Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        # Whether to call the interactive pdb debugger after printing
        # tracebacks or not
        super(TBTools, self).__init__(parent=parent, config=config)
        self.call_pdb = call_pdb

        # Output stream to write to.  Note that we store the original value in
        # a private attribute and then make the public ostream a property, so
        # that we can delay accessing sys.stdout until runtime.  The way
        # things are written now, the sys.stdout object is dynamically managed
        # so a reference to it should NEVER be stored statically.  This
        # property approach confines this detail to a single location, and all
        # subclasses can simply access self.ostream for writing.
        self._ostream = ostream

        # Create color table
        self.color_scheme_table = exception_colors()

        self.old_scheme = color_scheme  # save initial value for toggles

        if call_pdb:
            self.pdb = debugger.Pdb()
            self.pdb = None
Exemple #2
    def get_active_physical_ports(self, aggregation_port):
        """ Return textFSM table with physical ports joined as "aggregation_port" """
        from IPython import embed
        from IPython.core import debugger
        debug = debugger.Pdb().set_trace
        raw_out = self._send_command('display link-aggregation verbose ' +
        port_entries = textfsm_extractor(self,
        a_ports = list()
        for row in port_entries:
            # Return only active ports
            if row['status'].lower() == 's':

        if a_ports:
                f' --- Active ports of the aggregation_port {aggregation_port} ---'
                      separators=(',', ': ')))
            return a_ports
            raise HpNoActiePortsInAggregation
    def __init__(self, color_scheme='NoColor', call_pdb=False):
        # Whether to call the interactive pdb debugger after printing
        # tracebacks or not
        self.call_pdb = call_pdb

        # Create color table
        self.color_scheme_table = exception_colors()

        self.old_scheme = color_scheme  # save initial value for toggles

        if call_pdb:
            self.pdb = debugger.Pdb(self.color_scheme_table.active_scheme_name)
            self.pdb = None
def call_pydb(self, args):
    """Invoke pydb with the supplied parameters."""
        import pydb
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("pydb doesn't seem to be installed.")

    if not hasattr(pydb.pydb, "runv"):
        raise ImportError("You need pydb version 1.19 or later installed.")

    argl = arg_split(args)
    # print argl # dbg
    if len(inspect.getargspec(pydb.runv)[0]) == 2:
        pdb = debugger.Pdb(color_scheme=self.colors)
        ip.history_saving_wrapper( lambda : pydb.runv(argl, pdb) )()
        ip.history_saving_wrapper( lambda : pydb.runv(argl) )()
Exemple #5
    def debugger(self,force=False):
        """Call up the pdb debugger if desired, always clean up the tb


          - force(False): by default, this routine checks the instance call_pdb
          flag and does not actually invoke the debugger if the flag is false.
          The 'force' option forces the debugger to activate even if the flag
          is false.

        If the call_pdb flag is set, the pdb interactive debugger is
        invoked. In all cases, the self.tb reference to the current traceback
        is deleted to prevent lingering references which hamper memory

        Note that each call to pdb() does an 'import readline', so if your app
        requires a special setup for the readline completers, you'll have to
        fix that by hand after invoking the exception handler."""

        if force or self.call_pdb:
            if self.pdb is None:
                self.pdb = debugger.Pdb(
            # the system displayhook may have changed, restore the original
            # for pdb
            display_trap = DisplayTrap(hook=sys.__displayhook__)
            with display_trap:
                # Find the right frame so we don't pop up inside ipython itself
                if hasattr(self,'tb') and self.tb is not None:
                    etb = self.tb
                    etb = self.tb = sys.last_traceback
                while self.tb is not None and self.tb.tb_next is not None:
                    self.tb = self.tb.tb_next
                if etb and etb.tb_next:
                    etb = etb.tb_next
                self.pdb.botframe = etb.tb_frame
                self.pdb.interaction(self.tb.tb_frame, self.tb)

        if hasattr(self,'tb'):
            del self.tb
Exemple #6
from trainer import Trainer
from causal_graph import get_causal_graph
from utils import prepare_dirs_and_logger, save_configs

#Generic configuration arguments
from config import get_config
#Submodel specific configurations
from causal_controller.config import get_config as get_cc_config
from causal_dcgan.config import get_config as get_dcgan_config
from causal_began.config import get_config as get_began_config

from causal_began import CausalBEGAN
from causal_dcgan import CausalGAN

from IPython.core import debugger
debug = debugger.Pdb().set_trace

def get_trainer():
    print('tf: resetting default graph!')
    tf.reset_default_graph()#for repeated calls in ipython

    #TODO:load configurations from previous model when loading previous model
    ##if load_path:
        #load config files from dir
    #except if pt_load_path, get cc_config from before
    #overwrite is_train, is_pretrain with current args--sort of a mess

Exemple #7
    def _run_with_debugger(self,
        Run `code` in debugger with a break point.

        code : str
            Code to execute.
        code_ns : dict
            A namespace in which `code` is executed.
        filename : str
            `code` is ran as if it is in `filename`.
        bp_line : int, optional
            Line number of the break point.
        bp_file : str, optional
            Path to the file in which break point is specified.
            `filename` is used if not given.

            If the break point given by `bp_line` is not valid.

        deb = debugger.Pdb(self.shell.colors)
        # reset Breakpoint state, which is moronically kept
        # in a class
        bdb.Breakpoint.next = 1
        bdb.Breakpoint.bplist = {}
        bdb.Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None]
        if bp_line is not None:
            # Set an initial breakpoint to stop execution
            maxtries = 10
            bp_file = bp_file or filename
            checkline = deb.checkline(bp_file, bp_line)
            if not checkline:
                for bp in range(bp_line + 1, bp_line + maxtries + 1):
                    if deb.checkline(bp_file, bp):
                    msg = ("\nI failed to find a valid line to set "
                           "a breakpoint\n"
                           "after trying up to line: %s.\n"
                           "Please set a valid breakpoint manually "
                           "with the -b option." % bp)
                    raise UsageError(msg)
            # if we find a good linenumber, set the breakpoint
            deb.do_break('%s:%s' % (bp_file, bp_line))

        if filename:
            # Mimic Pdb._runscript(...)
            deb._wait_for_mainpyfile = True
            deb.mainpyfile = deb.canonic(filename)

        # Start file run
        print "NOTE: Enter 'c' at the %s prompt to continue execution." % deb.prompt
            if filename:
                # save filename so it can be used by methods on the deb object
                deb._exec_filename = filename
            deb.run(code, code_ns)

            etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
            # Skip three frames in the traceback: the %run one,
            # one inside bdb.py, and the command-line typed by the
            # user (run by exec in pdb itself).
            self.shell.InteractiveTB(etype, value, tb, tb_offset=3)
Exemple #8
from IPython.core import debugger ; debug = debugger.Pdb().set_trace
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
from recorder import Recorder
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import argparse
import sys

PRINTER = Recorder()

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.id == None:
	PRINTER.info_text("Specify region ID with '--id <number>'")

ID = int(args.id)

DATA = []
with open("resources/region-data/database.csv") as f:
	for line in f:
		if line.split(",")[0] == "%05d" % ID:
			DATA = line.split(",")

class MyMagics(Magics):

    if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
        if hasattr(__IPYTHON__, 'rc'): __IPYTHON__.rc.editor = 'scite'
        else: __IPYTHON__.editor = 'scite'


    dbstop = None
        if not dbstop:
            from IPython.Debugger import Tracer
            dbstop = Tracer()  # IPython v 0.10 and earlier
        if not dbstop:
            from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer
            dbstop = Tracer()  # IPython v 0.11 and later
        if not dbstop:
            from IPython.core import debugger
            dbstop = debugger.Pdb(
            ).set_trace  # Some other f***ing version of IWishYoudStopMovingTheGoalposts

    sys.dbstop = __IPYTHON__.dbstop = dbstop
    # because calling sys.dbstop()  is easier than having to remember and type
    # "from IPython.Debugger import Tracer; Tracer()()" just to invoke the debugger
    # (and *much* easier than having to remember the version-specific variants of that)
    # Note however that you can also run in debug mode and set breakpoints with:
    #   %run -d -b LINENUMBER file.py
    #   %run -d -b OTHERFILENAME:LINENUMBER file.py

    def edit(self, arg):
A more Matlab-like replacement for IPython's default editing behaviour:
search the path for possible matches; edit them in the background; don't
execute the result (NB: the latter can also be achieved in IPython with
%edit -x).  Set your editor with the line 'editor WHATEVER' in
ipythonrc, or by otherwise setting __IPYTHON__.rc.editor = 'WHATEVER'


edit site.py          #  edits existing file on path with .py extension     $BLAH/Lib/site.py
edit ipythonrc        #  edits existing file on path without .py extension  $HOME/.ipython/ipythonrc
edit site             #  adds .py extension and edits existing file on path $BLAH/Lib/site.py

edit IPython/iplib.py #  edits existing file in subdirectory on path $BLAH/IPython/iplib.py
edit IPython/iplib    #  edits existing file in subdirectory on path $BLAH/IPython/iplib.py
edit IPython.iplib    #  edits existing file in package on path      $BLAH/IPython/iplib.py
edit xml              #  edits __init__.py file in existing package on path $BLAH/xml/__init__.py

edit foo.py           #  edits new file with .py extension     ./foo.py
edit foo.txt          #  edits new file with non-.py extension ./foo.txt
edit foo              #  adds .py extension and edits new file ./foo.py

edit IPython/foo.py   #  edits new file in existing subdirectory on path $BLAH/IPython/foo.py
edit IPython/foo      #  edits new file in existing subdirectory on path $BLAH/IPython/foo.py
edit IPython.foo      #  edits new file in existing subdirectory on path $BLAH/IPython/foo.py

Most Windows or Unixoid editors will behave well if you give them the name of a not-yet-
existing file to edit.  On OSX, however, if you're using an editor script that redirects
to `open -a Some.app file.txt`, this will fail if file.txt doesn't exist. For this reason,
you can use `edit -t ....` where the -t stands for "touch":  the file will be created if it
doesn't already exist, before being opened in the editor.  (Typos will then sometimes mean
that you're left with unwanted 0-byte files hanging around, needing to be deleted by hand.)

        # NB: one (unlikely) case is not handled:  a new file with a non-.py extension
        #     in an existing subdirectory on the path, e.g. edit IPython/foo.txt

        if hasattr(__IPYTHON__, 'rc'): editor = __IPYTHON__.rc.editor
        else: editor = __IPYTHON__.editor

        windows = sys.platform.lower().startswith('win')
        if windows: editor = 'start ' + editor

        def edit(x, mode='existing'):
            if not x: return os.system(editor) or True
            x = os.path.abspath(x)
            if mode == 'existing' and not os.path.isfile(x): return False
            if os.path.isdir(x):
                return sys.stderr.write(
                    'cannot edit directory %s\n' % x) and False
            if mode == '-t' and not os.path.isfile(x): open(x, 'a').close()
            os.system(editor + ' "' + x.strip('"') + '"')
            return True

        if edit(arg): return
        # that allows for spaces in the path, e.g.  edit C:\Documents and Settings\me\Desktop\blah.py
        # but if the whole thing isn't an existing file, we'll assume a space-delimited list of filenames.
        arg = arg.strip()
        if arg.startswith('(') and arg.endswith(')'):
            arg = eval('[' + arg[1:-1] + ']', getworkspace())
            if windows:
                arg = arg.replace(
                    '\\', '\\\\'
                )  # otherwise shlex.split will decode/eat backslashes that might be important as file separators
            import shlex
            arg = shlex.split(arg)  # shlex.split copes with quoted substrings
        creation_policy = arg.pop(0) if (arg and arg[0] == '-t') else 'auto'

        for original in arg:
            stem = original
            if stem.lower().endswith('.py'): stem = stem[:-3]
            original_withpy = stem + '.py'
            path_withoutpy = os.path.join(*stem.split('.'))
            path_withpy = path_withoutpy + '.py'
            potential_location = ''
            for p in sys.path:
                if edit(os.path.join(p, original)): break
                elif edit(os.path.join(p, original_withpy)): break
                elif edit(os.path.join(p, path_withpy)): break
                elif edit(os.path.join(p, path_withoutpy)): break
                elif stem == original and edit(
                        os.path.join(p, path_withoutpy, '__init__.py')):
                elif potential_location == '':
                    pp = os.path.join(p, path_withoutpy)
                    dd = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(pp))
                    d = os.path.realpath(p)
                    if len(dd) > len(d) and os.path.isdir(dd):
                        potential_location = pp
            else:  # not found anywhere else, so edit as new
                if potential_location == '': potential_location = original
                fn, xtn = os.path.splitext(potential_location)
                if xtn == '': xtn = '.py'
                edit(fn + xtn, creation_policy)

    def addpath(self, d=None):
Make absolute paths out of the input(s) and append them to sys.path if they are
not already there.  Supply a space-delimited list of arguments, or one argument
enclosed in quotes (which may, in that case, contain a space).
        if d == None: dd = (os.getcwd(), )
            d = d.replace('\\ ', ' ').strip()
            if (d.startswith('"')
                    and d.endswith('"')) or (d.startswith("'")
                                             and d.endswith("'")):
                dd = (d[1:-1], )
                dd = d.split()
        for d in dd:
            d = os.path.realpath(d)
            if os.path.isdir(d):
                if not d in sys.path: sys.path.append(d)
                print(('no such directory "%s"' % d))

    def desk(self, subdir=''):
cd to the Desktop, but keep a global record of where we were (stored in
__IPYTHON__.undeskdir) so that we can snap back with %undesk
        if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
            homedrive = os.environ.get('HOMEDRIVE')
            homepath = os.environ.get('HOMEPATH')
            userprofile = os.environ.get('USERPROFILE')
            if userprofile == None:
                d = os.path.join(homedrive, homepath, 'Desktop')
                d = os.path.join(userprofile, 'Desktop')
            d = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), 'Desktop')
        if subdir != '':
            return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(d, subdir))
        here = os.path.realpath(os.curdir)
        if os.path.realpath(d) == here:
            print("already at desktop")
            __IPYTHON__.undeskdir = here
            print(('changing directory from ' + here))
            print(('                     to ' + d))
            print('type %undesk to change back')

    def undesk(self, arg):
Undo a previous call to %desk

        d = getattr(__IPYTHON__, 'undeskdir', None)
        if d == None:
            print('no global record of previous call to %desk')
            print(('changing directory from ' + os.path.realpath(os.curdir)))
            print(('                back to ' + d))

    def pip(self, d=''):
            import pip
        except ImportError:
            import sys
The pip module is not installed. See the instructions
at http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html
In short:
(1) Ensure setuptools (i.e. easy_install) is installed first
    (download and run ez_setup.py if not).
(2) Download and run get-pip.py
(3) Quit and relaunch Python
(4) Then the first thing you should do with pip is:
    pip install --upgrade setuptools
            return pip.main(d.split())
        except SystemExit:

    def easy_install(self, d=None):
Run the easy_install command from IPython, invoking the setuptools script
Scripts/easy_install-script.py (on Windows) or easy_install (on anything else).
Particularly useful on Windows, where IPython may well be the best command-line
you have.

        def readpth(pth):
            sitedir = os.path.split(
            )[0]  # assume easy-install.pth is directly in the site-packages dir
            lines = [x.strip() for x in open(pth, 'rt').readlines()]
            return [
                os.path.realpath(os.path.join(sitedir, x)) for x in lines
                if not x.startswith('import') and not x.startswith('#')
            # assume a line is a relative path unless it begins with # or import

        def isbelow(x, p):
            x, p = os.path.realpath(x), os.path.realpath(p)
            return x == p or x.startswith(os.path.join(p, ''))

        pth = [
            os.path.join(os.path.realpath(x), 'easy-install.pth')
            for x in sys.path
        ]  # assume 'easy-install.pth' is on the path
        pth = ([x for x in pth if os.path.isfile(x)] + [None])[0]
        if pth != None: oldpaths = readpth(pth)

        ############ This is the part that actually runs easy_install.
        ############ The rest, before and after, is to attempt to keep the session going with intelligent updates to
        ############ sys.path and sys.modules (still won't work for upgrades to IPython and some messy others like simplejson).
        home = os.environ.get('PYTHONHOME')
        if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
            if home == None: home = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
                '"' + os.path.join(home, 'Scripts', 'easy_install-script.py') +
                '" ' + d)
            # TODO: need to set $PYTHONHOME for system call using env?  If so, how to fill it in if home==None?
            bang('"' + sys.executable + '" "`which easy_install`" ' + d)

        if pth == None:
                "restart this python session to take advantage of the new package"

        newpaths = readpth(pth)
        addpaths = [x for x in newpaths if x not in oldpaths]
        gone = [x for x in oldpaths if x not in newpaths]
        rmpaths = []
        for x in sys.path:
            if not len(x): continue
            for stem in gone:
                if isbelow(x, stem):
        stripped = [x for x in sys.path if x not in rmpaths]
        for i in range(len(stripped)):
            if len(stripped[i]): stripped[i] = os.path.realpath(stripped[i])
        sys.path[:] = stripped + addpaths
        if len(addpaths):
            print(('\n  '.join(['Added to sys.path:'] +
                               list(map(repr, addpaths)))))
        if len(rmpaths):
            print(('\n  '.join(['Removed from sys.path:'] +
                               list(map(repr, rmpaths)))))
        rmmod = []
        for k, v in list(sys.modules.items()):
            v = getattr(v, '__file__', None)
            if not isinstance(v, str): continue
            for p in rmpaths:
                if isbelow(v, p):
        rmmod = [sys.modules.pop(k) for k in sorted(rmmod)]
        if len(rmmod):
            print(('\n  '.join(['Removed from sys.modules:'] +
                               list(map(repr, rmmod)))))

    def search(self, dd):
search  TERM

Searches case-insensitively for TERM through all files matching FILE_PATTERN (default: '*')
in the directory tree starting at TOP_LEVEL_DIR (default: '.') and prints the filename, line
number and line content for any matches.

Because, on Windows, native file content searches are not reliable and IPython is going to
be the best command-line you have.

Also, for convenience, the following syntax does the simpler job of matching file names
rather than file content:     search --filename ...

        import os, sys, fnmatch, re, getopt
        args = [
            ''.join(matches) for matches in re.findall(
                '|'.join([r'"([^"]*)"', r"'([^']*)'", r'(\S+)']), dd)
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, '', ['filename'])
        opts = dict(opts)
        if not 1 <= len(args) <= 3:
                'arguments: SEARCH_STRING [TOP_DIR] [FILE_PATTERN]\n')
        search_string, root_dir, file_pattern = (args + ['', '', ''])[:3]
        if not root_dir: root_dir = '.'
        matches = []
        if not os.path.isdir(root_dir):
            sys.stderr.write(str(root_dir) + ' is not a directory\n')

        search_string = str(search_string).lower()
        limit = 200
        for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root_dir):
            if file_pattern:
                filenames = fnmatch.filter(filenames, file_pattern)
            for filename in filenames:
                file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                if '--filename' in opts:
                    if search_string in str(
                        sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (file_path))
                    file_handle = open(file_path)
                except IOError:
                    sys.stderr.write('/!\\   failed to open %s\n\n' %
                for line_number, line in enumerate(file_handle):
                    hit = search_string in str(line).lower()
                    if hit:
                                '%s:%d:\n    %s\n\n' %
                                (file_path.replace('\\', '/'), line_number + 1,
                        except UnicodeDecodeError:
                                '%s:%d  matches (no preview available)\n\n' %
                                (file_path, line_number + 1))
        if len(matches) == 0:
            sys.stderr.write('/!\\   no files matched the input pattern\n')

    def reimport(self, dd):
The syntax

    %reimport foo, bar.*

is a shortcut for the following:

    import foo; foo = reload(foo)
    import bar; bar = reload(bar); from bar import *
        ipython = getworkspace()
        for d in dd.replace(',', ' ').split(' '):
            if len(d):
                bare = d.endswith('.*')
                if bare: d = d[:-2]
                exec('import xx; xx = reload(xx)'.replace('xx', d), ipython)
                if bare: exec('from xx import *'.replace('xx', d), ipython)

    def loadpylab(self, d=''):
The syntax


imports matplotlib and pylab into the IPython workspace, ensuring that, if matplotlib
has not previously been loaded, it is loaded in interactive mode.

	%loadpylab *

is the same, but additionally imports the requested symbols from pylab, directly into
the workspace.

        import sys
        ipython = getworkspace()
            import matplotlib
        except ImportError:
            print("WARNING: failed to import matplotlib")
            if not 'matplotlib.backends' in sys.modules:
                exec('import matplotlib, pylab', ipython)
            except ImportError:
                print("WARNING: failed to import pylab")
            #if __OLDER_IPYTHON__:
            if len(d): exec('from pylab import ' + d, ipython)


    def njh(self, *pargs):
Imports a number of packages, including the BCPy2000 sub-packages WavTools and
SigTools, but also copy, struct, ctypes, numpy, scipy and matplotlib and pylab
(the latter in interactive mode).
        ipython = getworkspace()
        exec('import copy,struct,ctypes,time,numpy,scipy', ipython)
            exec('import WavTools,SigTools', ipython)
        except ImportError:
            exec('import BCPy2000.Paths', ipython)
            exec('import WavTools,SigTools', ipython)



    def pp(self, name=''):
An ipython command-line shortcut to SigTools.summarize, to give a quick look at
object attributes--- especially useful for numpy arrays.
        if name == None: return
        ipython = getworkspace()
        val = eval(name, ipython)
        from . import SigTools


    def l(self, dd='.'):
        if dd in [None, '']: dd = '.'
        dd = dd.replace('\\ ', ' ').strip().strip('"\'')
        if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
            cmd = 'dir "%s"' % dd.replace('/', '\\')
            cmd = 'ls -AFlh %s' % dd
        bang(cmd, shell=True)


    def bootstrap_shortcuts(self, *pargs):
import BCPy2000.Shortcuts allows you access to these useful shortcuts (edit,
search, desk, addpath, easy_install...).  This shortcut writes the import
command into an .ipy file in the default ipython profile directory of your
home directory, so that the shortcuts will be loaded automatically whenever
you start IPython (versions 0.13 and later) in future.
        code = """\
try: import BCPy2000.Shortcuts
except ImportError: print ("Failed to import BCPy2000.Shortcuts")
        import os, sys
        if __OLDER_IPYTHON__:
                "\nFAILED: this bootstrapper only works for newer versions of IPython.\nYou'll have to add the following lines manually to ipy_user_conf.py\nin the _ipython or .ipython subdirectory of your home directory:\n\n%s\n"
                % code)
        if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
            home = os.environ['USERPROFILE']
            home = os.environ['HOME']
        startup_dir = os.path.join(home, '.ipython', 'profile_default',
        startup_file = os.path.join(
            startup_dir, 'BCPy2000Shortcuts.ipy'
        )  # cannot be a .py file, must be an .ipy - the latter seem to be executed later, when ipython is running and its instance can be accessed with get_ipython()
        if not os.path.isdir(startup_dir): os.makedirs(startup_dir)
        open(startup_file, 'wt').write(code)
            '\nSUCCESS: the file\n   %s\nhas been created containing the following lines:\n\n%s\n'
            % (startup_file, code))
Exemple #10
def ipy_set_trace():
    from IPython.core import debugger
Exemple #11
    def run(self, parameter_s='', runner=None, file_finder=get_py_filename):
        """Run the named file inside IPython as a program.

          %run [-n -i -t [-N<N>] -d [-b<N>] -p [profile options]] file [args]

        Parameters after the filename are passed as command-line arguments to
        the program (put in sys.argv). Then, control returns to IPython's

        This is similar to running at a system prompt:\\
          $ python file args\\
        but with the advantage of giving you IPython's tracebacks, and of
        loading all variables into your interactive namespace for further use
        (unless -p is used, see below).

        The file is executed in a namespace initially consisting only of
        __name__=='__main__' and sys.argv constructed as indicated. It thus
        sees its environment as if it were being run as a stand-alone program
        (except for sharing global objects such as previously imported
        modules). But after execution, the IPython interactive namespace gets
        updated with all variables defined in the program (except for __name__
        and sys.argv). This allows for very convenient loading of code for
        interactive work, while giving each program a 'clean sheet' to run in.


        -n: __name__ is NOT set to '__main__', but to the running file's name
        without extension (as python does under import).  This allows running
        scripts and reloading the definitions in them without calling code
        protected by an ' if __name__ == "__main__" ' clause.

        -i: run the file in IPython's namespace instead of an empty one. This
        is useful if you are experimenting with code written in a text editor
        which depends on variables defined interactively.

        -e: ignore sys.exit() calls or SystemExit exceptions in the script
        being run.  This is particularly useful if IPython is being used to
        run unittests, which always exit with a sys.exit() call.  In such
        cases you are interested in the output of the test results, not in
        seeing a traceback of the unittest module.

        -t: print timing information at the end of the run.  IPython will give
        you an estimated CPU time consumption for your script, which under
        Unix uses the resource module to avoid the wraparound problems of
        time.clock().  Under Unix, an estimate of time spent on system tasks
        is also given (for Windows platforms this is reported as 0.0).

        If -t is given, an additional -N<N> option can be given, where <N>
        must be an integer indicating how many times you want the script to
        run.  The final timing report will include total and per run results.

        For example (testing the script uniq_stable.py)::

            In [1]: run -t uniq_stable

            IPython CPU timings (estimated):\\
              User  :    0.19597 s.\\
              System:        0.0 s.\\

            In [2]: run -t -N5 uniq_stable

            IPython CPU timings (estimated):\\
            Total runs performed: 5\\
              Times :      Total       Per run\\
              User  :   0.910862 s,  0.1821724 s.\\
              System:        0.0 s,        0.0 s.

        -d: run your program under the control of pdb, the Python debugger.
        This allows you to execute your program step by step, watch variables,
        etc.  Internally, what IPython does is similar to calling:


        with a breakpoint set on line 1 of your file.  You can change the line
        number for this automatic breakpoint to be <N> by using the -bN option
        (where N must be an integer).  For example::

          %run -d -b40 myscript

        will set the first breakpoint at line 40 in myscript.py.  Note that
        the first breakpoint must be set on a line which actually does
        something (not a comment or docstring) for it to stop execution.

        When the pdb debugger starts, you will see a (Pdb) prompt.  You must
        first enter 'c' (without quotes) to start execution up to the first

        Entering 'help' gives information about the use of the debugger.  You
        can easily see pdb's full documentation with "import pdb;pdb.help()"
        at a prompt.

        -p: run program under the control of the Python profiler module (which
        prints a detailed report of execution times, function calls, etc).

        You can pass other options after -p which affect the behavior of the
        profiler itself. See the docs for %prun for details.

        In this mode, the program's variables do NOT propagate back to the
        IPython interactive namespace (because they remain in the namespace
        where the profiler executes them).

        Internally this triggers a call to %prun, see its documentation for
        details on the options available specifically for profiling.

        There is one special usage for which the text above doesn't apply:
        if the filename ends with .ipy, the file is run as ipython script,
        just as if the commands were written on IPython prompt.

        -m: specify module name to load instead of script path. Similar to
        the -m option for the python interpreter. Use this option last if you
        want to combine with other %run options. Unlike the python interpreter
        only source modules are allowed no .pyc or .pyo files.
        For example::

            %run -m example

        will run the example module.


        # get arguments and set sys.argv for program to be run.
        opts, arg_lst = self.parse_options(parameter_s,
        if "m" in opts:
            modulename = opts["m"][0]
            modpath = find_mod(modulename)
            if modpath is None:
                warn('%r is not a valid modulename on sys.path' % modulename)
            arg_lst = [modpath] + arg_lst
            filename = file_finder(arg_lst[0])
        except IndexError:
            warn('you must provide at least a filename.')
            print '\n%run:\n', oinspect.getdoc(self.run)
        except IOError as e:
                msg = str(e)
            except UnicodeError:
                msg = e.message

        if filename.lower().endswith('.ipy'):

        # Control the response to exit() calls made by the script being run
        exit_ignore = 'e' in opts

        # Make sure that the running script gets a proper sys.argv as if it
        # were run from a system shell.
        save_argv = sys.argv  # save it for later restoring

        # simulate shell expansion on arguments, at least tilde expansion
        args = [os.path.expanduser(a) for a in arg_lst[1:]]

        sys.argv = [filename] + args  # put in the proper filename
        # protect sys.argv from potential unicode strings on Python 2:
        if not py3compat.PY3:
            sys.argv = [py3compat.cast_bytes(a) for a in sys.argv]

        if 'i' in opts:
            # Run in user's interactive namespace
            prog_ns = self.shell.user_ns
            __name__save = self.shell.user_ns['__name__']
            prog_ns['__name__'] = '__main__'
            main_mod = self.shell.new_main_mod(prog_ns)
            # Run in a fresh, empty namespace
            if 'n' in opts:
                name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
                name = '__main__'

            main_mod = self.shell.new_main_mod()
            prog_ns = main_mod.__dict__
            prog_ns['__name__'] = name

        # Since '%run foo' emulates 'python foo.py' at the cmd line, we must
        # set the __file__ global in the script's namespace
        prog_ns['__file__'] = filename

        # pickle fix.  See interactiveshell for an explanation.  But we need to
        # make sure that, if we overwrite __main__, we replace it at the end
        main_mod_name = prog_ns['__name__']

        if main_mod_name == '__main__':
            restore_main = sys.modules['__main__']
            restore_main = False

        # This needs to be undone at the end to prevent holding references to
        # every single object ever created.
        sys.modules[main_mod_name] = main_mod

            stats = None
            with self.shell.readline_no_record:
                if 'p' in opts:
                    stats = self.prun('', None, False, opts, arg_lst, prog_ns)
                    if 'd' in opts:
                        deb = debugger.Pdb(self.shell.colors)
                        # reset Breakpoint state, which is moronically kept
                        # in a class
                        bdb.Breakpoint.next = 1
                        bdb.Breakpoint.bplist = {}
                        bdb.Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None]
                        # Set an initial breakpoint to stop execution
                        maxtries = 10
                        bp = int(opts.get('b', [1])[0])
                        checkline = deb.checkline(filename, bp)
                        if not checkline:
                            for bp in range(bp + 1, bp + maxtries + 1):
                                if deb.checkline(filename, bp):
                                msg = (
                                    "\nI failed to find a valid line to set "
                                    "a breakpoint\n"
                                    "after trying up to line: %s.\n"
                                    "Please set a valid breakpoint manually "
                                    "with the -b option." % bp)
                        # if we find a good linenumber, set the breakpoint
                        deb.do_break('%s:%s' % (filename, bp))
                        # Start file run
                        print "NOTE: Enter 'c' at the",
                        print "%s prompt to start your script." % deb.prompt
                        ns = {
                            'execfile': py3compat.execfile,
                            'prog_ns': prog_ns
                            #save filename so it can be used by methods on the deb object
                            deb._exec_filename = filename
                            deb.run('execfile("%s", prog_ns)' % filename, ns)

                            etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
                            # Skip three frames in the traceback: the %run one,
                            # one inside bdb.py, and the command-line typed by the
                            # user (run by exec in pdb itself).
                        if runner is None:
                            runner = self.default_runner
                        if runner is None:
                            runner = self.shell.safe_execfile
                        if 't' in opts:
                            # timed execution
                                nruns = int(opts['N'][0])
                                if nruns < 1:
                                    error('Number of runs must be >=1')
                            except (KeyError):
                                nruns = 1
                            twall0 = time.time()
                            if nruns == 1:
                                t0 = clock2()
                                t1 = clock2()
                                t_usr = t1[0] - t0[0]
                                t_sys = t1[1] - t0[1]
                                print "\nIPython CPU timings (estimated):"
                                print "  User   : %10.2f s." % t_usr
                                print "  System : %10.2f s." % t_sys
                                runs = range(nruns)
                                t0 = clock2()
                                for nr in runs:
                                t1 = clock2()
                                t_usr = t1[0] - t0[0]
                                t_sys = t1[1] - t0[1]
                                print "\nIPython CPU timings (estimated):"
                                print "Total runs performed:", nruns
                                print "  Times  : %10.2f    %10.2f" % (
                                    'Total', 'Per run')
                                print "  User   : %10.2f s, %10.2f s." % (
                                    t_usr, t_usr / nruns)
                                print "  System : %10.2f s, %10.2f s." % (
                                    t_sys, t_sys / nruns)
                            twall1 = time.time()
                            print "Wall time: %10.2f s." % (twall1 - twall0)

                            # regular execution

                if 'i' in opts:
                    self.shell.user_ns['__name__'] = __name__save
                    # The shell MUST hold a reference to prog_ns so after %run
                    # exits, the python deletion mechanism doesn't zero it out
                    # (leaving dangling references).
                    self.shell.cache_main_mod(prog_ns, filename)
                    # update IPython interactive namespace

                    # Some forms of read errors on the file may mean the
                    # __name__ key was never set; using pop we don't have to
                    # worry about a possible KeyError.
                    prog_ns.pop('__name__', None)

            # It's a bit of a mystery why, but __builtins__ can change from
            # being a module to becoming a dict missing some key data after
            # %run.  As best I can see, this is NOT something IPython is doing
            # at all, and similar problems have been reported before:
            # http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/Python/comp.lang.python/2004-10/0188.html
            # Since this seems to be done by the interpreter itself, the best
            # we can do is to at least restore __builtins__ for the user on
            # exit.
            self.shell.user_ns['__builtins__'] = builtin_mod

            # Ensure key global structures are restored
            sys.argv = save_argv
            if restore_main:
                sys.modules['__main__'] = restore_main
                # Remove from sys.modules the reference to main_mod we'd
                # added.  Otherwise it will trap references to objects
                # contained therein.
                del sys.modules[main_mod_name]

        return stats
 def trace_mac_address(self, mac_address):
     """ Search for mac_address, get switch port and return lldp/cdp
     neighbour of that port """
     result = {
         'found': False,
         'cdp_answer': False,
         'lldp_answer': False,
         'local_port': '',
         'remote_port': '',
         'next_device': '',
         'next_device_descr': '',
         mac_address = self.hp_mac_format(mac_address)
         raw_out = self._send_command('display mac-address ' + mac_address)
         if 'No mac address found' in raw_out:
             raise HpNoMacFound
             result['found'] = True
         msg = f' --- Found {mac_address} mac address --- \n'
         mac_table = textfsm_extractor(self, "display_mac_address", raw_out)
                   separators=(',', ': ')))
         for row in mac_table:
             for k, pname in row.items():
                 if k == 'interface' and pname != None:
                     # send lldp neighbour command
                     if ('BAGG' in pname) or ('Bridge-Aggregation'
                                              in pname):
                         # Check and format the interface name
                         agg_port_name = self.normalize_port_name(pname)
                         # get first physical port of the aggregated port
                         result['local_port'] = agg_port_name
                         physical_port = self.get_active_physical_ports(
                         lldp_neighbours = self.get_lldp_neighbors_detail(
                         cdp_neighbours = self.get_cdp_neighbors_detail(
                         if lldp_neighbours:
                             result['lldp_answer'] = True
                             result['remote_port'] = lldp_neighbours[0][
                             result['next_device'] = lldp_neighbours[0][
                             result['next_device_descr'] = lldp_neighbours[
                             msg = f' --- LLDP Neighbour System Name: {result["next_device"]}'
                         elif cdp_neighbours:
                             result['cdp_answer'] = True
                             result['remote_port'] = cdp_neighbours[0][
                             result['next_device'] = cdp_neighbours[0][
                             result['next_device_descr'] = cdp_neighbours[
                             msg = f' --- CDP Neighbour System Name: {result["next_device"]}'
                         return result
                     elif ('XGE' in pname) or ('GE' in pname):
                         pname = self.normalize_port_name(pname)
                         result['local_port'] = pname
                         from IPython import embed
                         from IPython.core import debugger
                         debug = debugger.Pdb().set_trace
                         lldp_neighbours = self.get_lldp_neighbors_detail(
                         cdp_neighbours = self.get_cdp_neighbors_detail(
                         if lldp_neighbours:
                             result['lldp_answer'] = True
                             result['remote_port'] = lldp_neighbours[0][
                             result['next_device'] = lldp_neighbours[0][
                             msg = f' --- LLDP Neighbour System Name: {result["next_device"]}'
                         elif cdp_neighbours:
                             result['cdp_answer'] = True
                             result['remote_port'] = cdp_neighbours[0][
                             result['next_device'] = cdp_neighbours[0][
                             msg = f' --- CDP Neighbour System Name: {result["next_device"]}'
                         return result
                         raise NotImplementedError
     except HpMacFormatError as e:
         msg = f'Unrecognised Mac format: {mac_address}'
         return result
     except HpNoMacFound as e:
         msg = f' --- No mac address {mac_address} found: {e} ---'
         return result
     except Exception as e:
         raise e
Exemple #13
    def _run_with_debugger(self, code, code_ns, break_point, filename):
        Run `code` in debugger with a break point.

        code : str
            Code to execute.
        code_ns : dict
            A namespace in which `code` is executed.
        break_point : str
            Line number in the file specified by `filename` argument
            or a string in the format ``file:line``.  In the latter
            case, `filename` is ignored.
            See also :func:`.parse_breakpoint`.
        filename : str
            Path to the file in which break point is specified.

            If no meaningful break point is given by `break_point` and

        deb = debugger.Pdb(self.shell.colors)
        # reset Breakpoint state, which is moronically kept
        # in a class
        bdb.Breakpoint.next = 1
        bdb.Breakpoint.bplist = {}
        bdb.Breakpoint.bpbynumber = [None]
        # Set an initial breakpoint to stop execution
        maxtries = 10
        bp_file, bp_line = parse_breakpoint(break_point, filename)
        checkline = deb.checkline(bp_file, bp_line)
        if not checkline:
            for bp in range(bp_line + 1, bp_line + maxtries + 1):
                if deb.checkline(bp_file, bp):
                msg = ("\nI failed to find a valid line to set "
                       "a breakpoint\n"
                       "after trying up to line: %s.\n"
                       "Please set a valid breakpoint manually "
                       "with the -b option." % bp)
                raise UsageError(msg)
        # if we find a good linenumber, set the breakpoint
        deb.do_break('%s:%s' % (bp_file, bp_line))

        # Mimic Pdb._runscript(...)
        deb._wait_for_mainpyfile = True
        deb.mainpyfile = deb.canonic(filename)

        # Start file run
        print "NOTE: Enter 'c' at the",
        print "%s prompt to start your script." % deb.prompt
            #save filename so it can be used by methods on the deb object
            deb._exec_filename = filename
            deb.run(code, code_ns)

            etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
            # Skip three frames in the traceback: the %run one,
            # one inside bdb.py, and the command-line typed by the
            # user (run by exec in pdb itself).
            self.shell.InteractiveTB(etype, value, tb, tb_offset=3)