Exemple #1
def test_emailformat():
    em = EmailFormat.EmailFormat('verisgroup.com', Verbose=True)
    name = em.BuildName(['alex', 'test'], "{first}.{last}")
    assert name == 'alex.test'
    cleannames = [['alex', 'test'], ['alex', 'man'], ['alex', 'dude'],
                  ['mad', 'max']]
    domain = 'verisgroup.com'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{f}{last}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{f}.{last}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{first}{last}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{first}.{last}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{first}.{l}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{first}{l}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{first}_{last}'
    finalemails = ['*****@*****.**']
    result = em.EmailDetect(cleannames, domain, finalemails)
    assert result[0] == '{first}'
    # now test building emails
    fm = '{f}{last}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{f}.{last}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{first}{last}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{first}.{last}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{first}.{l}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{first}{l}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{first}_{last}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    print emails
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
    fm = '{first}'
    emails = em.EmailBuilder(cleannames, domain, fm)
    assert '*****@*****.**' in emails
Exemple #2
    def NameBuilder(self, domain, emaillist, Verbose=False):
        Takes in Domain Names, returns List
        of names in indiviual lists.
        All the basic logic is here.
        ValidFormat = [
            '{first}.{last}', '{first}{last}', '{f}{last}', '{f}.{last}',
            '{first}{l}', '{first}_{last}'
        line = " [*] Now attempting to build Names:\n"
        print line
        CleanNames = []
        # Query for Linkedin Names - Adapted from https://github.com/pan0pt1c0n/PhishBait
        Li = LinkedinNames.LinkedinScraper(domain, Verbose=Verbose)
        LNames = Li.LinkedInNames()
        if LNames:
            e = ' [*] LinkedinScraper has Gathred: ' + str(
                len(LNames)) + ' Names'
            print helpers.color(e, status=True)
            for raw in LNames:
                    name = Li.LinkedInClean(raw)
                    if name:
                except Exception as e:
                    print e
        # Query for Connect6 Names
        c6 = Connect6.Connect6Scraper(domain, Verbose=Verbose)
        urllist = c6.Connect6AutoUrl()
        print helpers.color(" [*] Now Starting Connect6 Scrape:")
        line = " [*] SimplyEmail has attempted to find correct URL for Connect6:\n"
        line += "     URL detected: " + helpers.color(urllist[0], status=True)
        print line
        Question = " [>] Is this URL correct?: "
        Answer = raw_input(helpers.color(Question, bold=False))
        if Answer.upper() in "YES":
            Names = c6.Connect6Download(urllist[0])
            if Names:
                e = ' [*] Connect6 has Gathred: ' + str(len(Names)) + ' Names'
                print helpers.color(e, status=True)
                for raw in Names:
                    name = c6.Connect6ParseName(raw)
                    if name:
            while True:
                for item in urllist:
                    print "    Potential URL: " + item
                e = ' [!] GoogleDork This: site:connect6.com "' + str(
                    domain) + '"'
                print helpers.color(e, bold=False)
                print " [-] Commands Supported: (B) ack - (R) etry"
                Question = " [>] Please Provide a URL: "
                Answer = raw_input(helpers.color(Question, bold=False))
                if Answer.upper() in "BACK":
                    e = " [!] Skiping Connect6 Scrape!"
                    print helpers.color(e, firewall=True)
                if Answer:
            if Answer.upper() != "B":
                Names = c6.Connect6Download(Answer)
                if Names:
                    e = ' [*] Connect6 has Gathred: ' + str(
                        len(Names)) + ' Names'
                    print helpers.color(e, status=True)
                    for raw in Names:
                        name = c6.Connect6ParseName(raw)
                        if name:
        print helpers.color(' [*] Names have been built:', status=True)
        print helpers.color(' [*] Attempting to resolve email format',
        Em = EmailFormat.EmailFormat(domain, Verbose=Verbose)
        Format = Em.EmailHunterDetect()
        if Format:
            e = ' [!] Auto detected the fromat: ' + str(Format)
            print helpers.color(e, status=True)
        if not Format:
            print helpers.color(
                " [*] Now attempting to manualy detect format (slow)!")
            Format = Em.EmailDetect(CleanNames, domain, emaillist)
            # Now check if we have more than one result in the list
            # This due to how I perform checks, in rare cases I had more than one format.
            if len(Format) > 1:
                line = helpers.color(
                    ' [*] More than one email format was detected!\n')
                for item in Format:
                    line += '   * Format: ' + item + '\n'
                print line
                line = ' [*] Here are a few samples of the emails obtained:\n'
                line += '      1)' + emaillist[0] + '\n'
                if emaillist[1]:
                    line += '      2)' + emaillist[1] + '\n'
                if emaillist[2]:
                    line += '      3)' + emaillist[2]
                print line
                while True:
                    s = False
                    Question = " [>] Please Provid a valid Format: "
                    Answer = raw_input(helpers.color(Question, bold=False))
                        for item in ValidFormat:
                            if str(Answer) == str(item):
                                Format = str(Answer)
                                s = True
                    if s:
            if len(Format) < 1:
                Format = False
                Format = str(Format[0])
        if not Format:
            print helpers.color(' [!] Failed to resolve format of email',
            line = helpers.color(' [*] Available formats supported:\n',
            line += '     {first}.{last} = [email protected]\n'
            line += '     {first}{last} = [email protected]\n'
            line += '     {f}{last} = [email protected]\n'
            line += '     {f}.{last} = [email protected]\n'
            line += '     {first}{l} = [email protected]\n'
            line += '     {first}.{l} = [email protected]\n'
            line += '     {first}_{last} = [email protected]\n\n'
            print line
            if len(emaillist) > 0:
                line = ' [*] Here are a few samples of the emails obtained:\n'
                line += '      1)' + emaillist[0] + '\n'
                if emaillist[1]:
                    line += '      2)' + emaillist[1] + '\n'
                if emaillist[2]:
                    line += '      3)' + emaillist[2]
                print line
                line = ' [*] No unique emails discovered to display (May have to go manual)!\n'
                print helpers.color(line, firewall=True)
            while True:
                s = False
                Question = " [>] Please Provid a valid Format: "
                Answer = raw_input(helpers.color(Question, bold=False))
                    for item in ValidFormat:
                        if str(Answer) == str(item):
                            Format = str(Answer)
                            s = True
                if s:

        # Now build the emails!
        BuiltEmails = Em.EmailBuilder(CleanNames,
        if BuiltEmails:
            return BuiltEmails