Exemple #1
    def runtest(self):
        g = transform.compute_g_vectors(self.tth,
        tth, eta, omega = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(g,
        #        print tth
        #        print eta
        #        print omega
        print "#  w  c   i     tth      tth     etao     etaC    omegao   omegaC    etaC2    omegaC2"
        for i in range(len(tth)):
            print self.w, self.c, i,
            best = np.argmin(
                np.abs(angmod(np.array(omega)[:, i] - self.omega[i])))
            deta = angmod(np.array(eta)[best, i] - self.eta[i])
            domega = angmod(np.array(omega)[best, i] - self.omega[i])

            print ("%8.2f "*8)%(self.tth[i], tth[i],self.eta[i], eta[best][i],\
                self.omega[i], omega[best][i],eta[1-best][i],omega[1-best][i])

            self.assertAlmostEqual(self.tth[i], tth[i], 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(deta, 0.0, 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(domega, 0.0, 5)
Exemple #2
def forwards_project( gr,
    latt = "P"
    for k in pars.parameters.keys():
        if k.startswith("cell_lattice"):
            latt = pars.get(k)
    cell = unitcell.unitcell( indexing.ubitocellpars( gr.ubi ), latt )
    ds_hkl = cell.gethkls( dsmax )
    hkls = np.array( [ x[1] for x in ds_hkl] )
    gvecs = np.dot( gr.ub, hkls.T )
    wvln, wedge, chi = [ pars.get(x) for x in "wavelength", "wedge", "chi" ]
    tth, (eta1, eta2), (omega1, omega2) = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
        gvecs, wvln, wedge=wedge, chi=chi)
    osign = float(pars.get("omegasign"))
    if osign != 1:
        print("# Flipping omegasign %f"%(osign))
        np.multiply( omega1, osign, omega1 )
        np.multiply( omega2, osign, omega2 )
    pars.set( "t_x", gr.translation[0] )
    pars.set( "t_y", gr.translation[1] )
    pars.set( "t_z", gr.translation[2] )
    fc1, sc1 = transform.compute_xyz_from_tth_eta(tth, eta1, omega1,
    fc2, sc2 = transform.compute_xyz_from_tth_eta(tth, eta2, omega2,
    # Now make a single list of output stuff:
    alltth = np.concatenate( (tth, tth))
    alleta = np.concatenate( (eta1, eta2) )
    allsc =  np.concatenate( (sc1, sc2) )
    allfc =  np.concatenate( (fc1, fc2) )
    sraw = np.zeros(allsc.shape)
    fraw = np.zeros(allsc.shape)
    for i,(s,f) in enumerate(zip( allsc, allfc )):
        sraw[i], fraw[i] = spatial.distort( s, f )
    allomega = np.concatenate( (omega1, omega2) )
    allhkls =  np.concatenate( (hkls, hkls) )
    order = np.argsort( allomega )
    # output ?
    # omega in range
    # peak in detector
    #  etc
    fmt = " % -4d % -3d % -3d % -3d % 8.4f % 7.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f % 8.2f"
    strs = []
    for i in order:
        s, f, o = sraw[i], fraw[i], allomega[i]
        if alltth[i] == 0:
        if inscan(  s, f, o, detector_size):
            line = fmt%(gid,allhkls[i][0],allhkls[i][1],allhkls[i][2],
                        alltth[i], alleta[i], allomega[i], allsc[i], allfc[i],
                        sraw[i], fraw[i] )
            strs.append( (allomega[i], line) ) # to be omega sortable
    return strs
def makedata():
    global wavelength
    global dsmax
    global dsmin
    u = unitcell.unitcell(*rcell(gen))
    o = omat(gen)
    #print dot(o,o.T)
    ub = dot(o, u.B)

    meancell = pow(u.B[0, 0] * u.B[1, 1] * u.B[2, 2], -1. / 3.)
    if dsmax is None:
        dsmax = 20. / meancell
        dsmin = 5. / meancell

    hkls = u.gethkls(dsmax)
    # print "DSMAX",dsmax, meancell,len(hkls)

    myh = []
    for ds, h in hkls:
        if ds > dsmin:
            g = dot(ub, h)
            #       print h,ds, g, sqrt(dot( g,g))

    myh = array(myh)
    gve = dot(ub, myh.T)
    # set wavelength to make the largest angle be 45 degrees
    if wavelength is None:
        print("set wavelength")
        wavelength = 2 * sin(pi / 8.0) / dsmax
    tth, eta, omega = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(gve, wavelength)
    e0, e1 = eta
    o0, o1 = omega

    gfinal = []

    omax = 5

    for i in range(len(tth)):
        if o0[i] > 0 and o0[i] < omax:
        if o1[i] > 0 and o1[i] < omax:
    f = open("ideal.ubi", "a")
    f.write("cell = '" + u.tostring() + "'\n")
    f.write('ub = ' + repr(ub))
    f.write("\nnpks = %d\n" % (len(gfinal)))
    return gfinal
Exemple #4
def calccolumns(p, c, g, pks=None):
    p  = parameters
    c  = columnfile
    g  = grain
    pks = selection of which peaks to use for the grain. If none we do all.
    t = g.translation
    p.set('t_x', t[0])
    p.set('t_y', t[1])
    p.set('t_z', t[2])
    # tth, eta of the spots given this origin position
    if pks is None:
        pks = ~np.isnan(c.sc)
    tth, eta = transform.compute_tth_eta([c.sc[pks], c.fc[pks]],
    # g-vectors given this origin
    gve = transform.compute_g_vectors(tth, eta, c.omega[pks],
                                      p.get("wavelength"), p.get("wedge"),
    # Find hkl indices
    hklo = np.dot(g.ubi, gve)
    hkli = np.round(hklo)
    diff = hklo - hkli
    # Now uncompute to get ideal spot positions in each case:
    gcalc = np.dot(g.ub, hkli)
    tthcalc, etacalc, omegacalc = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
        gcalc, p.get("wavelength"), p.get("wedge"), p.get("chi"))
    # which eta to choose - there are two possibilities
    #   ... eta should always be in -180, 180 as it is arctan2
    smatch = np.sign(eta) == np.sign(etacalc[0])
    etachosen = np.where(smatch, etacalc[0], etacalc[1])
    omegachosen = np.where(smatch, omegacalc[0], omegacalc[1])
    # deal with the mod360 for omega
    omegachosen = mod360(omegachosen, c.omega[pks])
    fcc, scc = transform.compute_xyz_from_tth_eta(tthcalc, etachosen,
                                                  omegachosen, **p.parameters)
    # how close to reciprocal lattice point (could throw out some peaks here...)
    drlv = np.sqrt((diff * diff).sum(axis=0))
    # save arrays to colfile:
    c.drlv[pks] = drlv
    c.tth_per_grain[pks] = tth
    c.eta_per_grain[pks] = eta
    c.tthcalc[pks] = tthcalc
    c.etacalc[pks] = etachosen
    c.omegacalc[pks] = omegachosen
    c.sccalc[pks] = scc
    c.fccalc[pks] = fcc
    return c
Exemple #5
def doplot(ubi, col):
    g = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(ubi), hkls)
    tth, (eta0, eta1), (omega0, omega1) = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
        g, pars.get('wavelength'))
    ax1.plot(tth, eta0, col)
    ax1.plot(tth, eta1, col)
    sc, fc = transform.compute_xyz_from_tth_eta(tth, eta0, omega0,
    ax2.plot(sc, fc, col)
    sc, fc = transform.compute_xyz_from_tth_eta(tth, eta1, omega1,
    ax2.plot(sc, fc, col)
    ax3.plot(g[0], g[1], g[2], col)
    ax4.scatter(eta0, omega0, c=tth)
    cax = ax4.scatter(eta1, omega1, c=tth)
    global XX
    if XX:
        XX = False
def calc_tth_eta_omega(ub, hkls, pars, etasigns):
    Predict the tth, eta, omega for each grain
    ub = ub matrix (inverse ubi)
    hkls = peaks to predict
    pars = diffractometer info (wavelength, rotation axis)
    etasigns = which solution for omega/eta to choose (+y or -y)
    g = np.dot(ub, hkls)
    tthcalc, eta2, omega2 = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
    # choose which solution (eta+ or eta-)
    e0 = np.sign(eta2[0]) == etasigns
    etacalc = np.where(e0, eta2[0], eta2[1])
    omegacalc = np.where(e0, omega2[0], omega2[1])
    return tthcalc, etacalc, omegacalc
Exemple #7
    def saveindexing(self, filename, tol=None):
        Save orientation matrices

        FIXME : refactor this into something to do
            grain by grain }
            peak by peak   }
        f = open(filename, "w")
        i = 0
        from ImageD11 import transform

        # grain assignment

        # Printing per grain
        uinverses = []
        allind = np.array(range(len(self.ra)))
        tthcalc = np.zeros(len(self.ra), np.float)
        etacalc = np.zeros(len(self.ra), np.float)
        omegacalc = np.zeros(len(self.ra), np.float)
        i = -1
        for ubi in self.ubis:
            i += 1
            # Each ubi has peaks in self.ga
            npk, mdrlv = closest.refine_assigned(ubi.copy(), self.gv, self.ga,
                                                 i, -1)
            assert npk == self.gas[i]
            f.write("Grain: %d   Npeaks=%d   <drlv>=%f\n" %
                    (i, self.gas[i], np.sqrt(mdrlv)))
            f.write("UBI:\n" + str(ubi) + "\n")
            cellpars = ubitocellpars(ubi)
            f.write("Cell pars: ")
            for abc in cellpars[:3]:
                f.write("%10.6f " % (abc))
            for abc in cellpars[3:]:
                f.write("%10.3f " % (abc))
            # Grainspotter U
            f.write("U:\n" + str(ubitoU(ubi)) + "\n")
            f.write("B:\n" + str(ubitoB(ubi)) + "\n")

            # Compute hkls
            h = np.dot(ubi, self.gv.T)
            hint = np.floor(h + 0.5)
            gint = np.dot(uinverses[-1], hint)
            dr = h - hint

                "Peak   (  h       k       l      )   drlv             x       y "
            if self.wavelength < 0:
                    "   Omega_obs Omega_calc   Eta_obs Eta_calc   tth_obs tth_calc\n"

                tc, ec, oc = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(gint,
                ind = np.compress(self.ga == i, allind)

            for j in ind:
                f.write("%-6d ( % 6.4f % 6.4f % 6.4f ) % 12.8f " %
                        (j, h[0, j], h[1, j], h[2, j], np.sqrt(self.drlv2[j])))
                f.write(" % 7.1f % 7.1f " % (self.xp[j], self.yp[j]))
                if self.wavelength < 0:
                    # # # These should be equal to
                    to = math.asin(
                        self.wavelength * self.ds[j] / 2) * 360 / math.pi
                    # tth observed
                    eo = mod_360(self.eta[j], 0)
                    oo = self.omega[j]
                    tc1 = tc[j]
                    # Choose which is closest in eta/omega,
                    # there are two choices, {eta,omega}, {-eta,omega+180}
                    w = np.argmin([abs(ec[0][j] - eo), abs(ec[1][j] - eo)])
                    ec1 = ec[w][j]
                    oc1 = oc[w][j]
                    # Now find best omega within 360 degree intervals
                    oc1 = mod_360(oc1, oo)
                        "  % 9.4f % 9.4f     % 9.4f % 9.4f   % 9.4f % 9.4f" %
                        (oo, oc1, eo, ec1, to, tc1))
                    etacalc[j] = ec1
                    omegacalc[j] = oc1
                    tthcalc[j] = tc1
                if self.ra[j] == -1:
                    f.write(" *** was not assigned to ring\n")
        # peaks assigned to rings
        in_rings = np.compress(np.greater(self.ra, -1),
        f.write("\n\nAnd now listing via peaks which were assigned to rings\n")
        nleft = 0
        nfitted = 0
        npk = 0
        for peak in in_rings:
            # Compute hkl for each grain
            h = self.gv[peak, :]
                "\nPeak= %-5d Ring= %-5d gv=[ % -6.4f % -6.4f % -6.4f ]   omega= % 9.4f   eta= % 9.4f   tth= % 9.4f\n"
                % (peak, self.ra[peak], h[0], h[1], h[2], self.omega[peak],
                   self.eta[peak], self.tth[peak]))
            if self.ga[peak] != -1:
                m = self.ga[peak]
                hi = np.dot(self.ubis[m], h)
                hint = np.floor(hi + 0.5).astype(np.int)
                gint = np.dot(uinverses[m], hint)
                f.write("Grain %-5d (%3d,%3d,%3d)" %
                        (m, hint[0], hint[1], hint[2]))
                f.write("  ( % -6.4f % -6.4f % -6.4f )  " %
                        (hi[0], hi[1], hi[2]))
                # Now find best omega within 360 degree intervals
                f.write(" omega= % 9.4f   eta= %9.4f   tth= %9.4f\n" %
                        (omegacalc[peak], etacalc[peak], tthcalc[peak]))
                npk = npk + 1
                if len(self.ubis) > 0:
                    f.write("Peak not assigned\m")
                    # , closest=[ % -6.4f % -6.4f % -6.4f ] for grain %d\n"%(hi[0],hi[1],hi[2],m))
                    f.write("Peak not assigned, no grains found\n")
                nleft = nleft + 1

        f.write("\n\nTotal number of peaks was %d\n" % (self.gv.shape[0]))
        f.write("Peaks assigned to grains %d\n" % (npk))
        f.write("Peaks assigned to rings but remaining unindexed %d\n" %

        f.write("Peaks not assigned to rings at all %d\n" %
                (np.sum(np.where(self.ra == -1, 1, 0))))
Exemple #8
    def compute_gv(self, thisgrain, update_columns=False):
        Makes self.gv refer be g-vectors computed for this grain in this scan
        peaks_xyz = thisgrain.peaks_xyz
        om = thisgrain.om
            sign = self.parameterobj.parameters['omegasign']
            sign = 1.0
        # translation should match grain translation here...
        self.tth, self.eta = transform.compute_tth_eta_from_xyz(
            peaks_xyz.T, omega=om * sign, **self.parameterobj.parameters)

        gv = transform.compute_g_vectors(
            self.tth, self.eta, om * sign,

        if self.OMEGA_FLOAT:
            mat = thisgrain.ubi.copy()
            gvT = numpy.ascontiguousarray(gv.T)
            junk = cImageD11.score_and_refine(mat, gvT, self.tolerance)
            hklf = numpy.dot(mat, gv)
            hkli = numpy.round(hklf)

            gcalc = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(mat), hkli)
            tth, [eta1,
                  eta2], [omega1, omega2] = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
                      gcalc, float(self.parameterobj.parameters['wavelength']),

            e1e = numpy.abs(eta1 - self.eta)
            e2e = numpy.abs(eta2 - self.eta)
                eta_err = numpy.array([e1e, e2e])
                print(e1e.shape, e2e.shape, e1e)


            best_fitting = numpy.argmin(eta_err, axis=0)

            # These are always 1 or zero
            # pick the right omega (confuddled by take here)
            omega_calc = best_fitting * omega2 + (1 - best_fitting) * omega1
            # Take a weighted average within the omega error of the observed
            omerr = (om * sign - omega_calc)
            # Clip to 360 degree range
            omerr = omerr - (360 * numpy.round(omerr / 360.0))
            # print omerr[0:5]
            omega_calc = om * sign - numpy.clip(omerr, -self.slop, self.slop)
            # print omega_calc[0], om[0]
            thisgrain.omega_calc = omega_calc
            # Now recompute with improved omegas... (tth, eta do not change much)
            #self.tth, self.eta = transform.compute_tth_eta(
            #    numpy.array([x, y]),
            #    omega = omega_calc,
            #    **self.parameterobj.parameters)
            self.tth, self.eta = transform.compute_tth_eta_from_xyz(
                peaks_xyz.T, omega=om * sign, **self.parameterobj.parameters)

            gv = transform.compute_g_vectors(
                self.tth, self.eta, omega_calc,

            thisgrain.omega_calc[:] = 0

        # update tth_per_grain and eta_per_grain
        if update_columns:
            name = thisgrain.name.split(":")[1]
            numpy.put(self.scandata[name].tth_per_grain, thisgrain.ind,
            numpy.put(self.scandata[name].eta_per_grain, thisgrain.ind,
            if self.OMEGA_FLOAT:
                          thisgrain.ind, omega_calc)

        self.gv = numpy.ascontiguousarray(gv.T)
Exemple #9
ui = [ np.linalg.inv(ubi) for ubi in ul ]

r = range(-4,5)
hkls = np.array([ (h,k,l) for h in r for k in r for l in r ])

gcalc = [ np.dot( ub, hkls.T).T for ub in ui]

# 30 keV
energy = 30
wvln = 12.3985 / energy
ng = 0
for g, ubi in zip(gcalc, ul):
    ng +=1
    print ("# Grain",ng, "\n# Energy",energy,"keV, wavelength %.5f"%(wvln))
    tth, eta, omega = uncompute_g_vectors( g.T, wvln )
    order = np.argsort(tth)
    # hkls = np.dot( ubi, g.T).T
    print ("#   h    k    l   tth     eta    omega")
    for j in range(len(order)):
        i = order[j]
        for s in (0,1):
            h,k,l = [int(v) for v in hkls[i]]
            if tth[i]>0  and tth[i] < 20 and \
                    abs(eta[s][i])< 45 and not unitcell.F(h,k,l):

                print ((" %4d"*3 + " %7.2f"*3) % tuple([h,k,l,
                        eta[s][i], omega[s][i]]))
Exemple #10
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

# Generate some peaks
h,k,l = [x.ravel() for x in np.mgrid[-4:5,-4:5,-4:5]]

uc = unitcell.unitcell( [7.89, 8.910, 9.1011, 92, 97, 99], "P")

orient = Rotation.from_euler("XYZ",(10,20,31)).as_dcm()
ub = np.dot( orient, uc.B )
ubi = np.linalg.inv( ub )

gcalc = np.dot( ub, (h,k,l) )

modg = np.sqrt(gcalc*gcalc).sum(axis=0)

tth, eta, omega = transform.uncompute_g_vectors( gcalc, 0.3 )

pl.plot(tth, eta[0],".")
pl.plot(tth, eta[1],".")

selected_peak = sp = np.argmin(abs(tth - 4.17))
print(tth[sp], eta[0][sp], omega[0][sp], eta[1][sp], omega[1][sp], gcalc[:,sp], h[sp], k[sp], l[sp])

# Now we get to the interesting part. We have simulated some data for a triclinic crystal and picked out some specific peak that we want to work with. The idea is to come up with a "new" way of doing indexing. It is mostly based on Joel Berniers fibre texture thing. 
# - We assume that we have assigned this peak h,k,l indices based on the two theta.
# - We find a rotation which takes unitcell B matrix to put the gvector parallel to this gvector.
# - We then apply rotations around this g-vector to generate new orientations.

gx,gy,gz = gobs = gcalc[:,sp].copy()
h0,k0,l0 = -1,2,0
g0 = np.dot( uc.B, (h0,k0,l0))