Exemple #1
	def getAuthenticatedProfile(self, userFields = None):
		User - Get the authenticated user's profile

		The user profile contains data related to the authenticated user including (but not limited to);
			Authentications (including types and timestamps)
			Flags (including armoire, tutorial, tour etc...)
			Guilds History (including timestamps and values)
			Invitations (to parties/guilds)
			Items (character's full inventory)
			New Messages (flags for groups/guilds that have new messages)
			Party (includes current quest information)
			Preferences (user selected prefs)
			Profile (name, photo url, blurb)
			Purchased (includes purchase history, gem purchased items, plans)
			PushDevices (identifiers for mobile devices authorized)
			Stats (standard RPG stats, class, buffs, xp, etc..)
			TasksOrder (list of all ids for dailys, habits, rewards and todos)

		userFields: A list of comma separated user fields to be returned instead of the entire document.
			Notifications are always returned.
			Example usage: "achievements,items.mounts"
		if userFields == None:
			url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/user"
			return(getUrl(url, self.credentials))
			url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/user?userFields=" + userFields
			return(getUrl(url, self.credentials))
Exemple #2
def getContent(contentType=None, language=None):
	Get all available content objects

	language: Language code used for the items' strings. If the authenticated user makes the request, 
		the content will return with the user's configured language.
		Default value: en
		Allowed values: "bg", "cs", "da", "de", "en", "en@pirate", "en_GB", "es", "es_419", "fr", "he", "hu", 
		"id", "it", "ja", "nl", "pl", "pt", "pt_BR", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sr", "sv", "uk", "zh", "zh_TW"

	contentType: Various data about the content of Habitica. The content route contains many keys, but the data 
		listed below are the recomended data to use. Type: string

		mystery: The mystery sets awarded to paying subscribers.
		gear: The gear that can be equipped.
			tree: Detailed information about the gear, organized by type.
			flat: The full key of each equipment.
		spells: The skills organized by class. Includes cards and visual buffs.
		potion: Data about the health potion.
		armoire: Data about the armoire.
		classes: The available classes.
		eggs: All available eggs.
		timeTravelStable: The animals available in the Time Traveler's stable, separated into pets and mounts.
		hatchingPotions: All the hatching potions.
		petInfo: All the pets with extra info.
		mountInfo: All the mounts with extra info.
		food: All the food.
		userCanOwnQuestCategories: The types of quests that a user can own.
		quests: Data about the quests.
		appearances: Data about the apperance properties.
			hair: Data about available hair options.
			shirt: Data about available shirt options.
			size: Data about available body size options.
			skin: Data about available skin options.
			chair: Data about available chair options.
			background: Data about available background options.
		backgrounds: Data about the background sets.
		subscriptionBlocks: Data about the various subscirption blocks. 
    # Get language. Add to URL as query parameter if specified.
    if language == None:
        url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/content'
        url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/content?language=' + language

    # Return only specified content. If none specified, return all content.
    if contentType == None:
        return (getUrl(url)['data'])
        return (getUrl(url)['data'][contentType])
Exemple #3
	def getGearAvailableForPurchase(self):
		User - Get the gear items available for purchase for the authenticated user

		url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/user/inventory/buy"
		return(getUrl(url, self.credentials))
Exemple #4
	def getInAppRewards(self):
		User - Get the in app items appearing in the user's reward column

		url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/user/in-app-rewards"
		return(getUrl(url, self.credentials))
Exemple #5
def getTasks(creds, taskType=None):
	Task - Get a user's tasks

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	taskType: one of ['habits', 'dailys', 'todos', 'rewards', 'completedTodos'] (optional)

	The returned dictionaries' structure depends on the type of task. Keys defined below:

	todos keys: attribute, checklist, group, collapseChecklist, tags, text, challenge, userId, value,
		id, priority, completed, notes, updatedAt, _id, type, reminders, createdAt
	dailys keys: streak, startDate, isDue, attribute, userId, frequency, updatedAt, id, createdAt,
		daysOfMonth, group, collapseChecklist, priority, text, type, repeat, tags, checklist, completed,
		nextDue, weeksOfMonth, yesterDaily, challenge, reminders, everyX, value, _id, notes, history
	habits keys: attribute, counterUp, group, tags, down, text, challenge, counterDown, userId, up,
		value, id, priority, frequency, notes, updatedAt, _id, type, reminders, createdAt, history
	rewards keys: attribute, group, tags, text, challenge, userId, value, id, priority, notes, updatedAt,
		_id, type, reminders, createdAt
	completedTodos keys: attribute, dateCompleted, checklist, group, collapseChecklist, tags, text,
		challenge, userId, value, id, priority, completed, notes, updatedAt, _id, type, reminders, createdAt
    if taskType == None:
        url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/user"
        url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/user?type=" + taskType
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #6
def getGroupPlans(credentials):
	Group - Get group plans for a user

	credentials: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/group-plans'
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #7
	def togglePinnedItem(self, key):
		Toggle an item to be pinned

		key: The key of the item
		url = "https://habitica.com/user/toggle-pinned-item/" + key
		return(getUrl(url, self.credentials))
Exemple #8
def exportDataXML(credentials):
	Data Export - Export user data in XML format

	username: The new username
    url = "https://habitica.com/export/history.csv"
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
def getChallenges(creds):
	Get challenges the user has access to. Includes public challenges, challenges belonging to the user's group, and challenges the user has already joined.

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/challenges/user"
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #10
def getGroup(credentials, groupId):
	Group - Get group

	credentials: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	groupId: The group _id ('party' for the user party and 'habitrpg' for tavern are accepted)
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/groups/' + groupId
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #11
def getTask(creds, taskId):
	Task - Get a task

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	taskId: The task _id or alias
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/" + taskId
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #12
def getAPIStatus():
	Get Habitica's API status.

	Returns -- 
		status: string. 'up' if everything is ok.
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/status"
    return (getUrl(url))
Exemple #13
def getChallenge(creds, challengeId):
	Get a single challenge given its id.

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	challengeId: The challenge _id. Type: UUID
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/challenges/" + challengeId
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #14
def getGroupChallenges(creds, groupId):
	Get all challenges for a group

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	groupId: The id of the group to which the challenge belongs. Type: UUID
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/challenges/groups/" + groupId
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #15
def getGroupApprovals(creds, groupId):
	Task - Get a group's approvals

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	groupId: The id of the group from which to retrieve the approvals
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/approvals/group/" + groupId
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #16
	def getAnonymizedUserData(self):
		User - Get anonymized user data

		Returns the user's data without: Authentication information NewMessages/Invitations/Inbox Profile Purchased
		information Contributor information Special items Webhooks Notifications

		url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/user/anonymized"
		return(getUrl(url, self.credentials))
Exemple #17
def exportChallenge(creds, challengeId):
	Export a challenge in CSV

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	challengeId: The challenge _id. Type: UUID

	Returns a csv file. 
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/challenges/" + challengeId + "/export/csv"
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #18
def getAPIStatus():
    """Get Habitica's API status.

		No arguments.

		Status string: 'up' if everything is ok.
    url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/status"
    return (getUrl(url))
Exemple #19
def getChat(creds, groupId='party'):
	Chat - Get chat messages from a group. Fetches an array of messages from a group.	
	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	groupId: The group _id (or 'party'). Type: UUID

	return keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/groups/' + groupId + '/chat'
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #20
def getGroupPlans(credentials):
    """Get group plans for a user

		credentials (dict): Formatted dictionary of user id and api key. If a
			user object has already been created, use user.credentials.
			format: {'x-api-user': "******", 'x-api-key': "api_key_here"}

		A JSON response object.
		Keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success.
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/group-plans'
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #21
def getGroups(credentials, groupType, paginate, page):
	Group - Get groups for a user

	credentials: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	groupType: The type of groups to retrieve. Must be a query string representing a list of values like 'tavern,party'. 
		Possible values are party, guilds, privateGuilds, publicGuilds, tavern
	paginate: Public guilds support pagination. When true guilds are returned in groups of 30
		Allowed values: "true", "false"
	page: When pagination is enabled for public guilds this parameter can be used to specify the page number 
		(the initial page is number 0 and not required)
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/groups/'
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #22
def getGroupTasks(creds, groupId, taskType=None):
	Task - Get a group's tasks

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	groupId: The id of the group from which to retrieve the approvals
	taskType(optional): Query parameter to return just a type of tasks
		Allowed values: "habits", "dailys", "todos", "rewards"
    if taskType == None:
        url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/group/" + groupId
        url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/group/" + groupId + "?type=" + taskType
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #23
def getTags(credentials):
	"""Gets user's tags. Returns a list of dictionaries of tag names and IDs.

		credentials (dict): Formatted dictionary of user id and api key. If a
			user object has already been created, use user.credentials.
			format: {'x-api-user': "******", 'x-api-key': "api_key_here"}

		A JSON response object.
		Keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success.
	url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tags/"
	return(getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #24
def getChallengeTasks(creds, challengeId, taskType=None):
	Task - Get a challenge's tasks

	creds: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}
	challengeId: The id of the challenge from which to retrieve the tasks
	taskType (optional)	Query parameter to return just a type of tasks
		Allowed values: "habits", "dailys", "todos", "rewards"
    if taskType == None:
        url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/challenge/" + challengeId
        url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/challenge/" + challengeId + "?type=" + taskType
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #25
def getTag(credentials, tagId):
	"""Get a tag given its ID. Returns a dictionary with the tag's name and ID.

		credentials (dict): Formatted dictionary of user id and api key. If a
			user object has already been created, use user.credentials.
			format: {'x-api-user': "******", 'x-api-key': "api_key_here"}
		tagId (str): the tag's ID.

		A JSON response object.
		Keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success.
	url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/tags/" + tagId
	return(getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #26
def getChat(creds, groupId='party'):
    """Get chat messages from a group.

	Fetches an array of messages from a group.

		creds (dict): Formatted dictionary of user id and api key. If a
			user object has already been created, use user.credentials.
			format: {'x-api-user': "******", 'x-api-key': "api_key_here"}
		groupId (str): The group id (or 'party'). Default: 'party'.

		A JSON response object.
		Keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success.
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/groups/' + groupId + '/chat'
    return (getUrl(url, creds))
Exemple #27
def getGroup(credentials, groupId):
    """Get the data of a group.

	credentials: a dictionary of user credentials formatted as: {'x-api-user': '******', 'x-api-key': 'your_api_key'}

		credentials (dict): Formatted dictionary of user id and api key. If a
			user object has already been created, use user.credentials.
			format: {'x-api-user': "******", 'x-api-key': "api_key_here"}
		groupId (str): The group id. 'party' for the user's party and 'habitrpg'
			for the tavern are accepted.

		A JSON response object.
		Keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success.
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/groups/' + groupId
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #28
def getGroups(credentials, groupType, paginate, page):
    """Get groups for a user.

		credentials (dict): Formatted dictionary of user id and api key. If a
			user object has already been created, use user.credentials.
			format: {'x-api-user': "******", 'x-api-key': "api_key_here"}
		groupType (str): The type of groups to retrieve. Must be a query string.
			representing a list of values like 'tavern,party'.
			Possible values: party, guilds, privateGuilds, publicGuilds, tavern.
		paginate: Public guilds support pagination. When true, guilds are
			returned in groups of 30.
			Allowed values: "true", "false"
		page: When pagination is enabled for public guilds, this parameter can
			be used to specify the page number (the initial page is number 0
			and not required).

		A JSON response object.
		Keys: userV, notifications, data, appVersion, success.
    url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/groups/'
    return (getUrl(url, credentials))
Exemple #29
def getContent(contentType=None, language=None):
    """Get all contents or specified contents on Habitica.

		language (str): Language code used for the items' strings. If the
			authenticated user makes the request, the content will return with
			the user's configured language.
			Default value: en
			Allowed values: "bg", "cs", "da", "de", "en", "en@pirate", "en_GB",
				"es", "es_419", "fr", "he", "hu", "id", "it", "ja", "nl", "pl",
				"pt", "pt_BR", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sr", "sv", "uk", "zh", "zh_TW"
		contentType (str): Various data about the content of Habitica. The
			content route contains many keys, but the data listed under
			"Attributes" are the recomended data to use.

		mystery: The mystery sets awarded to paying subscribers.
		gear: The gear that can be equipped.
			tree: Detailed information about the gear, organized by type.
			flat: The full key of each equipment.
		spells: The skills organized by class. Includes cards and visual buffs.
		potion: Data about the health potion.
		armoire: Data about the armoire.
		classes: The available classes.
		eggs: All available eggs.
		timeTravelStable: The animals available in the Time Traveler's
			stable, separated into pets and mounts.
		hatchingPotions: All the hatching potions.
		petInfo: All the pets with extra info.
		mountInfo: All the mounts with extra info.
		food: All the food.
		userCanOwnQuestCategories: The types of quests that a user can own.
		quests: Data about the quests.
		appearances: Data about the apperance properties.
			hair: Data about available hair options.
			shirt: Data about available shirt options.
			size: Data about available body size options.
			skin: Data about available skin options.
			chair: Data about available chair options.
			background: Data about available background options.
		backgrounds: Data about the background sets.
		subscriptionBlocks: Data about the various subscirption blocks.

	A list of all content types (as of December 21, 2019):
		achievements, questSeriesAchievements, animalColorAchievements, quests,
		questsByLevel, userCanOwnQuestCategories, itemList, gear, spells,
		subscriptionBlocks, audioThemes, mystery, officialPinnedItems, bundles,
		potion, armoire, classes, gearTypes, cardTypes, special, dropEggs,
		questEggs, eggs, timeTravelStable, dropHatchingPotions,
		premiumHatchingPotions, wackyHatchingPotions, hatchingPotions, pets,
		premiumPets, questPets, specialPets, wackyPets, petInfo, mounts,
		questMounts, premiumMounts, specialMounts, mountInfo, food, appearances,
		backgrounds, backgroundsFlat, userDefaults, tasksByCategory,
		userDefaultsMobile, faq, loginIncentives

		A dictionary of the specified content objects or a dictionary of all
		content objects if contentType is not specified.
    # Get language. Add to URL as query parameter if specified.
    if language == None:
        url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/content'
        url = 'https://habitica.com/api/v3/content?language=' + language

    # Return only specified content. If none specified, return all content.
    if contentType == None:
        return (getUrl(url)['data'])
        return (getUrl(url)['data'][contentType])
Exemple #30
        def exportChallenge(self):
			Export a challenge in CSV
            url = "https://habitica.com/api/v3/challenges/" + self.id + "/export/csv"
            return (getUrl(url, self.credentials))