def load_all_tracks(file_ext='.phat',loud=False): ''' loads as lists of track objects. ''' from params import PHAT_TRACKS_BASE,VW_BASE,TRACKS_BASE track_bulge = PHAT_TRACKS_BASE+'hbz07y389/' btrack = [get_tracks(phat,loud=loud) for phat in get_afile(track_bulge,'*HB'+file_ext)] track_bulge_more = PHAT_TRACKS_BASE+'hbz07y389/toomanytoplot/' btrackmore = [get_tracks(phat,loud=loud) for phat in get_afile(track_bulge_more,'*'+file_ext)] track_disk = PHAT_TRACKS_BASE+'S11_Z0.017_Y0.279/' dtrack = [get_tracks(phat,loud=loud) for phat in get_afile(track_disk,'*'+file_ext)] # The HB tracks don't have MS... track_msbulge = TRACKS_BASE+'ell00/C_Z0.07_Y_0.389/' bmstrack = [get_tracks(phat,loud=loud) for phat in get_afile(track_msbulge,'*ENV_0.7*'+file_ext)] return btrack, btrackmore, dtrack, bmstrack
def plot_tracks(tracks): # e.g. from GenUtils import get_afile tracks = [get_tracks(t) for t in get_afile('/Users/Phil/research/Italy//tracks/ell00/C_Z0.07_Y_0.389/','*phat')] T = [Tracks.get_stable_col(t,'LOG_TE') for t in tracks] L = [Tracks.get_stable_col(t,'LOG_L') for t in tracks] M = [info_from_track_filename(['M'] for i in tracks] x = [plt.plot(t,l,color='black') for t,l in zip(T,L)] x = [plt.annotate('%.2f'%m,xy=(max(t),l[argmax(t)]),color='blue',ha='right') for m,t,l in zip(M,T,L)] plt.axis([5,3.2,-2,4.5]) '''
def process_zctmp(extrastr='',zctmp=None,zc=None,processed=None): from GenUtils import get_afile if zctmp == None: zctmp = get_afile(os.getcwd()+'/','*'+extrastr+'*.zctmp')[0] if zc == None: zc = get_afile(os.getcwd()+'/','*'+extrastr+'*.zc')[0] if processed == None: process = zc+'.dat' fed = 0 p = open(process,'w') zct = open(zctmp,'r').readlines() metalbins = map(float,zct[1].strip().split()) halfbins = np.diff(metalbins)/2 halfbin = halfbins[0] # this is just the equally spaced step in metallicity zc_data = read_zc(zc) sfr = zc_data['SFR'] sfr_err = zc_data['SFRerr1'] for j in range(2,len(zct)): #zct_line = time1 time2 sfr_z1 sfr_z2 ... zct_line = map(float,zct[j].strip().split()) # sfr array is shifted two indices... if (sfr[j-2] != 0.): fracerr = sfr_err[j-2]/sfr[j-2] else: fracerr = 0. l = 0 for k in range(len(metalbins)): l+=1 if zct_line[1] == 10.15: zct_line[1]= 10.13 fed = 1 p.write('%.3f %.3f %.7f %.7f %.12f %.12f \n' % \ (metalbins[k]-halfbin, metalbins[k]+halfbin, \ zct_line[0], zct_line[1], \ zct_line[l+1], fracerr*zct_line[l+1])) p.close() print 'process_zctmp wrote',process if fed == 1: 'warning, found age of 10.15, changed to 10.13 to work with TRILEGAL 2.0' return process
''' wrapper to run Leo's bccode. BCDIR must be set in .cshrc This works better than ''' import sys,os sys.path.append(os.environ['PYTHON_CODES']) from GenUtils import get_afile BCDIR = os.environ['BCDIR'] if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'usage python filter res track_location' print 'if res = 0 full resoltion res>0 set resolution' print 'ex phat 0.0 /Users/Phil/research/PHAT/tracks/S11_Z0.017_Y0.279/' sys.exit() filter = sys.argv[1] res = float(sys.argv[2]) track_loc(sys.argv[3]) tracks = get_afile(track_loc,'*PMS*') Tracks = [track+'_'+str(res) for track in tracks if res !=0] if len(Tracks) == 0: Tracks = tracks [os.system(' '.join((os.path.join(BCDIR,'main'),filter,track,str(res)))) for track in Tracks]
agb_iso_track = isotrack_dir+agbmix.split('/')[-2]+'/' if not os.path.isdir(agb_iso_track): os.mkdir(agb_iso_track) print 'made dir:',agb_iso_track make_readme(agb_iso_track,agbmix) mets = [l for l in os.listdir(agbmix) if os.path.isdir(l) and l.startswith('Z')] mfile = open(ifmr,'w') mfile.write('# M_i M_f Z\n') isofiles,Zs,Ys = [],[],[] for met in mets: isofile = agb_iso_track+(met+'_'+name+'.dat').lower() out = open(isofile,'w') filenames = get_afile(agbmix+met+'/','*.dat') print 'found',len(filenames),'with metallicity',met for filename in filenames: addpt = [] track = get_numeric_data(filename) ntp = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'NTP') age = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'age/yr') phi = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'PHI_TP') logt = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'T_*') logl = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'L_*') TPs = get_TP_inds(ntp) phi[0]= -1. # The first line in the agb track is 1. This isn't the quiessent... # The Quessent phase is the the max phase in each TP, i.e., closest to 1. qs = [list(phi).index(np.max(phi[TP])) for TP in TPs]
wrapper to run Leo's bccode. BCDIR must be set in .cshrc This works better than ''' import sys, os sys.path.append(os.environ['PYTHON_CODES']) from GenUtils import get_afile BCDIR = os.environ['BCDIR'] if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'usage python filter res track_location' print 'if res = 0 full resoltion res>0 set resolution' print 'ex phat 0.0 /Users/Phil/research/PHAT/tracks/S11_Z0.017_Y0.279/' sys.exit() filter = sys.argv[1] res = float(sys.argv[2]) track_loc(sys.argv[3]) tracks = get_afile(track_loc, '*PMS*') Tracks = [track + '_' + str(res) for track in tracks if res != 0] if len(Tracks) == 0: Tracks = tracks [ os.system(' '.join((os.path.join(BCDIR, 'main'), filter, track, str(res)))) for track in Tracks ]
if not os.path.isdir(agb_iso_track): os.mkdir(agb_iso_track) print 'made dir:', agb_iso_track make_readme(agb_iso_track, agbmix) mets = [ l for l in os.listdir(agbmix) if os.path.isdir(l) and l.startswith('Z') ] mfile = open(ifmr, 'w') mfile.write('# M_i M_f Z\n') isofiles, Zs, Ys = [], [], [] for met in mets: isofile = agb_iso_track + (met + '_' + name + '.dat').lower() out = open(isofile, 'w') filenames = get_afile(agbmix + met + '/', '*.dat') print 'found', len(filenames), 'with metallicity', met for filename in filenames: addpt = [] track = get_numeric_data(filename) ntp = AGBTracks.get_col(track, 'NTP') age = AGBTracks.get_col(track, 'age/yr') phi = AGBTracks.get_col(track, 'PHI_TP') logt = AGBTracks.get_col(track, 'T_*') logl = AGBTracks.get_col(track, 'L_*') TPs = get_TP_inds(ntp) phi[0] = -1. # The first line in the agb track is 1. This isn't the quiessent... # The Quessent phase is the the max phase in each TP, i.e., closest to 1. qs = [list(phi).index(np.max(phi[TP])) for TP in TPs]
def get_TP_inds(NTP): def add_points_to_q_track(track,qs): def find_dldt(track,TPs,addpt): def diag_plots(track,logl,log t,slopes,Qs,addpt,rising,fits,plotpath='DIAGPLOTS'): x = np.linspace(min(logt),max(logt)) dd=plt.figure() dd=plt.title('%s %s M=%.2f'%(filename.split('/')[-3],filename.split('/')[-2],mass)) dd=[plt.plot(x,fits[i][0]*x+fits[i][1],'--',color='blue',lw=0.5) for i in range(len(fits))] dd=plt.plot(logt,logl,color='black') dd=[plt.plot(logt[r],log plt.figure() plt.plot(age,logt) plt.plot(age[Qs],logt[Qs],'o') plt.xlabel('age') plt.ylabel('Log T') plt.savefig(plotpath+'/diag_''/')[-1].replace('.dat','age_T.png')) plt.close() plt.figure() plt.plot(age,logl) plt.plot(age[Qs],logl[Qs],'o') plt.xlabel('age') plt.ylabel('Log L') plt.savefig(plotpath+'/diag_''/')[-1].replace('.dat','age_L.png')) plt.close() return if __name__ == "__main__": #sources: agbmix = '/Users/Phil/research/Italy/WFC3SNAP/Sp2011/fromPaola/agb_full_wv/' name = 'agb_wv' # where to put stuff! trilegal_dir = '/Users/Phil/research/Italy/trilegal_1.3/' isotrack_dir = trilegal_dir+'isotrack/' agb_iso_track = isotrack_dir+agbmix.split('/')[-2]+'/' if not os.path.isdir(agb_iso_track): os.mkdir(agb_iso_track) print 'made dir:',agb_iso_track readmef = agb_iso_track+'readme.txt' if os.path.isfile(readmef): readme = open(agb_iso_track+'readme.txt','a') readme.write('\n --- %s --- \n'%time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) else: readme = open(agb_iso_track+'readme.txt','w') readme.write('This directory has agb tracks parsed from AGBTracksUtils. Sources are \n %s \n and within\n'%agbmix) readme.close() mets = [l for l in os.listdir(agbmix) if os.path.isdir(l) and l.startswith('Z')] isofiles,Zs,Ys = [],[],[] for met in mets: if met != 'Z0.019': continue isofile = agb_iso_track+(met+'_'+name+'.dat').lower() out = open(isofile,'w') filenames = get_afile(agbmix+met+'/','*.dat') print 'found',len(filenames),'with metallicity',met for filename in filenames: print filename skip=0 addpt = [] track = get_numeric_data(filename) try: ntp = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'NTP') except IndexError: print 'skipping',filename skip=1 break TPs = get_TP_inds(ntp) age = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'age/yr') phi = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'PHI_TP') phi[0]= -1. # The first line in the agb track is 1. This isn't the quiessent... # The Quessent phase is the the max phase in each TP, i.e., closest to 1. qs = [list(phi).index(np.max(phi[TP])) for TP in TPs] Qs = qs logt = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'T_*') logl = AGBTracks.get_col(track,'L_*') mass = float(filename.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1]) if len(Qs) <= 9 and mass < 3.: Qs,addpt = add_points_to_q_track(track,qs) Qs = map(int,Qs) rising,slopes,fits = find_dldt(track,TPs,addpt) make_iso_file(track,Qs,slopes,out) diag_plots(track,logl,logt,slopes,Qs,addpt,rising,fits,plotpath=met+'/DIAGPLOTS') plt.figure(100) dd=plt.plot(logt[map(int,Qs)],logl[map(int,Qs)],color='black',lw=2,label='%.2f'%(mass)) out.close() print 'wrote',isofile dd=plt.title('%s %s'%(filename.split('/')[-3],filename.split('/')[-2])) dd=plt.axis([3.74,3.35,2.8,4.5]) plt.savefig('_'.join((filename.split('/')[-3],filename.split('/')[-2]))+'.png') if skip==0: isofiles.append(isofile) Ys.append(AGBTracks.get_col(track,'Y')[0]) Zs.append(float(met.replace('Z',''))) tracce = 'tracce_'+name+'.dat' metfile = make_met_file(tracce,Zs,Ys,isofiles) print 'wrote',tracce cmd_input_name = 'cmd_input_'+name+'.dat' cmd_input = make_cmd_input(cmd_input_name,tracce) print 'wrote',cmd_input_name '''
def read_all_asts(verts): ''' Reads dolphot ast output. 20 columns of photometry data + 170 columns of dolphot out. verts is the vertices of some region where to kick out the rest of the ASTs. ''' ra = dec = mag1in = mag2in = objtype = np.array([]) mag1out = mag1err = snr1 = round1 = crowd1 = sharp1 = qflag1 = np.array([]) mag2out = mag2err = snr2 = round2 = crowd2 = sharp2 = qflag2 = np.array([]) names = [ 'X', 'Y', 'mag1in', 'mag2in', 'objtype', 'mag1out', 'mag1err', 'snr1', 'sharp1', 'round1', 'crowd1', 'qflag1', 'mag2out', 'mag2err', 'snr2', 'sharp2', 'round2', 'crowd2', 'qflag2' ] allfakes = get_afile('/astro/net/angst2/philrose/PHAT/simulated_data/', '*fake') for fake in allfakes: #print '# '+fake drz = fake.replace('all.fake', 'F336W_drz.chip1.fits') proj = wcs.Projection([0].header) t = np.genfromtxt(fake, unpack=True, usecols=(2, 3, 5, 15, 30, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 62), names=names) tra, tdec = proj.toworld((t['X'], t['Y'])) points = np.column_stack((tra, tdec)) inds = np.nonzero(nxutils.points_inside_poly(points, verts))[0] ra = np.append(ra, tra[inds]) dec = np.append(dec, tdec[inds]) mag1in = np.append(mag1in, t['mag1in'][inds]) mag2in = np.append(mag2in, t['mag2in'][inds]) objtype = np.append(objtype, t['objtype'][inds]) mag1out = np.append(mag1out, t['mag1out'][inds]) mag1err = np.append(mag1err, t['mag1err'][inds]) snr1 = np.append(snr1, t['snr1'][inds]) sharp1 = np.append(sharp1, t['sharp1'][inds]) round1 = np.append(round1, t['round1'][inds]) crowd1 = np.append(crowd1, t['crowd1'][inds]) qflag1 = np.append(qflag1, t['qflag1'][inds]) mag2out = np.append(mag2out, t['mag2out'][inds]) mag2err = np.append(mag2err, t['mag2err'][inds]) snr2 = np.append(snr2, t['snr2'][inds]) sharp2 = np.append(sharp2, t['sharp2'][inds]) round2 = np.append(round2, t['round2'][inds]) crowd2 = np.append(crowd2, t['crowd2'][inds]) qflag2 = np.append(qflag2, t['qflag2'][inds]) ast = { 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'mag1in': mag1in, 'mag2in': mag2in, 'objtype': objtype, 'mag1out': mag1out, 'mag1err': mag1err, 'snr1': snr1, 'sharp1': sharp1, 'round1': round1, 'crowd1': crowd1, 'qflag1': qflag1, 'mag2out': mag2out, 'mag2err': mag2err, 'snr2': snr2, 'sharp2': sharp2, 'round2': round2, 'crowd2': crowd2, 'qflag2': qflag2 } return ast