def getSampleManager(y): if args.genLevel: # skim_str = 'Gen' skim_str = 'noskim' elif args.selection != 'default': skim_str = 'noskim' elif args.region in ['highMassSR', 'lowMassSR']: skim_str = 'RecoGeneral' else: skim_str = 'Reco' file_list = 'fulllist_' + str( y) if args.customList is None else args.customList if skim_str == 'RecoGeneral': sm = SampleManager(y, skim_str, file_list, skim_selection=args.selection, region=args.region) else: sm = SampleManager(y, skim_str, file_list) return sm
if args.noskim: skim_str = 'noskim' else: skim_str = 'Old' if args.selection == 'AN2017014' else 'Reco' sublist = None if args.inData: sublist = 'fulllist_' + args.year + '_nosignal' elif args.flavor == 'tau': sublist = 'BackgroundEstimation/TauFakes' elif args.flavor == 'mu': sublist = 'BackgroundEstimation/MuonFakes' elif args.flavor == 'e': sublist = 'BackgroundEstimation/ElectronFakes' sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, skim_str, sublist) # # Define job list # jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: if args.sample and args.sample not in sample_name: continue sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.returnSplitJobs()): jobs += [(, str(njob))] from HNL.BackgroundEstimation.fakerateArray import createFakeRatesWithJetBins region_to_select = args.tauRegion if args.flavor == 'tau' else 'LightLeptonFakes' # # Define output name
except: self.lumi_weight = self.sample.chain._weight*(self.sample.xsec*LUMINOSITY_MAP[self.sample.chain.year])/self.total_hcount.GetSumOfWeights() return self.lumi_weight elif self.sample.is_data: return 1. else: #the _weight is needed because otherwise the hcounter might be wrong for the denominator self.lumi_weight = self.sample.chain._weight*(self.sample.xsec*LUMINOSITY_MAP[self.sample.chain.year])/self.total_hcount return self.lumi_weight if __name__ == '__main__': from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager from HNL.Tools.logger import getLogger, closeLogger log = getLogger('INFO') sm = SampleManager(2016, 'noskim', 'fulllist_2016') # s = sm.getSample('ZZTo4L') s = sm.getSample('HNL-tau-m800') # s = sm.getSample('DYJetsToLL-M-50') chain = s.initTree() lw = LumiWeight(s, sm) chain.GetEntry(5) chain.year = 2016 print print lw.getLumiWeight() print 'chain._weight: ', chain._weight, 'expected -41444.199' print 'xsec ', s.xsec, lw.sample.xsec, 'expected 18610' print 'luminosity ', LUMINOSITY_MAP[chain.year], 'expected 35546.' print 'hCount ', s.hcount, lw.total_hcount, 'more than 2.05023673303e+12'
argParser.add_argument('--plotSoftTau', action='store_true', default=False, help='Extra overlay of softest tau in the process') argParser.add_argument('--makePlots', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use existing root files to make the plots') args = argParser.parse_args() print 'Loading in samples' #Load in samples and get the specific sample for this job from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', 'allsignal_' + str(args.year)) # # Change some settings if this is a test # if args.isTest: from HNL.Tools.logger import getLogger, closeLogger log = getLogger('INFO') args.isChild = True if args.sample is None: args.sample = 'HNL-tau-m20' if args.subJob is None: args.subJob = '0' if not args.isChild: from HNL.Tools.jobSubmitter import submitJobs jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names:
submission_parser.add_argument('--FOcut', action='store_true', default=False, help='Perform baseline FO cut') submission_parser.add_argument('--divideByCategory', action='store_true', default=False, help='Look at the efficiency per event category') submission_parser.add_argument('--genLevel', action='store_true', default=False, help='Check how many events pass cuts on gen level') submission_parser.add_argument('--compareTriggerCuts', action='store', default=None, help='Look at each trigger separately for each category. Single means just one trigger, cumulative uses cumulative OR of all triggers that come before the chosen one in the list, full applies all triggers for a certain category', choices=['single', 'cumulative', 'full']) submission_parser.add_argument('--flavor', action='store', default=None, help='Which coupling should be active?' , choices=['tau', 'e', 'mu', '2l']) submission_parser.add_argument('--logLevel', action='store', default='INFO', help='Log level for logging', nargs='?', choices=['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE']) args = argParser.parse_args() # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', 'signallist_'+str(args.year)) jobs = [] flavors = ['tau', 'e', 'mu', '2l'] if args.flavor is None else [args.flavor] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: for flavor in flavors: if not '-'+flavor+'-' in sample_name: continue sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.split_jobs): jobs += [(, str(njob), flavor)] #Merges subfiles if needed category_split_str = 'allCategories' if not args.divideByCategory else 'divideByCategory' trigger_str = args.compareTriggerCuts if args.compareTriggerCuts is not None else 'regularRun' mass_str = args.massRegion+'MassCuts' if args.massRegion is not None else 'noMassCuts'
# # Set some args for when performing a test # if args.isTest: if args.sample is None: args.sample = 'DYJetsToLL-M-50' if args.year is None: args.year = '2016' args.subJob = 0 args.isChild = True # #Load in samples # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager file_list = 'fulllist_'+str(args.year) if args.customList is None else args.customList sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', file_list) # # Submit subjobs # if not args.isChild and not args.isTest: from HNL.Tools.jobSubmitter import submitJobs jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) if sample is None: print sample_name, "not found. Will skip this sample" continue for njob in xrange(sample.split_jobs): if njob > 26: continue jobs += [(, str(njob))]
else: return ['loose', 'tight'] def getMuWPs(iso_algo): if 'deeptau' in iso_algo: return ['vloose', 'loose', 'medium', 'tight'] else: return ['loose', 'tight'] # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager( args.year, 'noskim', 'ObjectSelection/compareTauIdList_' + str(args.year)) from HNL.Tools.helpers import getFourVec jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.returnSplitJobs()): jobs += [(, str(njob))] if args.processExistingFiles is None: # # Submit Jobs # if not args.isChild:
argParser.add_argument('--signal', required=True, action='store', default=None, help='Select bkgr') argParser.add_argument('--bkgr', required=True, action='store', default=None, help='Select bkgr') args = argParser.parse_args() from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(2016, 'noskim', 'compareTauIdList_2016') jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.split_jobs): jobs += [(, str(njob))] #Merges subfiles if needed if args.isTest: merge_files = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + '/data/testArea/compareLightLeptonId/*') else: merge_files = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + '/data/compareLightLeptonId/*') for mf in merge_files: if "Results" in mf: merge_files.pop(merge_files.index(mf)) script = os.path.expandvars(
if args.isTest: args.isChild = True if args.sample is None: args.sample = 'HNL-tau-m40' if args.subJob is None: args.subJob = '0' if args.year is None: args.year = '2016' from HNL.Tools.helpers import generateArgString arg_string = generateArgString(argParser) else: arg_string = None # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', 'Triggers/triggerlist_'+str(args.year)) jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.returnSplitJobs()): jobs += [(, str(njob))] # # Submit subjobs # if not args.isChild: from HNL.Tools.jobSubmitter import submitJobs submitJobs(__file__, ('sample', 'subJob'), jobs, argParser, jobLabel = 'trigger') exit(0)
if args.sample is None: args.sample = 'DYJetsToLL-M-50' if not args.signalOnly else 'HNL-tau-m40' args.subJob = '0' args.year = '2016' # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager if args.noskim: skim_str = 'noskim' else: skim_str = 'Old' if args.selection == 'AN2017014' else 'Reco' sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, skim_str, 'yields_' + str(args.year)) # sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, skim_str, 'skimlist_2016') # # function to have consistent categories in running and plotting # from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import CATEGORIES, SUPER_CATEGORIES from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import CATEGORY_TEX_NAMES def listOfCategories(region): if region in ['baseline', 'highMassSR', 'lowMassSR']: return CATEGORIES else: return [max(CATEGORIES)]
# import os, argparse argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Argument parser") argParser.add_argument('--year', action='store', default=None, help='Select year', choices=['2016', '2017', '2018']) argParser.add_argument('--isTest', action='store_true', default=False, help='Is this a test?') argParser.add_argument('--flavor', action='store', default='', help='Which coupling should be active?' , choices=['tau', 'e', 'mu', '2l'], required=True) args = argParser.parse_args() if args.isTest: args.year = '2016' # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', 'signallist_'+str(args.year)) # # Calculate the range for the histograms. These are as a function of the mass of the signal samples. # This function looks at the names of all samples and returns an array with all values right the middle of those # It assumes the samples are ordered by mass in the input list # from HNL.Tools.helpers import getMassRange from HNL.Tools.histogram import Histogram mass_range = getMassRange([sample_name for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names if '-'+args.flavor+'-' in sample_name]) # # Define the variables and axis name of the variable to fill and create efficiency objects #
# # Change some settings if this is a test # if args.isTest: args.isChild = True if args.sample is None: args.sample = 'DYJetsToLL-M-50' if not args.signalOnly else 'HNL-tau-m40' args.subJob = '0' args.year = '2016' # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager skim_str = 'noskim' if args.noskim else 'Reco' sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, skim_str, 'fulllist_'+str(args.year)) # # function to have consistent categories in running and plotting # from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import CATEGORIES, SUPER_CATEGORIES from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import CATEGORY_TEX_NAMES def listOfCategories(): return CATEGORIES + ['total'] # # Extra imports if dividing by search region # from HNL.EventSelection.searchRegions import *
# # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager if args.noskim: skim_str = 'noskim' else: skim_str = 'noskim' if args.selection == 'AN2017014' else 'Reco' if not args.inData: # sublist = 'BackgroundEstimation/ClosureTests' sublist = 'fulllist_' + args.year + '_nosignal_mconly' else: sublist = 'fulllist_' + args.year + '_nosignal' sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, skim_str, sublist) this_file_name = __file__.split('.')[0].rsplit('/', 1)[-1] # # function to have consistent categories in running and plotting # from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import ANALYSIS_CATEGORIES jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: if args.sample and args.sample not in sample_name: continue sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.returnSplitJobs()): jobs += [(, str(njob))]
def getTotalWeight(self, sideband=False): tot_weight = 1. tot_weight *= self.getLumiWeight() tot_weight *= self.getPUWeight() if sideband: tot_weight *= self.getFakeRateWeight() return tot_weight if __name__ == '__main__': from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager from HNL.Tools.logger import getLogger, closeLogger log = getLogger('INFO') sm = SampleManager(2016, 'noskim', 'fulllist_2016') s = sm.getSample('ZZTo4L') chain = s.initTree() chain.GetEntry(5) chain.year = 2016 reweighter = Reweighter(s, sm) print print reweighter.getLumiWeight() print reweighter.getPUWeight() print reweighter.getTotalWeight() print chain._nTrueInt
import datetime base_path = os.path.join(os.path.expandvars('$CMSSW_BASE'), 'src', 'HNL') # # This part requires manual input for the moment # code_to_test = os.path.join( base_path, 'Analysis', ' --isTest --year 2016 --selection AN2017014 --region WZCR --includeData' ) sublist = 'test' year = '2016' skim = 'Old' from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(year, skim, sublist) # sample_manager = SampleManager(year, skim, sublist+'_'+year) out_file = open('data/timeMeasurements.txt', 'w') out_file.write( 'SAMPLE \t \t #subjobs \t #events in subjob 0 \t tot events \t time for 500 events \t extrapolated time \n' ) for sample in sample_manager.sample_list: if not in sample_manager.sample_names: continue chain = sample.initTree(needhcount=False) print '\x1b[6;30;42m' + 'ANALYZING ' + + ' \x1b[0m' print '\x1b[6;30;42m' + 'Number of subjobs: ' + str( sample.split_jobs) + ' \x1b[0m' print '\x1b[6;30;42m' + 'Number of events in first subjob: ' + str( len(sample.getEventRange(0))) + ' \x1b[0m'
# var = { 'mvis': (lambda c: c.m_vis, np.arange(0., 310., 10.), ('m_{vis} [GeV]', 'Events')) } from HNL.Tools.histogram import Histogram from HNL.Tools.mergeFiles import merge from HNL.Tools.helpers import getObjFromFile list_of_hist = {} from HNL.EventSelection.eventCategorization import EventCategory # # Load in the sample list # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', 'ditaumass_' + str(args.year)) # # Loop over samples and events # jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.returnSplitJobs()): jobs += [(, str(njob))] if not args.makePlots: # # Submit subjobs # if not args.isChild:
submission_parser = argParser.add_argument_group('submission', 'Arguments for submission. Any arguments not in this group will not be regarded for submission.') submission_parser.add_argument('--year', action='store', default=None, help='Select year', choices=['2016', '2017', '2018']) submission_parser.add_argument('--batchSystem', action='store', default='HTCondor', help='choose batchsystem', choices=['local', 'HTCondor', 'Cream02']) submission_parser.add_argument('--flavor', type=int, default=0, help='flavor of lepton under consideration. 0 = electron, 1 = muon', choices = [0, 1]) submission_parser.add_argument('--includeReco', action='store_true', default=True, help='look at the efficiency for a gen tau to be both reconstructed and identified. Currently just fills the efficiency for isolation') submission_parser.add_argument('--onlyReco', action='store_true', default=False, help='look at the efficiency for a gen tau to be reconstructed. Currently just fills the efficiency for isolation') submission_parser.add_argument('--isTest', action='store_true', default=False, help='Run a small test') argParser.add_argument('--bkgr', required=True, action='store', default=None, help='Select bkgr') argParser.add_argument('--wp', action='store', default='tight', help='only have reco efficiency') args = argParser.parse_args() from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', 'compareTauIdList_'+str(args.year)) jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) for njob in xrange(sample.split_jobs): jobs += [(, str(njob))] #Merges subfiles if needed if args.isTest: input_file_path = os.getcwd()+'/data/testArea/compareTauID/includeReco/' else: input_file_path = os.getcwd()+'/data/compareTauID/includeReco/' if args.onlyReco: input_file_path += 'onlyReco/' merge_files = glob.glob(input_file_path + '*')
# Set some args for when performing a test # if args.isTest: if args.sample is None: args.sample = 'DYJetsToLL-M-50' if args.year is None: args.year = '2016' args.subJob = '0' args.isChild = True # #Load in samples # from HNL.Samples.sampleManager import SampleManager file_list = 'fulllist_'+str(args.year)+'_mconly' if args.customList is None else args.customList gen_name = 'Reco' if not args.genSkim else 'Gen' if args.region is None: sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, 'noskim', file_list, need_skim_samples=True) else: sample_manager = SampleManager(args.year, gen_name, file_list, need_skim_samples=False) # # Subjobs # if not args.isTest: jobs = [] for sample_name in sample_manager.sample_names: print "LOADING THIS SAMPLE NOW:", sample_name sample = sample_manager.getSample(sample_name) if sample is None: print sample_name, "not found. Will skip this sample" continue for njob in xrange(sample.returnSplitJobs()):