Exemple #1
	def __init__(self, app, environ, start_response, **args):
		'''__init__ the Context.

		# application Object
		#self.APP        = app
		# use this for now request_time
		self.now = datetime.datetime.now()
		self.environ    = environ
		self.wsgi_callback = start_response

		# available when doing request process
		self.active_action = None

		# assets of css and js. it is still here even response type is changed from Page to Form.
		# response may make use of it if needed
		self.asset	= Asset()
		self.page_menu_tab = PageMenuTab()
		self.page_menu_sub_tab = PageMenuTab()
		self.page_menu_sub_tab_2 = PageMenuTab()
		# themer will use it
		self.page_title = ''
		self.display_title = True

		self.headers= wsgiref.headers.Headers([])
		self.cookie = Cookie()

		# additional args for this context
		self.args       = args

		#moved to IN
		# theme for the current context. each context output may be rendered by different theme engine.
		#self.themer      = None
		themer = IN.themer

		default_theme_name = APP.config.default_theme_name
		context_theme_name = APP.decide_theme(self)

		# current theme for this request

		if default_theme_name != themer.default_theme_name:
			self.current_theme  = themer.load_theme(context_theme_name)
			self.current_theme  = themer.default_theme

		# simple dict cache for the current context
		self.static_cache = {}

		# TODO: session for the current nabar
		self.session    = {}

		# database connection class
		self.db_connections = []

		# __disabled_hooks__ - to disable the hook invoke on some hooks temporarly
		# IN.Registry will use this - for context based state.
		self.__disabled_hooks__ = []

		# hooks will be added here if those are not allowed for recursive calls
		self.__not_recursive_hooks__ = []

		# TODO
		self.__In_static__ = {} # context static value container

		# init the request

		self.request = In.core.request.Request(self)
		#IN.hook_invoke('__context_request_process__', self, self.request)

		# current logged in nabar

		path_parts = self.request.path_parts

		nabar = None

		# ignore nabar for static files path
		if len(path_parts) == 0 or path_parts[0] != IN.APP.config.pfpp:
				nabar_id = IN.nabar.auth_cookie(self)

				if nabar_id:
					nabar = IN.entitier.load('Nabar', nabar_id)
			except Exception as e:
				# TODO: delete the cookie if nabar is None

		if nabar is None: # use the default
			nabar = In.nabar.anonymous()

		self.nabar = nabar

		# init the response

		#IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_init__', self, self.request)

		# use default page from default theme

		# SPEED # TODO: do we want this even for Form submit /  File request?
		res_args = {}
		page_class = APP.decide_page_class(self)
		if type(page_class) is str:
			page = Object.new(page_class)
			page = page_class()
		#res_args['output'] = page_class()

		# default to PageResponse
		self.response = In.core.response.PageResponse(output = page)

		IN.hook_invoke('__context_init__', self)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, app, environ, start_response, **args):
        '''__init__ the Context.



        # application Object
        #self.APP        = app

        # use this for now request_time
        self.now = datetime.datetime.now()

        self.environ = environ

        self.wsgi_callback = start_response

        # available when doing request process
        self.active_action = None

        # assets of css and js. it is still here even response type is changed from Page to Form.
        # response may make use of it if needed
        self.asset = Asset()
        self.page_menu_tab = PageMenuTab()
        self.page_menu_sub_tab = PageMenuTab()
        self.page_menu_sub_tab_2 = PageMenuTab()

        # themer will use it
        self.page_title = ''
        self.display_title = True

        self.headers = wsgiref.headers.Headers([])
        self.cookie = Cookie()

        # additional args for this context
        self.args = args

        #moved to IN
        # theme for the current context. each context output may be rendered by different theme engine.
        #self.themer      = None

        themer = IN.themer
        APP = IN.APP

        default_theme_name = APP.config.default_theme_name
        context_theme_name = APP.decide_theme(self)

        # current theme for this request

        if default_theme_name != themer.default_theme_name:
            self.current_theme = themer.load_theme(context_theme_name)
            self.current_theme = themer.default_theme

        # simple dict cache for the current context
        self.static_cache = {}

        # TODO: session for the current nabar
        self.session = {}

        # database connection class
        self.db_connections = []

        # __disabled_hooks__ - to disable the hook invoke on some hooks temporarly
        # IN.Registry will use this - for context based state.
        self.__disabled_hooks__ = []

        # hooks will be added here if those are not allowed for recursive calls
        self.__not_recursive_hooks__ = []

        # TODO
        #self.__In_static__ = {} # context static value container

        # init the request

        self.request = In.core.request.Request(self)
        #IN.hook_invoke('__context_request_process__', self, self.request)

        # current logged in nabar

        path_parts = self.request.path_parts

        nabar = None

        # ignore nabar for static files path
        if len(path_parts) == 0 or path_parts[0] != IN.APP.config.pfpp:

                nabar_id = IN.nabar.auth_cookie(self)

                if nabar_id:
                    nabar = IN.entitier.load('Nabar', nabar_id)
            except Exception as e:

                # TODO: delete the cookie if nabar is None

        if nabar is None:  # use the default
            nabar = In.nabar.anonymous()

        self.nabar = nabar

        try:  # context may not available
            self.language = nabar.language
        except AttributeError:
            self.language = APP.config.language

        # init the response

        #IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_init__', self, self.request)

        # use default page from default theme

        # SPEED # TODO: do we want this even for Form submit /  File request?
        res_args = {}
        page_class = APP.decide_page_class(self)
        if type(page_class) is str:
            page = Object.new(page_class)
            page = page_class()

        #res_args['output'] = page_class()

        # default to PageResponse
        self.response = In.core.response.PageResponse(output=page)

        IN.hook_invoke('__context_init__', self)
Exemple #3
class Context(greenlet.greenlet): # , asyncio.Task
	'''Main request/response logic class.

	## __disabled_hooks__ - to disable the hook invoke on some hooks temporaryly
	## IN.Registry will use this - for context based state.
	#__disabled_hooks__ = []

	## hooks will be added here if those are not allowed for recursive calls
	#__not_recursive_hooks__ = []

	## contains all the hook names which are in action. We have to check
	## for ignore the recursive hook invoke calls.
	#__hooks_in_action__ = []

	def __init__(self, app, environ, start_response, **args):
		'''__init__ the Context.

		# application Object
		#self.APP        = app
		# use this for now request_time
		self.now = datetime.datetime.now()
		self.environ    = environ
		self.wsgi_callback = start_response

		# available when doing request process
		self.active_action = None

		# assets of css and js. it is still here even response type is changed from Page to Form.
		# response may make use of it if needed
		self.asset	= Asset()
		self.page_menu_tab = PageMenuTab()
		self.page_menu_sub_tab = PageMenuTab()
		self.page_menu_sub_tab_2 = PageMenuTab()
		# themer will use it
		self.page_title = ''
		self.display_title = True

		self.headers= wsgiref.headers.Headers([])
		self.cookie = Cookie()

		# additional args for this context
		self.args       = args

		#moved to IN
		# theme for the current context. each context output may be rendered by different theme engine.
		#self.themer      = None
		themer = IN.themer

		default_theme_name = APP.config.default_theme_name
		context_theme_name = APP.decide_theme(self)

		# current theme for this request

		if default_theme_name != themer.default_theme_name:
			self.current_theme  = themer.load_theme(context_theme_name)
			self.current_theme  = themer.default_theme

		# simple dict cache for the current context
		self.static_cache = {}

		# TODO: session for the current nabar
		self.session    = {}

		# database connection class
		self.db_connections = []

		# __disabled_hooks__ - to disable the hook invoke on some hooks temporarly
		# IN.Registry will use this - for context based state.
		self.__disabled_hooks__ = []

		# hooks will be added here if those are not allowed for recursive calls
		self.__not_recursive_hooks__ = []

		# TODO
		self.__In_static__ = {} # context static value container

		# init the request

		self.request = In.core.request.Request(self)
		#IN.hook_invoke('__context_request_process__', self, self.request)

		# current logged in nabar

		path_parts = self.request.path_parts

		nabar = None

		# ignore nabar for static files path
		if len(path_parts) == 0 or path_parts[0] != IN.APP.config.pfpp:
				nabar_id = IN.nabar.auth_cookie(self)

				if nabar_id:
					nabar = IN.entitier.load('Nabar', nabar_id)
			except Exception as e:
				# TODO: delete the cookie if nabar is None

		if nabar is None: # use the default
			nabar = In.nabar.anonymous()

		self.nabar = nabar

		# init the response

		#IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_init__', self, self.request)

		# use default page from default theme

		# SPEED # TODO: do we want this even for Form submit /  File request?
		res_args = {}
		page_class = APP.decide_page_class(self)
		if type(page_class) is str:
			page = Object.new(page_class)
			page = page_class()
		#res_args['output'] = page_class()

		# default to PageResponse
		self.response = In.core.response.PageResponse(output = page)

		IN.hook_invoke('__context_init__', self)
	def application_uri(self):
		return wsgiref.util.application_uri(self.environ)

	def request_uri(self):
		return wsgiref.util.request_uri(self.environ)

	def request_end(self):
		raise ContextEnd('ContextEnd')

	def redirect(self, path, status = None, ajax_redirect = True):
		# set redirect processor
		if status is None:
			status = In.http.Status.SEE_OTHER

		self.response = In.core.response.RedirectResponse(path = path, status = status, ajax_redirect = ajax_redirect)

		raise ContextRedirect(path, status, ajax_redirect = ajax_redirect)

	def bad_request(self, output = None, status = None):
		if status is None:
			status = In.http.Status.BAD_REQUEST

		self.response = In.core.response.BadResponse(output = output, status = status)

		raise ContextBadRequest() # raise it
	def not_found(self, message = None, title = None):
		current_reponse = self.response
		output = current_reponse.output
		args = {'output' : output}
		self.response = In.core.response.NotFoundResponse(**args)
		# set the new path, so blocks can be added by this
		self.request.path = '__page_not_found__'
		self.page_title = title or s('Page not found')
		#if not message:
			#message = IN.APP.config.message_page_not_found
		if message:
			self.response.output.add('Text', {'value' : message})
		atn = IN.APP.__page_not_found__(self)
		if atn:
			except Exception as e:
		raise ContextNotFound()
	def send_headers(self):
		'''Calls the WSGI specific start_response method to send headers to client.

		response_headers = self.headers.items()

		# set the cookies
		for c in self.cookie.values():
			response_headers.append(('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString(None)))

		## set the output so application __call__ will return it.
		self.environ['In_output'] = self.response.output
		#self.In_output.put([str(self.response.status), response_headers, self.response.output])

		self.wsgi_callback(str(self.response.status), response_headers)
	def run(self):
		except ContextEnd as end:
			IN.hook_invoke('__context_end__', self.environ, self.wsgi_callback, end)

		except ContextRedirect as red:
			IN.hook_invoke('__context_redirect__', self.environ, self.wsgi_callback, red)

		except ContextBadRequest as bad:
			IN.hook_invoke('__context_bad_request__', self.environ, self.wsgi_callback, bad)
		except ContextNotFound as nf:
			IN.hook_invoke('__context_not_found__', self.environ, self.wsgi_callback, nf)
		except: # internal server error?
		IN.hook_invoke('__context_request_process_done__', self)
		return self.environ['In_output']
			## TODO:
			#return [''.encode('utf-8')]
	def process_response(self):

		# if no response set
		if self.response is None:
			return self.bad_request()

		#if not type(self.response) is response.ResponseBase:
			#return self.bad_request()

		# process the response

		IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_preprocess__', self, self.response)

		# set output, headers

		IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_process__', self, self.response)

		# start the response
	def set_active_action(self, action):
		self.active_action = action
		# set title
	def set_page_title_from_action(self, action):
		# set page title
		if isinstance(action, In.core.action.ActionObject):
			if type(action.title) is str:
				self.page_title = action.title
			else: # call the function
				self.page_title = action.title(a)
		elif action.actions:
			action = action.actions[-1]
	def run_actions(self, actions = None):
		'''check for the suitable action for the request
		if actions is None:
			actions = self.actions()
		if type(actions) is In.action.ActionObject:
			for action in actions:
				if action:
					# set it, so modules can change pass_next to continue to next or break it

					if not action.pass_next: # pass to next action


	#def __call__(self):
		#return self.run()

	def actions(self):
		'''get action based on request.


		'''Handle direct actions such as form submit'''
		for atn in IN.hook_invoke_yield('__context_early_action__', self):
			if atn:
				yield atn
				if not atn.pass_next:

		'''Find action by path'''
		path = self.request.path

		if path:
			p = path.replace('/', '_')

			for atn in IN.hook_invoke('_'.join(('direct_path_action', p)), self):
				if atn:
					yield atn
					if not atn.pass_next:

			for atn in action.path_action():
				if atn:
					yield atn
					if not atn.pass_next:

			# path not found


		# no path # use index page
		yield IN.APP.__index_page__(self)


	def ensure_page_response(self):
		'''make sure that the response is type if PageResponse'''
		if not isinstance(self.response, In.core.response.ObjectResponse): # Object like
			self.response = In.core.response.PageResponse()

	def access(self, key, account = None, deny = False):
		'''shortcut methof to IN.access
		return true if account has access key

		if context.access('view_content'):
			do something

		account : nabar object. context.nabar by default
		deny: redirect to access denied page if True
		TODO: cache?		
		if account is None:
			account = IN.context.nabar

		result = IN.nabar.access(key, account)

		if deny and not result:

		return result
	def access_denied(self, message = None, title = None):
		current_reponse = self.response
		output = current_reponse.output
		args = {'output' : output}
		self.response = In.core.response.AccessDeniedResponse(**args)

		if isinstance(output, Object):
			# set this only if output is IN Object like
			if title is None:
				title = s('Access Denied!')
			self.response.output.title = title
			if message is None:
				message = IN.APP.config.message_access_denied
			self.response.output.add('Text', {'value' : message})

		raise ContextAccessDenied()
Exemple #4
class Context(greenlet.greenlet):  # , asyncio.Task
    '''Main request/response logic class.


    ## __disabled_hooks__ - to disable the hook invoke on some hooks temporaryly
    ## IN.Registry will use this - for context based state.
    #__disabled_hooks__ = []

    ## hooks will be added here if those are not allowed for recursive calls
    #__not_recursive_hooks__ = []

    ## contains all the hook names which are in action. We have to check
    ## for ignore the recursive hook invoke calls.
    #__hooks_in_action__ = []

    def __init__(self, app, environ, start_response, **args):
        '''__init__ the Context.



        # application Object
        #self.APP        = app

        # use this for now request_time
        self.now = datetime.datetime.now()

        self.environ = environ

        self.wsgi_callback = start_response

        # available when doing request process
        self.active_action = None

        # assets of css and js. it is still here even response type is changed from Page to Form.
        # response may make use of it if needed
        self.asset = Asset()
        self.page_menu_tab = PageMenuTab()
        self.page_menu_sub_tab = PageMenuTab()
        self.page_menu_sub_tab_2 = PageMenuTab()

        # themer will use it
        self.page_title = ''
        self.display_title = True

        self.headers = wsgiref.headers.Headers([])
        self.cookie = Cookie()

        # additional args for this context
        self.args = args

        #moved to IN
        # theme for the current context. each context output may be rendered by different theme engine.
        #self.themer      = None

        themer = IN.themer
        APP = IN.APP

        default_theme_name = APP.config.default_theme_name
        context_theme_name = APP.decide_theme(self)

        # current theme for this request

        if default_theme_name != themer.default_theme_name:
            self.current_theme = themer.load_theme(context_theme_name)
            self.current_theme = themer.default_theme

        # simple dict cache for the current context
        self.static_cache = {}

        # TODO: session for the current nabar
        self.session = {}

        # database connection class
        self.db_connections = []

        # __disabled_hooks__ - to disable the hook invoke on some hooks temporarly
        # IN.Registry will use this - for context based state.
        self.__disabled_hooks__ = []

        # hooks will be added here if those are not allowed for recursive calls
        self.__not_recursive_hooks__ = []

        # TODO
        #self.__In_static__ = {} # context static value container

        # init the request

        self.request = In.core.request.Request(self)
        #IN.hook_invoke('__context_request_process__', self, self.request)

        # current logged in nabar

        path_parts = self.request.path_parts

        nabar = None

        # ignore nabar for static files path
        if len(path_parts) == 0 or path_parts[0] != IN.APP.config.pfpp:

                nabar_id = IN.nabar.auth_cookie(self)

                if nabar_id:
                    nabar = IN.entitier.load('Nabar', nabar_id)
            except Exception as e:

                # TODO: delete the cookie if nabar is None

        if nabar is None:  # use the default
            nabar = In.nabar.anonymous()

        self.nabar = nabar

        try:  # context may not available
            self.language = nabar.language
        except AttributeError:
            self.language = APP.config.language

        # init the response

        #IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_init__', self, self.request)

        # use default page from default theme

        # SPEED # TODO: do we want this even for Form submit /  File request?
        res_args = {}
        page_class = APP.decide_page_class(self)
        if type(page_class) is str:
            page = Object.new(page_class)
            page = page_class()

        #res_args['output'] = page_class()

        # default to PageResponse
        self.response = In.core.response.PageResponse(output=page)

        IN.hook_invoke('__context_init__', self)

    def application_uri(self):
        return wsgiref.util.application_uri(self.environ)

    def request_uri(self):
        return wsgiref.util.request_uri(self.environ)

    def request_end(self):
        raise ContextEnd('ContextEnd')

    def redirect(self, path, status=None, ajax_redirect=True):
        # set redirect processor
        if status is None:
            status = In.http.Status.SEE_OTHER

        self.response = In.core.response.RedirectResponse(
            path=path, status=status, ajax_redirect=ajax_redirect)

        raise ContextRedirect(path, status, ajax_redirect=ajax_redirect)

    def bad_request(self, output=None, status=None):
        if status is None:
            status = In.http.Status.BAD_REQUEST

        self.response = In.core.response.BadResponse(output=output,

        raise ContextBadRequest()  # raise it

    def not_found(self, message=None, title=None):

        current_reponse = self.response

        output = current_reponse.output
        args = {'output': output}

        self.response = In.core.response.NotFoundResponse(**args)

        # set the new path, so blocks can be added by this
        self.request.path = '__page_not_found__'

        self.page_title = title or s('Page not found')

        #if not message:
        #message = IN.APP.config.message_page_not_found

        if message:
            self.response.output.add('Text', {'value': message})

        atn = IN.APP.__page_not_found__(self)

        if atn:
            except Exception as e:

        raise ContextNotFound()

    def send_headers(self):
        '''Calls the WSGI specific start_response method to send headers to client.

        response_headers = self.headers.items()

        # set the cookies
        for c in self.cookie.values():
            response_headers.append(('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString(None)))

        ## set the output so application __call__ will return it.
        self.environ['In_output'] = self.response.output

        #self.In_output.put([str(self.response.status), response_headers, self.response.output])

        self.wsgi_callback(str(self.response.status), response_headers)

    def run(self):



        except ContextEnd as end:
            IN.hook_invoke('__context_end__', self.environ, self.wsgi_callback,

        except ContextRedirect as red:
            IN.hook_invoke('__context_redirect__', self.environ,
                           self.wsgi_callback, red)

        except ContextBadRequest as bad:
            IN.hook_invoke('__context_bad_request__', self.environ,
                           self.wsgi_callback, bad)

        except ContextNotFound as nf:
            IN.hook_invoke('__context_not_found__', self.environ,
                           self.wsgi_callback, nf)

        except:  # internal server error?



        IN.hook_invoke('__context_request_process_done__', self)

        return self.environ['In_output']


        ## TODO:
        #return [''.encode('utf-8')]

    def process_response(self):

        # if no response set
        if self.response is None:
            return self.bad_request()

        #if not type(self.response) is response.ResponseBase:
        #return self.bad_request()

        # process the response

        IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_preprocess__', self, self.response)

        # set output, headers

        IN.hook_invoke('__context_response_process__', self, self.response)

        # start the response

    def set_active_action(self, action):
        self.active_action = action

        # set title

    def set_page_title_from_action(self, action):
        # set page title
        if isinstance(action, In.core.action.ActionObject):
            if type(action.title) is str:
                self.page_title = action.title
            else:  # call the function
                self.page_title = action.title(a)
        elif action.actions:
            action = action.actions[-1]

    def run_actions(self, actions=None):
        '''check for the suitable action for the request
        if actions is None:
            actions = self.actions()

        if type(actions) is In.action.ActionObject:
            for action in actions:
                if action:
                    # set it, so modules can change pass_next to continue to next or break it

                    if not action.pass_next:  # pass to next action


    #def __call__(self):
    #return self.run()

    def actions(self):
        '''get action based on request.

        '''Handle direct actions such as form submit'''
        for atn in IN.hook_invoke_yield('__context_early_action__', self):
            if atn:
                yield atn
                if not atn.pass_next:
        '''Find action by path'''
        path = self.request.path

        if path:
            p = path.replace('/', '_')

            for atn in IN.hook_invoke('_'.join(('direct_path_action', p)),
                if atn:
                    yield atn
                    if not atn.pass_next:

            for atn in action.path_action():
                if atn:
                    yield atn
                    if not atn.pass_next:

            # path not found



        # no path # use index page
        yield IN.APP.__index_page__(self)


    def ensure_page_response(self):
        '''make sure that the response is type if PageResponse'''

        if not isinstance(self.response,
                          In.core.response.ObjectResponse):  # Object like
            self.response = In.core.response.PageResponse()

    def access(self, key, account=None, deny=False):
        '''shortcut methof to IN.access
		return true if account has access key

		if context.access('view_content'):
			do something

		account : nabar object. context.nabar by default
		deny: redirect to access denied page if True
		TODO: cache?		

        if account is None:
            account = IN.context.nabar

        result = IN.nabar.access(key, account)

        if deny and not result:

        return result

    def access_denied(self, message=None, title=None):

        current_reponse = self.response

        output = current_reponse.output
        args = {'output': output}

        self.response = In.core.response.AccessDeniedResponse(**args)

        if isinstance(output, Object):
            # set this only if output is IN Object like

            if title is None:
                title = s('Access Denied!')

            self.response.output.title = title

            if message is None:
                message = IN.APP.config.message_access_denied

            self.response.output.add('Text', {'value': message})

        raise ContextAccessDenied()

    #def switch(self):
    #'''overrides greenlet switch to set the context.'''

    #IN.__context__ = self
    #super().switch() # greenlet.greenlet

    def __free__(self):
        '''freeup resources'''

        del self.request
        del self.response
        del self.environ
        del self.nabar
        del self.static_cache
        del self.asset
        del self.args

        del self.page_menu_tab
        del self.page_menu_sub_tab
        del self.page_menu_sub_tab_2

        del self.headers
        del self.cookie

        del self.now