def __init__(self, hexmodel, maincolor): self.hexes = hexmodel self.color = random_color_range(maincolor, 30) self.pos = self.hexes.rand_cell() self.size = randint(2, 5) self.dir = rand_dir() = randint(50, 200) # how long a ball is around
def __init__(self, hexmodel): = "Branches" self.hexes = hexmodel self.live_branches = [] # List that holds Branch objects self.main_color = random_color() self.main_dir = rand_dir() self.speed = 0.1
def move_ball(self): while True: new_spot = hex_in_direction(self.pos, self.dir) # Where is the ball going? if self.hexes.cell_exists(new_spot): # Is new spot off the board? self.pos = new_spot # On board. Update spot break self.dir = rand_dir() # Off board. Pick a new direction
def __init__(self, hexmodel): = "Center Branches" self.hexes = hexmodel self.live_branches = [] # List that holds Branch objects self.main_color = random_color() self.main_dir = rand_dir() self.inversion = randint(0, 1) # Toggle for effects self.speed = 0.05
def __init__(self, hexmodel, h): self.hexes = hexmodel self.h = h self.pos = (h, randint(-2, 2), randint(-2, 2)) self.color = random_color() self.direction = rand_dir() self.turny = 3 self.speedy = 15 self.shooty = 3
def move_eye_ball(self): if self.ball_move == 10: if one_in(30): self.ball_move = rand_dir() else: self.ball_pos = hex_in_direction(self.ball_pos, self.ball_move) if self.ball_pos in hex_ring((self.h, 0, 0), 3): self.ball_move = (self.ball_move + 3) % 6 if self.ball_pos == (self.h, 0, 0): self.ball_move = 10 if self.ray == -1: self.ray_pos = self.ball_pos self.ray = 0 # Start the eye-ray self.ray_color = random_hue() if one_in(20): self.big_ball = not self.big_ball # Change pupil size
def next_frame(self): while True: for h in range(NUM_HEXES): self.live_branches.append( Branch(hexmodel=self.hexes, position=(get_center(h)), color=self.main_color, direction=rand_dir(), life=0)) for branch in self.live_branches: branch.draw_branch(self.inversion) # Chance for branching if one_in(20): # Create a fork self.live_branches.append( Branch(hexmodel=self.hexes, position=branch.pos, color=branch.color, direction=turn_left_or_right(branch.direction), if not branch.move_branch(): # branch has moved off the board self.live_branches.remove(branch) # kill the branch # Randomly change the main color if one_in(10): self.main_color = random_color_range(self.main_color, 0.2) yield self.speed # random time set in init function # class CenterBranches(object): # def __init__(self, hexmodel): # = "Center Branches" # self.hexes = hexmodel # self.livebranches = [] # List that holds Branch objects # self.speed = 0.05 # self.maincolor = randint(0,255) # Main color of the show # self.inversion = randint(0,1) # Toggle for effects # # def next_frame(self): # # while (True): # # # Add a center branch # # newbranch = Branch(self.hexes, # self.maincolor, # color # (0,0), # center # randint(0,5), # Random initial direction # 0) # Life = 0 (new branch) # self.livebranches.append(newbranch) # # for b in self.livebranches: # b.draw_branch(self.inversion) # # # Chance for branching # if randint(0,20) == 1: # Create a fork # if randint(0,1) == 1: # newdir = (5 + b.dir - 1) % 5 # fork left # else: # newdir = (b.dir + 1) % 5 # fork right # newbranch = Branch(self.hexes, b.color, b.pos, newdir, # self.livebranches.append(newbranch) # # if b.move_branch() == False: # branch has moved off the board # self.livebranches.remove(b) # kill the branch # # self.hexes.go() # # # Randomly change the main color # if randint(0,10) == 1: # self.maincolor = (255 + randint(-10,10) + self.maincolor) % 255 # # # yield self.speed # random time set in init function