def __init__(self, tower_len, dna_len, initialize=False):
     self._dna = []
     self._tower = Hanoi(tower_len)
     if dna_len < 2**tower_len - 1:
         raise Exception("dna_len must be greater or equal than " +
                         str(2**tower_len - 1))
     self._dna_len = dna_len
     if initialize:
Exemple #2
def main():
    function based
    disks = 3
    solve (disks, "A", "B", "C")

    # class based
    h = Hanoi(3)
    h.solve("a", "b", "c")
    def _init_hanoi(self):
        # Variables for the animation
        self._next_move = True
        self._move = 0
        self._starting_left = 0
        self._starting_top = 0
        self._target_left = 0
        self._target_top = 0
        self._acceleration = 0
        self._time_spent = 0

        # Flags indicating the state of the program
        self._running_flag = False
        self._step_by_step_flag = False
        self._over_flag = False

        # Reset the trigger_button to 'Start'
        self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'

        # Hanoi algorithm object
        self._hanoi = Hanoi(input('Please enter the number of plates\n'))

        # Initialization of the plate images
        for each_plate in self._hanoi.get_plates(0):
            plate_image = TextButton(self)
            plate_image.rect = (70 + self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2) - each_plate.number * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2, \
                               (WINDOW_HEIGHT - self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_HEIGHT) + each_plate.number * PLATE_HEIGHT, \
                               PLATE_BASE_WIDTH * (each_plate.number + 1), \

            plate_image.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
            self._plate_images.insert(0, plate_image)

        # Start running the hanoi algorithm and animation
        self._steps = self._hanoi.move(self._hanoi.get_total(), 0, 2)
        self._animation = koan.anim.IntervalExecute(TIME_INTERVAL,
class Individual:
    def __init__(self, tower_len, dna_len, initialize=False):
        self._dna = []
        self._tower = Hanoi(tower_len)
        if dna_len < 2**tower_len - 1:
            raise Exception("dna_len must be greater or equal than " +
                            str(2**tower_len - 1))
        self._dna_len = dna_len
        if initialize:

    def _initialize(self):
        for i in range(self._dna_len):
            selN = randint(0, 2)
            toN = randint(0, 2)
            while selN == toN:
                toN = randint(0, 2)
            self._dna.append({"sel": selN, "to": toN})

    def set_movements(self):

    def get_fitness(self):
        tower = self._tower.tower[2]
        fitness_cont = 0
        percent = 100 / len(tower)
        towerCont = 2 * len(self._tower.tower[2]) - 1

        for i in range(len(self._tower.tower[2]) - 1, -1, -1):
            if self._tower.tower[2][i] == towerCont:
                fitness_cont += 1
                towerCont -= 2

        return percent * fitness_cont
 def _init_hanoi(self):
     # Variables for the animation
     self._next_move = True
     self._move = 0
     self._starting_left = 0
     self._starting_top = 0
     self._target_left = 0
     self._target_top = 0
     self._acceleration = 0
     self._time_spent = 0
     # Flags indicating the state of the program
     self._running_flag = False
     self._step_by_step_flag = False
     self._over_flag = False
     # Reset the trigger_button to 'Start'
     self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'
     # Hanoi algorithm object
     self._hanoi = Hanoi(input('Please enter the number of plates\n'))
     # Initialization of the plate images    
     for each_plate in self._hanoi.get_plates(0):
         plate_image = TextButton(self)
         plate_image.rect = (70 + self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2) - each_plate.number * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2, \
                            (WINDOW_HEIGHT - self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_HEIGHT) + each_plate.number * PLATE_HEIGHT, \
                            PLATE_BASE_WIDTH * (each_plate.number + 1), \
         plate_image.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
         self._plate_images.insert(0, plate_image)
     # Start running the hanoi algorithm and animation    
     self._steps = self._hanoi.move(self._hanoi.get_total(), 0, 2)
     self._animation = koan.anim.IntervalExecute(TIME_INTERVAL, self._onTimer)
Exemple #6
def main():
    print "Welcome to the card game Hanoi.\nThe object of this game is to move all the cards into a single stack with" \
          " 9 being the top card and 1 being the bottom card.\nThe rules are simple: You can only move one card at a" \
          " time. You can only move cards from the bottom of each stack. You cannot move a higher value card onto a" \
          " lower value card.\nYou can quit the game anytime by entering the word 'quit'.\n"    # instructions on how to play
    play = raw_input("Would you like to play Hanoi (yes or no)? ")
    win = False
    playAgain = 'yes'
    while playAgain == 'yes':
        if play == "no":
            game = Hanoi()
            while win == False:
                print ""
                user_card = raw_input("Which card would you like to move? ")
                user_stack = raw_input("Which stack would you like to move " + user_card + " to (1, 2, or 3)? ")
                game.checkUserStack(user_stack, user_card)
                game.moveCards(user_card, user_stack)
                check = game.checkWin()
                if check:
                    win = True
                    again = raw_input("Would you like to play again (yes or no)? ")
                    if again == "no":
                        print "I hope you enjoyed playing Hanoi."
                    elif again == "yes":
                        win = False
Exemple #7
from RobotVision import SearchTool
from Hanoi import Hanoi
import time


print("Getting robot state... ")
rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
init_state = rs.state().enabled
rightArm = baxter_interface.Limb("right")
leftArm = baxter_interface.Limb("left")
leftGripper = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION)
rightGripper = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION)
camera = CameraSubscriber()

hanoi = Hanoi(3)

searchTool = SearchTool("camera_img.png")

def goToOrigin():
    rightJoints = {
        'right_s0': 0.0,
        'right_s1': .3,
        'right_e0': 0,
        'right_e1': 1,
        'right_w0': 0,
        'right_w1': 0.2,
        'right_w2': 0
    leftJoints = {
Exemple #8
from Hanoi import Hanoi, Stack, turtle

def moveTower(height, fromPole, toPole, auxPole):
    """Solve Tower of Hanoi problem depending on height."""
    if height == 1:
        moveDisk(fromPole, toPole)
        h.moveDisks(fromPole, toPole)

        moveTower(height - 1, fromPole, auxPole, toPole)
        moveDisk(fromPole, toPole)
        h.moveDisks(fromPole, toPole)
        moveTower(height - 1, auxPole, toPole, fromPole)

def moveDisk(fromPole, toPole):
    """Print the moves made."""
    print(f"Move from {fromPole} to {toPole}")

h = Hanoi(4)
moveTower(4, "A", "C", "B")

class HanoiWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):
        self.create(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, caption = True)
        self._plate_images = []        
        # Button for 'Start' and 'Pause'
        self._trigger_button = TextButton(self)
        self._trigger_button.rect = 0, 0, 50, 30
        self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'
        self._trigger_button.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'     
        self.autoRemove(self._trigger_button.bind('Click', self._on_trigger_button_click))
        # Button for 'Restart'
        self._restart_button = TextButton(self)
        self._restart_button.rect = 60, 0, 50, 30
        self._restart_button.text = 'Restart'
        self._restart_button.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
        self.autoRemove(self._restart_button.bind('Click', self._on_restart_button_click))
        # Button for 'Next'
        self._next_button = TextButton(self)
        self._next_button.rect = 120, 0, 50, 30
        self._next_button.text = 'Next'
        self._next_button.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
        self.autoRemove(self._next_button.bind('Click', self._on_next_button_click))
    def _init_hanoi(self):
        # Variables for the animation
        self._next_move = True
        self._move = 0
        self._starting_left = 0
        self._starting_top = 0
        self._target_left = 0
        self._target_top = 0
        self._acceleration = 0
        self._time_spent = 0
        # Flags indicating the state of the program
        self._running_flag = False
        self._step_by_step_flag = False
        self._over_flag = False
        # Reset the trigger_button to 'Start'
        self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'
        # Hanoi algorithm object
        self._hanoi = Hanoi(input('Please enter the number of plates\n'))
        # Initialization of the plate images    
        for each_plate in self._hanoi.get_plates(0):
            plate_image = TextButton(self)
            plate_image.rect = (70 + self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2) - each_plate.number * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2, \
                               (WINDOW_HEIGHT - self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_HEIGHT) + each_plate.number * PLATE_HEIGHT, \
                               PLATE_BASE_WIDTH * (each_plate.number + 1), \
            plate_image.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
            self._plate_images.insert(0, plate_image)
        # Start running the hanoi algorithm and animation    
        self._steps = self._hanoi.move(self._hanoi.get_total(), 0, 2)
        self._animation = koan.anim.IntervalExecute(TIME_INTERVAL, self._onTimer)
    def _on_trigger_button_click(self):
        if self._over_flag:
        if self._trigger_button.text == 'Start': 
            self._running_flag = True
            self._trigger_button.text = 'Pause'
            self._running_flag = False
            self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'
    def _on_restart_button_click(self):
        if self._running_flag:
        # Remove the registered animation and images
        for each_plate_image in self._plate_images:
        # Re-initialization of the program
    def _on_next_button_click(self):
        if not self._running_flag:
            self._step_by_step_flag = True
    def _onTimer(self):
        # No update of the animation when it's in step by step state
        if not self._running_flag and not self._step_by_step_flag:
            if self._next_move:
                self._next_move = False
                # Generating the next move
                self._move =
                # Calculating the __starting point and __target point of the animation
                self._time_spent = 0           
                self._starting_left = self._plate_images[self._move.number].left
                self._starting_top = self._plate_images[self._move.number].top
                self._target_left = (70 + self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2) + self._move.to_location * (WINDOW_WIDTH / 3) - self._move.number * (PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2)
                self._target_top = WINDOW_HEIGHT - self._hanoi.get_total_in_location(self._move.to_location) * PLATE_HEIGHT
                # Calculating the total time and __acceleration needed from start to the __target
                total_time = abs((self._target_left - self._starting_left) / HORIZONTAL_SPEED)
                self._acceleration = 2 * (self._target_top - self._starting_top - VERTICAL_SPEED * total_time) / (total_time ** 2)
        # Indicating there's no move left
        except StopIteration:
            print '[HanoiWindow::_onTimer] Over!!!'
            self._running_flag = False
            self._over_flag = True
        # The plate's moved to the __target point        
        if self._plate_images[self._move.number].left == self._target_left:
            self._plate_images[self._move.number].top = self._target_top
            self._next_move = True
            if self._step_by_step_flag:
                self._step_by_step_flag = False
        # Update the new location of the plate    
        if self._target_left > self._plate_images[self._move.number].left:
            self._plate_images[self._move.number].left += HORIZONTAL_SPEED    
        elif self._target_left < self._plate_images[self._move.number].left:
            self._plate_images[self._move.number].left -= HORIZONTAL_SPEED     
        self._time_spent += 1
        self._plate_images[self._move.number].top = self._starting_top + VERTICAL_SPEED * self._time_spent + self._acceleration * (self._time_spent ** 2) / 2
    def close(self):
        # Remove the registered animation
        super(HanoiWindow, self).close()
    def onDraw(self, render):
        render.Clear(255, 0, 0, 0)
class HanoiWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):

        self.create(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, caption=True)
        self._plate_images = []

        # Button for 'Start' and 'Pause'
        self._trigger_button = TextButton(self)
        self._trigger_button.rect = 0, 0, 50, 30
        self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'
        self._trigger_button.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
            self._trigger_button.bind('Click', self._on_trigger_button_click))

        # Button for 'Restart'
        self._restart_button = TextButton(self)
        self._restart_button.rect = 60, 0, 50, 30
        self._restart_button.text = 'Restart'
        self._restart_button.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
            self._restart_button.bind('Click', self._on_restart_button_click))

        # Button for 'Next'
        self._next_button = TextButton(self)
        self._next_button.rect = 120, 0, 50, 30
        self._next_button.text = 'Next'
        self._next_button.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
            self._next_button.bind('Click', self._on_next_button_click))


    def _init_hanoi(self):
        # Variables for the animation
        self._next_move = True
        self._move = 0
        self._starting_left = 0
        self._starting_top = 0
        self._target_left = 0
        self._target_top = 0
        self._acceleration = 0
        self._time_spent = 0

        # Flags indicating the state of the program
        self._running_flag = False
        self._step_by_step_flag = False
        self._over_flag = False

        # Reset the trigger_button to 'Start'
        self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'

        # Hanoi algorithm object
        self._hanoi = Hanoi(input('Please enter the number of plates\n'))

        # Initialization of the plate images
        for each_plate in self._hanoi.get_plates(0):
            plate_image = TextButton(self)
            plate_image.rect = (70 + self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2) - each_plate.number * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2, \
                               (WINDOW_HEIGHT - self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_HEIGHT) + each_plate.number * PLATE_HEIGHT, \
                               PLATE_BASE_WIDTH * (each_plate.number + 1), \

            plate_image.background = r'Images\Root_button.png'
            self._plate_images.insert(0, plate_image)

        # Start running the hanoi algorithm and animation
        self._steps = self._hanoi.move(self._hanoi.get_total(), 0, 2)
        self._animation = koan.anim.IntervalExecute(TIME_INTERVAL,

    def _on_trigger_button_click(self):
        if self._over_flag:
        if self._trigger_button.text == 'Start':
            self._running_flag = True
            self._trigger_button.text = 'Pause'
            self._running_flag = False
            self._trigger_button.text = 'Start'

    def _on_restart_button_click(self):
        if self._running_flag:
        # Remove the registered animation and images
        for each_plate_image in self._plate_images:

        # Re-initialization of the program

    def _on_next_button_click(self):
        if not self._running_flag:
            self._step_by_step_flag = True

    def _onTimer(self):
        # No update of the animation when it's in step by step state
        if not self._running_flag and not self._step_by_step_flag:

            if self._next_move:
                self._next_move = False

                # Generating the next move
                self._move =

                # Calculating the __starting point and __target point of the animation
                self._time_spent = 0
                self._starting_left = self._plate_images[
                self._starting_top = self._plate_images[self._move.number].top
                self._target_left = (
                    70 + self._hanoi.get_total() * PLATE_BASE_WIDTH /
                    2) + self._move.to_location * (WINDOW_WIDTH /
                                                   3) - self._move.number * (
                                                       PLATE_BASE_WIDTH / 2)
                self._target_top = WINDOW_HEIGHT - self._hanoi.get_total_in_location(
                    self._move.to_location) * PLATE_HEIGHT

                # Calculating the total time and __acceleration needed from start to the __target
                total_time = abs((self._target_left - self._starting_left) /
                self._acceleration = 2 * (
                    self._target_top - self._starting_top -
                    VERTICAL_SPEED * total_time) / (total_time**2)

        # Indicating there's no move left
        except StopIteration:
            print '[HanoiWindow::_onTimer] Over!!!'
            self._running_flag = False
            self._over_flag = True

        # The plate's moved to the __target point
        if self._plate_images[self._move.number].left == self._target_left:
            self._plate_images[self._move.number].top = self._target_top
            self._next_move = True
            if self._step_by_step_flag:
                self._step_by_step_flag = False

        # Update the new location of the plate
        if self._target_left > self._plate_images[self._move.number].left:
            self._plate_images[self._move.number].left += HORIZONTAL_SPEED
        elif self._target_left < self._plate_images[self._move.number].left:
            self._plate_images[self._move.number].left -= HORIZONTAL_SPEED
        self._time_spent += 1
            number].top = self._starting_top + VERTICAL_SPEED * self._time_spent + self._acceleration * (
                self._time_spent**2) / 2

    def close(self):
        # Remove the registered animation
        super(HanoiWindow, self).close()

    def onDraw(self, render):
        render.Clear(255, 0, 0, 0)