def preparejob( self, jobconfig, master_input_sandbox ): """Prepare the script to create the job on the remote host""" from Ganga.Utility import tempfile workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() job = self.getJobObject() script = """#!/usr/bin/env python #----------------------------------------------------- # This job wrapper script is automatically created by # GANGA Remote backend handler. # # It controls: # 1. unpack input sandbox # 2. create the new job # 3. submit it #----------------------------------------------------- import os,os.path,shutil,tempfile import sys,popen2,time,traceback import tarfile ############################################################################################ ###INLINEMODULES### ############################################################################################ j = Job() output_sandbox = ###OUTPUTSANDBOX### input_sandbox = ###INPUTSANDBOX### appexec = ###APPLICATIONEXEC### appargs = ###APPLICATIONARGS### back_end = ###BACKEND### ganga_dir = ###GANGADIR### code = ###CODE### environment = ###ENVIRONMENT### user_env = ###USERENV### if user_env != None: for env_var in user_env: environment[env_var] = user_env[env_var] j.outputsandbox = output_sandbox j.backend = back_end # Unpack the input sandboxes shutil.move(os.path.expanduser(ganga_dir + "/__subjob_input_sbx__" + code), j.inputdir+"/__subjob_input_sbx__") shutil.move(os.path.expanduser(ganga_dir + "/__master_input_sbx__" + code), j.inputdir+"/__master_input_sbx__") # Add the files in the sandbox to the job inputsbx = [] fullsbxlist = [] try: tar ="/__master_input_sbx__") filelist = tar.getnames() print filelist for f in filelist: fullsbxlist.append( f ) inputsbx.append( j.inputdir + "/" + f ) except: print "Unable to open master input sandbox" try: tar ="/__subjob_input_sbx__") filelist = tar.getnames() for f in filelist: fullsbxlist.append( f ) inputsbx.append( j.inputdir + "/" + f ) except: print "Unable to open subjob input sandbox" # sort out the path of the exe if appexec in fullsbxlist: j.application = Executable ( exe = File(os.path.join(j.inputdir, appexec)), args = appargs, env = environment ) print "Script found: %s" % appexec else: j.application = Executable ( exe = appexec, args = appargs, env = environment ) j.inputsandbox = inputsbx getPackedInputSandbox(j.inputdir+"/__subjob_input_sbx__", j.inputdir + "/.") getPackedInputSandbox(j.inputdir+"/__master_input_sbx__", j.inputdir + "/.") # submit the job j.submit() # Start pickle token print "***_START_PICKLE_***" # pickle the job import pickle print j.outputdir print pickle.dumps(j._impl) # print a finished token print "***_END_PICKLE_***" print "***_FINISHED_***" """ import inspect import Ganga.Core.Sandbox as Sandbox script = script.replace('###ENVIRONMENT###', repr(jobconfig.env) ) script = script.replace('###USERENV###', repr(self.environment) ) script = script.replace('###INLINEMODULES###', inspect.getsource(Sandbox.WNSandbox)) script = script.replace('###OUTPUTSANDBOX###', repr(jobconfig.outputbox)) script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONEXEC###',repr(os.path.basename(jobconfig.getExeString()))) script = script.replace('###APPLICATIONARGS###',repr(jobconfig.getArgStrings())) # get a string describing the required backend import StringIO be_out = StringIO.StringIO() job.backend.remote_backend.printTree( be_out, "copyable" ) be_str = be_out.getvalue() script = script.replace('###BACKEND###', be_str) script = script.replace('###GANGADIR###', repr(self.ganga_dir)) script = script.replace('###CODE###', repr(self._code)) sandbox_list = jobconfig.getSandboxFiles() str_list = "[ " for fname in sandbox_list: str_list += "j.inputdir + '/' + " + repr(os.path.basename( )) str_list += ", " str_list += "j.inputdir + '/__master_input_sbx__' ]" script = script.replace('###INPUTSANDBOX###', str_list) return job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer('',script),executable=0)
def preparejob( self, jobconfig, master_input_sandbox ): """Method for preparing job script""" job = self.getJobObject() inbox = job.createPackedInputSandbox( jobconfig.getSandboxFiles() ) inbox.extend( master_input_sandbox ) inpDir = job.getInputWorkspace().getPath() outDir = job.getOutputWorkspace().getPath() workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.workdir = workdir exeString = repr( jobconfig.getExeString() ) argList = jobconfig.getArgStrings() argString = " ".join( map( lambda x : "' \\'%s\\' '" % x, argList ) ) commandList = [ "#!/usr/bin/env python", "# Interactive job wrapper created by Ganga", "# %s" % ( time.strftime( "%c" ) ), "", inspect.getsource( Sandbox.WNSandbox ), "import os", "import sys", "import time", "", "sys.path.insert( 0, '%s' )" % \ getConfig( "System" )[ "GANGA_PYTHONPATH" ], "", "statfileName = os.path.join( '%s', '__jobstatus__' )" % outDir, "try:", " statfile = open( statfileName, 'w' )", "except IOError, x:", " print 'ERROR: Unable to write status file: %s' % statfileName", " print 'ERROR: ',x", " raise", "", "idfileName = os.path.join( '%s', '__id__' )" % outDir, "try:", " idfile = open( idfileName, 'w' )", "except IOError, x:", " print 'ERROR: Unable to write id file: %s' % idfileName", " print 'ERROR: ',x", " raise", "idfile.close()", "", "timeString = time.strftime"\ + "( '%a %d %b %H:%M:%S %Y', time.gmtime( time.time() ) )", "statfile.write( 'START: ' + timeString + os.linesep )", "", "os.chdir( '%s' )" % workdir, "for inFile in %s:" % inbox, " getPackedInputSandbox( inFile )", "", "for key, value in %s.iteritems():" % jobconfig.env, " os.environ[ key ] = value", "", "pyCommandList = [", " 'import os',", " 'idfileName = \"%s\"' % idfileName,", " 'idfile = open( idfileName, \"a\" )',", " 'idfile.write( \"PID: \" + str( os.getppid() ) )',", " 'idfile.flush()',", " 'idfile.close()' ]", "pyCommandString = ';'.join( pyCommandList )", "", "commandList = [", " 'python -c \\\'%s\\\'' % pyCommandString,", " 'exec ' " + exeString + " " + argString + "]", "commandString = ';'.join( commandList )", "", "result = os.system( '%s' % commandString )", "", "createOutputSandbox( %s, None, '%s' )" % \ ( jobconfig.outputbox, outDir ), "", "statfile.write( 'EXITCODE: ' + str( result >> 8 ) + os.linesep )", "timeString = time.strftime"\ + "( '%a %d %b %H:%M:%S %Y', time.gmtime( time.time() ) )", "statfile.write( 'STOP: ' + timeString + os.linesep )", "statfile.flush()", "statfile.close()" ] commandString = "\n".join( commandList ) return job.getInputWorkspace().writefile\ ( FileBuffer( "__jobscript__", commandString), executable = 1 )
def preparejob(self,jobconfig,master_input_sandbox): job = self.getJobObject() #print str(job.backend_output_postprocess) mon = job.getMonitoringService() import Ganga.Core.Sandbox as Sandbox subjob_input_sandbox = job.createPackedInputSandbox(jobconfig.getSandboxFiles() + Sandbox.getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(Sandbox.getDefaultModules()) + Sandbox.getGangaModulesAsSandboxFiles(mon.getSandboxModules())) appscriptpath = [jobconfig.getExeString()]+jobconfig.getArgStrings() if self.nice: appscriptpath = ['nice','-n %d'%self.nice] + appscriptpath if self.nice < 0: logger.warning('increasing process priority is often not allowed, your job may fail due to this') sharedoutputpath=job.getOutputWorkspace().getPath() outputpatterns=jobconfig.outputbox environment=jobconfig.env from Ganga.Utility import tempfile workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() script= """#!/usr/bin/env python import os,os.path,shutil,tempfile import sys,time import glob import sys # FIXME: print as DEBUG: to __syslog__ file #print sys.path #print os.environ['PATH'] #print sys.version # bugfix #13314 : make sure that the wrapper (spawned process) is detached from Ganga session # the process will not receive Control-C signals # using fork and doing setsid() before exec would probably be a bit # better (to avoid slim chance that the signal is propagated to this # process before setsid is reached) # this is only enabled if the first argument is 'subprocess' in order to enable # running this script by hand from outside ganga (which is sometimes useful) if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] == 'subprocess': os.setsid() ############################################################################################ ###INLINEMODULES### ############################################################################################ input_sandbox = ###INPUT_SANDBOX### sharedoutputpath= ###SHAREDOUTPUTPATH### outputpatterns = ###OUTPUTPATTERNS### appscriptpath = ###APPSCRIPTPATH### environment = ###ENVIRONMENT### workdir = ###WORKDIR### statusfilename = os.path.join(sharedoutputpath,'__jobstatus__') try: statusfile=file(statusfilename,'w') except IOError,x: print 'ERROR: not able to write a status file: ', statusfilename print 'ERROR: ',x raise line='START: '+ time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y',time.gmtime(time.time())) + os.linesep statusfile.writelines(line) statusfile.flush() os.chdir(workdir) # -- WARNING: get the input files including the python modules BEFORE sys.path.insert() # -- SINCE PYTHON 2.6 THERE WAS A SUBTLE CHANGE OF SEMANTICS IN THIS AREA for f in input_sandbox: getPackedInputSandbox(f) # -- END OF MOVED CODE BLOCK import sys sys.path.insert(0, ###GANGADIR###) sys.path.insert(0,os.path.join(os.getcwd(),PYTHON_DIR)) try: import subprocess except ImportError,x: sys.path.insert(0,###SUBPROCESS_PYTHONPATH###) import subprocess try: import tarfile except ImportError,x: sys.path.insert(0,###TARFILE_PYTHONPATH###) import tarfile for key,value in environment.iteritems(): os.environ[key] = value outfile=file('stdout','w') errorfile=file('stderr','w') sys.stdout=file('./__syslog__','w') sys.stderr=sys.stdout ###MONITORING_SERVICE### monitor = createMonitoringObject() monitor.start() import subprocess import time #datetime #disabled for python2.2 compatiblity try: child = subprocess.Popen(appscriptpath, shell=False, stdout=outfile, stderr=errorfile) except OSError,x: file('tt','w').close() print >> statusfile, 'EXITCODE: %d'%-9999 print >> statusfile, 'FAILED: %s'%time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') #datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') print >> statusfile, 'PROBLEM STARTING THE APPLICATION SCRIPT: %s %s'%(appscriptpath,str(x)) statusfile.close() sys.exit() print >> statusfile, 'PID: %d' statusfile.flush() result = -1 try: while 1: result = child.poll() if result is not None: break outfile.flush() errorfile.flush() monitor.progress() time.sleep(0.3) finally: monitor.progress() sys.stdout=sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr=sys.__stderr__ monitor.stop(result) outfile.flush() errorfile.flush() createOutputSandbox(outputpatterns,None,sharedoutputpath) def printError(message): errorfile.write(message + os.linesep) errorfile.flush() def printInfo(message): outfile.write(message + os.linesep) outfile.flush() ###OUTPUTUPLOADSPOSTPROCESSING### outfile.close() errorfile.close() ###OUTPUTSANDBOXPOSTPROCESSING### line="EXITCODE: " + repr(result) + os.linesep line+='STOP: '+time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y',time.gmtime(time.time())) + os.linesep statusfile.writelines(line) sys.exit() """ import inspect script = script.replace('###INLINEMODULES###',inspect.getsource(Sandbox.WNSandbox)) from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.OutputFileManager import getWNCodeForOutputSandbox, getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing from Ganga.Utility.Config import getConfig jobidRepr = repr(job.getFQID('.')) script = script.replace('###OUTPUTSANDBOXPOSTPROCESSING###',getWNCodeForOutputSandbox(job, ['stdout', 'stderr', '__syslog__', getConfig('Output')['PostProcessLocationsFileName']], jobidRepr)) script = script.replace('###OUTPUTUPLOADSPOSTPROCESSING###',getWNCodeForOutputPostprocessing(job, '')) script = script.replace('###APPLICATION_NAME###',repr(job.application._name)) script = script.replace('###INPUT_SANDBOX###',repr(subjob_input_sandbox+master_input_sandbox)) script = script.replace('###SHAREDOUTPUTPATH###',repr(sharedoutputpath)) script = script.replace('###APPSCRIPTPATH###',repr(appscriptpath)) script = script.replace('###OUTPUTPATTERNS###',repr(outputpatterns)) script = script.replace('###JOBID###',jobidRepr) script = script.replace('###ENVIRONMENT###',repr(environment)) script = script.replace('###WORKDIR###',repr(workdir)) script = script.replace('###INPUT_DIR###',repr(job.getStringInputDir())) script = script.replace('###MONITORING_SERVICE###',job.getMonitoringService().getWrapperScriptConstructorText()) self.workdir = workdir script = script.replace('###GANGADIR###',repr(getConfig('System')['GANGA_PYTHONPATH'])) import Ganga.PACKAGE script = script.replace('###SUBPROCESS_PYTHONPATH###',repr(Ganga.PACKAGE.setup.getPackagePath2('subprocess','syspath',force=True))) script = script.replace('###TARFILE_PYTHONPATH###',repr(Ganga.PACKAGE.setup.getPackagePath2('tarfile','syspath',force=True))) return job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer('__jobscript__',script),executable=1)