Exemple #1
    def LoadMap(self):
        self.shape = Shape()
        self.shapes = []
        self.loadState = 0
        self.lawn = 'lawn'
        self.obstacle = 'obstacle'
        self.mower = 'mower'
        self.station = 'station'

        f = open(
        for line in f:
            if line.strip() == str(self.lawn):
                self.loadState = 3

            elif line.strip() == str(self.obstacle):
                self.loadState = 4
                newShape = Shape()

            elif line.strip() == str(self.mower):
                self.loadState = 1

            elif line.strip() == str(self.station):
                self.loadState = 2

                if self.loadState == 1:
                    cords = line.split()
                    self.mowerP = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    self.mowerP.borderId = int(cords[2])

                elif self.loadState == 2:
                    cords = line.split()
                    self.stationP = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    self.stationP.borderId = int(cords[2])

                # load outer border
                elif self.loadState == 3:
                    cords = line.split()
                    p = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    p.borderId = int(cords[2])

                # load inner border
                elif self.loadState == 4:
                    cords = line.split()
                    p = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    p.borderId = int(cords[2])
    def SetState(self, state):
        self.calcDone = 0
        self.state = state

        # print( "IntelliMowerState:", state )
        # add new obstacle everytime state is set to 2
        if self.state == 2:
            newObstacle = Shape()
            self.lawn.innerBorders[-1].id = len(self.lawn.innerBorders)
Exemple #3
    def Reset(self):
        self.sweepAngle = 0
        self.calcDone = 0

        self.lawnExtremePoints = []
        self.boundingBox = []
        self.sweepLines = []
        self.collisionPoints = []
        self.collisionPairs = []
        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = Shape()
        self.mowerPoint = None
        self.stationPoint = None
 def Reset(self):
     self.isInitialized = 0
     self.currentPos = Point(0, 0)
     self.currentStationPos = None
     self.distToNextPos = 0
     self.pathingComplete = 0
     self.pathState = 0
     self.pathList = []
     self.undetectedPaths = []
     self.innerBorders = []
     self.outerBorder = Shape()
     self.collisionPairs = []
     self.decreasingSide = []
     self.increasingSide = []
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, sweepOffset):
        self.sweepAngle = 0
        self.sweepOffset = sweepOffset
        self.calcDone = 0
        self.collisionPointAdjustX = 5
        self.minAllowedPairDist = 15
        self.rotation = 0.0
        self.extremePoints = []
        self.boundingBox = []
        self.centerPoint = Point(0, 0)
        self.sweepLines = []
        self.collisionGroups = []
        self.collisionPairs = []

        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = Shape()
        self.mowerPoint = None
        self.stationPoint = None
        self.mLoader = MapLoader()
 def __init__(self):
     self.bPThresh = 1  # border point threshhold
     self.iPThresh = 0.5
     self.fDThresh = 400  # free destination distance threshold
     self.distToPairThresh = 0  # distance to pair threshold
     self.isInitialized = 0
     self.pathingComplete = 0
     self.currentPos = Point(0, 0)
     self.currentStationPos = None
     self.distToNextPos = 0
     self.pathState = 0
     self.copyPairs = []
     self.undetectedPaths = []
     self.numPairPoints = 0
     self.innerBorders = []
     self.outerBorder = Shape()
     self.collisionPairs = []
     self.pathList = []
     self.decreasingSide = []
     self.increasingSide = []
Exemple #7
class MapLoader():
    shape = Shape()
    shapes = []

    loadState = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.mowerP = None
        self.stationP = None
        self.shape = Shape()
        self.shapes = []
        self.loadState = 0

    def LoadMap(self):
        self.shape = Shape()
        self.shapes = []
        self.loadState = 0
        self.lawn = 'lawn'
        self.obstacle = 'obstacle'
        self.mower = 'mower'
        self.station = 'station'

        f = open("map_one", 'r')
        for line in f:
            if line.strip() == str(self.lawn):
                self.loadState = 3

            elif line.strip() == str(self.obstacle):
                self.loadState = 4
                newShape = Shape()

            elif line.strip() == str(self.mower):
                self.loadState = 1

            elif line.strip() == str(self.station):
                self.loadState = 2

                if self.loadState == 1:
                    cords = line.split()
                    self.mowerP = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    self.mowerP.borderId = int(cords[2])

                elif self.loadState == 2:
                    cords = line.split()
                    self.stationP = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    self.stationP.borderId = int(cords[2])

                # load outer border
                elif self.loadState == 3:
                    cords = line.split()
                    p = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    p.borderId = int(cords[2])

                # load inner border
                elif self.loadState == 4:
                    cords = line.split()
                    p = Point(float(cords[0]), float(cords[1]))
                    p.borderId = int(cords[2])

    def SaveMap(self, lawn, obstacles, mower=None, station=None):
        s = lawn
        obstacles = obstacles
        f = open("map_one", 'w')
        if mower:
            f.write("%s\n" % 'mower')
            f.write("%s" % mower.x)
            f.write(' ')
            f.write("%s" % mower.y)
            f.write(' ')
            f.write("%s\n" % 0)

        if station:
            f.write("%s\n" % 'station')
            f.write("%s" % station.x)
            f.write(' ')
            f.write("%s" % station.y)
            f.write(' ')
            f.write("%s\n" % 0)

        f.write("%s\n" % 'lawn')
        for point in s.pointList:
            f.write("%s" % point.x)
            f.write(' ')
            f.write("%s" % point.y)
            f.write(' ')
            f.write("%s\n" % point.borderId)

        for shape in obstacles:
            f.write("%s\n" % 'obstacle')
            for point in shape.pointList:
                f.write("%s" % point.x)
                f.write(' ')
                f.write("%s" % point.y)
                f.write(' ')
                f.write("%s\n" % point.borderId)

Exemple #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.mowerP = None
     self.stationP = None
     self.shape = Shape()
     self.shapes = []
     self.loadState = 0
Exemple #9
class Pathfinder:
    isInitialized = 0
    bPThresh = 0
    iPThresh = 0
    distToPairThresh = 0
    currentPos = Point(0, 0)
    distToNextPos = 0
    pathState = 0
    copyPairs = []
    undetectedPaths = []
    innerBorders = []
    outerBorder = Shape()
    collisionPairs = []
    pathList = []
    borderPaths = []    #used only by thre UI to show the traveled borders

    def __init__(self):
        self.bPThresh = 1  # border point threshhold
        self.iPThresh = 0.5
        self.fDThresh = 400  # free destination distance threshold
        self.distToPairThresh = 0  # distance to pair threshold
        self.isInitialized = 0
        self.pathingComplete = 0
        self.currentPos = Point(0, 0)
        self.currentStationPos = None
        self.distToNextPos = 0
        self.pathState = 0
        self.copyPairs = []
        self.undetectedPaths = []
        self.numPairPoints = 0
        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = Shape()
        self.collisionPairs = []
        self.pathList = []
        self.borderPaths = []
        self.decreasingSide = []
        self.increasingSide = []

    def Init( self, outerBorder, innerBorders, collisionPairs ):
        self.outerBorder = copy.deepcopy(outerBorder)
        self.innerBorders = copy.deepcopy(innerBorders)
        self.undetectedPaths = copy.deepcopy(collisionPairs)
        self.numPairPoints = len(self.undetectedPaths)
        self.isInitialized = 1

    # NOTE! is only called from IntelliMower object to set an initial position!
    def UpdatePos(self, x, y):
        p = Point(x, y)
        self.currentPos = p
        self.pathList = []

    def UpdateStationPos(self, x, y):
        p = Point(x, y)
        p.id = "ChargingStation"
        self.currentStationPos = p

    # find closest point in a given list to a given point
    def ClosestPoint(self, pList, p):
        i = 0
        closestIndex = 0
        currDist = 0
        #select a current distance not equal to zero distance
        while i < len(pList):
            currDist = p.DistToPoint(pList[i].x, pList[i].y)
            if pList[i].x != p.x or pList[i].y != p.y:
                closestIndex = i
            i += 1

        i = closestIndex + 1
        while i < len( pList ):
            nextDist = p.DistToPoint(pList[i].x, pList[i].y)
            if currDist > nextDist:
                currDist = nextDist

                closestIndex = i
            i += 1

        return pList[closestIndex]

    def ClosestPointFromAllLists(self, pos ):
        closestPoints = []

        if len(self.undetectedPaths):
            closestPoints.append( self.ClosestPoint(self.undetectedPaths, pos) )
        if len(self.decreasingSide):
            closestPoints.append( self.ClosestPoint(self.decreasingSide, pos) )
        if len(self.increasingSide):
            closestPoints.append( self.ClosestPoint(self.increasingSide, pos) )

        i = 1
        clsIndex = 0
        dist = pos.DistToPoint( closestPoints[0].x, closestPoints[0].y )
        while i < len(closestPoints):
            newDist = pos.DistToPoint( closestPoints[i].x, closestPoints[i].y )
            if dist >= newDist:
                dist = newDist
                clsIndex = i
            i += 1
        return closestPoints[clsIndex]

    def PairPoint(self, points, point):
        for p in points:
            if point.id == p.id:
                return p
        print 'ERROR! in function PairPoint: No pair point found!'

    def ClosestIntersectionPointToDst( self, p1, p2 ):
        line = Line(p1, p2)
        intersectionPointList = []
        # check intersecting outer borders on line to closest pair point
        for l in self.outerBorder.lineList:
            p = line.GetIntersectionPoint(l)
            if p:
                # print 'Found OB intersection!'

        # check intersecting inner borders on line to closest pair point
        for shape in self.innerBorders:
            for l in shape.lineList:
                p = line.GetIntersectionPoint(l)
                if p:
                    # print 'Found IB intersection!'
                    # print p.borderId
        # if any intersections found return the closest
        if len(intersectionPointList) > 0:
            # print 'Returning Closest Intersection point!'
            return self.ClosestPoint(intersectionPointList, p2)
            return None

    def ClosestIntersectionPointOnBorder( self, p1, p2, border ):
        line = Line(p1, p2)
        intersectionPointList = []
        # check intersecting outer borders on line to closest pair point
        if border == 0:
            for l in self.outerBorder.lineList:
                p = line.GetIntersectionPoint(l)
                if p:
                    # print 'Found OB intersection!'
        elif border > 0:
            # check intersecting inner borders on line to closest pair point
            shape = self.innerBorders[border - 1]
            for l in shape.lineList:
                p = line.GetIntersectionPoint(l)
                if p:
                    #print 'Found IB intersection!'
                    #print p.intersectingLine.p1.borderId

        # if any intersections found return the closest
        if len(intersectionPointList) > 0:
            # print 'Returning Closest Intersection point!'
            return self.ClosestPoint(intersectionPointList, p2)
            return None

    def ClosestIntersectionPoint( self, p1, p2 ):
        line = Line(p2, p1)
        intersectionPointList = []
        # check intersecting outer borders on line to closest pair point
        for l in self.outerBorder.lineList:
            p = line.GetIntersectionPoint(l)
            if p:
                # print 'Found OB intersection!'
                intersectionPointList.append( p )
        # check intersecting inner borders on line to closest pair point
        for shape in self.innerBorders:
            for l in shape.lineList:
                p = line.GetIntersectionPoint( l )
                if p:
                    #print 'Found IB intersection!'
                    #print p.intersectingLine.p1.borderId
                    intersectionPointList.append( p )

        # if any intersections found return the closest
        if len(intersectionPointList) > 0:
            # print 'Returning Closest Intersection point!'
            return self.ClosestPoint( intersectionPointList, p1 )
            return None

    # if we are standing on a border choose a intersection point not on this border
    def AltClosestIntersectionPoint( self, p1, p2 ):
        border = p1.borderId
        print "AltClosestIntersectionPoint"
        #print ("BorderId:", border)
        line = Line( p2, p1 )
        intersectionPointList = []
        # check intersecting outer borders on line to closest pair point
        for l in self.outerBorder.lineList:
            p = line.GetIntersectionPoint( l )
            if p and p.intersectingLine.p1.borderId != border:
                # print 'Found OB intersection!'
                intersectionPointList.append( p )
        # check intersecting inner borders on line to closest pair point
        for shape in self.innerBorders:
            for l in shape.lineList:
                p = line.GetIntersectionPoint( l )
                if p and p.intersectingLine.p1.borderId != border:
                    #print 'Found IB intersection!'
                    #print ("intersection has border Id:", p.intersectingLine.p1.borderId )
                    intersectionPointList.append( p )

        # if any intersections found return the closest
        if len(intersectionPointList) > 0:
            # print 'Returning Closest Intersection point!'
            return self.ClosestPoint( intersectionPointList, p1 )
            return None

    # Note this is bugged because of mirroring probably
    # Fixme! this function should be rewritten to fix the mirroring problem
    def ClosestPointWithLoS( self, points, currentPos ):
        if len(points) < 1:
            # print "List is empty"
            return None

        pointsCopy = copy.deepcopy(points)

        while len(pointsCopy) > 0:
            closestPos = self.ClosestPoint(pointsCopy, currentPos)
            intersectionP = self.ClosestIntersectionPoint( currentPos, closestPos )

            if intersectionP == None:
                return closestPos
            # if intersection point and closest point on line is the same we do have free LoS
            elif intersectionP.x == closestPos.x and intersectionP.y == closestPos.y:
                return closestPos
            elif intersectionP.x == currentPos.x and intersectionP.y == currentPos.y:
                interP = self.ClosestIntersectionPointToDst( currentPos, closestPos )
                if interP.x == currentPos.x and interP.y == currentPos.y:
                    print 'Warning in ClosestPointWithLoS: standing on intersection point!'
                    return closestPos

            pointsCopy.pop( pointsCopy.index(closestPos) )

        print "Error in ClosestPointWithLoS: No closest point with LoS found"
        return None

    def DeletePointInList(self, points, p ):
        i = 0
        while i < len(points):
            if points[i].x == p.x and points[i].y == p.y:
                i -= 1
            i += 1

    def CalculateVisiblePaths( self, points, incSide, decSide, currPos, num ):
        # we are not standing on a pair point try to go to closest visible
        if currPos.id == 0:
            print 'Warning CalculateVisiblePaths: Not standing on pair point!'

        # split up the mow lines in two lists depending
        # on which side of the mower they are on
        i = 0
        while i < num and len(points) > 0:
            closestPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(points, currPos)
            if closestPos == None:
                i += 1
            elif closestPos.id < currPos.id:
                self.DeletePointInList(points, closestPos)
                pairPoint = self.PairPoint(points, closestPos)
                self.DeletePointInList(points, pairPoint)
            elif closestPos.id > currPos.id:
                self.DeletePointInList(points, closestPos)
                pairPoint = self.PairPoint(points, closestPos)
                self.DeletePointInList(points, pairPoint)
            i += 1

    def PickActiveSide( self, increasingSide, decreasingSide, currentPos ):
        # pick the closest mow line for which there exist the smallest
        # number of lines to mow on that side of the mower
        if len(increasingSide) == 0 and len(decreasingSide) == 0:
            print "Error! Can't pick active side both sides are empty"
            return None
        elif len(increasingSide) == 0:
            return decreasingSide
        elif len(decreasingSide) == 0:
            return increasingSide

            incClosest = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(increasingSide,
            decClosest = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(decreasingSide,

            if incClosest:
                incDist = currentPos.DistToPoint(incClosest.x,
                return decreasingSide

            if decClosest:
                decDist = currentPos.DistToPoint(decClosest.x,
                return increasingSide

            if incDist < decDist:
                return increasingSide
                return decreasingSide

    def GetBorderPath( self, borderList, startP, endP):
        if len(borderList) <= 0:
            print 'Error borderList is empty!'
        if borderList[0].borderId != startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId \
            and borderList[0].borderId != endP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId:
            print 'Error border id mismatch!'
        if startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId != endP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId:
            print 'Error border Id startP and endP not the same!'

        # start point vertices
        bp1 = startP.intersectingLine.p1
        bp2 = startP.intersectingLine.p2

        # end point vertices
        ebp1 = endP.intersectingLine.p1
        ebp2 = endP.intersectingLine.p2

        # positive traverse
        pTL1 = []
        pTL2 = []
        shortestPTL = []
        i = borderList.index(bp1)
        j = borderList.index(bp2)
        count = 0
        print ("bp1 index:", i )
        print ("bp2 index:", j )
        while True:
            # print "hej"
            if borderList[i].x == ebp1.x and borderList[i].y == ebp1.y \
                or borderList[i].x == ebp2.x and borderList[i].y == ebp2.y:
                shortestPTL = pTL1
            if borderList[j].x == ebp1.x and borderList[j].y == ebp1.y \
                or borderList[j].x == ebp2.x and borderList[j].y == ebp2.y:
                shortestPTL = pTL2

            i += 1
            j += 1
            count += 1
            if i == len(borderList):  # if we overflow set the index to the beginning of list
                i = 0
            if j == len(borderList):
                j = 0

            # if we count over one length of border without founding a free LoS we have to jump to next obstacle
            if count == len(borderList):

        # negative traverse
        nTL1 = []
        nTL2 = []
        shortestNTL = []
        j = borderList.index(bp1)
        i = borderList.index(bp2)
        count = 0
        while True:
            if borderList[i].x == ebp1.x and borderList[i].y == ebp1.y \
                or borderList[i].x == ebp2.x and borderList[i].y \
                == ebp2.y:
                shortestNTL = nTL1
            if borderList[i].x == ebp1.x and borderList[i].y == ebp1.y \
                or borderList[i].x == ebp2.x and borderList[i].y \
                == ebp2.y:
                shortestNTL = nTL2
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
            count += 1
            if i == 0:  # if we overflow set the index to the end of list
                i = len(borderList) - 1
            if j == 0:
                j = len(borderList) - 1

            #if we count over one length of border without founding a free LoS we have to jump to next obstacle
            if count == len(borderList):

        if len(shortestNTL) < 1 and len(shortestPTL) < 1:
            print 'Error border lists are faulty'
            return None
        elif len(shortestNTL) < 1:
            return shortestPTL
        elif len(shortestPTL) < 1:
            return shortestNTL
        elif len(shortestPTL) > len(shortestNTL):
            return shortestNTL
        elif len(shortestPTL) < len(shortestNTL):
            return shortestPTL
        elif len(shortestPTL) == len(shortestNTL):
            print 'Both border paths are the same lenght!'
            print ('shortestPTL:', len(shortestPTL))
            print ('shortestNTL:', len(shortestNTL))
            return shortestPTL

    def MowBorderPath( self, borderList, startP ):
        if len(borderList) <= 0:
            print 'Error borderList is empty!'
        if borderList[0].borderId != startP.borderId:
            print 'Error border id mismatch!'

        pList = []
        i = 0
        count = -1
        while i < len( borderList ):
            if borderList[i].x == startP.x and borderList[i].y == startP.y:
                print ( "Found start P index i: ", i )
            i += 1

        while True:
            # print "hej"

            if count > 0 and borderList[i].x == startP.x and borderList[i].y == startP.y:

            i += 1
            count += 1
            if i == len( borderList ):  # if we overflow set the index to the beginning of list
                i = 0
            # if we count over one length of border without founding a free LoS we have to jump to next obstacle
            if count == len( borderList ):

        if len( pList ) < 1:
            print 'Error border lists are faulty'
            return None

        return pList

    # follows border until we get free LoS to a pair
    # point or to the next border intersection point
    def TraverseBorder( self, startP, endP ):

        # print ("startP:", startP.x, startP.y )
        # print ("endP:", endP.x, endP.y )
        # print ("startP border id:", startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId )
        # print ("endP border id:", endP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId )

        traversedPath = []
        if startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId == 0:
            print 'Following lawn border!'
            traversedPath = self.GetBorderPath( self.outerBorder.pointList, startP, endP )
            i = 0
            while i < len(traversedPath):

        elif startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId > 0:
            print 'Following obstacle border!'
            traversedPath = self.GetBorderPath( self.innerBorders[ startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId - 1 ].pointList, startP, endP )

        completedPath = []
        completedPath.append(startP)  # we add start intersection point to pathList first before inserting the planned border paths
        i = 0

        # we check if we see any free LoS points on the way to end point
        while i < len( traversedPath ):

            # print "Num undetected points left:", len( self.undetectedPaths )
            # print "Num points in ActiveSide:", len( pairPoints )
            p = traversedPath[i]

            p.x += 4
            undetectedPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS( self.undetectedPaths, p )
            incPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS( self.increasingSide, p )
            decPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS( self.decreasingSide, p )
            if undetectedPos:
                print 'Found closer undetected point!'
            elif incPos:
                print 'Found closer LoS point!'
                self.DeletePointInList(self.increasingSide, incPos)
            elif decPos:
                print 'Found closer LoS point!'
                self.DeletePointInList(self.decreasingSide, decPos)

            p.x -= 4 * 2
            undetectedPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(self.undetectedPaths, p)
            incPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(self.increasingSide, p)
            decPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(self.decreasingSide, p)
            if undetectedPos:
                print 'Found closer undetected point!'
            elif incPos:
                print 'Found closer LoS point!'
                self.DeletePointInList(self.increasingSide, incPos)
            elif decPos:
                print 'Found closer LoS point!'
                self.DeletePointInList(self.decreasingSide, decPos)

            p.x += 4
            i += 1

        i = 0
        while i < len(completedPath):
            i += 1

    def GoTo( self, p ):
        self.currentPos = p
        if p.id:  # if route pair id update pair id and turn on path state 1
            print ("p id: " , p.id)
            self.pathState = 1
            print "Path State set to 1"

        self.pathList.append( p )

    def GoToNextPair(self):
        # find next route pair and set it to next position
        for point in self.increasingSide:
            if self.currentPos.id == point.id:

                # insert planned next position
                self.currentPos = point

                # remove traveled position

        for point in self.decreasingSide:
            if self.currentPos.id == point.id:

                # insert planned next position
                self.currentPos = point

                # remove traveled position

        for point in self.undetectedPaths:
            if self.currentPos.id == point.id:

                # insert planned next position
                self.currentPos = point

                # remove traveled position

        print 'ERROR! No pair point found!'

    def GoToClosestPairPoint( self ):
        print 'Moving to closest pair point!'
        pos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS( self.undetectedPaths, self.currentPos )
        if pos == None:
            print "Can't move to closest pair point none visible! FIXME! Check if we are standing on a border point!"
            if len( self.undetectedPaths ) or len( self.increasingSide ) or len( self.decreasingSide ):
                # we get closest pair point
                closestP = self.ClosestPointFromAllLists( self.currentPos )
                # we set the closest intersection point
                startP = self.AltClosestIntersectionPoint( self.currentPos, closestP )
                #we set the last intersection point on the obstacle border we wish to traverse
                endP = self.ClosestIntersectionPointOnBorder( startP, closestP, startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId )
                # start traverse
                self.TraverseBorder( startP, endP )
                #self.pathState = 0
            # check if we are standing on a border line

        self.DeletePointInList( self.undetectedPaths, pos)
        self.pathState = 1

    def GoToNextPath( self, increasingSide, decreasingSide, currentPos ):
        activeSide = self.PickActiveSide( increasingSide, decreasingSide, currentPos )
        # we are not standing on a pair point try to go to closest visible
        if activeSide == None:
            if len(self.undetectedPaths) != 0:
                print 'no visible pairs available and inc and dec lists are empty. Following border to closest undected pair point! FIXME'
                # try checking for close visible path's
                print 'Looking for closer visible paths'
                        self.increasingSide, self.decreasingSide,
                        self.currentPos, 8)
                activeSide = self.PickActiveSide(increasingSide,
                        decreasingSide, currentPos)
                print 'Updated points in decreasing side memory: ', \
                print 'Updated points in increasing side memory: ', \
                print 'Num undetected points left:', \
                pos = None
                if activeSide:
                    pos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS( activeSide, currentPos )

                # we did not find any close visible paths after re calculation follow border
                if pos == None:
                    print 'No visible paths available following border to closest pair point!'
                    closestP = self.ClosestPoint( self.undetectedPaths, currentPos )
                    if closestP == None:
                    startP = self.ClosestIntersectionPoint( currentPos, closestP )
                    if startP == None:
                    endP = self.ClosestIntersectionPointOnBorder( startP, closestP, startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId )
                    self.TraverseBorder( startP, endP )

            print 'No paths available!'

        pos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(activeSide, currentPos)
        if pos == None:
            # try checking for close visible path's
            print 'Looking for closer visible paths'
                    self.increasingSide, self.decreasingSide,
                    self.currentPos, 8)
            activeSide = self.PickActiveSide(increasingSide,
                    decreasingSide, currentPos)
            print 'Updated points in decreasing side memory: ', \
            print 'Updated points in increasing side memory: ', \
            print 'Num undetected points left:', \
            pos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(activeSide, currentPos)

            # we did not find any close visible paths after re calculation follow border
            if pos == None:
                print 'No visible paths available following border to closest pair point!'
                closestP = self.ClosestPoint( activeSide, currentPos )
                startP = self.ClosestIntersectionPoint( currentPos, closestP )
                endP = self.ClosestIntersectionPointOnBorder( startP, closestP, startP.intersectingLine.p1.borderId )
                self.TraverseBorder( startP, endP )

        self.GoTo( pos )
        self.DeletePointInList( activeSide, pos )

    # Only mows outer border right now
    def MowBorders( self ):
        #outerBorderPoints = copy.deepcopy( self.outerBorder.pointList )
        #print len( outerBorderPoints )

        dst = self.ClosestPointWithLoS( self.outerBorder.pointList, self.currentPos )
        #self.GoTo( dst )

        tPath = self.MowBorderPath( self.outerBorder.pointList, dst )
        print len( self.outerBorder.pointList )
        print len(tPath)
        i = 0
        while i < len( tPath ):
            self.GoTo( tPath[i] )
            i += 1

        #self.GoTo( dst )
        #self.TraverseBorder( startP, startP )

        self.pathState = 2

    def FindNextPath( self ):

        if self.isInitialized != 1:

        if self.pathState == 3:
            print "Docked with charging station"
            self.pathingComplete = 1

        if self.pathState == 2:
            print 'Returning to Charging Station'
            if self.currentStationPos:
                self.undetectedPaths    = []
                self.increasingSide     = []
                self.decreasingSide     = []

                closestPos = self.ClosestPointWithLoS(self.undetectedPaths, self.currentPos)
                if closestPos != None:
                    self.GoToNextPath( self.increasingSide, \
                                        self.decreasingSide, self.currentPos)
                self.pathState = 3
            print "Couldn't go to charging station"
            self.pathingComplete = 1

        # if pos is on a pair point go to next pair point
        # we are assuming next route pair point is always visible
        if self.pathState == 0:
            if len( self.pathList ) >= self.numPairPoints \
                and len( self.undetectedPaths ) == 0 \
                and len( self.decreasingSide ) == 0 \
                and len( self.increasingSide ) == 0:
                # all routes have ben mowed cut the borders now!
                print 'Lawn route Completed time to mow borders!'
                self.pathState = 2
            elif self.currentPos.id == 0:

                print 'Total number of pair points: ', \
                print 'Num undetected points left:', \
                print 'Traversed pair points: ', len(self.pathList)
                print 'Points in decreasing side memory: ', \
                print 'Points in increasing side memory: ', \

                if len(self.increasingSide) < 1 \
                    and len(self.decreasingSide) < 1:
                            self.increasingSide, self.decreasingSide,
                            self.currentPos, 2)

                    print 'Calculating Visible Paths........................'
                    print 'num undetected points left:', \
                    print 'Num detected decreasing Side points in memory:', \
                    print 'Num detected increasing side points in memory:', \

                                  self.decreasingSide, self.currentPos)
        elif self.pathState == 1:
            #print 'Going To Next Pair Point!'
            self.pathState = 0


    def Reset(self):
        self.isInitialized = 0
        self.currentPos = Point(0, 0)
        self.currentStationPos = None
        self.distToNextPos = 0
        self.pathingComplete = 0
        self.pathState = 0
        self.pathList = []
        self.borderPaths = []
        self.undetectedPaths = []
        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = Shape()
        self.collisionPairs = []
        self.decreasingSide = []
        self.increasingSide = []
Exemple #10
from Geometry import Shape, Point
from ActiveShapeModelsBetter import ASMB
import functools
import timeit

s = Shape([Point(200, 300), Point(150, 200), Point(130, 500)])

def add(x, y):
    return x + y

timeit.timeit('map( str , s.shapePoints )')
timeit.timeit('[str(x) for x in s.shapePoints ]')

map(add, s.shapePoints)

map(functools.partial(Point.rotate, [[-1, 1], [1, 1]]), s.shapePoints)
Exemple #11
class Map:

    sweepAngle = 0
    sweepOffset = 0
    calcDone = 0

    extremePoints = []
    boundingBox = []
    centerPoint = Point(0, 0)
    sweepLines = []
    collisionGroups = []
    collisionPairs = []

    outerBorder = Shape()
    innerBorders = []
    mLoader = MapLoader()

    def __init__(self, sweepOffset):
        self.sweepAngle = 0
        self.sweepOffset = sweepOffset
        self.calcDone = 0
        self.collisionPointAdjustX = 5
        self.minAllowedPairDist = 15
        self.rotation = 0.0
        self.extremePoints = []
        self.boundingBox = []
        self.centerPoint = Point(0, 0)
        self.sweepLines = []
        self.collisionGroups = []
        self.collisionPairs = []

        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = Shape()
        self.mowerPoint = None
        self.stationPoint = None
        self.mLoader = MapLoader()

    def FindExtremePoints(self):
        mostNorth = self.outerBorder.pointList[0]
        for point in self.outerBorder.pointList:
            if mostNorth.y > point.y:
                mostNorth = point

        mostSouth = self.outerBorder.pointList[0]
        for point in self.outerBorder.pointList:
            if mostSouth.y < point.y:
                mostSouth = point

        mostEast = self.outerBorder.pointList[0]
        for point in self.outerBorder.pointList:
            if mostEast.x < point.x:
                mostEast = point

        mostWest = self.outerBorder.pointList[0]
        for point in self.outerBorder.pointList:
            if mostWest.x > point.x:
                mostWest = point

        mostNorth.y -= 0
        mostSouth.y += 0
        mostEast.x += 0
        mostWest.x -= 0

        self.extremePoints = []

        print 'Positions relative window: '
        print('mostNorth', self.extremePoints[0].x, self.extremePoints[0].y)
        print('mostSouth', self.extremePoints[1].x, self.extremePoints[1].y)
        print('mostEast', self.extremePoints[2].x, self.extremePoints[2].y)
        print('mostWest', self.extremePoints[3].x, self.extremePoints[3].y)

    def CreateBoundingBox(self):
        self.boundingBox = []
        self.boundingBox.append(Point(0, 0))
        self.boundingBox.append(Point(0, 0))
        self.boundingBox.append(Point(0, 0))
        self.boundingBox.append(Point(0, 0))

        self.boundingBox[0].y = self.extremePoints[0].y  # most north
        self.boundingBox[0].x = self.extremePoints[3].x  # most west

        self.boundingBox[1].y = self.extremePoints[0].y  # most north
        self.boundingBox[1].x = self.extremePoints[2].x  # most east

        self.boundingBox[2].y = self.extremePoints[1].y  # most south
        self.boundingBox[2].x = self.extremePoints[2].x  # most east

        self.boundingBox[3].y = self.extremePoints[1].y  # most south
        self.boundingBox[3].x = self.extremePoints[3].x  # most west

    def LineSweep(self):
        self.sweepLines = []
        self.collisionGroups = []

        distX = self.boundingBox[0].DistToPoint(self.boundingBox[1].x,
        distY = self.boundingBox[0].DistToPoint(self.boundingBox[3].x,
        print('Distance X:', distX)
        print('Distance Y:', distY)

        if self.sweepAngle == 0 or self.sweepAngle == 180:

            # traverse down on y-axis
            y = 0
            count = 0
            trigger = self.sweepOffset
            while True:
                if y >= distY:

                # "Fire line ray"
                if y >= trigger:
                    p1 = Point(self.boundingBox[0].x,
                               self.boundingBox[0].y + y)
                    p2 = Point(self.boundingBox[0].x + distX,
                               self.boundingBox[0].y + y)
                    l = Line(p1, p2)

                    collisionsOnSameLine = []
                    # check line intersections and collect intersect points from lawn boundarys
                    for line in self.outerBorder.lineList:
                        point = l.GetIntersectionPoint(line)
                        if point:

                    # check collision with obstacles
                    if len(self.innerBorders) > 0:
                        for shape in self.innerBorders:
                            # check line intersections and collect intersect points from lawn boundarys
                            for line in shape.lineList:
                                point = l.GetIntersectionPoint(line)
                                if point:
                                    #prevPoint = point


                    if len(collisionsOnSameLine) % 2 != 0:
                        print("Error! odd number of collisions on line!")
                        print("num collisions on this line",
                        for point in collisionsOnSameLine:
                            print point.x

                    if len(collisionsOnSameLine) > 0:

                    trigger += self.sweepOffset
                    count += 1
                y += 1

            count = 0
            for points in self.collisionGroups:
                for point in points:
                    count += 1

            print("Number of collision points: ", count)

    # Sorts the points in a list from left closest to the y-axis line
    def SortPoints(self, inPoints):
        i = 0
        sortedPoints = []
        points = copy.deepcopy(inPoints)
        while True:
            if len(points) == 0:

            j = 1
            # x = 0 but y on the same y as the point
            newDist = points[0].DistToPoint(0, points[0].y)
            dist = 0
            currPoint = points[0]
            while True:
                if j >= len(points):
                    index = points.index(currPoint)
                    #print ("saved new Dist:", newDist)

                dist = points[j].DistToPoint(0, points[j].y)
                if newDist > dist:
                    newDist = dist
                    currPoint = points[j]
                j += 1
            i += 1
        points = sortedPoints

    # Sorts the collision points on the same line from left closest to y-axis
    def SortCollisionPoints(self):
        i = 0
        while True:
            if i >= len(self.collisionGroups):
            j = 0
            points = self.collisionGroups[i]
            sortedPoints = []
            while True:
                if len(points) == 0:

                k = 1
                # x = 0 but y on the same y as the point
                newDist = points[0].DistToPoint(0, points[0].y)

                dist = 0
                currPoint = points[0]
                while True:

                    if k >= len(points):
                        index = points.index(currPoint)
                        #print ("saved new Dist:", newDist)

                    dist = points[k].DistToPoint(0, points[k].y)
                    if newDist > dist:
                        newDist = dist
                        currPoint = points[k]
                    k += 1
                j += 1
            self.collisionGroups[i] = sortedPoints
            i += 1

    def SplitVertexAndGetCenterPoint(self, p1, p2):
        l1 = p1.intersectingLine
        l2 = p2.intersectingLine

        yDirection1 = None
        yDirection2 = None

        pEnd1 = p1.intersectingLine.p1
        if pEnd1.x == p1.x and pEnd1.y == p1.y:
            pEnd1 = p1.intersectingLine.p2

        pEnd2 = p2.intersectingLine.p1
        if pEnd2.x == p2.x and pEnd2.y == p2.y:
            pEnd2 = p2.intersectingLine.p2

        print("pEnd1:", pEnd1.x, pEnd1.y)
        print("pEnd2:", pEnd2.x, pEnd2.y)

        if p1.y > pEnd1.y:
            yDirection1 = -1
        elif p1.y < pEnd1.y:
            yDirection1 = 1
        elif p1.y == pEnd1.y:
            print "WARNING! p1 vertex y values the same"

            return p1

        if p2.y > pEnd2.y:
            yDirection2 = -1
        elif p2.y < pEnd2.y:
            yDirection2 = 1

        if p2.y == pEnd2.y:
            print "WARNING! p2 vertex y values the same"

        if yDirection1 == yDirection2:
            return None

        return p1

    def VertexPointAdjust(self, inPoints):
        if len(inPoints) <= 0:
        #print "BEGIN VERTEX ADJUST"
        i = 0
        while True:
            if i >= len(inPoints):
            currPoint = inPoints[i]
            j = i + 1
            while True:
                if j >= len(inPoints):
                if currPoint.x == inPoints[j].x and currPoint.y == inPoints[
                    print "Vertex Found"
                    print(currPoint.x, inPoints[j].x)
                    if self.SplitVertexAndGetCenterPoint(
                            currPoint, inPoints[j]):
                        print "removing 1 points"
                        j -= 1
                        print "removing 2 points"
                        j -= 1
                        i -= 1
                j += 1
            i += 1

    def RemoveClosePairs(self, shapeList, minAllowedDist):
        # remove pairs that are to close to each other. Set distance to max mower width
        for points in shapeList:

            i = 0
            while True:
                if i >= len(self.collisionGroups):

                j = 0
                points = self.collisionGroups[i]
                while True:
                    if j >= len(points):

                    dist = points[j].DistToPoint(points[j + 1].x,
                                                 points[j + 1].y)
                    if dist < minAllowedDist:
                        points.pop(j + 1)
                        j -= 2

                    j += 2
                i += 1

    def PairAndAdjustCollisionPoints(self):
        if len(self.collisionGroups) <= 0:

        self.collisionPairs = []
        newId = 1
        for points in self.collisionGroups:
            i = 0
            while True:
                if i >= len(points):

                #pair and adjust collision points on x-axis
                points[i].id = newId
                points[i].x += self.collisionPointAdjustX
                points[i + 1].id = newId
                points[i + 1].x -= self.collisionPointAdjustX

                self.collisionPairs.append(points[i + 1])
                newId += 1
                i += 2

        print("Number of Pair Id's: ", newId - 1)
        print("First Pair id: ", 1)
        print("Last Pair id: ", newId)

    def ScaleBorder(self, pList, k):
        length = len(pList)

        if length > 0:
            i = 0
            while True:
                if i >= length:
                mat2 = Mat2()
                pList[i] = mat2.Scale(pList[i], k)
                i += 1

    def RotateBorder(self, pList, degree):
        length = len(pList)

        if length > 0:
            i = 0
            while True:
                if i >= length:
                mat2 = Mat2()
                pList[i] = mat2.Rotate(pList[i], degree)
                i += 1

    def TranslateBorder(self, pList, dst):
        length = len(pList)

        if length > 0:
            i = 0
            while True:
                if i >= length:
                mat2 = Mat2()
                pList[i] = mat2.Translate(pList[i], dst)
                i += 1

    def Calculate(self):
        print "Begin Map Calculation!......................"
        if len(self.outerBorder.pointList) <= 0:

        self.centerPoint.y = 400 * -1
        self.centerPoint.x = 400 * -1

        self.TranslateBorder(self.outerBorder.pointList, self.centerPoint)
        self.RotateBorder(self.outerBorder.pointList, self.rotation)
        #self.ScaleBorder( self.outerBorder.pointList, 5 )

        self.centerPoint.y = 400 * 1
        self.centerPoint.x = 400 * 1

        self.TranslateBorder(self.outerBorder.pointList, self.centerPoint)

        minAllowedDist = self.minAllowedPairDist * 3
        self.RemoveClosePairs(self.collisionGroups, minAllowedDist)

        self.centerPoint.y = 400 * -1
        self.centerPoint.x = 400 * -1

        self.TranslateBorder(self.outerBorder.pointList, self.centerPoint)
        self.TranslateBorder(self.collisionPairs, self.centerPoint)
        self.RotateBorder(self.outerBorder.pointList, 360 - self.rotation)
        self.RotateBorder(self.collisionPairs, 360 - self.rotation)

        #self.ScaleBorder( self.outerBorder.pointList, 1.052631579 )
        self.centerPoint.y = 400 * 1
        self.centerPoint.x = 400 * 1

        self.TranslateBorder(self.outerBorder.pointList, self.centerPoint)
        self.TranslateBorder(self.collisionPairs, self.centerPoint)

        self.calcDone = 1
        print "Map Calculation......................Complete!"


    def LoadMap(self):
        self.outerBorder = []
        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = self.mLoader.shape
        self.innerBorders = self.mLoader.shapes
        self.mowerPoint = self.mLoader.mowerP
        self.stationPoint = self.mLoader.stationP

    def SaveMap(self, mower=None, station=None):
        if mower and station:
            self.mLoader.SaveMap(self.outerBorder, self.innerBorders, mower,
        elif mower:
            self.mLoader.SaveMap(self.outerBorder, self.innerBorders, mower)
        elif station:
            self.mLoader.SaveMap(self.outerBorder, self.innerBorders, None,
            self.mLoader.SaveMap(self.outerBorder, self.innerBorders)

    def Reset(self):
        self.sweepAngle = 0
        self.calcDone = 0

        self.lawnExtremePoints = []
        self.boundingBox = []
        self.sweepLines = []
        self.collisionPoints = []
        self.collisionPairs = []
        self.innerBorders = []
        self.outerBorder = Shape()
        self.mowerPoint = None
        self.stationPoint = None