Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):


        ### Step 1: create the listener, controller and connect the two ###
        self.listener = Synth_Listener()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller()

        ### Step 2: create controller and gesture recognizer ###
        self.max_interface = Max_Interface()
        self.gesture_recognizer = Gesture_Recognizer()
Exemple #2
    def __init__ (self):

        print_welcome ()

        ### Step 1: create the listener, controller and connect the two ###
        self.listener = Synth_Listener ()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller ()
        self.controller.add_listener (self.listener)

        ### Step 2: create controller and gesture recognizer ###
        self.max_interface = Max_Interface ()
        self.gesture_recognizer = Gesture_Recognizer ()
Exemple #3
class Leap_Synth:

    #--- Member Objects ---
    listener = None
    controller = None
    max_interface = None
    gesture_recognizer = None

    # Function: Constructor
    # ---------------------
    # initializes member objects
    def __init__(self):


        ### Step 1: create the listener, controller and connect the two ###
        self.listener = Synth_Listener()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller()

        ### Step 2: create controller and gesture recognizer ###
        self.max_interface = Max_Interface()
        self.gesture_recognizer = Gesture_Recognizer()

    # Function: Destructor
    # --------------------
    # removes the listener from the controller
    def __del__(self):

        ### Step 1: turn off the max patch ###

        ### Step 2: remove leap listener ###

    # Function: get_frame
    # -------------------
    # blocks until it gets a new frame from the listener
    def get_frame(self):

        while (self.listener.new_frame_available == False):

        frame = self.listener.most_recent_frame
        self.listener.new_frame_available = False

        return frame

    ##############################[ --- User Interface --- ]################################################################

    # Function: interface_main
    # ------------------------
    # main function for all interface
    def interface_main(self):

        viable_options = ['r', 't', 's']

        ### Step 1: get their requested mode ###
        print_message("What mode would you like to enter?")
        print " - R: record mode"
        print " - T: train mode"
        print " - S: synth mode"
        response = raw_input("---> ")
        response = response.lower()

        if response == 'r':
            while (True):
        elif response == 't':
        elif response == 's':
            while (True):
            print_message("Error: did not recognize that option")

    # Function: record_main
    # ---------------------
    # interface for recording gestures
    def record_main(self):

        while (True):
            print_message("What would you like to do?")
            print " - R: record a new gesture"
            print " - Q: quit"
            response = raw_input("---> ")
            response = response.lower()

            if response == 'q':

    # Function: record_countdown
    # --------------------------
    # prints out a countdown
    def record_countdown(self):
        print "3"
        print "2"
        print "1"
        print "--- record ---"

    # Function: record_gesture
    # ------------------------
    # record a single gesture
    def record_gesture(self):

        num_examples_recorded = 0
        max_examples = 10

        ### Step 1: have them name the gesture ###
        print_message("What is this gesture called?")
        gesture_name = raw_input("---> ")
        print_message("Now we will begin recording " + str(max_examples) +
                      " examples of this gesture, " + str(gesture_name) +
                      ". Press Enter when ready.")

        record_gesture = Gesture(gesture_name)

        #--- initialize parameters ---
        is_recording = False
        num_frames_recorded = 0

        while (num_examples_recorded < max_examples):

            frame = self.get_frame()

            if record_gesture.is_full():

                ### --- Notify of recording status --- ###
                if is_recording:
                    print "."
                    num_frames_recorded += 1
                    print "x"

                ### --- Check if we should end the recording --- ###
                if num_frames_recorded >= record_gesture.gesture_length:
                    print_message("### Recording Complete ###")
                    is_recording = False
                    num_frames_recorded = 0
                    num_examples_recorded += 1

                ### --- Check if we should start the recording --- ###
                while sys.stdin in select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
                    line = sys.stdin.readline()
                    if line:
                        print_message("### Started Recording ###")
                        is_recording = True

    # Function: train_main
    # --------------------
    # train the classifier
    def train_main(self):

        ### Step 1: load in the data and print out stats about it ###
        print_status("Gesture_Recognizer", "Loading Data")
        # self.gesture_recognizer.eliminate_second_hand ()
        ### Step 2: cluster the poses ###

        print_status("Gesture_Recognizer", "Training Model")

    ##############################[ --- Synth Main --- ]####################################################################

    # Function: synth_main_disrcete
    # --------------------
    # records discrete gestures and classifies them for you.
    def synth_main_discrete(self):


        print_message("Recording Discrete events")
        while (True):

            ### Step 1: initialize the gesture ###
            observed_gesture = Gesture()

            ### Step 2: start the recording ###

            ### Step 3: fill it with frames ###
            while not observed_gesture.is_full():
                frame = self.get_frame()

            ### Step 4: stop the recording and classify ###
            print_message("### Recording Complete ###")

            print_message("enter to continue")

    # Function: get_gesture
    # ---------------------
    # function to wait on gestures
    def get_gesture(self, observed_gesture):

        ### --- add the current frame --- ###
        frame = self.get_frame()

        if observed_gesture.is_full():

            ### --- get classification results --- ###
            classification_results = self.gesture_recognizer.classify_gesture(

            ### --- interpret them --- ###
            return self.classification_results

    # Function: get_coords
    # --------------------
    # returns (x,y,z) of the hand
    def get_continuous_coords(self):

        ### --- add the current frame --- ###
        frame = self.get_frame()

        if len(frame.hands) == 0:
            return None
            position = hands[0].palm_position
            return (position[0], position[1], posiiton[2])

    # Function: get_position_and_orientation
    # --------------------------------------
    # given a frame, this returns the (palm_position, palm_orientation) if we observe
    # a fist (0 fingers visible); (None, None) otherwise
    def get_position_and_orientation(self, frame):

        ### Step 1: peace out if there are no hands ###
        hands = frame.hands
        if len(hands) == 0:
            return (None, None)

        ### Step 2: peace out if there are any fingers (not a fist) ###
        fingers = hands[0].fingers
        if len(fingers) > 0:
            return (None, None)

        ### Step 3: get position and orientation ###
        hand = hands[0]
        palm_position = hands[0].palm_position
        position = (palm_position[0], palm_position[1], palm_position[2])
        palm_normal = hands[0].palm_normal
        orientation = (palm_normal[0], palm_normal[1], palm_normal[2])

        return (position, orientation)

    # Function: synth_main
    # --------------------
    # maintains a 70-frame gesture and tries to classify it
    def synth_main(self):

        ### Step 1: start the max patch ###

        ### Step 2: initialize local data ###
        print_message("Entering Main Loop: Continuous Gesture Recognition")
        observed_gesture = Gesture()

        ### Step 3: enter main loop ###
        while (True):

            ### Step 1: add the current frame to observed_gesture ###
            frame = self.get_frame()

            ### Step 2: get position and orientation (returns (None, None) if not a fist) ###
             palm_orientation) = self.get_position_and_orientation(frame)

            ### Step 3: Get the gesture, if appropriate ###
            send_gesture = None

            if observed_gesture.is_full():

                classification_results = self.gesture_recognizer.classify_gesture(
                if classification_results:
                    prediction = classification_results[0]
                    prediction_prob = classification_results[1]
                    print_message("Prediction: " + str(prediction) +
                                  " | Probability: " + str(prediction_prob))
                    send_gesture = prediction

            ### Step 4: send a gesture to max if one was observed ###
            if send_gesture:

            ### Step 5: Send hand state to max if one was observed ###
            if len(frame.hands) > 0:
Exemple #4
class Leap_Synth:

    #--- Member Objects ---
    listener            = None
    controller          = None
    max_interface       = None
    gesture_recognizer  = None

    # Function: Constructor 
    # ---------------------
    # initializes member objects
    def __init__ (self):

        print_welcome ()

        ### Step 1: create the listener, controller and connect the two ###
        self.listener = Synth_Listener ()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller ()
        self.controller.add_listener (self.listener)

        ### Step 2: create controller and gesture recognizer ###
        self.max_interface = Max_Interface ()
        self.gesture_recognizer = Gesture_Recognizer ()

        ### Step 3: determine what the fps is ###
        self.determine_fps ()

    # Function: Destructor 
    # --------------------
    # removes the listener from the controller
    def __del__ (self):

        ### Step 1: turn off the max patch ###
        self.max_interface.send_gesture ('Stop')

        ### Step 2: remove leap listener ###        

    # Function: get_frame
    # -------------------
    # blocks until it gets a new frame from the listener
    def get_frame (self):

        while (self.listener.new_frame_available == False):

        frame = self.listener.most_recent_frame
        self.listener.new_frame_available = False

        return frame

    # Function: determine_fps
    # -----------------------
    # gets 30 frames in order to determine the fps
    def determine_fps (self):

        start = timeit.timeit()
        for i in range(30):
            print i
            frame = self.get_frame ()
        stop = timeit.timeit()

        self.fps = stop - start
        print "fps: ", self.fps

    ##############################[ --- User Interface --- ]################################################################

    # Function: interface_main
    # ------------------------
    # main function for all interface
    def interface_main (self):

        viable_options =['r', 't', 's']

        ### Step 1: get their requested mode ###
        print_message ("What mode would you like to enter?")
        print " - R: record mode"
        print " - T: train mode"
        print " - S: synth mode"
        response = raw_input ("---> ")
        response = response.lower ()

        if response == 'r':
            while (True):
                self.record_main ()
        elif response == 't':
            self.train_main ()
        elif response == 's':
            while (True):
                self.synth_main ()
            print_message("Error: did not recognize that option")
            self.interface_main ()

    # Function: record_main
    # ---------------------
    # interface for recording gestures
    def record_main (self):

        while (True):
            print_message ("What would you like to do?")
            print " - R: record a new gesture"
            print " - Q: quit"
            response = raw_input ("---> ")
            response = response.lower ()

            if response == 'q':
                exit ()
                self.record_gesture ()

    # Function: record_countdown 
    # --------------------------
    # prints out a countdown
    def record_countdown (self):
        print "3"
        time.sleep (0.5)
        print "2"
        time.sleep (0.5)
        print "1"
        time.sleep (0.5)
        print "--- record ---"

    # Function: record_gesture 
    # ------------------------
    # record a single gesture
    def record_gesture (self):

        num_examples_recorded = 0
        max_examples = 10

        ### Step 1: have them name the gesture ###
        print_message ("What is this gesture called?")
        gesture_name = raw_input("---> ")
        print_message ("Now we will begin recording " + str(max_examples) + " examples of this gesture, " + str(gesture_name) + ". Press Enter when ready.")
        sys.stdin.readline ()

        record_gesture = Gesture (gesture_name)

        #--- initialize parameters ---
        is_recording        = False
        num_frames_recorded = 0

        while (num_examples_recorded < max_examples):

            frame = self.get_frame ()
            record_gesture.add_frame (frame)

            if record_gesture.is_full ():

                ### --- Notify of recording status --- ###
                if is_recording:
                    print "."
                    num_frames_recorded += 1
                    print "x"

                ### --- Check if we should end the recording --- ###
                if num_frames_recorded >= record_gesture.gesture_length:
                    print_message ("### Recording Complete ###")
                    is_recording = False
                    num_frames_recorded = 0
                    num_examples_recorded += 1

                ### --- Check if we should start the recording --- ### 
                while sys.stdin in select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
                  line = sys.stdin.readline()
                  if line:
                    print_message ("### Started Recording ###")
                    is_recording = True

    # Function: train_main
    # --------------------
    # train the classifier 
    def train_main (self):

        ### Step 1: load in all the gestures ###
        print_message ("Loading gestures")
        self.gesture_recognizer.load_gestures ()
        self.gesture_recognizer.print_gestures_stats ()

        ### Step 2: train the HMMs ###
        print_message ("Getting hmms")
        self.gesture_recognizer.get_hmms ()

        ### Step 3: get examples ###
        print_message ("Getting examples for training/testing")
        self.gesture_recognizer.get_all_examples ()
        self.gesture_recognizer.split_training_testing_examples ()

        ### Step 4: train the classifier and save the entire model ###
        self.gesture_recognizer.train_classifier ()
        self.gesture_recognizer.save_model ()

        ### Step 5: evaluate the classifier ###
        self.gesture_recognizer.evaluate_classifier ()

    ##############################[ --- Synth Main --- ]####################################################################

    # Function: synth_main_disrcete
    # --------------------
    # records discrete gestures and classifies them for you.
    def synth_main_discrete (self):

        self.gesture_recognizer.load_model ()

        print_message ("Recording Discrete events")
        while (True):

            ### Step 1: initialize the gesture ###
            observed_gesture = Gesture ()

            ### Step 2: start the recording ###
            self.record_countdown ()

            ### Step 3: fill it with frames ###
            while not observed_gesture.is_full ():
                frame = self.get_frame ()                
                observed_gesture.add_frame (frame)

            ### Step 4: stop the recording and classify ###
            print_message ("### Recording Complete ###")
            self.gesture_recognizer.classify_gesture (observed_gesture)

            print_message("enter to continue")
            sys.stdin.readline ()

    # Function: get_gesture
    # ---------------------
    # function to wait on gestures
    def get_gesture (self, observed_gesture):

        ### --- add the current frame --- ###
        frame = self.get_frame ()
        observed_gesture.add_frame (frame)

        if observed_gesture.is_full ():

            ### --- get classification results --- ###
            classification_results = self.gesture_recognizer.classify_gesture (observed_gesture)

            ### --- interpret them --- ###
            return self.classification_results

    # Function: get_coords
    # --------------------
    # returns (x,y,z) of the hand
    def get_continuous_coords (self):

        ### --- add the current frame --- ###
        frame = self.get_frame ()

        if len(frame.hands) == 0:
            return None
            position = hands[0].palm_position
            return (position[0], position[1], posiiton[2])

    # Function: get_position_and_orientation
    # --------------------------------------
    # given a frame, this returns the (palm_position, palm_orientation) if we observe
    # a fist (0 fingers visible); (None, None) otherwise
    def get_position_and_orientation (self, frame):

        ### Step 1: peace out if there are no hands ###
        hands = frame.hands
        if len(hands) == 0:
            return (None, None)

        ### Step 2: peace out if there are any fingers (not a fist) ###
        fingers = hands[0].fingers
        if len (fingers) > 0:
            return (None, None)

        ### Step 3: get position and orientation ###
        hand = hands[0]
        palm_position   = hands[0].palm_position
        position        = (palm_position[0], palm_position[1], palm_position[2])
        palm_normal     = hands[0].palm_normal
        orientation     = (palm_normal[0], palm_normal[1], palm_normal[2])

        return (position, orientation)

    # Function: synth_main
    # --------------------
    # maintains a 70-frame gesture and tries to classify it
    def synth_main (self):
        ### Step 1: start the max patch ###
        self.max_interface.send_gesture ('Start')

        ### Step 2: initialize local data ###
        print_message ("Entering Main Loop: Continuous Gesture Recognition")
        self.gesture_recognizer.load_model ()
        observed_gesture = Gesture ()

        ### Step 3: enter main loop ###
        while (True):

            ### Step 1: add the current frame to observed_gesture ###
            frame = self.get_frame ()
            observed_gesture.add_frame (frame)

            ### Step 2: get position and orientation (returns (None, None) if not a fist) ###
            (palm_position, palm_orientation) = self.get_position_and_orientation (frame)

            ### Step 3: Get the gesture, if appropriate ###
            send_gesture = None

            if observed_gesture.is_full ():

                classification_results = self.gesture_recognizer.classify_gesture (observed_gesture)
                if classification_results:
                    prediction = classification_results [0]
                    prediction_prob = classification_results [1]
                    print_message("Prediction: " + str(prediction) + " | Probability: " + str(prediction_prob))
                    send_gesture = prediction
                    observed_gesture.clear ()

            ### Step 4: send a gesture to max if one was observed ###
            if send_gesture:
                self.max_interface.send_gesture (send_gesture)

            ### Step 5: Send hand state to max if one was observed ###
            if len(frame.hands) > 0:
                self.max_interface.send_hand_state (frame.hands[0])
Exemple #5
class Leap_Synth:

    #--- Member Objects ---
    listener            = None
    controller          = None
    max_interface       = None
    gesture_recognizer  = None

    # Function: Constructor 
    # ---------------------
    # initializes member objects
    def __init__ (self):

        print_welcome ()

        ### Step 1: create the listener, controller and connect the two ###
        self.listener = Synth_Listener ()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller ()
        self.controller.add_listener (self.listener)

        ### Step 2: create controller and gesture recognizer ###
        self.max_interface = Max_Interface ()
        self.gesture_recognizer = Gesture_Recognizer ()

    # Function: Destructor 
    # --------------------
    # removes the listener from the controller
    def __del__ (self):


    # Function: get_frame
    # -------------------
    # blocks until it gets a new frame from the listener
    def get_frame (self):

        while (self.listener.new_frame_available == False):

        frame = self.listener.most_recent_frame
        self.listener.new_frame_available = False

        return frame

    ##############################[ --- User Interface --- ]################################################################

    # Function: interface_main
    # ------------------------
    # main function for all interface
    def interface_main (self):

        viable_options =['r', 't', 's']

        ### Step 1: get their requested mode ###
        print_message ("What mode would you like to enter?")
        print " - R: record mode"
        print " - T: train mode"
        print " - S: synth mode"
        response = raw_input ("---> ")
        response = response.lower ()
        if not response in viable_options:
            print_error ("Main Interface Loop", "did not recognize the mode you selected")

        if response == 'r':
            while (True):
                self.record_main ()
        elif response == 't':
            self.train_main ()
            while (True):
                self.synth_main ()

    # Function: record_main
    # ---------------------
    # interface for recording gestures
    def record_main (self):

        while (True):
            print_message ("What would you like to do?")
            print " - R: record a new gesture (enter name of gesture)"
            print " - Q: quit"
            response = raw_input ("---> ")
            response = response.lower ()

            if response == 'q':
                exit ()
                self.record_gesture ()

    # Function: record_countdown 
    # --------------------------
    # prints out a countdown
    def record_countdown (self):
        print "3"
        time.sleep (0.5)
        print "2"
        time.sleep (0.5)
        print "1"
        time.sleep (0.5)
        print "--- record ---"

    # Function: record_gesture 
    # ------------------------
    # record a single gesture
    def record_gesture (self):

        num_examples_recorded = 0
        max_examples = 20
        frames_per_example = 100

        ### Step 1: have them name the gesture ###
        print_message ("What is this gesture called?")
        gesture_name = raw_input("---> ")
        print_message ("Now we will begin recording " + str(max_examples) + " examples of this gesture. Press Enter when ready.")
        sys.stdin.readline ()

        while (num_examples_recorded < max_examples):

            ### Step 2: start the recording ###
            self.record_countdown ()
            self.gesture_recognizer.start_recording_gesture (gesture_name)
            self.is_recording = True

            ### Step 3: get a single frame ###
            num_frames_recorded = 0
            while (num_frames_recorded < 100):
                frame = self.get_frame ()
                self.gesture_recognizer.add_frame_to_recording (frame)
                num_frames_recorded += 1

            ### Step 4: stop the recording ###
            print_message ("### Recording Complete ###")
            self.gesture_recognizer.stop_recording_gesture ()
            self.is_recording = False
            num_examples_recorded += 1

    # Function: train_main
    # --------------------
    # train the classifier 
    def train_main (self):

        ### Step 1: load in the data and print out stats about it ###
        print_status ("Gesture_Recognizer", "Loading Data")
        self.gesture_recognizer.load_data ()
        # self.gesture_recognizer.eliminate_second_hand ()
        self.gesture_recognizer.print_data_stats ()
        ### Step 2: cluster the poses ###

        print_status ("Gesture_Recognizer", "Training Model")
        self.gesture_recognizer.train_model ()

    ##############################[ --- Synth Main --- ]####################################################################

    # Function: synth_main
    # --------------------
    # records discrete gestures and classifies them for you.
    def synth_main (self):

        print_message ("Recording Discrete events")
        while (True):

            ### Step 1: initialize the gesture ###
            observed_gesture = []

            ### Step 2: start the recording ###
            self.record_countdown ()

            ### Step 3: fill it with frames ###
            num_frames_recorded = 0
            while (num_frames_recorded < 100):
                frame = self.get_frame ()
                pose = Pose(frame)
                observed_gesture.append (pose.features)
                num_frames_recorded += 1

            ### Step 4: stop the recording and classify ###
            print_message ("### Recording Complete ###")
            self.gesture_recognizer.classify_gesture ("")

            print_message("enter to continue")
            sys.stdin.readline ()
Exemple #6
class Leap_Synth:

    #--- Member Objects ---
    listener = None
    controller = None
    max_interface = None
    gesture_recognizer = None

    # Function: Constructor
    # ---------------------
    # initializes member objects
    def __init__(self):


        ### Step 1: create the listener, controller and connect the two ###
        self.listener = Synth_Listener()
        self.controller = Leap.Controller()

        ### Step 2: create controller and gesture recognizer ###
        self.max_interface = Max_Interface()
        self.gesture_recognizer = Gesture_Recognizer()

    # Function: Destructor
    # --------------------
    # removes the listener from the controller
    def __del__(self):


    # Function: get_frame
    # -------------------
    # blocks until it gets a new frame from the listener
    def get_frame(self):

        while (self.listener.new_frame_available == False):

        frame = self.listener.most_recent_frame
        self.listener.new_frame_available = False

        return frame

    ##############################[ --- User Interface --- ]################################################################

    # Function: interface_main
    # ------------------------
    # main function for all interface
    def interface_main(self):

        viable_options = ['r', 't', 's']

        ### Step 1: get their requested mode ###
        print_message("What mode would you like to enter?")
        print " - R: record mode"
        print " - T: train mode"
        print " - S: synth mode"
        response = raw_input("---> ")
        response = response.lower()
        if not response in viable_options:
            print_error("Main Interface Loop",
                        "did not recognize the mode you selected")

        if response == 'r':
            while (True):
        elif response == 't':
            while (True):

    # Function: record_main
    # ---------------------
    # interface for recording gestures
    def record_main(self):

        while (True):
            print_message("What would you like to do?")
            print " - R: record a new gesture (enter name of gesture)"
            print " - Q: quit"
            response = raw_input("---> ")
            response = response.lower()

            if response == 'q':

    # Function: record_countdown
    # --------------------------
    # prints out a countdown
    def record_countdown(self):
        print "3"
        print "2"
        print "1"
        print "--- record ---"

    # Function: record_gesture
    # ------------------------
    # record a single gesture
    def record_gesture(self):

        num_examples_recorded = 0
        max_examples = 20
        frames_per_example = 100

        ### Step 1: have them name the gesture ###
        print_message("What is this gesture called?")
        gesture_name = raw_input("---> ")
        print_message("Now we will begin recording " + str(max_examples) +
                      " examples of this gesture. Press Enter when ready.")

        while (num_examples_recorded < max_examples):

            ### Step 2: start the recording ###
            self.is_recording = True

            ### Step 3: get a single frame ###
            num_frames_recorded = 0
            while (num_frames_recorded < 100):
                frame = self.get_frame()
                num_frames_recorded += 1

            ### Step 4: stop the recording ###
            print_message("### Recording Complete ###")
            self.is_recording = False
            num_examples_recorded += 1

    # Function: train_main
    # --------------------
    # train the classifier
    def train_main(self):

        ### Step 1: load in the data and print out stats about it ###
        print_status("Gesture_Recognizer", "Loading Data")
        # self.gesture_recognizer.eliminate_second_hand ()
        ### Step 2: cluster the poses ###

        print_status("Gesture_Recognizer", "Training Model")

    ##############################[ --- Synth Main --- ]####################################################################

    # Function: synth_main
    # --------------------
    # records discrete gestures and classifies them for you.
    def synth_main(self):

        print_message("Recording Discrete events")
        while (True):

            ### Step 1: initialize the gesture ###
            observed_gesture = []

            ### Step 2: start the recording ###

            ### Step 3: fill it with frames ###
            num_frames_recorded = 0
            while (num_frames_recorded < 100):
                frame = self.get_frame()
                pose = Pose(frame)
                num_frames_recorded += 1

            ### Step 4: stop the recording and classify ###
            print_message("### Recording Complete ###")

            print_message("enter to continue")