def drawInfo(c,h,more,x=0.6,size=0.04): what = c.GetName() info = 'Entries %5i' % h.GetEntries() info += ';RMS %s %6.3g mm' % (what[0],h.GetRMS(2)) info += ';RMS %s %6.3g mm' % (what[1],h.GetRMS(1)) ROOTUtils.drawText(x,0.88,size,info,font=102) if more: ROOTUtils.drawText(x,0.73,size,more,font=102)
def drawLabels(): if options.prelim: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx,options.atlasy,True,offset=options.atlasdx,energy=None) if options.approval: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx,options.atlasy,False,offset=options.atlasdx,isForApproval=True,energy=None) if options.published: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx,options.atlasy,False,offset=options.atlasdx,energy=None) ROOTUtils.drawText(options.atlasx,0.77,0.06,runFillInfo,font=42) comment = options.comment if options.comment is not None else '#geq %i tracks/vertex' % (options.ntracks) ROOTUtils.drawText(options.atlasx,0.71,0.06,lhcEnergyInfo+comment,font=42)
def yx(self): ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOTUtils.MyCanvas('yx',options.canvas)) c.SetRightMargin(0.14) h = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TH2F('pvYX','Primary vertex: y vs x;Primary vertex x [mm];Primary vertex y [mm]',nbins,xmin,xmax,nbins,ymin,ymax)) nt.Draw('y:x >> pvYX',cuts) h.Draw('COLZ') h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.0) drawLabels() drawInfo(c,h,options.more) ROOT.gPad.Update()
def xz(self): #ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(1010) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) c = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOTUtils.MyCanvas('xz',options.canvas)) c.SetRightMargin(0.14) h = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TH2F('pvXZ','Primary vertex: x vs z;Primary vertex z [mm];Primary vertex x [mm]',nbins,xmin,xmax,nbins,ymin,ymax)) nt.Draw('x:z >> pvXZ',cuts) h.Draw('COLZ') h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.0) drawLabels() #ROOTUtils.moveStats(h,-0.16,-0.08) drawInfo(c,h,options.more) ROOT.gPad.Update()
def histErrComp(self): hname = getPlotDef(options.plot,'hname','h') var = getPlotDef(options.plot,'var') vName = var[1:] # Ugly - should take from plotDef ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(0) c = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOTUtils.MyCanvas(var,options.canvas)) c.SetRightMargin(0.14) h = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TH1F(hname,'Vertex Error: %s;Vertex error #sqrt{V_{%s}} [#mum];Fraction of entries' % (hname,vName), nbins,xmin,xmax)) nt.Draw('1e3*sqrt(%s) >> %s' % (var,hname),cuts) norm = h.Integral() h.Scale(1./norm) pname = hname+'_pileup' p = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TH1F(pname,'Vertex Error: %s;Vertex error #sqrt{V_{%s}} [#mum];Fraction of entries' % (hname,vName), nbins,xmin,xmax)) pcuts = cuts.replace('vType==1','vType==3') print pcuts nt.Draw('1e3*sqrt(%s) >> %s' % (var,pname),pcuts,"SAME") pnorm = p.Integral() p.Scale(1./pnorm) p.SetLineColor(4) p.SetLineStyle(2) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.51,0.86,0.06,'Vertex error #sqrt{V_{%s}}' % vName) comment = options.comment if options.comment is not None else '#geq %i tracks/vertex;%s' % (options.ntracks,options.cuts) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.51,0.8,0.06,lhcEnergyInfo+comment,font=42) legend = ROOT.TLegend(.50,.6,.85,.72) legend.AddEntry(h,'Primary vertices','L') legend.AddEntry(p,'Pileup vertices','L') legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw() ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(options.logy) ROOT.gPad.Update()
def LHCBeamSpotSize(lhcTimeString, # E.g. ['Apr 4 14:27:30 2010'] (list) lhcBeta1, # beta* in m (scalar), beam 1 lhcEmit1, # Norm. emittance in um rad (list), beam 1 lhcBeta2, # dito beam 2 lhcEmit2, # dito beam 2 betaGamma = 3730. # Default value of betaGamma for 7 TeV ): lhcTime = array([ mktime(strptime(s,'%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')) for s in lhcTimeString]) print lhcTime # Normalized emittance quoted in um rad; lhcEps arrays are emittance in m rad lhcEps1 = lhcEmit1 * 1.0e-6 / betaGamma lhcEps2 = lhcEmit2 * 1.0e-6 / betaGamma # Beam sizes in mm lhcSigmaBeam1 = sqrt(lhcBeta1*lhcEps1) * 1.0e3 print 'Size of beam 1 (mm): ',lhcSigmaBeam1 lhcSigmaBeam2 = sqrt(lhcBeta2*lhcEps2) * 1.0e3 print 'Size of beam 2 (mm): ',lhcSigmaBeam2 # Beam spot size in mm lhcSigma = 1. / sqrt(1./lhcSigmaBeam1**2 + 1./lhcSigmaBeam2**2) print 'Beam spot size (mm): ',lhcSigma # Draw on existing plot gr = ROOTUtils.protect( ROOT.TGraph(len(lhcTime),lhcTime,lhcSigma) ) gr.SetMarkerColor(2) gr.SetLineColor(2) #gr.SetMarkerSize(1.0) #gr.SetMarkerStyle(25) gr.SetMarkerSize(1.5) gr.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr.Draw('PSAME') return [(gr,'Expected from #sqrt{#epsilon #beta*}','P')]
def LHCEmittance( lhcTimeString, # E.g. ['Apr 4 14:27:30 2010'] (list) lhcEmit1, # Norm. emittance in um rad (list), beam 1 lhcEmit2, # dito beam 2 minEmittance=0., maxEmittance=8.): lhcTime = array( [mktime(strptime(s, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')) for s in lhcTimeString]) ROOT.gPad.SetTicky(0) # Remove tick marks on right side y axis ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.1) #maxEmittance = max(max(lhcEmit1),max(lhcEmit2))*1.7 hmin = ROOT.gPad.GetUymin() hmax = ROOT.gPad.GetUymax() lhcEmit1Data = (lhcEmit1 - minEmittance) / ( maxEmittance - minEmittance) * (hmax - hmin) + hmin gr1 = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TGraph(len(lhcTime), lhcTime, lhcEmit1Data)) gr1.SetMarkerColor(4) gr1.SetLineColor(4) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(25) gr1.Draw('PSAME') #gr1.Draw('PLSAME') lhcEmit2Data = (lhcEmit2 - minEmittance) / ( maxEmittance - minEmittance) * (hmax - hmin) + hmin gr2 = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TGraph(len(lhcTime), lhcTime, lhcEmit2Data)) gr2.SetMarkerColor(4) gr2.SetLineColor(4) gr2.SetMarkerStyle(26) gr2.Draw('PSAME') #gr2.Draw('PLSAME') raxis = ROOTUtils.protect( ROOT.TGaxis(ROOT.gPad.GetUxmax(), hmin, ROOT.gPad.GetUxmax(), hmax, minEmittance, maxEmittance, 510, '+L')) raxis.SetLineColor(4) raxis.SetTitle('Invariant Emittance (#mum rad)') raxis.SetTitleColor(4) raxis.SetTitleSize(0.05) raxis.SetTextFont(42) raxis.SetLabelFont(42) raxis.SetLabelSize(0.05) raxis.SetLabelColor(4) raxis.Draw() return [(gr1, 'Emittance beam 1', 'P'), (gr2, 'Emittance beam 2', 'P')]
def histErr(self): hname = getPlotDef(options.plot,'hname','h') var = getPlotDef(options.plot,'var') vName = var[1:] # Ugly - should take from plotDef ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(options.optstat) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(0) c = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOTUtils.MyCanvas(var,options.canvas)) c.SetRightMargin(0.14) h = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TH1F(hname,'Primary vertex error: %s;Primary vertex error #sqrt{V_{%s}} (#mum);Number of vertices' % (hname,vName), nbins,xmin,xmax)) nt.Draw('1e3*sqrt(%s) >> %s' % (var,hname),cuts) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.45,0.86,0.06,'Primary Vertex Error #sqrt{V_{%s}}' % vName) comment = options.comment if options.comment is not None else '#geq %i tracks/vertex;%s' % (options.ntracks,options.cuts) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.45,0.8,0.06,lhcEnergyInfo+comment,font=42) ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(options.logy) ROOT.gPad.Update()
def hist(self): hname = getPlotDef(options.plot,'hname','h') var = getPlotDef(options.plot,'var') units = getPlotDef(options.plot,'units','') ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(options.optstat) if ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) c = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOTUtils.MyCanvas(var,options.canvas)) c.SetRightMargin(0.14) h = ROOTUtils.protect(ROOT.TH1F(hname,'Primary vertex: %s;Primary vertex %s %s' % (var,var,units),nbins,xmin,xmax)) nt.Draw('%s >> %s' % (var,hname),cuts) if h.Fit( ROOTUtils.drawText(0.2,0.77,0.06,runFillInfo,font=42) comment = options.comment if options.comment is not None else '#geq %i tracks/vertex;%s' % (options.ntracks,options.cuts) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.2,0.71,0.06,lhcEnergyInfo+comment,font=42) ROOT.gPad.SetLogy(options.logy) ROOT.gPad.Update()
parser.error('wrong number of command line arguments') filename = args[0] run = getRunFromName(filename) if run: basename = run+'-' else: run = 'UNKNOWN' basename = '' # Setup ROOT if options.batch: os.unsetenv('DISPLAY') import ROOT from InDetBeamSpotExample import ROOTUtils ROOTUtils.setStyle() ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) c = ROOT.TCanvas('BeamSpotMonitoring','Beam Spot Monitoring',750,1000) c.Divide(3,4) # Open monitoring file mon = ROOT.TFile(filename) mondir = 'InDetGlobal/BeamSpot/' # Summary frame ROOTUtils.drawText(0.14,0.9,0.06,'Beam spot monitoring for run %s:' % run) yline = 0.83 for f in args:
# Reset DISPLAY if in batch import os if options.batch: os.unsetenv('DISPLAY') # Import ROOT (do this only now to avoid conlicts w/OptionParser) import ROOT from InDetBeamSpotExample import ROOTUtils from InDetBeamSpotExample.Utils import getRunFromName # TODO: Switch to using COOLQuery from COOLUtils for LHC info from InDetBeamSpotExample.LHCInfoUtils import lhcFillData from InDetBeamSpotExample.LHCInfoUtils import lhcEnergyData from InDetBeamSpotExample.BeamSpotData import * ROOTUtils.setStyle() ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(1) # Better color scheme than default def drawLabels(): if options.prelim: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx,options.atlasy,True,offset=options.atlasdx,energy=None) if options.approval: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx,options.atlasy,False,offset=options.atlasdx,isForApproval=True,energy=None) if options.published: ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(options.atlasx,options.atlasy,False,offset=options.atlasdx,energy=None) ROOTUtils.drawText(options.atlasx,0.77,0.06,runFillInfo,font=42) comment = options.comment if options.comment is not None else '#geq %i tracks/vertex' % (options.ntracks) ROOTUtils.drawText(options.atlasx,0.71,0.06,lhcEnergyInfo+comment,font=42)
def main(): f1 = "%s::%s" % (db1, options.folderBS) f2 = "%s::%s" % (db2, options.folderLumi) print("=" * 100) print("Comparing: ") print(" * ", f1, options.tagBS) print(" * ", f2, options.tagLumi) print("=" * 100) requiredForNtuple = ['posX', 'posY', 'posZ', 'sigmaX', 'sigmaY', 'sigmaZ'] checkNtupleProd = all(item in varColl for item in requiredForNtuple) if not checkNtupleProd: print('Ntuple will not be filled missing vars') #Open up required databases from PyCool import cool from CoolConvUtilities import AtlCoolLib cooldbBS = AtlCoolLib.indirectOpen(db1, True, True, False) cooldbLumi = AtlCoolLib.indirectOpen(db2, True, True, False) folderBS = cooldbBS.getFolder(options.folderBS) folderLumi = cooldbLumi.getFolder(options.folderLumi) from InDetBeamSpotExample.COOLUtils import COOLQuery coolQuery = COOLQuery() if options.runMin is not None: iov1 = options.runMin << 32 if options.runMax is not None: iov2 = (options.runMax + 1) << 32 else: iov2 = (options.runMin + 1) << 32 print('Plotting runs %i to %i ' % (iov1, iov2)) else: print('No run selected -- ERROR') return if (iov2 > cool.ValidityKeyMax): iov2 = cool.ValidityKeyMax print("Reading data from database") itrBS = folderBS.browseObjects(iov1, iov2, cool.ChannelSelection.all(), options.tagBS) print("...finished getting BS data") lbDict = dict() startRLB = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF endRLB = 0 outfile = ROOT.TFile("BeamspotLumi_%i.root" % (options.runMin), "recreate") ntuple = ROOT.TNtupleD( 'BeamspotLumi', 'BeamSpotLumi', "x:y:z:sigma_x:sigma_y:sigma_z:run:mu:lumi:year:month:day:hour:minute:epoch" ) runs = set() while itrBS.goToNext(): obj = itrBS.currentRef() since = obj.since() runBegin = since >> 32 lumiBegin = since & 0xFFFFFFFF until = obj.until() runUntil = until >> 32 lumiUntil = until & 0xFFFFFFFF status = int(obj.payloadValue('status')) if status != 59: continue runs.add(runBegin) if since < startRLB: startRLB = since if until > endRLB: endRLB = until values = {} for var in varColl: values[var] = float(obj.payloadValue(var)) values[var + 'Err'] = float(obj.payloadValue(var + 'Err')) values['until'] = until lbDict[since] = values print('Runs: ', runs) lumi = array('d') xd = array('d') exd = array('d') ydDict = {} eydDict = {} ydDict2 = {} sqtrt2pi = math.sqrt(2 * math.pi) lblb = CoolDataReader('COOLONL_TRIGGER/CONDBR2', '/TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB') from DQUtils.sugar import RANGEIOV_VAL, RunLumi from DQUtils import IOVSet grlIOVs = IOVSet.from_grl( "data15_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v89-pro21-02_Unknown_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns.xml" ) grlIOVs += IOVSet.from_grl( "data16_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v89-pro21-01_DQDefects-00-02-04_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns.xml" ) grlIOVs += IOVSet.from_grl( "data17_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v99-pro22-01_Unknown_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns_Triggerno17e33prim.xml" ) grlIOVs += IOVSet.from_grl( "data18_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v102-pro22-04_Unknown_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns_Triggerno17e33prim.xml" ) for run in runs: iov1 = run << 32 iov2 = (run + 1) << 32 itrLumi = folderLumi.browseObjects(iov1, iov2, cool.ChannelSelection.all(), options.tagLumi) print("...finished getting Lumi data for run %i" % run) lblb.setIOVRangeFromRun(run) lblb.readData() if len( < 1: print('No LBLB data found!') continue # Make time map lblbMap = dict() for obj in lblbMap[obj.since()] = (obj.payload()['StartTime'], obj.payload()['EndTime']) while itrLumi.goToNext(): obj = itrLumi.currentRef() since = obj.since() runBegin = since >> 32 lumiBegin = since & 0xFFFFFFFF until = obj.until() runUntil = until >> 32 lumiUntil = until & 0xFFFFFFFF inGRL = False for sinceGRL, untilGRL, grl_states in process_iovs(grlIOVs): if grl_states[0].since == None: continue if ( <= runBegin and >= runUntil and sinceGRL.lumi <= lumiBegin and untilGRL.lumi >= lumiUntil): inGRL = True break if not inGRL: continue mu = float(obj.payloadValue('LBAvEvtsPerBX')) instlumi = float(obj.payloadValue('LBAvInstLumi')) #if( mu < 10 or mu > 65 ): #print 'Mu: %2.1f Run : %d LB: %d - %d Lumi: %f' % (mu,runBegin,lumiBegin,lumiUntil,instlumi) if since in lbDict: if lbDict[since]['sigmaX'] > 0.1: continue startTime = lblbMap.get(obj.since(), (0., 0.))[0] endTime = lblbMap.get(lbDict[since]['until'], (0., 0.))[0] #[1] end of lumiblock mylumi = (endTime - startTime) / 1e9 * instlumi / 1e9 thisTime = time.gmtime(startTime / 1.e9) year = thisTime[0] month = thisTime[1] day = thisTime[2] hour = thisTime[3] mins = thisTime[4] sec = thisTime[5] lumi.append(mylumi) # in fb^-1 xd.append(mu) exd.append(0) if options.plotSomething: for var in varColl: if not var in ydDict: ydDict[var] = array('d') ydDict2[var] = array('d') eydDict[var] = array('d') ydDict2[var].append(mu / (lbDict[since][var] * sqtrt2pi)) ydDict[var].append(lbDict[since][var]) eydDict[var].append(lbDict[since][var + 'Err']) if checkNtupleProd and lbDict[since]['sigmaZErr'] < 5: ntuple.Fill(lbDict[since]['posX'], lbDict[since]['posY'], lbDict[since]['posZ'], lbDict[since]['sigmaX'], lbDict[since]['sigmaY'], lbDict[since]['sigmaZ'], runBegin, mu, mylumi, year, month, day, hour, mins, startTime / 1.e9) runStart = startRLB >> 32 runEnd = endRLB >> 32 fillStart = fillEnd = 0 timeStart = timeEnd = 0 beamEnergy = 13 try: timeStart = coolQuery.lbTime(int(startRLB >> 32), int(startRLB & 0xFFFFFFFF))[0] except: pass try: timeEnd = coolQuery.lbTime(int(endRLB >> 32), int(endRLB & 0xFFFFFFFF) - 1)[1] except: pass try: fillStart = coolQuery.getLHCInfo(timeStart).get('FillNumber', 0) except: pass try: fillEnd = coolQuery.getLHCInfo(timeEnd).get('FillNumber', 0) except: pass try: beamEnergy = coolQuery.getLHCInfo(timeStart).get('BeamEnergyGeV', 0) beamEnergy *= 2e-3 except: pass ntuple.Write() if not options.plotSomething: return from InDetBeamSpotExample import ROOTUtils ROOTUtils.setStyle() canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('BeamSpotComparison', 'BeamSpotComparison', 1600, 1200) ROOT.gPad.SetTopMargin(0.05) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.05) if not options.plotGraph: ROOT.gPad.SetRightMargin(0.15) #Plot each variable for var in varColl: if var not in ydDict: print('Missing yd: ', var) if var not in eydDict: print('Missing eyd: ', var) continue gr = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(xd), xd, ydDict[var], exd, eydDict[var]) xmin = min(xd) xmax = max(xd) ymin = min(ydDict[var]) ymax = max(ydDict[var]) h = (ymax - ymin) ymin -= 0.25 * h ymaxSmall = ymax + 0.25 * h ymax += 0.75 * h ymin2 = min(ydDict2[var]) ymax2 = max(ydDict2[var]) h = (ymax2 - ymin2) ymin2 -= 0.25 * h ymax2 += 0.75 * h h = (xmax - xmin) xmin -= 0.05 * h xmax += 0.05 * h #This histogram is made just to make it easier to manipulate the margins histo = ROOT.TH2D('hd' + var, 'hd' + var, 100, xmin, xmax, 100, ymin, ymax) histo.GetYaxis().SetTitle(varDef(var, 'atit', var)) histo.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Average interactions per bunch crossing') histo.GetZaxis().SetTitle('Entries') histo2 = ROOT.TH2D('hd2' + var, 'hd2' + var, 100, xmin, xmax, 100, ymin2, ymax2) histo2.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "<Interaction density> @ z=0 [interactions/mm]") histo2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Average interactions per bunch crossing') histo2.GetZaxis().SetTitle('Entries') histo2W = ROOT.TH2D('hd3' + var, 'hd3' + var, 100, xmin, xmax, 100, ymin2, ymax2) histo2W.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "<Interaction density> @ z=0 [interactions/mm]") histo2W.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Average interactions per bunch crossing') histo2W.GetZaxis().SetTitle('Integrated Luminosity (fb^{-1}/bin)') histoW = ROOT.TH2D('hdW' + var, 'hdW' + var, 100, xmin, xmax, 100, ymin, ymax) histoW.GetYaxis().SetTitle(varDef(var, 'atit', var)) histoW.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Average interactions per bunch crossing') histoW.GetZaxis().SetTitle('Integrated Luminosity (fb^{-1}/bin)') histoW1D = ROOT.TH1D('hd1D' + var, 'hd1D' + var, 100, ymin, ymaxSmall) histoW1D.GetXaxis().SetTitle(varDef(var, 'atit', var)) histoW1D.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Integrated Luminosity (fb^{-1}/bin)') histo.Draw() if options.plotGraph: gr.Draw("p") else: for mu, x, l in zip(xd, ydDict[var], lumi): histo.Fill(mu, x) histoW.Fill(mu, x, l) histoW1D.Fill(x, l) for mu, x, l in zip(xd, ydDict2[var], lumi): histo2.Fill(mu, x) histo2W.Fill(mu, x, l) histo.Draw("colz") histo.Write() histoW.Write() histo2.Write() histo2W.Write() histoW1D.Write() # Add some information to the graph ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(0.53, 0.87, False, offset=0.12, isForApproval=False, customstring="Internal", energy='%2.0f' % beamEnergy, size=0.055) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.87, 0.055, varDef(var, 'title', var)) comments = [] if runStart == runEnd: comments.append('Run %i' % runStart) else: comments.append('Runs %i - %i' % (runStart, runEnd)) if fillStart == fillEnd: comments.append('Fill %i' % fillStart) else: comments.append('Fills %i - %i' % (fillStart, fillEnd)) t1 = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.localtime(timeStart)) t2 = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.localtime(timeEnd)) if t1 == t2: comments.append(t1) else: comments.append('%s - %s' % (t1, t2)) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.81, 0.05, ';'.join(comments), font=42) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMu.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMu.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) if not options.plotGraph: canvas.SetLogz(True) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMuLog.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMuLog.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(False) histo2.Draw("colz") ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(0.53, 0.87, False, offset=0.12, isForApproval=False, customstring="Internal", energy='%2.0f' % beamEnergy, size=0.055) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.87, 0.055, "Interaction density") ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.81, 0.05, ';'.join(comments), font=42) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMu.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMu.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(True) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMuLog.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMuLog.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(False) histoW.Draw("colz") histoW.SetMinimum(0.005) ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(0.53, 0.87, False, offset=0.12, isForApproval=False, customstring="Internal", energy='%2.0f' % beamEnergy, size=0.055) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.87, 0.055, varDef(var, 'title', var)) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.81, 0.05, ';'.join(comments), font=42) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMuW.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMuW.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(True) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMuWLog.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%sVsMuWLog.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(False) histo2W.Draw("colz") histo2W.SetMinimum(0.01) ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(0.53, 0.87, False, offset=0.12, isForApproval=False, customstring="Internal", energy='%2.0f' % beamEnergy, size=0.055) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.87, 0.055, "Interaction density") ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.81, 0.05, ';'.join(comments), font=42) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMuW.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMuW.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(True) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMuWLog.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_Mu%sVsMuWLog.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogz(False) histoW1D.Draw("colz") ROOTUtils.atlasLabel(0.53, 0.87, False, offset=0.12, isForApproval=False, customstring="Internal", energy='%2.0f' % beamEnergy, size=0.055) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.87, 0.055, varDef(var, 'title', var)) ROOTUtils.drawText(0.18, 0.81, 0.05, "#mu=%2.4f RMS=%2.4f" % (histoW1D.GetMean(), histoW1D.GetRMS()), font=42) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%s1D.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%s1D.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogy(True) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%s1DLog.png" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.Print("Run_%d_%s1DLog.pdf" % (options.runMin, var)) canvas.SetLogy(False)
def drawSummary(var=''): # description descrText = '' if options.config == 'OnlineOffline': descrText += 'Online - Offline comparison' legText1 = 'Offine' legText2 = 'Online' elif options.config == 'Reproc': if not options.multicanv: descrText += 'Reprocessed - Tier0 comparison' if options.label1 == '': legText1 = 'Tier0' if options.label2 == '': legText2 = 'Reproc' else: legText1 = 'Beamspots 1' legText2 = 'Beamspots 2' if options.label1 != '': legText1 = options.label1 if options.label2 != '': legText2 = options.label2 if options.multicanv: primarypad[var].cd() if not options.multicanv: ROOTUtils.drawText(0.14, 0.95, 0.1, descrText) else: ROOTUtils.drawText(0.14, 0.95, 0.1, descrText) # legend legendList = [] legendList.append([gr1, legText1, 'LP']) legendList.append([gr2, legText2, 'LP']) legendList.append([grdiff, 'Difference', 'LP']) if options.multicanv: ROOTUtils.drawLegend(0.25, 0.6, 0.60, 0.92, legendList) elif not options.plotHistos: ROOTUtils.drawLegend(0.14, 0.67, 0.9, 0.9, legendList) if runNumber != 0: if options.multicanv: ROOTUtils.drawText(0.6, 0.7, 0.1, 'Run = %i' % runNumber) else: ROOTUtils.drawText(0.14, 0.55, 0.1, 'Run = %i' % runNumber) if options.multicanv: primarypad[var].Update()
runNumber = getRunFromName(tag2, '0', True) print('Doing comparison for run %i' % runNumber) else: runNumber = 0 #print ('Doing comparison for all runs in %s' % tag1) # Precision ndp = 5 ndptilt = 8 # Setup ROOT if options.batch: ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) import ROOT from InDetBeamSpotExample import ROOTUtils ROOTUtils.setStyle() # Flag for DB info fromDB = False fromCSV = False # Determine type of input if tag1.find('.root') > -1: # It's a root file if options.finder1: BSData1 = BeamSpotFinderNt(tag1) else: BSData1 = BeamSpotNt(tag1) elif tag1.find('.csv') > -1: # comma-separated format BSData1 = BeamSpotCSV(tag1)