Exemple #1
def test_precision():
    """test various values for float_precision."""
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), repr(pi))
    f.float_precision = 0
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po['precision'], 0)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), '3')
    f.float_precision = 2
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po['precision'], 2)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), '3.14')
    f.float_precision = '%g'
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po['precision'], 2)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), '3.14159')
    f.float_precision = '%e'
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), '3.141593e+00')
    f.float_precision = ''
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po['precision'], 8)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), repr(pi))
Exemple #2
def check_logging(config):
    os.makedirs(config.log_dir, exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(config.checkpoint_dir, exist_ok=True)

        from IPython.core.formatters import PlainTextFormatter
        formatter = PlainTextFormatter()
    except ImportError:
        formatter = str

    for directory in (config.log_dir, config.checkpoint_dir):
        with open(file=os.path.join(directory, 'config.json'), mode='w') as file:
            json.dump(config, file, indent=4, default=formatter)

    if config.mode == 'test' or config.load_checkpoint:
        initial_checkpoint = get_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_dir, by='epoch')
        initial_checkpoint = None
    if initial_checkpoint is not None:
        initial_epoch = int(CHECKPOINT_PATTERN.search(initial_checkpoint).group('epoch'))
        initial_epoch = 0

    config.initial_checkpoint = initial_checkpoint
    config.initial_epoch = initial_epoch
Exemple #3
def test_lookup():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.lookup(C()), foo_printer)
    with nt.assert_raises(KeyError):
Exemple #4
def test_lookup_by_type():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.lookup_by_type(C), foo_printer)
    type_str = '%s.%s' % (C.__module__, 'C')
    with nt.assert_raises(KeyError):
Exemple #5
def test_lookup():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    assert f.lookup(C()) is foo_printer
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
Exemple #6
def test_precision():
    """test various values for float_precision."""
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), repr(pi))
    f.float_precision = 0
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po["precision"], 0)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), "3")
    f.float_precision = 2
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po["precision"], 2)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), "3.14")
    f.float_precision = "%g"
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po["precision"], 2)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), "3.14159")
    f.float_precision = "%e"
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), "3.141593e+00")
    f.float_precision = ""
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        nt.assert_equal(po["precision"], 8)
    nt.assert_equal(f(pi), repr(pi))
Exemple #7
def test_precision():
    """test various values for float_precision."""
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    assert f(pi) == repr(pi)
    f.float_precision = 0
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        assert po["precision"] == 0
    assert f(pi) == "3"
    f.float_precision = 2
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        assert po["precision"] == 2
    assert f(pi) == "3.14"
    f.float_precision = "%g"
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        assert po["precision"] == 2
    assert f(pi) == "3.14159"
    f.float_precision = "%e"
    assert f(pi) == "3.141593e+00"
    f.float_precision = ""
    if numpy:
        po = numpy.get_printoptions()
        assert po["precision"] == 8
    assert f(pi) == repr(pi)
Exemple #8
def test_pretty():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    f.for_type(A, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_equals(f(A()), 'foo')
    nt.assert_equals(f(B()), 'foo')
    f.pprint = False
    nt.assert_equals(f(A()), 'A()')
    nt.assert_equals(f(B()), 'B()')
Exemple #9
def test_lookup_string():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    type_str = '%s.%s' % (C.__module__, 'C')

    f.for_type(type_str, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.lookup(C()), foo_printer)
    # should move from deferred to imported dict
    nt.assert_not_in(_mod_name_key(C), f.deferred_printers)
    nt.assert_in(C, f.type_printers)
Exemple #10
def test_lookup_string():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    type_str = '%s.%s' % (C.__module__, 'C')

    f.for_type(type_str, foo_printer)
    assert f.lookup(C()) is foo_printer
    # should move from deferred to imported dict
    assert _mod_name_key(C) not in f.deferred_printers
    assert C in f.type_printers
Exemple #11
def test_bad_precision():
    """test various invalid values for float_precision."""
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    def set_fp(p):
    nt.assert_raises(ValueError, set_fp, '%')
    nt.assert_raises(ValueError, set_fp, '%.3f%i')
    nt.assert_raises(ValueError, set_fp, 'foo')
    nt.assert_raises(ValueError, set_fp, -1)
Exemple #12
def test_bad_repr_traceback():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    bad = BadRepr()
    with capture_output() as captured:
        result = f(bad)
    # catches error, returns None
    assert result is None
    assert "Traceback" in captured.stdout
    assert "__repr__" in captured.stdout
    assert "ValueError" in captured.stdout
Exemple #13
def test_bad_repr_traceback():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    bad = BadRepr()
    with capture_output() as captured:
        result = f(bad)
    # catches error, returns None
    nt.assert_is(result, None)
    nt.assert_in("Traceback", captured.stdout)
    nt.assert_in("__repr__", captured.stdout)
    nt.assert_in("ValueError", captured.stdout)
Exemple #14
def test_pretty_max_seq_length():
    f = PlainTextFormatter(max_seq_length=1)
    lis = list(range(3))
    text = f(lis)
    assert text == "[0, ...]"
    f.max_seq_length = 0
    text = f(lis)
    assert text == "[0, 1, 2]"
    text = f(list(range(1024)))
    lines = text.splitlines()
    assert len(lines) == 1024
Exemple #15
def test_pretty_max_seq_length():
    f = PlainTextFormatter(max_seq_length=1)
    lis = list(range(3))
    text = f(lis)
    nt.assert_equal(text, '[0, ...]')
    f.max_seq_length = 0
    text = f(lis)
    nt.assert_equal(text, '[0, 1, 2]')
    text = f(list(range(1024)))
    lines = text.splitlines()
    nt.assert_equal(len(lines), 1024)
Exemple #16
def test_bad_precision():
    """test various invalid values for float_precision."""
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    def set_fp(p):
        f.float_precision = p

    pytest.raises(ValueError, set_fp, "%")
    pytest.raises(ValueError, set_fp, "%.3f%i")
    pytest.raises(ValueError, set_fp, "foo")
    pytest.raises(ValueError, set_fp, -1)
Exemple #17
def test_for_type():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    # initial return, None
    assert f.for_type(C, foo_printer) is None
    # no func queries
    assert f.for_type(C) is foo_printer
    # shouldn't change anything
    assert f.for_type(C) is foo_printer
    # None should do the same
    assert f.for_type(C, None) is foo_printer
    assert f.for_type(C, None) is foo_printer
Exemple #18
def test_warn_error_pretty_method():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    class BadPretty(object):
        def _repr_pretty_(self):
            return "hello"
    bad = BadPretty()
    with capture_output() as captured:
        result = f(bad)
    nt.assert_is(result, None)
    nt.assert_in("WARNING", captured.stderr)
    nt.assert_in("text/plain", captured.stderr)
    nt.assert_in("argument", captured.stderr)
Exemple #19
def test_for_type():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    # initial return, None
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(C, foo_printer), None)
    # no func queries
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(C), foo_printer)
    # shouldn't change anything
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(C), foo_printer)
    # None should do the same
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(C, None), foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(C, None), foo_printer)
Exemple #20
def test_pretty():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    f.for_type(A, foo_printer)
    assert f(A()) == "foo"
    assert f(B()) == "B()"
    assert f(GoodPretty()) == "foo"
    # Just don't raise an exception for the following:

    f.pprint = False
    assert f(A()) == "A()"
    assert f(B()) == "B()"
    assert f(GoodPretty()) == "GoodPretty()"
Exemple #21
def test_pretty():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    f.for_type(A, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_equal(f(A()), 'foo')
    nt.assert_equal(f(B()), 'foo')
    nt.assert_equal(f(GoodPretty()), 'foo')
    # Just don't raise an exception for the following:

    f.pprint = False
    nt.assert_equal(f(A()), 'A()')
    nt.assert_equal(f(B()), 'B()')
    nt.assert_equal(f(GoodPretty()), 'GoodPretty()')
Exemple #22
def test_for_type_string():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    type_str = '%s.%s' % (C.__module__, 'C')

    # initial return, None
    assert f.for_type(type_str, foo_printer) is None
    # no func queries
    assert f.for_type(type_str) is foo_printer
    assert _mod_name_key(C) in f.deferred_printers
    assert f.for_type(C) is foo_printer
    assert _mod_name_key(C) not in f.deferred_printers
    assert C in f.type_printers
def test_error_pretty_method():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    class BadPretty(object):
        def _repr_pretty_(self):
            return "hello"
    bad = BadPretty()
    with capture_output() as captured:
        result = f(bad)
    nt.assert_is(result, None)
    nt.assert_in("Traceback", captured.stdout)
    nt.assert_in("_repr_pretty_", captured.stdout)
    nt.assert_in("given", captured.stdout)
    nt.assert_in("argument", captured.stdout)
Exemple #24
def test_for_type_string():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    type_str = "%s.%s" % (C.__module__, "C")

    # initial return, None
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(type_str, foo_printer), None)
    # no func queries
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(type_str), foo_printer)
    nt.assert_in(_mod_name_key(C), f.deferred_printers)
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type(C), foo_printer)
    nt.assert_not_in(_mod_name_key(C), f.deferred_printers)
    nt.assert_in(C, f.type_printers)
Exemple #25
def test_for_type_by_name():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    mod = C.__module__

    # initial return, None
    assert f.for_type_by_name(mod, "C", foo_printer) is None
    # no func queries
    assert f.for_type_by_name(mod, "C") is foo_printer
    # shouldn't change anything
    assert f.for_type_by_name(mod, "C") is foo_printer
    # None should do the same
    assert f.for_type_by_name(mod, "C", None) is foo_printer
    assert f.for_type_by_name(mod, "C", None) is foo_printer
Exemple #26
def test_pop():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.lookup_by_type(C), foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.pop(C, None), foo_printer)
    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.pop(C), foo_printer)
    with nt.assert_raises(KeyError):
    with nt.assert_raises(KeyError):
    with nt.assert_raises(KeyError):
    nt.assert_is(f.pop(A, None), None)
Exemple #27
def test_pop():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    assert f.lookup_by_type(C) is foo_printer
    assert f.pop(C, None) is foo_printer
    f.for_type(C, foo_printer)
    assert f.pop(C) is foo_printer
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    assert f.pop(A, None) is None
Exemple #28
def test_for_type_by_name():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    mod = C.__module__

    # initial return, None
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type_by_name(mod, 'C', foo_printer), None)
    # no func queries
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type_by_name(mod, 'C'), foo_printer)
    # shouldn't change anything
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type_by_name(mod, 'C'), foo_printer)
    # None should do the same
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type_by_name(mod, 'C', None), foo_printer)
    nt.assert_is(f.for_type_by_name(mod, 'C', None), foo_printer)
Exemple #29
def test_error_pretty_method():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()

    class BadPretty(object):
        def _repr_pretty_(self):
            return "hello"

    bad = BadPretty()
    with capture_output() as captured:
        result = f(bad)
    assert result is None
    assert "Traceback" in captured.stdout
    assert "_repr_pretty_" in captured.stdout
    assert "given" in captured.stdout
    assert "argument" in captured.stdout
Exemple #30
def test_lookup_by_type_string():
    f = PlainTextFormatter()
    type_str = '%s.%s' % (C.__module__, 'C')
    f.for_type(type_str, foo_printer)

    # verify insertion
    nt.assert_in(_mod_name_key(C), f.deferred_printers)
    nt.assert_not_in(C, f.type_printers)

    nt.assert_is(f.lookup_by_type(type_str), foo_printer)
    # lookup by string doesn't cause import
    nt.assert_in(_mod_name_key(C), f.deferred_printers)
    nt.assert_not_in(C, f.type_printers)

    nt.assert_is(f.lookup_by_type(C), foo_printer)
    # should move from deferred to imported dict
    nt.assert_not_in(_mod_name_key(C), f.deferred_printers)
    nt.assert_in(C, f.type_printers)