Exemple #1
	def degree(self):
		calculates the degree of each vertex of the passed HyGraph instance.

		Input Arguments:
			self:  a HyGraph instance

		Output Argument:
			ret:  a ParVec instance with each element containing the
			    degree of the corresponding vertex.

		SEE ALSO:  sum 
		if self.nedge() == 0:
			return ParVec.zeros(self.nvert())
		ret = self._spm.Reduce(pcb.pySpParMat.Column(),pcb.plus(), pcb.ifthenelse(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.not_equal_to(), 0), pcb.set(1), pcb.set(0)))
		return ParVec.toParVec(ret)
Exemple #2
	def npin(self):
		calculates the cardinality of each edge of the passed HyGraph 

		Input Arguments:
			self:  a HyGraph instance

		Output Argument:
			ret:  a ParVec instance with each element containing the
			    cardinality of the corresponding edge.

		SEE ALSO:  rank, antirank 
		if self.nedge() == 0:
			return ParVec.zeros(self.nedge())
		ret = self._spm.Reduce(pcb.pySpParMat.Row(),pcb.plus(), pcb.ifthenelse(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.not_equal_to(), 0), pcb.set(1), pcb.set(0)))
		return ParVec.toParVec(ret)