employed_income_dist = [
]  # Income distribution when employed
unemployed_income_dist = [
]  # Income distribution when permanently unemployed
MarkovType.IncomeDstn = [[employed_income_dist, unemployed_income_dist]
                         ]  # set the income distribution in each state
MarkovType.cycles = 0

# %%
# Solve the "Markov TBS" model
t_start = process_time()
t_end = process_time()

# %%
print('Solving the same model "the long way" took ' + str(t_end - t_start) +
      " seconds.")
# plotFuncs([ExampleType.solution[0].cFunc,ExampleType.solution[0].cFunc_U],0,m_upper)
plotFuncs(MarkovType.cFunc[0], 0, m_upper)
diffFunc = lambda m: ExampleType.solution[0].cFunc(m) - MarkovType.cFunc[0][0](
print("Difference between the (employed) consumption functions:")
plotFuncs(diffFunc, 0, m_upper)
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self):
        # Set up and solve TBS
        base_primitives = {'UnempPrb': .015,
                           'DiscFac': 0.9,
                           'Rfree': 1.1,
                           'PermGroFac': 1.05,
                           'CRRA': .95}
        TBSType = TractableConsumerType(**base_primitives)

        # Set up and solve Markov
        MrkvArray = [np.array([[1.0-base_primitives['UnempPrb'], base_primitives['UnempPrb']],[0.0, 1.0]])]
        Markov_primitives = {"CRRA": base_primitives['CRRA'],
                             "Rfree": np.array(2*[base_primitives['Rfree']]),
                             "PermGroFac": [np.array(2*[base_primitives['PermGroFac'] /
                             "BoroCnstArt": None,
                             "PermShkStd": [0.0],
                             "PermShkCount": 1,
                             "TranShkStd": [0.0],
                             "TranShkCount": 1,
                             "T_total": 1,
                             "UnempPrb": 0.0,
                             "UnempPrbRet": 0.0,
                             "T_retire": 0,
                             "IncUnemp": 0.0,
                             "IncUnempRet": 0.0,
                             "aXtraMin": 0.001,
                             "aXtraMax": TBSType.mUpperBnd,
                             "aXtraCount": 48,
                             "aXtraExtra": [None],
                             "aXtraNestFac": 3,
                             "DiscFac": base_primitives['DiscFac'],
                             'Nagents': 1,
                             'psi_seed': 0,
                             'xi_seed': 0,
                             'unemp_seed': 0,
                             'tax_rate': 0.0,
                             'vFuncBool': False,
                             'CubicBool': True,
                             'MrkvArray': MrkvArray,

        MarkovType = MarkovConsumerType(**Markov_primitives)
        MarkovType.cycles = 0
        employed_income_dist = DiscreteDistribution(np.ones(1),
        unemployed_income_dist = DiscreteDistribution(np.ones(1),
        MarkovType.IncomeDstn = [[employed_income_dist,


        self.TBSType = TBSType
        self.MarkovType = MarkovType
Exemple #3
def main():
    # Import the HARK library.  The assumption is that this code is in a folder
    # contained in the HARK folder.  Also import the ConsumptionSavingModel
    import numpy as np  # numeric Python
    from HARK.utilities import plotFuncs  # basic plotting tools
    from HARK.ConsumptionSaving.ConsMarkovModel import MarkovConsumerType  # An alternative, much longer way to solve the TBS model
    from time import clock  # timing utility

    do_simulation = True

    # Define the model primitives
    base_primitives = {
        'UnempPrb': .00625,  # Probability of becoming unemployed
        'DiscFac': 0.975,  # Intertemporal discount factor
        'Rfree': 1.01,  # Risk-free interest factor on assets
        'PermGroFac': 1.0025,  # Permanent income growth factor (uncompensated)
        'CRRA': 1.0
    }  # Coefficient of relative risk aversion

    # Define a dictionary to be used in case of simulation
    simulation_values = {
        'aLvlInitMean': 0.0,  # Mean of log initial assets for new agents
        'aLvlInitStd': 1.0,  # Stdev of log initial assets for new agents
        'AgentCount': 10000,  # Number of agents to simulate
        'T_sim': 120,  # Number of periods to simulate
        'T_cycle': 1
    }  # Number of periods in the cycle

    # Make and solve a tractable consumer type
    ExampleType = TractableConsumerType(**base_primitives)
    t_start = clock()
    t_end = clock()
    print('Solving a tractable consumption-savings model took ' +
          str(t_end - t_start) + ' seconds.')

    # Plot the consumption function and whatnot
    m_upper = 1.5 * ExampleType.mTarg
    conFunc_PF = lambda m: ExampleType.h * ExampleType.PFMPC + ExampleType.PFMPC * m
    plotFuncs([ExampleType.solution[0].cFunc, ExampleType.solution[0].cFunc_U],
              0, m_upper)

    if do_simulation:
                    simulation_values)  # Set attributes needed for simulation
        ExampleType.track_vars = ['mLvlNow']

    # Now solve the same model using backward induction rather than the analytic method of TBS.
    # The TBS model is equivalent to a Markov model with two states, one of them absorbing (permanent unemployment).
    MrkvArray = np.array(
        [[1.0 - base_primitives['UnempPrb'], base_primitives['UnempPrb']],
          1.0]])  # Define the two state, absorbing unemployment Markov array
    init_consumer_objects = {
        np.array(2 * [base_primitives['Rfree']
                      ]),  # Interest factor (same in both states)
        "PermGroFac": [
            np.array(2 * [
                base_primitives['PermGroFac'] /
                (1.0 - base_primitives['UnempPrb'])
        ],  # Unemployment-compensated permanent growth factor
        None,  # Artificial borrowing constraint
        "PermShkStd": [0.0],  # Permanent shock standard deviation
        1,  # Number of shocks in discrete permanent shock distribution
        "TranShkStd": [0.0],  # Transitory shock standard deviation
        1,  # Number of shocks in discrete permanent shock distribution
        1,  # Number of periods in cycle
        0.0,  # Unemployment probability (not used, as the unemployment here is *permanent*, not transitory)
        0.0,  # Unemployment probability when retired (irrelevant here)
        0,  # Age at retirement (turned off)
        0.0,  # Income when unemployed (irrelevant)
        0.0,  # Income when unemployed and retired (irrelevant)
        0.001,  # Minimum value of assets above minimum in grid
        ExampleType.mUpperBnd,  # Maximum value of assets above minimum in grid
        48,  # Number of points in assets grid
        "aXtraExtra": [None],  # Additional points to include in assets grid
        3,  # Degree of exponential nesting when constructing assets grid
        "LivPrb": [np.array([1.0, 1.0])],  # Survival probability
        base_primitives['DiscFac'],  # Intertemporal discount factor
        1,  # Number of agents in a simulation (irrelevant)
        0.0,  # Tax rate on labor income (irrelevant)
        False,  # Whether to calculate the value function
        True,  # Whether to use cubic splines (False --> linear splines)
        'MrkvArray': [MrkvArray]  # State transition probabilities
    MarkovType = MarkovConsumerType(
        **init_consumer_objects)  # Make a basic consumer type
    employed_income_dist = [np.ones(1), np.ones(1),
                            np.ones(1)]  # Income distribution when employed
    unemployed_income_dist = [
        np.ones(1), np.ones(1), np.zeros(1)
    ]  # Income distribution when permanently unemployed
    MarkovType.IncomeDstn = [[employed_income_dist, unemployed_income_dist]
                             ]  # set the income distribution in each state
    MarkovType.cycles = 0

    # Solve the "Markov TBS" model
    t_start = clock()
    t_end = clock()

    print('Solving the same model "the long way" took ' +
          str(t_end - t_start) + ' seconds.')
    plotFuncs(MarkovType.cFunc[0], 0, m_upper)
    diffFunc = lambda m: ExampleType.solution[0].cFunc(m) - MarkovType.cFunc[
    print('Difference between the (employed) consumption functions:')
    plotFuncs(diffFunc, 0, m_upper)