def HandleIncomingPacket(self, node, rawData, fromAddr): Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketReceivedFromDownstream(rawData) try: packetType = node.attributes[ "Type"].nodeValue #All should have a Type attribute version = node.getElementsByTagName('Version') except Exception as ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Malformed Marvin Packet: " + rawData) return if packetType == "WatchdogTimer": self.HandleIncomingWatchdogPacket(node, rawData, fromAddr) elif packetType == "MinionTask": self.HandleMinionTask(rawData, node) elif packetType == "OscarTask": self.HandleOscarTask(node, rawData) elif packetType == "RemoteMarvinTask": self.HandleRemoteMarvinTask(rawData) elif packetType == "Bullhorn": self.HandleBullhornAnnouncement(node, rawData, fromAddr) else: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received unknown Packet Type: " + rawData)
def HandleIncomingMinionConnectionInformation(self, node, rawData, fromAddr): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Minion Type="ConnectionInformation"> # <Version>1.0</Version>" # <MinionVersion>17.02.12 Build 3</MinionVersion>" # <Namespace>NamespaceFoo</Namespace> # <Port>12345</Port> #</Minion> try: version = node.getElementsByTagName( 'Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received invalid Minion Connection Information Packet : " + rawData) return try: namespace = node.getElementsByTagName( 'Namespace')[0].firstChild.nodeValue namespace = namespace.lower() except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received invalid Minion ConnectionInformation Packet : " + rawData) return try: port = node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received invalid Minion ConnectionInformation Packet : " + rawData) return IP = fromAddr[0].lower() TargetID = namespace + ":" + IP + ":" + port CP = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetUpstreamTarget(TargetID) if None == CP: objUpstreamTarget = Target.Target( IP, port, ConnectionPoint.ConnectionType.Minion, False) TargetManager.GetTargetManager().AddUpstreamTarget( objUpstreamTarget, TargetID) # add it as a upstream target for tasks and such try: minionVersion = node.getElementsByTagName( 'MinionVersion')[0].firstChild.nodeValue Log.getLogger().info("Received Connection from Minion " + TargetID + " version: " + minionVersion) except Exception as Ex: pass elif CP.Type != ConnectionPoint.ConnectionType.Minion: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Unexpected Connection Type: " + str(CP.Type))
def HandleIncomingWatchdogPacket(self,node,rawData,fromAddr): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Marvin Type="WatchdogTimer"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <MarvinVersion>17.12.22</MarvinVersion> # <UniqueID>3236</UniqueID> # <Port>5000</Port> #</Marvin> Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketReceivedFromDownstream(rawData) try: _ = node.getElementsByTagName('Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue IP = fromAddr[0].lower() Port = node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0].firstChild.nodeValue UniqueID = node.getElementsByTagName('UniqueID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as _: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived("Received invalid Marvin WatchdogTimer Packet : " + rawData) return try: marvinVersion = node.getElementsByTagName('MarvinVersion')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception: marvinVersion='Unknown' Key = IP + ":" + Port objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTarget(Key) if None == objTarget: objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTargetEx(IP,Port) # if using DNS, do lookup based on real IP, not DNS name if None == objTarget: Sleep.Sleep(50) #give it another shot, other thread may be doing a DNS resolution objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTargetEx(IP,Port) # if using DNS, do lookup based on real IP, not DNS name if None == objTarget: Log.getLogger().warning("Received Marvin Watchdog for unknown downstream Target: " +IP+":"+Port + " Version: " + marvinVersion) return if objTarget.getType() != ConnectionType.Marvin and objTarget.getType() != ConnectionType.DynamicMarvin : # would not know what this is until you hear back (could be another Oscar) objTarget.Type = ConnectionType.Marvin Log.getLogger().info("Connection established with Marvin Target: "+ IP + ":" + Port + " Version: " + marvinVersion) try: _ = node.getElementsByTagName('RefreshRequested')[0].firstChild.nodeValue objTarget.ReArmRefreshRequest(UniqueID) # Asked to refresh! except Exception as _: pass objTarget.StrokeWatchdogTimer()
def Shunt(self, namespace, ID, dataTuple, Value): Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketShunted() newTuple = (namespace, ID, dataTuple[4], Value) shuntFile = dataTuple[2] self.__ShuntLock.acquire() try: if not shuntFile in self.__ShuntedDataByFile: self.__ShuntedDataByFile[shuntFile] = [] self.__ShuntedDataByFile[shuntFile].append(newTuple) except Exception as Ex: Log.getLogger().info("Unknown in Shunt function: " + str(Ex)) finally: self.__ShuntLock.release() if not self.__ShuntThreadCreated: self.__ShuntThreadCreated = True threadName = "ShuntProc:" + str(self) ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().CreateThread( threadName, self.ShuntWorkerProc) ThreadManager.GetThreadManager().StartThread(threadName)
def HandleIncomingGroupPacket(self, rawData, node, fromAddress): from Helpers import Configuration if Configuration.get().GetBITW_Active(): rawData = Configuration.get().HandleBITWBuffer( rawData) # handle Bump in the wire if 0 != TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( rawData, False, node, True): # send to all - towards a Marvin Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketChainedDownstream(rawData) # Break up packet and do bump in the wire. # If BITW not active, maybe we don't need to do this could be a lot of processing for nothing.... objGroupPacket = MarvinGroupData.MarvinDataGroup( "", "", "", 0, "1.0", True) for packet in node.getElementsByTagName('Oscar'): objMarvinPacket = self.CreateMarvinData(packet, rawData, fromAddress) if None == objMarvinPacket: return objGroupPacket.AddPacket(objMarvinPacket) # objData = MarvinData.MarvinData(namespace,ID,value,0,version,True) GuiMgr.OnDataPacketSentDownstream(objGroupPacket, "Chained") Recorder.get().AddData(objGroupPacket)
def updateGui(self): if self._LastUpdate + self._Interval < Time.GetCurrMS(): self._LastUpdate = Time.GetCurrMS() sm = Statistics.GetStatistics() self.lblTotalPacketsDownstream.configure( text=str(sm._TotalPacketsDownstream)) self.lblPacketDownstream.configure( text=str(sm._UniquePacketsDownstream)) self.lblBytesTransmittedDownstream.configure( text=str(sm._totalTxBytesDownstream)) self.lblBytesReceivedFromDownstream.configure( text=str(sm._totalRxBytesDownstream)) self.lblTotalPacketsUpstream.configure( text=str(sm._TotalPacketsUpstream)) self.lblPacketUpstream.configure( text=str(sm._UniquePacketsUpstream)) self.lblBytesTransmittedUpstream.configure( text=str(sm._totalTxBytesUpstream)) self.lblBytesReceivedFromUpstream.configure( text=str(sm._totalRxBytesUpstream)) self.lblTotalDroppedPackets.configure( text=str(sm._TotalPacketsDropped)) self.lblTotalMalformedPackets.configure( text=str(sm._TotalMalformedPacketsReceived)) self.lblTotalChainedPackets.configure( text=str(sm._TotalChainedDownstreamPackets)) self.lblTotalOscarTasks.configure( text=str(sm._TotalOscarTasksReceived)) self.lblTotalMinionTasks.configure( text=str(sm._TotalMinionTasksReceived)) self.lblTotalShuntedPackets.configure( text=str(sm._TotalShuntedPackets))
def _BroadcastDownstream(self, sendBuffer, ignoreTimeout, domNode, isGroup=False): from Helpers import Configuration sentCount = 0 for targetKey in self._DownstreamTargets.keys(): if True == self.SendToDownstreamTarget(sendBuffer, targetKey, ignoreTimeout): sentCount += 1 if sentCount > 0: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketBroadcastDownstream() if Configuration.get().GetShunting() and (None != domNode or True == isGroup): if None != domNode and not isGroup: self.HandleShuntingData(domNode) else: # is a group and need to go through each item individually if None == domNode: try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(sendBuffer) domNode = dom._get_firstChild() except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().error( "Error Something bad in Trying to read xml in BroadcastDownstream" ) if None != domNode: for dataNode in domNode.getElementsByTagName('Oscar'): self.HandleShuntingData(dataNode) return sentCount
def BroadcastUpstream(self, sendBuffer): Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketBroadcastUpstream() sentCount = 0 for targetKey in self._UpstreamTargets.keys(): if self.SendToUpstreamTarget(sendBuffer, targetKey): sentCount += 1 return sentCount
def alternateWorker(self): ## Maybe have one thread that goes and self.m_objLockDict.acquire() # thread safety if len( self.m_SendList ) == 0: # rest if nothing to send, or sent a bunch of packets without a sleep dataToProcess = False else: buffer = self.m_SendList[0] del self.m_SendList[0] dataToProcess = True self.m_objLockDict.release() if dataToProcess: if None == self.m_IP_InUse: Log.getLogger().info("Getting IP address for host: " + self.ConfigurationDefinedTarget) try: self.m_LastDNSResolution = Time.GetCurrMS() self.m_IP_InUse = socket.gethostbyname( self.ConfigurationDefinedTarget ) #use this for looking at heartbeats except Exception as _: self.m_IP_InUse = self.ConfigurationDefinedTarget try: self.m_socket.sendto(bytes(buffer, 'utf-8'), (self.m_IP_InUse, self.getPort())) self.m_PacketsSent += 1 self.m_BytestSent += len(buffer) except Exception as ex: Log.getLogger().info("It appears that the target [" + self.ConfigurationDefinedTarget + "] has went away.") self.m_objLockDict.acquire() Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketDropped( len(self.m_SendList) + 1) self.m_SendList.clear() self.m_objLockDict.release() if self.m_LastDNSResolution + self.m_DNSResolutionPeriod < Time.GetCurrMS( ) and self.m_hasTimedOut == True: self.m_IP_InUse = None # Force a DNS resolution, may help when move laptop and gets new address - # eventually # if self.m_hasTimedOut: # Log.getLogger().error("Timed out" + str(ConnectionType.DynamicMarvin)) if self.m_hasTimedOut and (self.Type == ConnectionType.DynamicMarvin or self.Type == ConnectionType.DynamicOscar): self.MarkedForRemoval = True self.Type += 1 return dataToProcess
def SendToDownstreamTarget(self, sendBuffer, TargetID, ignoreTimeout): target = self.GetDownstreamTarget(TargetID) if None == target: Log.getLogger().error( "Attempted to send to invalid downstream target id: " + TargetID) return False if True == target.Send(sendBuffer, ignoreTimeout): Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketSentDownstream(sendBuffer) if self.__UseGoverner: self.__Governer(len(sendBuffer)) return True else: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketDropped() return False
def HandleBullhornAnnouncement(self,node,rawData,fromAddr): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Marvin Type="Bullhorn"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <UniqueID>3236</UniqueID> # <Hostname></Hostname> # <Key>md5 hash</Key> # <Port>5000</Port> #</Marvin> try: version = node.getElementsByTagName('Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue Hash = node.getElementsByTagName('Key')[0].firstChild.nodeValue Port = node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0].firstChild.nodeValue UniqueID = node.getElementsByTagName('UniqueID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue IP = fromAddr[0].lower() Hostname = node.getElementsByTagName('Hostname')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as _: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived("Received invalid Marvin Bullhorn Packet : " + rawData) return RemoteKey = Configuration.get().GetMarvinAutoConnectKeyFromHash(Hash) strID = Hostname + ":[" + IP + ":" + Port +"]" if None == RemoteKey: #don't have anything configured that matches Log.getLogger().warning("Received Marvin Dynamic Connection Message, with no corropsonding Key from: " + strID) return strID += " Key=" + RemoteKey HashMapKey = IP + ":" + str(Port) objExisting = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTarget(HashMapKey) if None == objExisting: # could be NDS name not resolved, so try by IP address objExisting = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTargetEx(IP,Port) if None != objExisting: if hasattr(objExisting,'_ReceivedOnUniqueID') and UniqueID != objExisting._ReceivedOnUniqueID: Log.getLogger().warning("Received Marvin Dynamic Connection Message, for already active connection: " + strID) else: pass # is simply the additional packets (marvin sends multiples as it is UDP traffic) return # doesn't already exist, so let's to add! if "1.0" == version: objTarget = Target.Target(IP,Port,ConnectionType.DynamicMarvin,True) else: objTarget = Target.Target(IP,Port,ConnectionType.DynamicOscar,True) objTarget._ReceivedOnUniqueID = UniqueID # so we can filter out dups due to UDP objTarget._UserKey = RemoteKey TargetManager.GetTargetManager().AddDownstreamTarget(objTarget,HashMapKey) Log.getLogger().info("Creating Dynamic Connection:" + strID) return
def CreateMarvinPacket(self, rawData, node, fromAddress): try: version = node.getElementsByTagName('Version')[ 0].firstChild.nodeValue # for future use, not there now except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received Minion Data Packet without a Version tag: " + rawData) return None try: namespace = node.getElementsByTagName( 'Namespace')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received Minion Packet without a namespace: " + rawData) return None try: ID = node.getElementsByTagName('ID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received Minion Packet without an ID: " + rawData) return None try: value = node.getElementsByTagName('Value')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received Minion Packet without any data :" + rawData) return None try: eTime = node.getElementsByTagName( 'ElapsedTime')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received Minion Packet without elapsed time tag :" + rawData) return None objData = MarvinData.MarvinData(namespace, ID, value, eTime, 1.0) return objData
def HandleMinionTask(self,rawData,node): Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMinionTaskReceived() TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastUpstream(rawData) # I could filter out based upon Namespace, but with chained Oscars it got harder, so now let minion filter it out try: TaskNode = node.getElementsByTagName('Task')[0] Log.getLogger().debug("Passing Minion Task --> ID: " + TaskNode.attributes['ID'].nodeValue + " Namespace: " + TaskNode.attributes['Namespace'].nodeValue) except: pass
def BroadcastUpstreamToType(self, sendBuffer, targetType): sent = False for targetKey in self._UpstreamTargets.keys(): objTarget = self.GetUpstreamTarget(targetKey) if objTarget.getType() == targetType: self.SendToUpstreamTarget(sendBuffer, targetKey) sent = True if True == sent: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketBroadcastUpstream() return sent
def SendToUpstreamTarget(self, sendBuffer, TargetID): target = self.GetUpstreamTarget(TargetID) if None == target: Log.getLogger().error( "Attempted to send to invalid upstream target id: " + TargetID) return False target.Send( sendBuffer, True ) # timeouts don't matter for upstream, only down, so sent True to ignore Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketSentUpstream(sendBuffer) return True
def HandleIncomingOscarConnectionInformation(self, node, rawData, fromAddress): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Oscar Type="ConnectionInformation"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <OccarVersion>16.11.21 Build 2</OscarVersion> # <ID>Foo</Foo> # <Port>Port</Port> #</Oscar> try: version = node.getElementsByTagName( 'Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue ID = node.getElementsByTagName('ID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue Port = int( node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0].firstChild.nodeValue) except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received invalid Oscar Connection Information Packet : " + rawData) return try: oscarVersion = node.getElementsByTagName( 'OscarVersion')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception: oscarVersion = 'Unknown' IP = fromAddress[0].lower() Key = "Oscar:" + ID objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetUpstreamTarget( Key) # Chained Oscar, from Upstream # if None == objTarget: # objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTargetEx(IP,Port) # if using DNS, do lookup based on real IP, not DNS name if None == objTarget: Log.getLogger().info("Adding Upstream Oscar: " + Key + " version- " + oscarVersion) objTarget = Target.Target(IP, Port, ConnectionType.UpstreamOscar, False) TargetManager.GetTargetManager().AddUpstreamTarget(objTarget, Key) elif IP != objTarget.getIP() or Port != objTarget.getPort( ): #hmm, doesn't match, Oscar ID's current connection inf should be unique, so assume is an update from a restart of Oscar strOld = str(objTarget) objTarget.IP = IP objTarget.Port = Port Log.getLogger().warning( "Received a Oscar Connection Information Packet, with Different Connection Info from previously configured [" + ID + "] " + strOld + "--> " + str(objTarget))
def HandleIncomingPacket(self, node, rawData, fromAddress): if node.nodeName == "MinionGroup": self.HandleIncomingGroupPacket(rawData, node, fromAddress) return Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketReceivedFromUpstream(rawData) try: packetType = node.attributes[ "Type"].nodeValue #All should have a Type attribute except Exception as ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Malformed Minion Packet: " + rawData) return if packetType == "Data": self.HandleIncomingMinionData(rawData, node, fromAddress) elif packetType == "ConnectionInformation": self.HandleIncomingMinionConnectionInformation( node, rawData, fromAddress) else: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received unknown Minion Packet Type: " + rawData)
def HandleIncomingWatchdogPacket(self, node, rawData, fromAddress): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Oscar Type=?WatchdogTimer"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <Port>5000</Port> #</Oscar> Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketReceivedFromDownstream(rawData) try: version = node.getElementsByTagName( 'Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue IP = fromAddress[0].lower() Port = node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as Ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received invalid Oscar WatchdogTimer Packet : " + rawData) return Key = IP + ":" + Port objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTarget( Key) # Chained Oscar if None == objTarget: objTarget = TargetManager.GetTargetManager().GetDownstreamTargetEx( IP, Port) # Chained Oscar, used resolved IP if None == objTarget: Log.getLogger().warning( "Received Oscar Watchdog for unknown downstream Target: ", IP + ":" + Port) return if objTarget.getType( ) != ConnectionType.DownstreamOscar: # would not know what this is until you hear back objTarget.Type = ConnectionType.DownstreamOscar objTarget.StrokeWatchdogTimer()
def CreateMarvinData(self, node, rawData, fromAddress): try: version = node.getElementsByTagName('Version')[ 0].firstChild.nodeValue # for future use, not there now namespace = node.getElementsByTagName( 'Namespace')[0].firstChild.nodeValue value = node.getElementsByTagName('Value')[0].firstChild.nodeValue ID = node.getElementsByTagName('ID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as _: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received Chained Oscar Packet:" + rawData) return None objData = MarvinData.MarvinData(namespace, ID, value, 0, version, True) return objData
def HandleIncomingOscarDatapacket(self, node, rawData, fromAddress): from Helpers import Configuration # Use this object to update the gui and for recording # is also where BITW check update of checked map occurs objData = self.CreateMarvinData(node, rawData, fromAddress) if Configuration.get().GetBITW_Active(): rawData = Configuration.get().HandleBITWBuffer( rawData) # handle Bump in the wire if 0 != TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( rawData, False, node): # send to all - towards a Marvin Statistics.GetStatistics().OnPacketChainedDownstream(rawData) if None != objData: GuiMgr.OnDataPacketSentDownstream(objData, "Chained") Recorder.get().AddData(objData)
def HandleFoghornPacket(self, node, rawData, fromAddr): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Foghorn> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <ConfigAddress></ConfigAddress> # <NewIPAddress></NewIPAddress> # <Port>Port</Port> #</Foghorn> try: _ = node.getElementsByTagName('Version')[0].firstChild.nodeValue ConfigAddr = node.getElementsByTagName( 'ConfigAddress')[0].firstChild.nodeValue NewAddr = node.getElementsByTagName( 'NewIPAddress')[0].firstChild.nodeValue except Exception as _: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received invalid Oscar Connection Information Packet : " + rawData) return TargetManager.GetTargetManager().UpdateDownstreamTarget( ConfigAddr, NewAddr)
def HandleRemoteMarvinTask(self, rawData): Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMarvinTaskReceived() TargetManager.GetTargetManager().BroadcastDownstream( rawData, False, none)
def HandleOscarTask(self, node, rawData): #<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> #<Marvin Type="OscarTask"> # <Version>1.0</Version> # <OscarID>DemoOscar</OscarID> # <UniqueID>1233456</UniqueID> # <Task>taskid</Task> # <Param>p1</Param> #</Marvin> Statistics.GetStatistics().OnOscarTaskReceived() try: UniqueID = node.getElementsByTagName( 'UniqueID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue OscarID = node.getElementsByTagName( 'OscarID')[0].firstChild.nodeValue task = node.getElementsByTagName('Task')[0].firstChild.nodeValue tTask = task.lower() Params = [] for param in node.getElementsByTagName( 'Param'): # Make an array of the params for the script strParam = param.firstChild.nodeValue Params.append(strParam) except Exception as ex: Statistics.GetStatistics().OnMalformedPacketReceived( "Received bad Oscar Task: " + rawData) if OscarID.lower() != Configuration.get().GetID().lower( ): # Oscar packet, but probably not destined for this Oscar if OscarID.lower() == "Broadcast".lower(): Log.getLogger().info("Received Broadcast Oscar task: " + task) else: Log.getLogger().info("Received Oscar task [" + task + "] for another Oscar with ID: " + OscarID) # not for this guy #increment dropped stats? return if UniqueID == self.LastUniqueID: #Log.getLogger().info("Dropping duplicate Oscar Task") return self.LastUniqueID = UniqueID if tTask == "StartLive".lower(): self.PerformGoLiveTask(Params) elif tTask == "StopLive".lower(): self.PerformStopLiveTask(Params) elif tTask == "LoadFile".lower(): self.PerformLoadFileTask(Params) elif tTask == "Playback".lower(): self.PerformPlayFileTask(Params) elif tTask == "StopPlayback".lower(): self.PerformStopPlaybackTask(Params) elif tTask == "PausePlayback".lower(): self.PerformPausePlaybackTask(Params) elif tTask == "StartRecording".lower(): self.PerformStartRecordingTask(Params) elif tTask == "StopRecording".lower(): self.PerformStopRecordingTask(Params) else: Log.getLogger().warn("Unknown Oscar Task: " + task)