Exemple #1
 def test_drms(self):
     """ Test drms measure """
     m = IMP.Model()
     sel = atom.CAlphaPDBSelector()
     prot1 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)
     prot2 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)
     xyzs1 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot1))
     xyzs2 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot2))
     drms = atom.get_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2)
     # Molecule with itself
     self.assertAlmostEqual(drms, 0)
     R = IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d()
     v = IMP.algebra.get_random_vector_in(
     T = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(R, v)
     for x in xyzs2:
         core.transform(x, T)
     drms = atom.get_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2)
     # Same thing after transformation
     self.assertAlmostEqual(drms, 0)
     for x in xyzs2:
         R = IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d()
         T = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(R, v)
         core.transform(x, T)
     drms = atom.get_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2)
     self.assertTrue(drms > 0)
Exemple #2
    def test_component_placement_score(self):
        """Testing that component placement score returns the same transformation if called twice"""
        m = IMP.Model()
        # read PDB
        mp1_ref = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("1z5s_A.pdb"),
                                m, atom.NonWaterPDBSelector())
        mp1_mdl = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("1z5s_A.pdb"),
                                m, atom.NonWaterPDBSelector())
        mp2_ref = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("1z5s_C.pdb"),
                                m, atom.NonWaterPDBSelector())
        mp2_mdl = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("1z5s_C.pdb"),
                                m, atom.NonWaterPDBSelector())
        xyz1_ref = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(mp1_ref))
        xyz1_mdl = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(mp1_mdl))
        xyz2_ref = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(mp2_ref))
        xyz2_mdl = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(mp2_mdl))

        # create a random transformation
        t = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d(),
        for d in xyz1_mdl:
            core.transform(d, t)
        t = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d(),
        # core.get_transformed(xyz2_mdl,t)
        for d in xyz2_mdl:
            core.transform(d, t)
        da1 = atom.get_component_placement_score(
            xyz1_ref, xyz2_ref, xyz1_mdl, xyz2_mdl)
        da2 = atom.get_component_placement_score(
            xyz1_ref, xyz2_ref, xyz1_mdl, xyz2_mdl)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(da1[1], da2[1])
Exemple #3
def get_ccc(native_assembly,
        Threshold - threshold used for the map of the native assembly. Pixels
        with values above this threshold in the native map are used for the
        calculation of the cross_correlation_coefficient
    import IMP.em as em
    particles_native = atom.get_leaves(native_assembly)
    particles_solution = atom.get_leaves(assembly)
    bb_native = core.get_bounding_box(core.XYZs(particles_native))
    bb_solution = core.get_bounding_box(core.XYZs(particles_solution))
    # bounding box enclosing both the particles of the native assembly
    #  and the particles of the model
    bb_union = alg.get_union(bb_native, bb_solution)
    # add border of 4 voxels
    border = 4 * voxel_size
    bottom = bb_union.get_corner(0)
    bottom += alg.Vector3D(-border, -border, -border)
    top = bb_union.get_corner(1)
    top += alg.Vector3D(border, border, border)
    bb_union = alg.BoundingBox3D(bottom, top)

    mrw = em.MRCReaderWriter()
    header = em.create_density_header(bb_union, voxel_size)

    map_native = em.SampledDensityMap(header)

    map_solution = em.SampledDensityMap(header)

    if (write_maps):
        em.write_map(map_solution, "map_solution.mrc", mrw)
        em.write_map(map_native, "map_native.mrc", mrw)
    coarse_cc = em.CoarseCC()
    # base the calculation of the cross_correlation coefficient on the threshold]
    # for the native map, because the threshold for the map of the model changes
    # with each model
    threshold = 0.25  # threshold AFTER normalization using calcRMS()
    ccc = coarse_cc.cross_correlation_coefficient(map_solution, map_native,
        "cross_correlation_coefficient (based on native_map "
        "treshold %s) %s", threshold, ccc)
    return ccc
Exemple #4
    def test__rigid_bodies_drmsd_Q(self):
        """ Test drmsd_Q measure"""
        m = IMP.Model()
        sel = atom.CAlphaPDBSelector()
        prot1 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)
        prot2 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)

        xyzs1 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot1))
        xyzs2 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot2))

        R = IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d()
        v = IMP.algebra.get_random_vector_in(
        T = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(R, v)
        for x in xyzs2:
            core.transform(x, T)

        thresholds = [10, 20, 30, 40, 60]
        for threshold in thresholds:

            for x in xyzs2:
                R = IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d()
                T = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(R, v)
                core.transform(x, T)
            # test that the function is correctly implemented
            drmsd = 0.
            npairs = 0.
            for i in range(0, len(xyzs1) - 1):
                for j in range(i + 1, len(xyzs2)):
                    dist0 = IMP.core.get_distance(xyzs1[i], xyzs1[j])
                    dist1 = IMP.core.get_distance(xyzs2[i], xyzs2[j])
                    if dist0 <= threshold or dist1 <= threshold:
                        drmsd += (dist0 - dist1)**2
                        npairs += 1.
            drmsd = math.sqrt(drmsd / npairs)
            drmsd_target = atom.get_drmsd_Q(xyzs1, xyzs2, threshold)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(drmsd, drmsd_target)

        drmsd_Q = atom.get_drmsd_Q(xyzs1, xyzs2, 1000000.0)
        drmsd = atom.get_drmsd(xyzs1, xyzs2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(drmsd, drmsd_Q)
Exemple #5
Fichier : io.py Projet : sirusb/imp
def write_particles_as_text(leaves, fn_output):
    """ Writes a set of particles with coordinates to a file """
    xyzs = core.XYZs(leaves)
    f_output = open(fn_output, "w")
    f_output.write(io.imp_info([IMP, em2d]))

    for xyz in xyzs:
        x, y, z = xyz.get_coordinates()
        f_output.write("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n" % (x, y, z))
Exemple #6
 def test_placement_score(self):
     """Test placement score"""
     m = IMP.kernel.Model()
     # read PDB
     mp = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"),
                        m, atom.NonWaterPDBSelector())
     mp1 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"),
                         m, atom.NonWaterPDBSelector())
     xyz = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(mp))
     xyz1 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(mp1))
     # create a random transformation
     t = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d(),
     for d in xyz1:
         core.transform(d, t)
     da = atom.get_placement_score(xyz1, xyz)
     d = t.get_translation().get_magnitude()
     a = IMP.algebra.get_axis_and_angle(t.get_rotation()).second
     self.assertAlmostEqual(da[0], d, 2)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(da[1], a, 2)
Exemple #7
    def test__rigid_bodies_drmsd(self):
        """ Test drmsd measure"""
        m = IMP.Model()
        sel = atom.CAlphaPDBSelector()
        prot1 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)
        prot2 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)

        xyzs1 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot1))
        xyzs2 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot2))
        drmsd = atom.get_drmsd(xyzs1, xyzs2)
        # Molecule with itself
        self.assertAlmostEqual(drmsd, 0)
        R = IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d()
        v = IMP.algebra.get_random_vector_in(
        T = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(R, v)
        for x in xyzs2:
            core.transform(x, T)
        drmsd = atom.get_drmsd(xyzs1, xyzs2)
        # Same thing after transformation
        self.assertAlmostEqual(drmsd, 0)
        for x in xyzs2:
            R = IMP.algebra.get_random_rotation_3d()
            T = IMP.algebra.Transformation3D(R, v)
            core.transform(x, T)
        # test that the function is correctly implemented
        drmsd = 0.
        npairs = 0.
        for i in range(0, len(xyzs1) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(xyzs2)):
                dist0 = IMP.core.get_distance(xyzs1[i], xyzs1[j])
                dist1 = IMP.core.get_distance(xyzs2[i], xyzs2[j])
                drmsd += (dist0 - dist1)**2
                npairs += 1.
        drmsd1 = math.sqrt(drmsd / npairs)
        drmsd2 = atom.get_drmsd(xyzs1, xyzs2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(drmsd1, drmsd2)
Exemple #8
    def test__rigid_bodies_drms(self):
        """ Test drms measure taking into account rigid bodies"""
        m = IMP.kernel.Model()
        sel = atom.CAlphaPDBSelector()
        prot1 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)
        prot2 = atom.read_pdb(self.open_input_file("mini.pdb"), m, sel)

        hchains1 = atom.get_by_type(prot1, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
        hchains2 = atom.get_by_type(prot2, atom.CHAIN_TYPE)
        xyzs1 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot1))
        xyzs2 = core.XYZs(atom.get_leaves(prot2))
        x = 0
        ranges = []
        for h in hchains1:
            ls1 = (atom.get_leaves(h))
            y = x + len(ls1)
            ranges.append((x, y))
            x = y
        drms = atom.get_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2)
        rb_drms = atom.get_rigid_bodies_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2, ranges)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(rb_drms, 0)
            msg="rb_drms != drms")
        # Same thing after transformation of each of the chains
        for h in hchains2:
            R = alg.get_random_rotation_3d()
            v = alg.get_random_vector_in(alg.get_unit_bounding_box_3d())
            T = alg.Transformation3D(R, v)
            ls = atom.get_leaves(h)
            for l in ls:
                core.transform(l.get_as_xyz(), T)
        drms = atom.get_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2)
        rb_drms = atom.get_rigid_bodies_drms(xyzs1, xyzs2, ranges)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(drms, rb_drms, delta=0.3, msg="rb_drms != drms")
Exemple #9
    def test_rigid_body_image_fit_restraint(self):
        """Test scoring with RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint"""
        m = IMP.kernel.Model()

        # read full complex
        fn = self.get_input_file_name("1z5s.pdb")
        prot = atom.read_pdb(fn, m, IMP.atom.ATOMPDBSelector())
        # read components
        names = ["1z5sA", "1z5sB", "1z5sC", "1z5sD"]
        fn_pdbs = [self.get_input_file_name(name + ".pdb") for name in names]
        components = [
            atom.read_pdb(fn, m, IMP.atom.ATOMPDBSelector()) for fn in fn_pdbs
        components_rbs = [atom.create_rigid_body(c) for c in components]

        # img
        R = alg.get_identity_rotation_3d()
        reg = em2d.RegistrationResult(R)
        img = em2d.Image()
        img.set_size(80, 80)
        srw = em2d.SpiderImageReaderWriter()
        resolution = 5
        pixel_size = 1.5
        options = em2d.ProjectingOptions(pixel_size, resolution)
        ls = core.get_leaves(prot)
        em2d.get_projection(img, ls, reg, options)
        # img.write("rbfit_test_image.spi",srw)
        # set restraint
        score_function = em2d.EM2DScore()
        rb_fit = em2d.RigidBodiesImageFitRestraint(score_function,
                                                   components_rbs, img)
        pp = em2d.ProjectingParameters(pixel_size, resolution)
        # set the trivial case:
        n_masks = 1

        for rb in components_rbs:
            # set as the only possible orientation the one that the rigid
            # body already has
            rb_fit.set_orientations(rb, [
            self.assertEqual(rb_fit.get_number_of_masks(rb), n_masks,
                             "Incorrect number rigid body masks")

        # Calculate the positions of the rigid bodies respect to the centroid
        # of the entire molecule
        ls = core.get_leaves(prot)
        xyzs = core.XYZs(ls)
        centroid = core.get_centroid(xyzs)

        coords = [rb.get_coordinates() - centroid for rb in components_rbs]
        for rb, coord in zip(components_rbs, coords):

        # Check that the value is a perfect registration
        score = rb_fit.evaluate(False)
        # print "score ...", score
        # It seems that projecting with the masks is slightly less accurate
        # I have to establish a tolerance of 0.03
                               msg="Wrong value for the score %f " % (score))