def drawShapes(self):
        board = BoardHandler()

        # Create drawer buffer and draw an X on the buffer
        bufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 0, 31, 31)
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 31, 31, 0)

        # Prints array to STDOUT

        # Rotates the X by 45 degrees making it a + sign

        buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
        arr = bufferCreator.getImageAsArray()

        for i in range(32):
            for j in range(32):
                if (arr[i][j] != 0):
                    buffer[i][j] = [1, 0, 0]

        loopCounts = 0
        while (loopCounts < 100):
            loopCounts += 1

    def drawShapes(self):
        board = BoardHandler()

        # Create drawer buffer and draw an X on the buffer
        bufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 0, 31, 31)
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 31, 31, 0)

        # Prints array to STDOUT

        # Rotates the X by 45 degrees making it a + sign

        buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
        arr = bufferCreator.getImageAsArray()

        for i in range(32):
            for j in range(32):
                if arr[i][j] != 0:
                    buffer[i][j] = [1, 0, 0]

        loopCounts = 0
        while loopCounts < 100:
            loopCounts += 1

class BoardHandlerTest:

    board = None
    imageBufferCreator = None

    characterMaplist = [MAP.A, MAP.B, MAP.C, MAP.D]

    # Test User initiatied board initialization
    def initializeBoardTest(self):
        print "Testing BoardHandler initiazilation"
        self.board = BoardHandler()
        self.imageBufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()

    def getBufferWithFill(self, fill):
        # initialize entire 32x32x3 matrix to all 1s for a white background
        return [[[fill for k in xrange(3)] for j in range(32)]
                for i in range(32)]

    def getBufferWithRGBBackground(self, r, g, b):
        # initialize entire 32x32x3 matrix to r/g/b background
        return [[[r, g, b] for j in range(32)] for i in range(32)]

    # outputBuffer = destination
    # inputBuffer = source
    # color = list of R/G/B eg. [1,0,0]
    # offset = lines to offset counting from 0
    def copyToOutputBuffer(self, outputBuffer, inputBuffer, color, offset):
        for i in range(len(inputBuffer)):
            for j in range(32):
                if (inputBuffer[i][j] != 0):
                    outputBuffer[i + offset][j] = color

        return outputBuffer

    def printString(self):
        print "Printing various strings to Board"

        concatenatedString = self.imageBufferCreator.convertStringToBuffer(
            "h e l lo        wor l d !        ")
        secondString = self.imageBufferCreator.convertStringToBuffer(
            "p oopd ic k    ")

        loopCounts = 0
        while (loopCounts < 100):
            loopCounts += 1

            # reset buffer to blank image so we dont overwrite
            buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)

            # copy the string buffer to print-able buffer
            buffer = self.copyToOutputBuffer(buffer, concatenatedString,
                                             [0, 1, 0], 0)
            buffer = self.copyToOutputBuffer(buffer, secondString, [0, 0, 1],

            # print to buffer

            # roll the entire matrix in opposite directions by one column
            concatenatedString = npy.roll(concatenatedString, -1, axis=1)
            secondString = npy.roll(secondString, 1, axis=1)

            # let me sleep goddamn you, doing all this work is tiring

    def printLetters(self):
        print "Printing Letters of various sizes to Board 1x, 2x, 3x & 4x"
        index = 0

        for i in range(1, 5):
            # kronecker product to scale the matrix for the various size(scale factor of 8x)
            scaledA = npy.kron(self.characterMaplist[index], npy.ones((i, i)))
            buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
            for k in range(8 * i):
                for j in range(8 * i):
                    if (scaledA[k][j] != 0):
                        buffer[k][j] = [0, 1, 0]
            for z in range(40):

    def testDifferentDiagnostics(self):

        print "Printing diamond shape to Board that will scroll left on a loop"

        buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
        #buffer = self.getBufferWithRGBBackground(0,1,0)
        j = 15
        redColour = [1, 0, 0]
        greenColour = [0, 1, 0]
        blueColour = [0, 0, 1]
        for i in range(16):
            buffer[i][j] = redColour
            buffer[31 - i][j] = redColour

            buffer[i][31 - j] = redColour
            buffer[31 - i][31 - j] = redColour
            j -= 1

        loopCounts = 0
        while (loopCounts < 100):
            loopCounts += 1

            buffer = npy.roll(buffer, -1, axis=1)

    def drawShapes(self):
        board = BoardHandler()

        # Create drawer buffer and draw an X on the buffer
        bufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 0, 31, 31)
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 31, 31, 0)

        # Prints array to STDOUT

        # Rotates the X by 45 degrees making it a + sign

        buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
        arr = bufferCreator.getImageAsArray()

        for i in range(32):
            for j in range(32):
                if (arr[i][j] != 0):
                    buffer[i][j] = [1, 0, 0]

        loopCounts = 0
        while (loopCounts < 100):
            loopCounts += 1

 def initializeBoardTest(self):
     print "Testing BoardHandler initiazilation"
     self.board = BoardHandler()
     self.imageBufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()
class BoardHandlerTest:

    board = None
    imageBufferCreator = None

    characterMaplist = [MAP.A, MAP.B, MAP.C, MAP.D]

    # Test User initiatied board initialization
    def initializeBoardTest(self):
        print "Testing BoardHandler initiazilation"
        self.board = BoardHandler()
        self.imageBufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()

    def getBufferWithFill(self, fill):
        # initialize entire 32x32x3 matrix to all 1s for a white background
        return [[[fill for k in xrange(3)] for j in range(32)] for i in range(32)]

    def getBufferWithRGBBackground(self, r, g, b):
        # initialize entire 32x32x3 matrix to r/g/b background
        return [[[r, g, b] for j in range(32)] for i in range(32)]

    # outputBuffer = destination
    # inputBuffer = source
    # color = list of R/G/B eg. [1,0,0]
    # offset = lines to offset counting from 0
    def copyToOutputBuffer(self, outputBuffer, inputBuffer, color, offset):
        for i in range(len(inputBuffer)):
            for j in range(32):
                if inputBuffer[i][j] != 0:
                    outputBuffer[i + offset][j] = color

        return outputBuffer

    def printString(self):
        print "Printing various strings to Board"

        concatenatedString = self.imageBufferCreator.convertStringToBuffer("h e l lo        wor l d !        ")
        secondString = self.imageBufferCreator.convertStringToBuffer("p oopd ic k    ")

        loopCounts = 0
        while loopCounts < 100:
            loopCounts += 1

            # reset buffer to blank image so we dont overwrite
            buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)

            # copy the string buffer to print-able buffer
            buffer = self.copyToOutputBuffer(buffer, concatenatedString, [0, 1, 0], 0)
            buffer = self.copyToOutputBuffer(buffer, secondString, [0, 0, 1], 16)

            # print to buffer

            # roll the entire matrix in opposite directions by one column
            concatenatedString = npy.roll(concatenatedString, -1, axis=1)
            secondString = npy.roll(secondString, 1, axis=1)

            # let me sleep goddamn you, doing all this work is tiring

    def printLetters(self):
        print "Printing Letters of various sizes to Board 1x, 2x, 3x & 4x"
        index = 0

        for i in range(1, 5):
            # kronecker product to scale the matrix for the various size(scale factor of 8x)
            scaledA = npy.kron(self.characterMaplist[index], npy.ones((i, i)))
            buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
            for k in range(8 * i):
                for j in range(8 * i):
                    if scaledA[k][j] != 0:
                        buffer[k][j] = [0, 1, 0]
            for z in range(40):

    def testDifferentDiagnostics(self):

        print "Printing diamond shape to Board that will scroll left on a loop"

        buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
        # buffer = self.getBufferWithRGBBackground(0,1,0)
        j = 15
        redColour = [1, 0, 0]
        greenColour = [0, 1, 0]
        blueColour = [0, 0, 1]
        for i in range(16):
            buffer[i][j] = redColour
            buffer[31 - i][j] = redColour

            buffer[i][31 - j] = redColour
            buffer[31 - i][31 - j] = redColour
            j -= 1

        loopCounts = 0
        while loopCounts < 100:
            loopCounts += 1

            buffer = npy.roll(buffer, -1, axis=1)

    def drawShapes(self):
        board = BoardHandler()

        # Create drawer buffer and draw an X on the buffer
        bufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 0, 31, 31)
        bufferCreator.drawLines(0, 31, 31, 0)

        # Prints array to STDOUT

        # Rotates the X by 45 degrees making it a + sign

        buffer = self.getBufferWithFill(0)
        arr = bufferCreator.getImageAsArray()

        for i in range(32):
            for j in range(32):
                if arr[i][j] != 0:
                    buffer[i][j] = [1, 0, 0]

        loopCounts = 0
        while loopCounts < 100:
            loopCounts += 1

 def initializeBoardTest(self):
     print "Testing BoardHandler initiazilation"
     self.board = BoardHandler()
     self.imageBufferCreator = ImageBufferCreator()