def test_get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra="23:25:53.56", dec="+26:54:23.9", radiusArcsec=5) print("SINGLE COORDINATE CONESEARCH TRIXEL IDs") print(cs._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles()) raList1 = ["13:20:00.00", 200.0, "13:20:00.00", 175.23, 21.36] decList1 = ["+24:18:00.00", 24.3, "+24:18:00.00", -28.25, -15.32] from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=5) print("COORDINATE LIST CONESEARCH TRIXEL IDs") print(cs._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles())
def test_get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra="23:25:53.56", dec="+26:54:23.9", radiusArcsec=5 ) print "SINGLE COORDINATE CONESEARCH TRIXEL IDs" print cs._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles() raList1 = ["13:20:00.00", 200.0, "13:20:00.00", 175.23, 21.36] decList1 = ["+24:18:00.00", 24.3, "+24:18:00.00", -28.25, -15.32] from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=5 ) print "COORDINATE LIST CONESEARCH TRIXEL IDs" print cs._get_trixel_ids_that_overlap_conesearch_circles()
def test_documentaion_function(self): raList1 = [ "23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279 ] decList1 = [ "+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428 ] print("TUTORIAL") from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=False, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False) print(cs.query) matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print(row)
def test_documentaion_functio2(self): raList1 = ["23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279] decList1 = ["+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428] print "TUTORIAL" from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="spectralType is not null" ) print cs.query matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print row print matches.table() matches.table(filepath=pathToOutputDir + "results.dat") print matches.mysql(tableName="mysql_table", filepath=None)
def test_documentaion_function(self): raList1 = ["23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279] decList1 = ["+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428] print "TUTORIAL" from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=False, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False ) print cs.query matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print row
def test_documentaion_functio2(self): raList1 = [ "23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279 ] decList1 = [ "+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428 ] print("TUTORIAL") from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="spectralType is not null") print(cs.query) matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print(row) print(matches.table()) matches.table(filepath=pathToOutputDir + "results.dat") print(matches.mysql(tableName="mysql_table", filepath=None))
def test_conesearch_sql_where_function2(self): raList1 = [ "23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279 ] decList1 = [ "+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428 ] print("WHERE CLAUSE ADDED & DISTINCT") from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="spectralType is not null") matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: pass print(row)
def test_conesearch_function_exception(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch try: this = conesearch(log=log, fakeKey="break the code") this.get() assert False except Exception as e: assert True print(str(e))
def test_conesearch_function2(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=351.47321, dec=26.90664, radiusArcsec=5) print(cs.query)
def test_conesearch_function(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra="23:25:53.56", dec="+26:54:23.9", radiusArcsec=5) print(cs.query)
def test_conesearch_function(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra="23:25:53.56", dec="+26:54:23.9", radiusArcsec=5 ) print cs.query
def test_conesearch_function2(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=351.47321, dec=26.90664, radiusArcsec=5 ) print cs.query
def test_conesearch_function_exception(self): from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch try: this = conesearch( log=log, fakeKey="break the code" ) this.get() assert False except Exception, e: assert True print str(e)
def test_conesearch_function4(self): raList1 = ["23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279] decList1 = ["+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428] from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=7200 ) matchIndies, matches =
def test_conesearch_function4(self): raList1 = [ "23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279 ] decList1 = [ "+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428 ] from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=7200) matchIndies, matches =
def test_conesearch_sql_where_function2(self): raList1 = ["23:25:53.56", "02:10:08.16", "13:20:00.00", 1.47329, 35.34279] decList1 = ["+26:54:23.9", "-48:38:24.3", "+24:18:00.00", 8.43016, -42.34428] print "WHERE CLAUSE ADDED & DISTINCT" from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, spectralType", ra=raList1, dec=decList1, radiusArcsec=10, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="spectralType is not null" ) matchIndies, matches = for row in matches.list: print row
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when `` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools(arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="WARNING", options_first=False, projectName="HMpTy", defaultSettingsFile=True) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # tab completion for raw_input readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(tab_complete) # UNPACK REMAINING CL ARGUMENTS USING `EXEC` TO SETUP THE VARIABLE NAMES # AUTOMATICALLY a = {} for arg, val in list(arguments.items()): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") a[varname] = val if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val a["dbConn"] = val log.debug('%s = %s' % ( varname, val, )) hostFlag = a["hostFlag"] userFlag = a["userFlag"] passwdFlag = a["passwdFlag"] dbNameFlag = a["dbNameFlag"] tableName = a["tableName"] index = a["index"] htmid = a["htmid"] primaryIdCol = a["primaryIdCol"] raCol = a["raCol"] decCol = a["decCol"] ra = a["ra"] dec = a["dec"] radius = a["radius"] level = a["level"] forceFlag = a["forceFlag"] renderFlag = a["renderFlag"] search = a["search"] if "database settings" in settings: dbSettings = settings["database settings"] else: dbSettings = False ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime()'--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime, )) # set options interactively if user requests if "interactiveFlag" in a and a["interactiveFlag"]: # load previous settings moduleDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/resources" pathToPickleFile = "%(moduleDirectory)s/previousSettings.p" % locals() try: with open(pathToPickleFile): pass previousSettingsExist = True except: previousSettingsExist = False previousSettings = {} if previousSettingsExist: previousSettings = pickle.load(open(pathToPickleFile, "rb")) # x-raw-input # x-boolean-raw-input # x-raw-input-with-default-value-from-previous-settings # save the most recently used requests pickleMeObjects = [] pickleMe = {} theseLocals = locals() for k in pickleMeObjects: pickleMe[k] = theseLocals[k] pickle.dump(pickleMe, open(pathToPickleFile, "wb")) if a["init"]: from os.path import expanduser home = expanduser("~") filepath = home + "/.config/HMpTy/HMpTy.yaml" try: cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass try: cmd = """start %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass return # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if index: add_htm_ids_to_mysql_database_table(raColName=raCol, declColName=decCol, tableName=tableName, dbConn=dbConn, log=log, primaryIdColumnName=primaryIdCol, reindex=forceFlag, dbSettings=dbSettings) if search: cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName=tableName, columns=False, ra=ra, dec=dec, radiusArcsec=float(radius), separations=True, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False) matchIndies, matches = if not renderFlag: print(matches.table()) elif renderFlag == "json": print(matches.json()) elif renderFlag == "csv": print(matches.csv()) elif renderFlag == "yaml": print(matches.yaml()) elif renderFlag == "md": print(matches.markdown()) elif renderFlag == "table": print(matches.markdown()) elif renderFlag == "mysql": print(matches.mysql(tableName=resultsTable)) if level: from HMpTy import HTM mesh = HTM(depth=int(level), log=log) htmids = mesh.lookup_id(ra, dec) print(htmids[0]) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime) '-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % ( endTime, runningTime, )) return
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools( arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="DEBUG", options_first=False, projectName="HMpTy" ) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val,)) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val,)) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % (varname, val,)) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() '--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime,)) # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if index: add_htm_ids_to_mysql_database_table( raColName=raCol, declColName=decCol, tableName=tableName, dbConn=dbConn, log=log, primaryIdColumnName=primaryIdCol, reindex=forceFlag ) if search: cs = conesearch( log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName=tableName, columns=False, ra=ra, dec=dec, radiusArcsec=float(radius), separations=True, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False ) matchIndies, matches = if not renderFlag: print matches.table() elif renderFlag == "json": print matches.json() elif renderFlag == "csv": print matches.csv() elif renderFlag == "yaml": print matches.yaml() elif renderFlag == "md": print matches.markdown() elif renderFlag == "table": print matches.markdown() elif renderFlag == "mysql": print matches.mysql(tableName=resultsTable) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime)'-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % (endTime, runningTime, )) return
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools(arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="DEBUG", options_first=False, projectName="HMpTy") arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.items(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, str): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val, )) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val, )) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % ( varname, val, )) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime()'--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime, )) # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if index: add_htm_ids_to_mysql_database_table(raColName=raCol, declColName=decCol, tableName=tableName, dbConn=dbConn, log=log, primaryIdColumnName=primaryIdCol, reindex=forceFlag) if search: cs = conesearch(log=log, dbConn=dbConn, tableName=tableName, columns=False, ra=ra, dec=dec, radiusArcsec=float(radius), separations=True, distinct=False, sqlWhere=False) matchIndies, matches = if not renderFlag: print(matches.table()) elif renderFlag == "json": print(matches.json()) elif renderFlag == "csv": print(matches.csv()) elif renderFlag == "yaml": print(matches.yaml()) elif renderFlag == "md": print(matches.markdown()) elif renderFlag == "table": print(matches.markdown()) elif renderFlag == "mysql": print(matches.mysql(tableName=resultsTable)) if level: from HMpTy import HTM mesh = HTM(depth=int(level), log=log) htmids = mesh.lookup_id(ra, dec) print(htmids[0]) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime) '-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % ( endTime, runningTime, )) return
def _feeder_survey_transientbucket_crossmatch(self): """*crossmatch remaining unique, unmatched sources in feeder survey with sources in the transientbucket & copy matched feeder survey rows to the transientbucket* **Return** - ``unmatched`` -- a list of the unmatched (i.e. new to the marshall) feeder survey surveys """ self.log.debug( 'starting the ``_feeder_survey_transientbucket_crossmatch`` method' ) fsTableName = self.fsTableName # GET THE COLUMN MAP FOR THE FEEDER SURVEY TABLE sqlQuery = u""" SELECT * FROM marshall_fs_column_map where fs_table_name = '%(fsTableName)s' and transientBucket_column in ('name','raDeg','decDeg','limitingMag') """ % locals() rows = readquery(log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.dbConn, quiet=False) columns = {} for row in rows: columns[row["transientBucket_column"]] = row["fs_table_column"] if "raDeg" not in columns: print(f"No coordinates to match in the {fsTableName} table") return [] # BUILD QUERY TO GET UNIQUE UN-MATCHED SOURCES fs_name = columns["name"] self.fs_name = fs_name fs_ra = columns["raDeg"] fs_dec = columns["decDeg"] if 'limitingMag' in columns: fs_lim = columns["limitingMag"] limitClause = " and %(fs_lim)s = 0 " % locals() else: limitClause = "" sqlQuery = u""" select %(fs_name)s, avg(%(fs_ra)s) as %(fs_ra)s, avg(%(fs_dec)s) as %(fs_dec)s from %(fsTableName)s where ingested = 0 %(limitClause)s and %(fs_ra)s is not null and %(fs_dec)s is not null group by %(fs_name)s """ % locals() rows = readquery(log=self.log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=self.dbConn, quiet=False) # STOP IF NO MATCHES if not len(rows): return [] # SPLIT INTO BATCHES SO NOT TO OVERWHELM MEMORY batchSize = 200 total = len(rows) batches = int(old_div(total, batchSize)) start = 0 end = 0 theseBatches = [] for i in range(batches + 1): end = end + batchSize start = i * batchSize thisBatch = rows[start:end] theseBatches.append(thisBatch) unmatched = [] ticker = 0 for batch in theseBatches: fs_name_list = [] fs_ra_list = [] fs_dec_list = [] fs_name_list = [row[fs_name] for row in batch if row[fs_ra]] fs_ra_list = [row[fs_ra] for row in batch if row[fs_ra]] fs_dec_list = [row[fs_dec] for row in batch if row[fs_ra]] ticker += len(fs_name_list) print( "Matching %(ticker)s/%(total)s sources in the %(fsTableName)s against the transientBucket table" % locals()) # CONESEARCH TRANSIENT BUCKET FOR PRE-KNOWN SOURCES FROM OTHER # SURVEYS from HMpTy.mysql import conesearch cs = conesearch(log=self.log, dbConn=self.dbConn, tableName="transientBucket", columns="transientBucketId, name", ra=fs_ra_list, dec=fs_dec_list, radiusArcsec=3.5, separations=True, distinct=True, sqlWhere="masterIDFlag=1", closest=True) matchIndies, matches = # CREATE SQL QUERY TO UPDATE MATCHES IN FS TABLE WITH MATCHED # TRANSIENTBUCKET IDs updates = [] originalList = matches.list originalTotal = len(originalList) print( "Adding %(originalTotal)s new %(fsTableName)s transient detections to the transientBucket table" % locals()) if originalTotal: updates = [] updates[:] = [ "update " + fsTableName + " set transientBucketId = " + str(o['transientBucketId']) + " where " + fs_name + " = '" + str(fs_name_list[m]) + "' and transientBucketId is null;" for m, o in zip(matchIndies, originalList) ] updates = ("\n").join(updates) writequery(log=self.log, sqlQuery=updates, dbConn=self.dbConn) # RETURN UNMATCHED TRANSIENTS for i, v in enumerate(fs_name_list): if i not in matchIndies: unmatched.append(v) # COPY MATCHED ROWS TO TRANSIENTBUCKET self._feeder_survey_transientbucket_name_match_and_import() self.log.debug( 'completed the ``_feeder_survey_transientbucket_crossmatch`` method' ) return unmatched