credential

        Return value: False if command for destroying credential is undefined,
                      or True otherwise

        if not self.command.destroy:
            logger.warning("Dummy CommandSet used - no credential created")
            return False

        destroyList = [self.command.destroy]
        for optName, optVal in self.command.destroyOpts.iteritems():
            destroyList.append("%s %s" % (optName, optVal))


        status, output, message = \
            self.shell.cmd1(" ".join(destroyList), allowed_exit)
        proxyPath = self.location()
        if proxyPath:
        return True

    def isAvailable(self):
        Check whether credential is available with system/configuration used

        No arguments other than self

        Return value: True if credential is available, false otherwise

        logger.warning("Dummy method used - this always returns True")

        return True

    def isValid(self, validity="", log=False, force_check=False):
        Check validity

        Arguments other than self:
           validity    - Minimum time for which credential should be valid,
                         specified as string of format "hh:mm"
                         [ Defaults to valud of self.minValidity ]

           log         - Print logger messages if credential not valid 

           force_check - Force credential check, rather than relying on cache

        Return value: True if credential is valid for required time, False

        valid = True

        if not validity or validity is None:
            validity = self.minValidity
        validityInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds(validity)
        timeleft = self.timeleft(force_check=force_check)

        if not timeleft:
            valid = False
            timeleftInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds(timeleft)
            if timeleftInSeconds <= validityInSeconds:
                valid = False

        if not valid and log:
            _tl = self.timeleft(force_check=force_check)
            if _tl == "-1" or _tl == "0:00:00":
                _expiryStatement = "has expired!"
                _expiryStatement = "will expire in %s!" % _tl

            itemList = []
            text = self._name[0]
            for i in range(len(self._name) - 1):
                character = self._name[i + 1]
                if character.isupper():
                    text = character.lower()
                    text = "".join([text, character])
            _credentialName = " ".join(itemList)

            logger.warning("%s %s" % (_credentialName, _expiryStatement))

        return valid

    def location(self):
        Determine credential location

        No arguments other than self

        Return value: Path to credential if found, or empty string otherwise

        return ""

    def renew(self, validity="", maxTry=0, minValidity="", check=True):
        Renew credential.

        Arguments other than self:
           validity    - Validity with which credential should be created,
                         specified as string of format "hh:mm"
                         [ Defaults to value of self.validityAtCreation ]
           maxTry      - Number of password attempts allowed
                         [ Defaults to value of self.maxTry ]
           minValidity - Minimum validity in case checking of
                         pre-existing credential is performed,
                         specified as strong of format "hh:mm"
                         [ Defaults to value of self.minValidity ]
           check       - Flag to request checking of pre-existing
                         credential; if flag is set to true, then new
                         credential is created only if the validity of
                         any pre-existing credential is less than the
                         value of minValidity
                         [ Default: True ] 

        Note: renew is the same as create, except for the default value of check

        Return value: True if new credential is created successfully, and False
        status = self.create(validity, maxTry, minValidity, check)

        return status

    def timeInSeconds(self, timeString=""):
        Convert time string to time in seconds

        Arguments other than self:
           timeString - Time specified as string of format "hh:mm:ss"

        Return value: Time in seconds (integer)

        totalTime = 0
        timeList = timeString.split(":")
        if len(timeList) >= 1:
            totalTime = totalTime + int(timeList[0]) * 60 * 60
        if len(timeList) >= 2:
            totalTime = totalTime + int(timeList[1]) * 60
        if len(timeList) >= 3:
            totalTime = totalTime + int(timeList[2])

        return totalTime

    def timeleft(self, units="hh:mm:ss", force_check=False):
        Check time for which credential is valid.

        Arguments other than self:
           units       - String specifying units in which time is returned

           force_check - Force credential check, rather than relying on cache

        Allowed values for units are:
           "hours"              - time returned as in hours
           "minutes"            - time returned in minutes
           "seconds"            - time returned in seconds
           "hh:mm:ss" [default] - time returned as hours, minutes seconds

        Return value: Credential validity as string giving time in requested
           units, or empty string if command for querying credential validity
           is unavailable

        timeRemaining = self.timeleftInHMS(force_check=force_check)
        if timeRemaining not in ["", "-1"]:
            if units in ["hours", "minutes", "seconds"]:
                timeleftInSeconds = self.timeInSeconds(timeRemaining)
                if "seconds" == units:
                    timeRemaining = "%.2f" % (timeleftInSeconds)
                elif "minutes" == units:
                    timeRemaining = "%.2f" % (timeleftInSeconds / 60.)
                elif "hours" == units:
                    timeRemaining = "%.2f" % (timeleftInSeconds / (60. * 60.))

        return timeRemaining

    def timeleftInHMS(self, force_check=False):
        Determine remaining validity of credential in hours, minutes and seconds

        Argument other than self:
           force_check - Force credential check, rather than relying on cache

        Return value: String giving credential validity, or empty string
           if command for querying credential validity is unavailable
        logger.warning("Dummy method used - no information returned")
        return ""