Exemple #1
    def soapcomm(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        takes a command name and a list of keyword arguments.
        each keyword is converted into a xml element

        if not isinstance(cmd, str) or not len(cmd):
            raise IsyValueError("SOAP Method name missing")

        if self.debug & 0x02:
            print "sendcomm : ", cmd

        soap_cmd = self._gensoap(cmd, **kwargs)

        xurl = self.baseurl + "/services"
        if self.debug & 0x02:
            print "xurl = ", xurl
            print "soap_cmd = ", soap_cmd

        req = URL.Request(xurl, soap_cmd,
                          {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'})

        data = ""
            res = self._opener.open(req, None)
            data = res.read()
            if self.debug & 0x200:
                print("res.getcode() ", res.getcode(), len(data))
                print("data ", data)
        except URL.HTTPError, e:

            self.error_str = str("Reponse Code : {0} : {1} {2}").format(
                e.code, xurl, cmd)
            if ((cmd == "DiscoverNodes" and e.code == 803)
                    or (cmd == "CancelNodesDiscovery" and e.code == 501)
                    # or ( cmd == "RemoveNode" and e.code == 501 )

                if self.debug & 0x02:
                    print "spacial case : {0} : {1}".format(cmd, e.code)
                    print "e.code = ", e.code
                    print "e.msg = ", e.msg
                    print "e.hdrs = ", e.hdrs
                    print "e.filename = ", e.filename
                    print "e.code = ", type(e.code), e.code
                    print "\n"

                return e.read()

            if self.debug & 0x202:
                print "e.code = ", type(e.code), e.code
                # print "e.read = ", e.read()
                print "e = ", e
                print "data = ", data

            mess = "{!s} : {!s} : {!s}".format(cmd, kwargs, e.code)
            # This a messy and should change
            raise IsySoapError(mess, httperr=e)
Exemple #2
    def _sendfile(self, filename="", data="", load="n"):

	if ( filename.startswith('/') ) :
	    xurl = self.baseurl + "/file/upload" + filename + "?load=" + load
	else :
	    xurl = self.baseurl + "/file/upload/" + filename + "?load=" + load

        if self.debug & 0x02:
            print("{0} xurl : {1}".format(__name__, xurl))
	req = URL.Request(xurl, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'})

	try :
	    res = self._opener.open(req, None)
	    responce = res.read()
	    # print("res.getcode() ", res.getcode(), len(responce))
	except URL.HTTPError, e:       
	    # print "e.read : ", e.read()
	    mess = "{!s} : {!s} : {!s}".format("/file/upload", filename,  e.code)
            raise IsySoapError(mess, httperr=e)