Exemple #1
    def load(self, arg_s):
        """Load code into the current frontend.

          %load [options] source

          where source can be a filename, URL, input history range, macro, or
          element in the user namespace


          -r <lines>: Specify lines or ranges of lines to load from the source.
          Ranges could be specified as x-y (x..y) or in python-style x:y 
          (x..(y-1)). Both limits x and y can be left blank (meaning the 
          beginning and end of the file, respectively).

          -s <symbols>: Specify function or classes to load from python source. 

          -y : Don't ask confirmation for loading source above 200 000 characters.

          -n : Include the user's namespace when searching for source code.

        This magic command can either take a local filename, a URL, an history
        range (see %history) or a macro as argument, it will prompt for
        confirmation before loading source with more than 200 000 characters, unless
        -y flag is passed or if the frontend does not support raw_input::

        %load myscript.py
        %load 7-27
        %load myMacro
        %load http://www.example.com/myscript.py
        %load -r 5-10 myscript.py
        %load -r 10-20,30,40: foo.py
        %load -s MyClass,wonder_function myscript.py
        %load -n MyClass
        %load -n my_module.wonder_function
        opts, args = self.parse_options(arg_s, 'yns:r:')

        if not args:
            raise UsageError('Missing filename, URL, input history range, '
                             'macro, or element in the user namespace.')

        search_ns = 'n' in opts

        contents = self.shell.find_user_code(args, search_ns=search_ns)

        if 's' in opts:
                blocks, not_found = extract_symbols(contents, opts['s'])
            except SyntaxError:
                # non python code
                error("Unable to parse the input as valid Python code")

            if len(not_found) == 1:
                warn('The symbol `%s` was not found' % not_found[0])
            elif len(not_found) > 1:
                warn('The symbols %s were not found' %
                     get_text_list(not_found, wrap_item_with='`'))

            contents = '\n'.join(blocks)

        if 'r' in opts:
            ranges = opts['r'].replace(',', ' ')
            lines = contents.split('\n')
            slices = extract_code_ranges(ranges)
            contents = [lines[slice(*slc)] for slc in slices]
            contents = '\n'.join(

        l = len(contents)

        # 200 000 is ~ 2500 full 80 character lines
        # so in average, more than 5000 lines
        if l > 200000 and 'y' not in opts:
                ans = self.shell.ask_yes_no(("The text you're trying to load seems pretty big"\
                " (%d characters). Continue (y/[N]) ?" % l), default='n' )
            except StdinNotImplementedError:
                #assume yes if raw input not implemented
                ans = True

            if ans is False:
                print('Operation cancelled.')

        contents = "# %load {}\n".format(arg_s) + contents

        self.shell.set_next_input(contents, replace=True)
    def addscript(self, pars='', cell=None):
        This works both as **%addscript** and as **%%addscript**

        This magic command can either take a local filename, element in the
        namespace or history range (see %history),
        or the current cell content


            %addscript  -p project  n1-n2 n3-n4 ... n5 .. n6 ...


            %%addscript -p project
            ...code lines ...


            -p <string>         Name of the project where the script will be stored.
                                If not provided, a project with a standard
                                name : `proj` is searched.
            -o <string>         script name
            -s <symbols>        Specify function or classes to load from python
            -a                  append to the current script instead of
                                overwriting it.
            -n                  search symbol in the current namespace


        .. sourcecode:: ipython

           In[1]: %addscript myscript.py

           In[2]: %addscript 7-27

           In[3]: %addscript -s MyClass,myfunction myscript.py
           In[4]: %addscript MyClass

           In[5]: %addscript mymodule.myfunction
        opts, args = self.parse_options(pars, 'p:o:s:n:a')

        # append = 'a' in opts
        # mode = 'a' if append else 'w'
        search_ns = 'n' in opts

        if not args and not cell and not search_ns:  # pragma: no cover
            raise UsageError('Missing filename, input history range, '
                             'or element in the user namespace.\n '
                             'If no argument are given then the cell content '
                             'should '
                             'not be empty')
        name = 'script'
        if 'o' in opts:
            name = opts['o']

        proj = 'proj'
        if 'p' in opts:
            proj = opts['p']
        if proj not in self.shell.user_ns:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError('Cannot find any project with name `{}` in the '
        # get the proj object
        projobj = self.shell.user_ns[proj]

        contents = ""
        if search_ns:
            contents += "\n" + self.shell.find_user_code(
                opts['n'], search_ns=search_ns) + "\n"

        args = " ".join(args)
        if args.strip():
            contents += "\n" + self.shell.find_user_code(
                args, search_ns=search_ns) + "\n"

        if 's' in opts:  # pragma: no cover
                blocks, not_found = extract_symbols(contents, opts['s'])
            except SyntaxError:
                # non python code
                logging.error("Unable to parse the input as valid Python code")

            if len(not_found) == 1:
                warnings.warn('The symbol `%s` was not found' % not_found[0])
            elif len(not_found) > 1:
                warnings.warn('The symbols %s were not found' %
                              get_text_list(not_found, wrap_item_with='`'))

            contents = '\n'.join(blocks)

        if cell:
            contents += "\n" + cell

        # import delayed to avoid circular import error
        from spectrochempy.core.scripts.script import Script

        script = Script(name, content=contents)
        projobj[name] = script

        return "Script {} created.".format(name)
Exemple #3
    def load(self, arg_s):
        """Load code into the current frontend.

          %load [options] source

          where source can be a filename, URL, input history range, macro, or
          element in the user namespace


          -r <lines>: Specify lines or ranges of lines to load from the source.
          Ranges could be specified as x-y (x..y) or in python-style x:y 
          (x..(y-1)). Both limits x and y can be left blank (meaning the 
          beginning and end of the file, respectively).

          -s <symbols>: Specify function or classes to load from python source. 

          -y : Don't ask confirmation for loading source above 200 000 characters.

          -n : Include the user's namespace when searching for source code.

        This magic command can either take a local filename, a URL, an history
        range (see %history) or a macro as argument, it will prompt for
        confirmation before loading source with more than 200 000 characters, unless
        -y flag is passed or if the frontend does not support raw_input::

        %load myscript.py
        %load 7-27
        %load myMacro
        %load http://www.example.com/myscript.py
        %load -r 5-10 myscript.py
        %load -r 10-20,30,40: foo.py
        %load -s MyClass,wonder_function myscript.py
        %load -n MyClass
        %load -n my_module.wonder_function
        opts, args = self.parse_options(arg_s, "yns:r:")

        if not args:
            raise UsageError("Missing filename, URL, input history range, " "macro, or element in the user namespace.")

        search_ns = "n" in opts

        contents = self.shell.find_user_code(args, search_ns=search_ns)

        if "s" in opts:
                blocks, not_found = extract_symbols(contents, opts["s"])
            except SyntaxError:
                # non python code
                error("Unable to parse the input as valid Python code")

            if len(not_found) == 1:
                warn("The symbol `%s` was not found" % not_found[0])
            elif len(not_found) > 1:
                warn("The symbols %s were not found" % get_text_list(not_found, wrap_item_with="`"))

            contents = "\n".join(blocks)

        if "r" in opts:
            ranges = opts["r"].replace(",", " ")
            lines = contents.split("\n")
            slices = extract_code_ranges(ranges)
            contents = [lines[slice(*slc)] for slc in slices]
            contents = "\n".join(chain.from_iterable(contents))

        l = len(contents)

        # 200 000 is ~ 2500 full 80 caracter lines
        # so in average, more than 5000 lines
        if l > 200000 and "y" not in opts:
                ans = self.shell.ask_yes_no(
                    ("The text you're trying to load seems pretty big" " (%d characters). Continue (y/[N]) ?" % l),
            except StdinNotImplementedError:
                # asume yes if raw input not implemented
                ans = True

            if ans is False:
                print("Operation cancelled.")

        contents = "# %load {}\n".format(arg_s) + contents

        self.shell.set_next_input(contents, replace=True)
    def addscript(self, pars="", cell=None):
        This works both as **%addscript** and as **%%addscript**.

        This magic command can either take a local filename, element in the
        namespace or history range (see %history),
        or the current cell content.


            %addscript  -p project  n1-n2 n3-n4 ... n5 .. n6 ...


            %%addscript -p project
            ...code lines ...


            -p <string>         Name of the project where the script will be stored.
                                If not provided, a project with a standard
                                name : `proj` is searched.
            -o <string>         script name.
            -s <symbols>        Specify function or classes to load from python
            -a                  append to the current script instead of
                                overwriting it.
            -n                  Search symbol in the current namespace.


        .. sourcecode:: ipython

           In[1]: %addscript myscript.py

           In[2]: %addscript 7-27

           In[3]: %addscript -s MyClass,myfunction myscript.py
           In[4]: %addscript MyClass

           In[5]: %addscript mymodule.myfunction
        opts, args = self.parse_options(pars, "p:o:s:n:a")

        # append = 'a' in opts
        # mode = 'a' if append else 'w'
        search_ns = "n" in opts

        if not args and not cell and not search_ns:  # pragma: no cover
            raise UsageError("Missing filename, input history range, "
                             "or element in the user namespace.\n "
                             "If no argument are given then the cell content "
                             "should "
                             "not be empty")
        name = "script"
        if "o" in opts:
            name = opts["o"]

        proj = "proj"
        if "p" in opts:
            proj = opts["p"]
        if proj not in self.shell.user_ns:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(
                f"Cannot find any project with name `{proj}` in the namespace."
        # get the proj object
        projobj = self.shell.user_ns[proj]

        contents = ""
        if search_ns:
            contents += ("\n" + self.shell.find_user_code(
                opts["n"], search_ns=search_ns) + "\n")

        args = " ".join(args)
        if args.strip():
            contents += ("\n" +
                         self.shell.find_user_code(args, search_ns=search_ns) +

        if "s" in opts:  # pragma: no cover
                blocks, not_found = extract_symbols(contents, opts["s"])
            except SyntaxError:
                # non python code
                logging.error("Unable to parse the input as valid Python code")
                return None

            if len(not_found) == 1:
                warnings.warn(f"The symbol `{not_found[0]}` was not found")
            elif len(not_found) > 1:
                sym = get_text_list(not_found, wrap_item_with="`")
                warnings.warn(f"The symbols {sym} were not found")

            contents = "\n".join(blocks)

        if cell:
            contents += "\n" + cell

        # import delayed to avoid circular import error
        from spectrochempy.core.scripts.script import Script

        script = Script(name, content=contents)
        projobj[name] = script

        return f"Script {name} created."