Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, a, b, U_0, U_L, eps=0):
        self.a, self.b = np.asarray(a), np.asarray(b)
        assert len(a) == len(b)-1, 'a and b do not have compatible lengths'
        self.eps = eps  # smoothing parameter for smoothed a
        self.U_0, self.U_L = U_0, U_L

        # Smoothing parameter must be less than half the smallest material
        if eps > 0:
            assert eps < 0.5*(self.b[1:] - self.b[:-1]).min(), 'too large eps'

        a_data = [[bi, ai] for bi, ai in zip(self.b, self.a)]
        domain = [b[0], b[-1]]
        self.a_func = PiecewiseConstant(domain, a_data, eps)

        # inv_a = 1/a is needed in formulas
        inv_a_data = [[bi, 1./ai] for bi, ai in zip(self.b, self.a)]
        self.inv_a_func = PiecewiseConstant(domain, inv_a_data, eps)
        self.integral_of_inv_a_func = \
             IntegratedPiecewiseConstant(domain, inv_a_data, eps)
        # Denominator in the exact formula is constant
        self.inv_a_0L = self.integral_of_inv_a_func(b[-1])